Before you buy trucks for water factory business in Nigeria

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before you get trucks or vehicles to be used for your pure water Factory that is for distribution of products and for picking up your raw materials there are several things you need to know now depending on your budget the cost of actually acquiring a vericle might vary now there are several things about getting a vehicle the first one is there is some new vehicles you can go for either new ones or you can go for used vehicles then aside from that again there's diesel V Les and there are also petrol vehicles and also you need to consider the loading capacity now these three factors that's new or used diesel or petrol loading capacity these three factors will help you pin down and pinpoint which kind of vehicle and the kind of budget which you should have at hand for the vehicle which you are going for now personally in our own Factory we've used both the petrol trucks and the diesel vehicles the petrol trucks are way more economical of including a clip of the trucks that's the hyet truck they are the most common ones in the market when it comes to these distribution Vehicles although there are other Alternatives but personally from experience we've used highx trucks and we've also used a diesel truck capable of carrying up to 800 bags of pure water in one go so typically by knowing all these major factors it can help you understand your bug project and they determine which kind of vehicle you'll be going for and when you're going for these vehicles it's also advised that you work with a recommended seller especially if you are buying the used trucks in Nigeria because this will help you at least work with someone who has built some kind of authority in the sales of these vehicles and if you have any issues maybe to replace some parts you can easily discuss with the seller and you know all those issues will be resolved so buy from a recommended seller is highly advisable now the most common thing with the high J trucks is most of them when you buy them you need to extend the carrier that's behind the vehicles usually the carrier is a little bit smaller so you need to do some kind of metal upgrade for it behind so that it can be able to carry up to that um 80 BS capacity 80 bars to 90 bus if not normally just the small fom carrier that comes with it now will be able to carry maybe highest 40 bus for you but by extending it you'll be able to carry more after extending the back of the carrier the major thing again you will need to do is to Brand the vehicle because before you take your products to the market at least you should have a branded vehicles I have seen some suppliers of water they just use normal clean vehicles to distribute their product maybe they trying to hide from a few um law enforcement agencies but it is highly recommended that youing brand your vehicles so that whenever you are passing they can be able to identify which company this is who are supplying the product and you know it will create more awareness and also boost your marketing efforts while distribution you your personally with five people who have called our call lines before and said they saw our vehicles passing so they picked the number from there and decided to call and please and order so you see having a branded Vehicles is very useful when Distributing your product in the market it is also recommended that like the number of trucks you work with now this also depends on your budget you know the factors which I mentioned earlier that is your capacity then the type of vehicle you want to go for either diesel or petrol although petrol is the one I recommend most because diesel is way more expensive than Petrol in the market then if you going for new or use so all these factors will help you you know budget and determine how many trucks you want some people buy two for a SP some people buy three some people buy up to 10 so depending on your capacity on your budget you can be able to go for the amount of trucks which you need in the market and when you buying this vs as you buying them please buy new tires especially the used ones because like the used ones we bought all the used vehicles we've bought we've had to replace all the tires all of them because most of them you will see them already cracking like showing signs of bear and tear if you should start using them like that without replacing the tires you just be Distributing your products one day or maybe you be on the road and you hear that the tire exploded it might cause accident and it's dangerous so please try and budget for brand new sets of tires for the number of vehicles which you are actually buying now you should also make sure that you carry out routine servicing for the vehicle in short when you buy the vehicle for the first time before bringing it down especially in that Cano area for most of our vehicles we did the same thing you can ask your designated seller or your mechanic there to carry out maintenance and modifications for you so there might be some parts there might be some like um tubes or some things that they will need to replace some oil which they need to change it is important that they do those initial maintenance services so by the time you start using your vehicles it won't you know develop any issues and the vehicle can be able to last a long period of time before it start replacing parts and start making some adjustments to the vehicles so also have a dedicated mechanic one issue we had in the past was our earliest vehicles that time one in sure there's one of our BS which we initially use for Distributing water we just packed it now we can't use it because when the BS started developing issues the the first mechanic we had we called him he did his own maintenance he tried to the best of his ability what he could do but after a while we still observed that the issue with the bus was still there so we took it to our other Factory our Bing Factory to see if maybe the team there the mechanics there could be able to do something there but still the vehicle is still packed so at the end of the day we found out that it was because this person will come and try see what he can do maybe will just do half and leave it another mechanic will come and touch and do his own half and leave it so it just caused a lot of complications with the repair of that particular BS so similarly we had to learn from that experience and our other vles now we have um dedicated mechanic which we work with at least if it doesn't work we have two of them now two mechanics which we assigned our trucks too so if the first one comes because we've worked with these guys for a while and at least we know that the work in sync if this person say okay this is what is missing we call the other one he can tell us okay this is how we can get it and how they can replace it so similarly to when you get your trucks try and get designated mechanic somebody specially who will be servicing and maintaining your vehicles so that you won't have to rely on roadside mechanics and calling random people to come