Before & After Garden Transformations Pt 2 🌿🌸 // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going today is part two of taking a look at some of your garden before and afters the first one was a really fun video super inspiring to see what you guys have come up with we might even have enough submissions i know there were a lot to do with part three and four as we have time to film it but i just want to jump right into these we've got several of them to share with you today the first one is from james in alberta canada zone 3b let's take a look at the before shot okay this looks like maybe the back of the house deck coming off the main floor area because i'm thinking that's a daylight basement based on what the neighbor's house looks like there kind of is built into the side of the hill and what looks to be possible terracing let's look at the after oh wow that really made the yard look enormous you know you didn't even like okay let's go back it doesn't look like there's much of a yard there honestly you go here and it's like you put in the proper terracing and it just expands the space and that's quite a drop because the bottom set of stairs alone there's one two three four five six stairs there with gorgeous planters that looks like supertunia honey and purple fountain grass that actually catches my eye big time really good colors especially against the blue of your house but the beautiful fire pit area i would i could see us using that all the time and then what looks like a shed with a pergola off of it and really beautiful plants okay so james says in 2017 that's when they purchased the home small suburban lot uh they attached a few before and afters of several areas but he said man i wish i would have taken more photos lesson learned and that is so true take tons of pictures through the whole process of your gardens it really pays off to look back later makes you feel really proud and realize how far you've actually come he said our lot was challenging to landscape due to an extreme slope a six foot drop and the first few years 18 and 19 were spent setting up our hardscaping completing retaining walls fence building the oh it's a garage not a shed getting drip irrigation set up and then getting electrical run and foundation plantings i'm super happy that you included your timeline because i feel like so many of us want a finished product right away not realizing that it can take years to get a space set up properly with your hardscaping and all the electrical and that stuff is so important to the end result of your garden because you don't want to get things done plant-wise and then realize well i need electricity over here or i would like to have water over there and then have to trench through and bulldoze some of the work that you've already done so i'm thankful that you included that timeline in 2019 we built a raised garden beds and got started on the veggie plot are there pictures let's look oh here's another interim shot or an interim shot looks like walls are just being started there cute dog there's a close-up of the walls close-up a little bit of the plants looks like there's a red ipo mia in with the honey that's so pretty a back to oh the lot goes back further than you even realize that's a really pretty shot to be able to see just the walls without a bunch of plants around it just so you can kind of see that structure and there's the raised beds alongside the garage those are beautiful raised beds a shot from up above take wow that is quite the drop that first picture is just crazy to see what this what the scale of this whole area is i love the grass in between those pavers wow now that's a beautiful shot look at that look at those hanging baskets what an amazing idea so just brackets off of your fence posts beautiful like just one continuous color combination you've got whites and purples that's really striking to me when there's not a lot you know your eyes not fighting you can see that you've mirrored the same flowers this must be a different year same flowers around your purple fountain grass so it's very like peaceful to look at i love seeing the vegetables too with grass in between those raised beds that's just a beautiful well-tended space they said this coming garden season they have another big project planned a paper patio under that pergola with a deck he said it's been a process in the beginning we definitely struggled with underestimating both time and cost to complete projects that's a huge thing and the eagerness to get it done through it all we learned it's never really going to be done and began to take pleasure in the journey each year i now look forward to improving the garden just a little bit more and seeing it evolve over time can't wait for the trees to mature our garden has become a gathering spot for friends and family and has been such a gift during the last two years oh that is just amazing ah james said you're also a great scapegoat for me because whenever his partner complains about time or cost in the garden he can just say yeah but you should see what laura's doing awesome next is from ellie in the czech republic zone 6b so this shot shows a backyard sort of a blank slate it looks like there might have been or maybe there's grass growing in right at that point little paver walkway up close nice looking fence let's look at after is that