Beethoven "Moonlight" Sonata, III "Presto Agitato" Valentina Lisitsa
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Views: 60,120,870
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Keywords: Beethoven, moonlight, Valentina, Lisitsa, Neumann, SM69fet, Korg, MR1000, Canon, 5d, mark, Zeiss, Contax, lens, Sennheiser, Nagra, Moonlight, Argerich, Lang Lang, Rousseau, Fur Elize, Classical, Appassionata, Barenboim, Schnabel, Mondscheinsonate, Richter, Gilels, Bakhaus, Ashkenazy, Kissin, Pollini, rousseau
Id: zucBfXpCA6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2010
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Very impressive. Of course I had to look at the comments and found this gem:
"She once gave a guy a handjob...he died."
I think I'm getting carpal tunnel just looking at that.
Did anyone notice the madness it took to write that?
Most of it is APM spam and wont be counted after this recent patch.
I regret not learning piano when I had the time to.
No, THIS is impossible.
I hope that piano was 18
Whoa. I just saw this live today at my college. I can play it...just a lottt slower. In fact I think it should be a tad slower
I am by no means a music major, but I propose a rebuttal:
Willhelm Kempff
A bit slower, but then i thought hers was a bit too fast.