and touch your vehicles by the way if you've watch the video so far and enjoy the information shared in this video and you find it very valuable don't forget to like the video and also subscribe to the YouTube channel this encourages me to you know create more videos like this and it will you know add more value to you now when you've acquired your vehicles you should also be aware of um laws and regulations within your area where you intend to do the business now depending on where you are they might require some tickets um daily tickets for the vehicles they might do some you know local government registrations there might be some things which you need to do pertaining to that vehicle as someone who has invested in this business it is important for you to be aware of those laws so that you won't be found wanting when we first started the business even now every once in a while we do run into law enforcement agencies those on the road there are some ticket boys you will meet you will meet Vio you meet Road Safety so try and make sure they abiding by all regulations when it comes to having a vehicle especially hoage Vehicles like doing registration for a private vehicle is different from doing registration for commercial trucks so it is important to know all those laws all those their requirements and all those things you need to do before you can actually be on the road for selling your product now try to also avoid overloading your vehicle like these trucks like the Hydra truck normally like I said said before extending that carrier normally the capacity will be around that kind of 40 or 50 BS but by extending the carrier you are putting more load on the vehicle which the vehicle is still able to manage and carry but by the time you start exceeding that limit like we had to speak to one of our drivers one time it was loading his vehicle up to 120 bus you will see the veicle the back will be like this the front is as if it wants to fly so it's um put stress on the vehicle and these are some of the things that makes the tires get weak it makes the vehicle as a whole get stressed so it's very important that you avoid overloading the vehicles and make sure that you pack the right amount in the vehicle so that the vehicle can Ser you for a long period of time and you won't have to be repairing your vehicles on a monthly basis you know constant repairs on the vehicles leads to more expenses and more expenses mean that the profit margin which are supposed to realize in the business will be going into repairs of vles and your staffs won't they won't consider you want to hear that you repairing Vehicles that's why you can't pay them you understand or your business your customers want to hear that you reparing vehicles that is why you don't have L on to produce water you understand so it's a fastpaced business the more you think fast the more you put in measures that able to prevent some of these losses and expenses the better for your business in the future now once you've also gotten this vehicle where you pack these vehicles or where you store them is also important make sure that you have enough space in your factory um my last video where I talked about building a factory by the way if you haven't seen that video I will highly recommend you in short go through my YouTube channel and watch everything so that you have a better understanding of this business but um yeah I did mention in that video that you should have enough space in your compound so that you can pack your vehicles now depending on how many vehicles you want to get if you are getting 10 Vehicles you should create space for 10 V if you have five create space for five it is one or two and some people do start with one to I know throughout this video I've not mentioned one there some people starting a mini Factory you can also start with one truck one small high TR it will help you yeah so have a good space is secured space to store this Vehicles we've had issues in the past whereby when we were trying to you know do some little Renovations in one of our factories they stole one of our um batteries from the truck one of the truck they stole the battery and I think there was a time too where they stole okay they stole diesel yes they also stole diesel they extracted Diesel from the truck so there are things like that that can happen so you should just try to be aware of these things and make sure you secure your V taking measures if is to even lock the the um shall I say the foil tank yes we can do that too and also there was a time speaking of that diesel issue there was a time in the past where we used to buy diesel in B but now you know the economy of Nigeria you can't try that one there was a time when we used to buy diesel in B so that whenever our drivers are going out we put for them then also put in the generator but even with that we observe that um the person there or someone there was extracting the dies so try and make sure you secure your property you know if this business is a business you want to enjoy for a long period of time you need to secure your property and make sure things like this don't happen I think in the other video to I did about building the factory I spoke about having security measures like having CCTV cameras having Security on ground and some other things like that so if you put these things in mind your trucks will last you a long period of time and some of these issues and minor minor challenges will be avoided now when your drivers are going out it is good for you in short before you even hire the drivers yeah it is good for you to educate them I'll do a separate video on that but it is good that educate your drivers so that when they go out they won't run into some kind of avoidable challenges and some issues like that which might occur there was a time when one of our drivers went out and he went Supply water in one area like that but the the road there is not too good so because of the load he carried you know this trucks now there are mini trucks and the kind of Po holes there were there he was just entering coming out entering and coming out and all of the sudden the veicle knocked there so the vle had to be there they had to remove the water put it on a will viral to supply the water first before the mechanic came check the vehicle and you know the whole thing was just he so this would have this could have been avoided if he was a little bit more careful when driving the truck so yeah you should try to educate your drivers too so that whenever they go out they'll be more careful when driving and they'll avoid P holes and things that will cause damages to the vehicles just educate them let them know that this vehicle is just like their own it is what brings food to them so if they able to take care of the vehicle well the vehicle will last a long period of time now also um you should also monitor your foil your oil there's something they call First parade so before you go out in the morning just try and make sure that they check the vehicles there is water in the radiator they check the oil level they check their tires they check the