even the same space moly okay i gotta see timeline on this my garden is a townhouse townhouse back garden of only about 1300 square feet i moved here in 2009. the garden was a blank slate and i wasn't into gardening at all in all caps all i wanted was some lawn and a couple of trees for shade because the property is west facing i only had a lawn a hornbeam hedge a two trees and a cornelian cherry bush for years all of that changed in 2019 when i came across the video of the tour of laura's parents garden i became a gardener at that exact moment i was astonished that a garden can look so magical that's what i subscribed to your channel and started to work on my garden adding flower beds creating different areas and planting loads of plants but i'm limited by space so this garden okay like look at the before again look at that after oh my goodness that's like a two-year-old garden that looks like it has been there for a long time oh here's an interim shot though where the grass is all in looking really nice i'm a grass fan so i like to have some grass in my garden you guys know this uh there's another after shot ding you can really do a lot with a seemingly small space it doesn't look small right here it looks like you've designed that beautifully and i shot back toward the house beautiful seating area wow an amazing job i love all the plants here too let's see your cute dog sitting in the grass enjoying and then beautiful hostas and hookers in there there's some coleus tucked in i see some lilac blooms up above i don't know if those are in your garden or peeking over from a neighbor a bench tucked back in there but i see like when you look back toward the back of your garden and i'm not sure everything that's back there but i see a fern i see something with a boulder leaf i see a shrub that's got a little bit of orange tinge on it and then a grass beneath it the the different color and texture back there and everywhere is just it's beautiful and then that side looks like it might receive more sun than the other side so there's a rhododendron there's lilies canna lupines veronica dianthus lamium other things that i don't know artemisia in there really beautiful oh and look at this one i love the little stacked rock edging that is so sweet there's a hakana khloa japanese forest grass the ariala variety that's that yellowy grass there there's a hellebore right next to it there's fern hostas hookera beautiful blend really great job ellie i can't believe that you were not into gardening at all it does not look that way looks like you've been gardening forever next is from marzana in warsaw poland zone six so the before is a side yard it looks like nice grass nicely edged there's nice mulch there it looks like there's a weeping maybe a weeping willow up against the wall there i don't know if i'm right on that or not some little evergreens let's take a look at the after oh look at how beautiful and cottagy that looks i love that isn't that the most inviting thing to see that beautiful curved walkway with all the color and texture and the window boxes are gorgeous so marzonna said i bought this place with a tiny garden only 100 square meters in 2018. it looks sad and square however it had a good lawn i agree with that it was pretty narrow but at least it is sunny the key struggle is always the soil as it's as as it is very poor and sandy so planting requires lots of new compost my previous garden was shady and it's such a great joy to be able to have all the plants i could never have before like hydrangeas echinacea roses flocks grasses or pines the great win is to be able to spend time in the garden and enjoy it throughout the whole year and isn't it though that is a win and just absolutely beautiful we could just sit here and study all of these plants in here and i love the mixture of plants in the window boxes i know i already mentioned that but i love all the bright pink and the purple for some reason that's just i love it next is curtis in las vegas nevada zone 8b let's take a look at the before okay so we've got what looks to be a very but much so a blank slate a gravel lot a couple of palms not looking super happy let's look at the after what is that that looks like a resort is that the same place i gotta study here real quick okay we're gonna go back to the before so we can see houses houses in the background they've got some nice green trees that's always nice when your neighbors have some nice plants that you can kind of use as a backdrop but i also see power lines a light pole in the after i'm thinking this picture was taken from a different angle i could be wrong it looks like you're kind of in the back corner maybe where the light pull is because i don't see any lines in the power lines and maybe they were buried i mean we've had power lines buried here but it doesn't matter what angle this picture is taken at this is an amazing transformation taking it from this to what looks like a an oasis in the middle of a desert like legitimately i see beautiful agaves around the base of those palms beautiful paver pathway i love the irregular shaped pool with the really sparkly clean water blue bottom i love the plants just the way you've done everything i like the pots in the background how they mirror the color in the pool and you can see a seating area in the back i would want to just get a beverage and go back there and just sit and enjoy and that's how you want your garden space to feel okay so here's another before shot this looks like it is okay i'm all turned around on how these pictures were taken but this looks like maybe the back of the house again maybe from the back corner and after whoa look at that i wonder how long it took to get this way let's see if curtis left information when i bought my house in 2008 i bit off more than i could chew i wanted a big yard and a blank space but landscaping in the desert is no joke oh i can only imagine i complain about our heat and wind here i can't even imagine what you have to do it took me 10 plus years to get to this point but all the tears sweat and back breaking labor was all worth it for my little desert oasis biggest challenges we're figuring out what to do with such an expansive desert space i wanted to create different areas on the property to make it more inviting oh you certainly did that certainly did i created different entertaining areas as well as gardens and elevation i didn't have the patience to let all my palms grow so i craned in numerous palms over the years that sounds like something that aaron would want to do crane in all your trees there's so much more to show keeping it in the before and after theme thank you for submitting your pictures what an amazing like inspiring transformation ah so beautiful next is from ashley in rhode island zone six so here we have the before the front of the house and beautiful home looks like some standard flower beds that you see you know just kind of standard with boxwood and evergreen on the corner some grasses this it looks like it's out of season like it's not in the middle of summer because the leaves are off the shrub there in the corner let's look at the after oh my goodness just eliminating i'm going back one again looking that to the left of the sidewalk you've eliminated the grass and you've eliminated a lot along the right side too let's look at the after again oh oh i love this i love your plant choice so so much so you have echinacea and i'm trying to i'm gonna see if i can zoom in here pin cushion flower maybe some salvia delphinium there's a spruce of some kind in there there's a prince tut grass there it looks like a i don't know what that is right there when i when i zoom in it's not as clear but lambs are in there a hedge of lavender along your whole walkway i love those cool colors the cool blues and then the purple flowers and what an amazing mixture of texture as well how beautiful oh oh here's another shot this is later on in the season the lavender is bigger look at the hydrangeas wow looks like incredibles couple in the front there one leading up to the doorway and it looks like your spruce has gained some size too there's some pink flocks in there great job ashley it amazes me to see how just removing a patch of grass and adding some plants how much that can can improve the view next is from katie in ontario canada zone six before okay backyard looks like it's maybe a more mature backyard there's some big trees there's also some i see some power lines going through large shrubs just a large grassy area here's the after oh oh my goodness i love love this look at that greenhouse you guys i love the black how beautiful we're going white with our flower shed but this makes me want to go black for sure that is so pretty okay so shed to the left okay hold on she's included information so katie said they purchased their house in the summer of 2015 and shortly after i discovered your channel i credit you a lot for the inspiration thank you for that photo one shows the backyard after we moved in so let's take a look at that one again there was an overgrown dogwood a struggling pear tree a mature emerald locust off to the left and a dead plum tree to the right the garage was in disrepair photo number two so the after is what it looks like now six years on we built a greenhouse at the end of 2019 a big help with the vegetable gardening we got rid of the pear due to disease and extended the veggie garden all the way down to the greenhouse we added in an iron fence which i love just ties the whole thing together and everything started filling in i love vegetable gardening but i needed it to be beautiful i hear ya she says photo 3 is a veggie garden let's take a look brick edges brick raised beds love that and it looks like they're re repurposed bricks and pavers that's amazing photo four is the reclaimed iron fence is over 100 years old we own an ironwork business so we were able to easily alter the fence to fit our space refinish it and install it ourselves jeez working in a piece like that beautiful i love your obelisks the big branch obelisks that's really neat looking and photo 5 is for you laura a borrowed view of a huge tri-colored beach this is its late spring color and makes the blues and purples of the iris and fox glove pop this tree really took off when we trimmed everything away from it gorgeous tree and they do really well here in our climate this tree is about 20 years old oh lucky you are so lucky to have that in the background it looks like a tri-colored beach and a smoke bush and all the cool tones and the lush green uh looks like you might get rain do you get rain where you're at and photo six is the reward the bounty see a basil plant squash tomatoes