strength of the even warm itself just to hear the sound of the B by doing this minor minor things every morning at Le you will be aware of challenges or some issues that you know sometimes like with vehicles before an issue AR from the sound of the vehicle you can be able to tell if your vehicle is okay or not so by carrying out the small small you know checks you'll be able to understand the you know quality and life of your vehicle if it is strong to carry out the day job or it will need some minor repairs and maintenance now when you have Distributors I think in one of my previous videos I spoke about having Distributors who distribute your product yes in the video of bottled water um before you start bottled water now when you have Distributors some Distributors might ask you to give them vehicles to help them with the distribution of your product sometimes they might ask for you to give them Vehicles they will be paying over time or they might ask for a company vehicle or something like that we've tried that in the past but one challenge we found was that although we give the Distributors vehicles and they were using it but the remittance or you know once you have a vehle like that there's some kind of returns that we will expect for giving out these vehicles so we saw that the returns were not forthcoming like the way we expected so it kind of slowed down our projection our profit projection when it came to those particular trucks so similarly before you go into any agreement of distribution that involves vehicles at least there should be a clear outline of um the agreement those things that are required from the distributor and those things that are required from you to as the person giving out the vehicles for distribution try and draft out a formal legal agreement if possible if you have a lawyer a company lawyer or you can also the person which I also highly recommend that if you have a business like this at least have lawyer somebody you know who can help you with some of the legal issues the UN forcen legal issues that might arise in the future so by having legal councel they will be able to advise you on how to go about with Distributors and maybe any future legal things that you need to do for the company in the future and where drivers are going out please they should carry all their documents that vle papers their driver's license sticker any other thing that required of them local government papers we've had to have discussions with our drivers sometimes because sometimes maybe they are trying to hurry and distribute products they might be rushing they forget maybe driver's license they forget phone maybe forget um local government papers or something you know all this things there are things that are necessary when you're on the road and you know some of this are allowing for agencies especially the ones in Nigeria they they are looking forward to you violating some of these things they are looking forward to you for getting your papers even if you have the um original copy and maybe you even have a photograph you know you have it they will still want you to be an offender because of the fine they will collect so it is important that when you're going out you always have these things in your vles especially your papers you should always have them in the vle because you don't know where you see them you don't know where they will stop you you know sometimes they even set up tax force that I know thew Association in Abuja here was the time when a tax force was set up to catch some of these vehicles that are selling water under what they selling substandard product so if you have all your documentations you have all your papers you know person company what they are supplying this legit once you on the road you won't even fear all this um law enforcement agencies and tiet people that will you know stop you on the road so it is important that you make all the necessary preparations before you begin distribution also as you run your business as you see money coming in Daily you should try and set up um a savings account for your vehicles so this will help you save small funds gradually that will be used to carry out maintenance or to buy parts for the vehicles some issues might arise unforeseen issues sometimes might even accident s might happen although we are not praying for any of that but things like that do happen there's no how in a business here you going out supplying products from January to December that you won't have at least some minor minor issues even though it's oil you can save money aside so that by the time something like that arises you'll have some funds to be able to handle it also your drivers might be tempted to use your trucks for maybe other extra Services Maybe by doing some kind of side jobs doing pick up and the rest please try and educate them um the at Association do holds training sessions whereby they talk to drivers they educate them of some of these things and the consequences to be faced when you know they violate some traffic rules and they do some extra jobs like this even their own TS ATS so try and encourage them try and send them for trainings try and have discussions with other manufacturers so that I can see how you can rob minds and you know some know some of all these things which they do that could potentially cause some challenges when running the business and there's also one thing that the root safety also require from um polage trucks like this they call it speed limit so whenever although like especially this speed limiter we were not aware of it until when we fell into the hands of Ro safety officials you understand so it happens things like that the speed limit is something naturally they would have told us before even entering the market or before climbing the roads with our vehicles but it was after we've already you know gotten into the business and already been Distributing for a while all of a sudden one just held one five vles and said that we don't have the speed limiter so you can make arrangements for this so that all your vehicles can have the speed limiter so you can make arrangements to have the speed limiter installed and also a Tracker so that in case maybe your vehicle gets sto in one day or maybe you know it get stopped by the RO officials you have all these things in place so um those are just the major things you need to know before you acquire trucks for your pure water business and your water bottling business in Nigeria if there's any question you have regarding this topic you can leave it in the comment section and I will try as much as I can to respond to the questions if you also want to support the YouTube channel don't forget to subscribe to the channel and there is also membership you can become a member of the channel so that if I have any forcoming videos any tips any live sessions any PS like that specific to the channel members you will be a part of it
Channel: Samsave
Views: 1,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4vQSZe28r0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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