peppers that picture feeds my soul i need that right now real bad wonderful job katie beautiful space next is from jennifer in albany new york zone 5b take a look at the before oh that's a sweet house i love the light gray the black shutters looks like one little kind of flower bed right outside the front kind of standard and then one kind of in the middle of the lawn there because it your lawn looks like it might slope just a little bit so let's look at the after oh my oh my word for a hydrangea lover like myself seeing something like this and seeing these hydrangeas look so beautiful i love it that makes me want to plant even more hydrangeas i see supertunia vista silverberry fuchsia bubblegum i see lambs are in there redbeckia by the stairs i think those might be limelights possibly if they color up later in the season they might be like something different a little bit different um i don't know what the ones okay i gotta read your notes so jennifer said the before pictures are the front of my house right after i purchased it 10 years ago the curb appeal was really sad but i knew absolutely nothing about gardening i previously only had experience with one house plant and i killed it my best friend who is a phenomenal gardener googled and your videos taught me how to garden oh that's awesome i decided to embrace the house's inner cape cod and feature hydrangeas good plan this area is full sun the lower level has five little limes and the main levels are three limelights we were right the bed also has boxwoods rudbeckia coneflower peonies sedum lambsier and a bunch of other goodies i switch out annuals every year around the little limes for added color my biggest struggles are powdery mildew and getting the enormous macrophylla hydrangea to put on the great bloom show which you can see it beneath the left hand limelight there you can see the big it's a beautiful looking shrub and i do see some blooms tucked in there it blooms on old and new growth but it's so big that the new growth flowers start to form just in time for our first frost ding it the whole process was a lot of work sweat dirty fingernails and fertilizer but it was worth it i learned being a gross hot mess working in the garden is where i find joy yes i think many of us can relate okay close up of the flower bed that's right after you moved in oh my goodness look at that after that's just so gorgeous love it next is kelly from charlottesville virginia zone 7a here is the before okay it looks like a new like a new area newly built home a new uh garden where you know it's kind of typical where you just get like a few trees planted in there there's a pine and a couple other things out of season so i don't really know what they are let's look at the after oh is that that is a birch that is beaut that whole thing is beautiful my i went straight to that triple trunk birch tree beautiful i love the pink peony and the nepeta the lavender nepeta right beneath it that is a glorious color combination i love what you've done to the deck too that actually took me a second i'm like wait a minute this isn't the same house it is different deck beautiful design i love the open stairs like that it makes it look so much more inviting doesn't it oh i like the paper patio around it just kind of extending that space and making it look a little just everything looks larger like that i like seeing your arborvitaes along the side there looks so healthy it gives me hope for ours oh beautiful job here's another shot from the other side so it looks like there's a spot maybe that's struggling a little bit is that painted out let me see what uh kelly said we bought our new construction home in 2014 the yard was a blank slate after the fence went in we planted green giant arbs all along the back of the fence for privacy we struggle with deer here and they don't seem to care for the green giants and then we reworked the back deck with new railings and steps doing the work ourselves to save the money dang you did a great job our biggest struggle in this yard has been drainage we gotta we get a lot of rain in virginia and our lot sits lower than our neighbors so we've had drains installed and added flagstone pathways over areas where grass would drown every year which you can see in this other picture but one of the best things we did was plant a river birch right smack in the middle where all the water pooled in the back corner plants would just drown back there and planting that tree has helped so much and it's living its best life it's probably loving its life i still have lots of plans the garden is never done but it's fun to look back at how far we've come and how and i have to thank you for continuing to inspire me awesome let's look at the after of this side yeah look at that i see hydrangeas in there i see some pincushion flowers a hedge of boxwoods around the deck i see that birch tree and i love that you just worked with what you had like you have a low spot with lots of water so instead of having to rework a whole area or build something up you just find the plant that's appropriate for that so birch trees alders those kinds of things love a ton of water so putting the birch tree probably uses up all of that water right there and makes it plantable for the rest of the stuff that you want to put around it oh there's another shot right there kind of just a big open area oh my goodness i love your fins i love that four real black stained fence aaron and i kind of thought about doing that around our property on that scale it was so incredibly expensive we went with what we already have which is the white vinyl but every time i see it oh i just love it i see a beautiful white clematis up one side of your arbor love the gate and then a climbing pink rose there kind of sectioning off the little trampoline area which we're going to probably have at one point here fun to see some ideas great job kelly next is d in chattanooga tennessee zone 7a so let's take a look at the before okay so it looks like the back quarter of a backyard nice bank of green trees i always love to see that and a sweet shed not a whole lot going around it but very tidy i see the lone strawberry pot sitting out there with something in it let's take a look at the after oh you've transformed that shed uh she said she does have a youtube channel called adee's yard oh she included some video oh oh that's helpful to see kind of some of the surrounding area and more plants there to the left there's some spirea there's a nine bark hydrangea some phlox oh and there's the water feature i can almost like hear that i bet that's just a really peaceful calming spot wow good job dee we will link your youtube channel down below in the description next is connie from hutchinson minnesota zone 4b here's the before okay so just like a big massive kind of overgrown looking area maybe some lilac in there i'm not sure there's a terraced area because you can see the rocks there kind of indicating where there's another level and just some grass in there here's the after what oh my goodness okay i got it i got to go to the before okay so we're seeing this from slightly a slightly different angle but not much see that shed in the back and the before with the trees this is kind of before maybe when the trees are just leafing out or so you can kind of see a little tinge of green on them and then when we look at the after you can still see that shed but we're kind of to the side of it now looking more toward that bank of trees and oh my goodness so you removed the big section of things and put in just the most beautiful raised bed garden i love this with the round circular area there's that do you call it a gazebo patio covered patio back there beautiful so connie said this family garden has been in the works for many years it first started out as a vegetable garden but in 2010 we built a shop located on our farm lamb shop and wellness center which resulted in taking down the large lilac shrub this led to the creation of our herbal herbal garden where we teach many herbal medicine classes within this garden as i'm a clinical herbalist this garden took many years to create but we still have much more to do we have taken this garden in steps as we couldn't afford to do it all at once we feature mostly medicinal or edible plants which include echinacea st john's wort lemon balm white yarrow culinary herbs lavender skull cap fig wart wood buttony hyssop calendula california poppy wild bergamot borage bone set joe pi weed butterfly weed and many more this last year in 2021 we had a terrible drought which was a task to always water as we do not have any irrigation oh my word oh i can't even imagine under the rocks we recycled old rubber to help keep the weeds down as we would not use any sprays it has truly been a beautiful process i should say so i'm gonna see if there's more pictures okay yep there's more poo dang you had to get some equipment in there look at that you can see kind of the uh the cutout next to the shed and you can see some of the rubber possibly that you were using for weed control there's another interim shot i'm going to go back to the because i see in the after you've got some fencing around it some black fencing so this one is kind of a different view front view here before the covered patio is in the back wow that is a beautiful process oh thank you for including all those pictures well done next is from chris in north dallas texas zone 8a so we have in the before here a backyard pretty standard nice grass love the brick wall that's beautiful and nice wood fence there here's the after oh you put in a swimming pool what is it about swimming pools like they immediately make me feel like i'm on vacation like i bet you feel that way when you walk into your backyard that is beautiful beautiful flower bed i see the evergreens back there so you said you were in texas so here let me see if there's any more pictures oh another view of the end of the pool there oh beautiful chris said three years ago we moved from zone five to a texas zone a day dang that's a learning curve isn't it into a brand new build with only grass in our backyard being in a zone 8a was a whole new world and in clay too i had to learn so much because i no longer had great lofty soil and had to deal with the extreme summers this is what i found you and what uh oh what a help you've been i love our backyard and it makes me happy and proud that's amazing i love to hear that first we added the water feature then we added the three taylor junipers taylor junipers i think those are those rated down to a zone six maybe um i would really like to put some tailors in because they're really narrow and tall and you can tell the growth habit by your pictures it's really nice to see them in your yard actually these are great because they look like italian cypress but are suited for the zone you will see the sides of the pool are lined with russian sage the center or dahlias not in bloom in this picture there are two beautiful limelight hydrangeas along the back fence that are doing great in the mostly sunny spots yuccas are in the pots on the pillars now as i didn't want to put new annuals in every year yuccas are great you know we have two urns in our back garden by the barn and i had annuals in them for the first couple of years and then i put yuccas in i put the color guard yucca and they kind of have an agave kind of appearance really wonderful structure and i never water them ever they aren't hit by sprinklers they just get whatever water our or like rain we get which is an average of nine to 11 inches a year and that is it that's all they get for things they thrive though uh i surround them each summer with a different annual color finally an accidental bun on purpose a large zinnia patch along the right i seated there my first year to simply fill it in for the year while i figure out what i wanted i let them go to seed and this is a result amazing everything is on drip again thanks to you so that i can plant it and forget it it's truly my zen place that's beautiful chris great job i would think in a zone 8a a pool would be kind of a must next is from nick in athens wisconsin zone four so here is the before shot oh i like the back of your house that looks like it's maybe a little bit of an older home am i wrong am i right i don't know when it was built they bought it in 2018 but i love the lines of it the windows i love the multi-pane windows and i like the roof line it's really really charming and it looks like you've got a project going on back there there's tractors equipment kind of a blank slate let's see the after oh my goodness oh you even you've painted the house you added some beautiful the wood i don't know what it's called the little wood detail up there in the gable or the peaks somehow you may took it very farmhouse so farmhouse style lights kind of that white white farmhouse look i love that with the white and black umbrellas and beautiful patio area dang i want to look at the before and after again so before okay so we still have the same tree up next to the house there's the after oh you've made it into a space where like that's a very usable space lots of seating so you have an option up closer to the house one out here on the patio and beautiful area for planting i love the big stones you used i'm kind of graduating up to the highest level they're just huge they're like benches seats in and of themselves very comfortable to sit on i don't know if you guys sit on them you probably don't need to with all the nice furniture out there but hey if you have a huge party you have extra seats oh oh my oh my look at that whoa that that's incredible seeing this that destruction like all that earth scraped away and the house kind of looks like what's going on here what kind of house is this look at the after again that's incredible okay so one two three four five six seven eight steps up your deck and look at those big slaps those big stones that's awesome substantial it looks like it's proper for that area oh look at this silo i've heard of people doing this transforming them into a usable like that's a little bar area okay so i gotta read this nick says i purchased my home in the winter of 2018 and was not able to see the landscaping or backyard under the snow cover i have a horticulture degree with an emphasis on landscape design and i've always dreamed of having my own yard and place to garden and unwind you were the perfect person to get this yard over the summers of 2020 and 2021 we completely transformed the overgrown yard which included removing dead and dying trees and shrubs and created an oasis to come home to every night my family and i have done most of the work ourselves including deconstructing and reconstructing the grain bin outside our grain bin outdoor kitchen and laying the paver patios i have a love for unique evergreen and whimsical touches throughout the garden and continue to add unique perennials and shrubs as i find them my home and gardens will be featured on a local garden walk tour this summer thank you that is just oh nick you did an amazing job i can't believe you've done so much of that yourself that's incredible and it only took you two years 2020 and 2021 is am i reading that right yeah next is from mickey in holt michigan zone 5b here's the before okay so we've got a walkway kind of up to a front front door possibly here just kind of a skinnier flower bed area let's look at the after oh look at that look at how much more welcoming that is dang that is huge all that color and texture is so pretty i love all the pinks too and purple oh here's another angle of it there's a hanging bass couple hanging baskets up there a couple containers i like the little is that kind of a powder blue chair there in the corner oh and there's one before like maybe uh earlier on that season before it really filled in yeah that is dang that really fills in quick doesn't it that is incredible so mickey says we moved into this house in 2017 there were landscape rocks everywhere it made it difficult to plant anything because there were multiple layers of landscape fabric sand and gravel underneath dang i've i've planted in areas like that it is really hot hard i hated the way it looked so i finally decided to make the change i took all the rocks out by hand took out all the landscape fabric and dug several inches of sandy and gravely soil out and put fresh soil and it was hard work i bet it was dang i planted multiple superchines into space right away the dianthus lily and clematis were already there there's also a wisteria planted on the left hand side i was wondering what that was included a photo taken approximately one and a half months after planting i used miracle grow fertilizer once per week the moss rose receded itself and came up on its own and the last photo i included is how the space looked this last summer i had added an echinacea and big pot planted with annuals and the wisteria was moved because it was taking over i have hops planted on the right side that grows an arch over our doorway every year and i bet they do you can cut hops back down to the ground and they just grow so fast i'm so happy to freely be able to plant in the space now that's the thing like if you have a space like this it can be a lot of hard work but it is so worth it in the end to be able to go out and pop in whatever you want not have it be a struggle because that's the thing we don't want our gardens to feel like a struggle every time we go out there so if we can make some improvements to where it's actually a joy it just makes all the difference oh mickey thank you for including those pictures it's really nice to see colorful annuals right now well that echinacea that's a beautiful one too look at that sunflowers in the pot bordeaux supertunia i see the hops there too that's really a wonderful vine right there hops can take quite a bit of abuse in terms of wind and sun and all of that too and the last one we're going to look at today is from margie and puyallup washington i'm not sure i'm pronouncing that town name right but zone 8b let's take a look at the before okay so the yard itself pretty much a blank slate looks like there's some grass there kind of uh and then there's that as hedges go that is a spectacular looking evergreen hedge and it's nice to see the bigger that looks like a willow there on the left and there's some beautiful evergreens there on the right let's look at the after you oh you really went to town look at that oh that's beautiful i bet the sound like just even seeing that waterfall you can kind of imagine what that brought to the space when you add moving water like that it just makes things feel alive and it looks like you've got landscape lighting in there too like this might have been taken on either overcast day or when it's just starting to get dusk because i see another light kind of shining up toward that evergreen there on the left and so i bet that this is just as spectacular in the night as it is during the day and that's something erin and i want to add some landscape lighting we've never done that before really we just used the cheap little assault five dollar solar ones from home depot right now which work okay but to have some legitimate lights it really can make your nighttime landscape look awesome but i love right there the japanese maple so that's kind of like the tallest element there and then you've got the spruce kind of coming down on the left you've got a bunch of annuals just a bunch geraniums and it looks like super bells maybe in the ground which is an amazing feat right there the yellow and the purple up front in the back you can see another light shining something blooming white is that a daisy i can't tell exactly from this angle it looks like a budlia in there some butterfly bush and some either salvia or veronica in the pink kind of spiky bloom color back there but really gorgeous love that margie and that is it for today's video you guys like i said we did get a lot of submissions for this garden before and afters so it's possible we'll do a part three part four as we have time to do that and i'm honestly i don't know what to even call this series where we ask you guys for submissions on various garden topics it's been so much fun and i love to be able to look at this kind of thing i know one that i really want to get to is a part two of the greenhouses which has kind of been looming out there we did part one last winter so it's been like over a year but we still have a lot of those submissions it'd be really fun to go through and look at some of those greenhouses it's just so much fun to gain inspiration from each other now if you have submitted pictures for any one of the videos it's likely we'll get to him at some point along the way as we do you know multiple parts for these subjects but we do get quite a number of submissions so i just wanted to mention that if you did send in pictures and we haven't featured it yet it doesn't mean that we won't it just means we haven't gotten to it yet so otherwise these videos would be hours long lots of hours so thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed today's video and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 450,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: jZ8bMGSE4Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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