Beekeeping | My Secret Recipe For Feeding Bees In The Fall!

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hey guys what's up I'm going to help you today not make a whole bunch of mistakes when it comes to feeding your beads in the fall oh my gosh so many beekeepers do it the wrong way because somebody told you to do it that way and you're just doing it wrong I I did it wrong so many times I'm going to give you tips today on how to feed your bees in the fall before I do I want to tell you a little quick story and something I'm hiding behind my back you're not going to believe what I have behind my back you want this really bad you would love to have it those of you that know all about feeding your bees in the fall well many years ago I bought out a commercial beekeeper and I actually I think I bought somewhere around 100 hives off of even a whole bunch of equipment extracting equipment tanks everything you can think of you know commercial guys have but one of the things that was priceless that was included in the buyout was what's behind my back and I couldn't believe at the time I got it I didn't think it was that you know crazy important to get it was probably the best thing out of the whole deal honestly and I've actually sold a few of these because I hate to get rid of them but some people have talked me out of them but when you're feeding bees in the fall or even in the spring you kind of get tired of having to change out those jars all the time because the biggest smallmouth jar that's available on the market that I can find is a quart-sized jar but what I'm hiding behind my back today look at this oh my gosh it is an ancient like an archive look at this it's a half gallon small mouth jar and I've got a ton of these that are so nice I make my own Lids so uh little holes in them but look at that we're going to go out and look at that Hive that I put a cord on two days ago 48 hours ago we're gonna go down there and check because I know what you're thinking they haven't eaten that much because I've done this for so many years I guarantee you don't know for sure could be wrong but I know how beads are this time of the year late summer early fall I guarantee you in 48 hours they drained an entire court jar now this is insane you're going to think well they have Golden Rod they have all these flowers and it could be true where you're at but what we're gonna have to do is bring out the big guns now because I know that they've polished off a whole Court of my special ingredients that I give them to help them make bees of winter physiology they want to make beads of winter physiology they need this stuff to do it and so this is what we need to help them with this is so cool I'm so pumped up we need to get into this video let's get started I'm wearing my hat and Veil because the last time I was here the bees did not like me too much staying in this Hive as long as I did you were with me on that video they were really buzzing my head pretty strongly and they remember me and so I don't want to be stung today even though I'm not going to open the hive up at all there's always going to be some perimeter scalp beads that know me and they're going to be around my head hey by the way if you're looking at this and you see that I have this little window right here I have a whole video on how I made this myself yeah you can tell right check it out right up here and you can click on this link and see how you can make your own now let's open this Hive up I could be really wrong but I'm really betting on years of experience that what they've done is they've polished off this court jar in 48 hours and the reason I get so pumped up about this if you can tell it's because beekeepers don't understand how much bees consume and what they need particularly this time of the year all right so let's just take this top cover over off and see how much they've consumed what has it been like oh I knew it look at this boom bone dry in 48 hours people a little propolis around the edge I want to show you this oh small high Beetle got it nope nope it's my Beetle oh I got it [Applause] yep it's my Beetle all right here we go oh now this is what I was telling you guys about this still has holes in it that you can see through the bees can stick their proboscas up there but if you just Stir It and mix it some of this protein powder does settle down here but believe me enough does get mixed up in the sugar water that's really cool but look at that 48 hours and there's no telling how fast they drain this so what we did we brought down the big guns oh just for fun let me show you look at the bees look at them in there wanting some more food isn't that amazing I mean you can just see them in there look at them on this this is where I normally might put a a pollen Patty if that's your thing but I don't like to use them because they do attract small high Beetle to me all right let's give them the big guns okay so I'm going to take my half gallon jar over here set it up like this let it drain just for a second it might drip a little bit till the vacuum takes over and we're going to give it right there to the bees look at that Bow Wow half gallon now I need to talk to you about why this is so critical and why we really misunderstand feeding our bees in the fall look at that Hive it's pretty active isn't it okay the first mistake a lot of beekeepers make is they don't feed their bees in the fall sometimes they say you know I got honey and my Deep's down there and I've got a super down here with all frames capped over full of honey that should be enough to last them all winter well not necessarily but that's not the point the point is I need to raise a lot of bees of winter physiology I do this by stimulating The Colony with some of this good stuff that I'm mixing up and this will stimulate them to have the Queen lay a lot more beads and those would be beads of winter physiology it's not about me giving them two to one to have more stores to eat in the winter they've got that I need more bees to make heat in the winter time this is a boom no brainer whoa I'm excited all right a second mistake a lot of beekeepers make is they try to feed this in the entrance during the fall that will create a robbing frenzy don't put this anywhere near your entrance if you feed bees with an entrance feeder in the fall Scout bees from other colonies even feral colonies will sniff out this sugar water in the opening of your hive and they'll go back and tell the hive there's sugar water they're going to go into your hive not only take this out they're going to take all the honey they're going to rob your hive don't feed in the entrance you'll always have to feed them in a concealed way that's why and I invented this a concealed way to keep it at the top that way no robber bees even know it exists it's really cool a third mistake beekeepers make and in my opinion only but if you're in an area where small hype beetles are a problem and you're using pollen patties feeding pollen patties can really attract a lot of beetles in late summer early fall so I'm putting my protein mixing it with the water to act like the the natural nectar they get with protein or pollen in mixed in their nectar They're bringing back to the Colony boy this is a no-brainer I'm I'm just giving you so much free information and I've done this for years and it really works so well for me but by all means the biggest mistake is beekeepers just don't understand how you need to raise speeds in Winter physiology now I'm speaking to you guys that live in the North or a climate where your bees might be killed by cold winter weather and so you're going to need a lot of bees that's what I'm teaching you today feed your bees now stimulate them to raise more brood of winter physiology now people have asked me before David isn't that a problem to go through the the winter with so many bees and what are you going to do well I feed my bees all winter with my winter be kinds I keep feeding them they stay warm by eating nutritious food I essentially take this and put it in a hard candy and my winter be kinds it's really cool so a lot of beekeepers just don't believe that bees eat so much food but look at this they ate this in 48 hours this is amazing this means they needed it they needed this so badly that they just scarfed it down in 48 hours people that's how badly they needed it even though they might be be bringing in a little bit of Goldenrod even though they may have those honey super filled up here look at that that's really cool this is going to keep them thinking hey we can keep raising brood because we've got incoming like nectar that we had in the spring so let's crank up brood production I gotta stop this is too exciting this has got me too pumped up anyway I want you to feed your beads if you can find out a way that you can really implement the things that I'm teaching you for better winter survival it's really an awesome thing so today I'm going to show you how I mix all the ingredients to do a top feeder in the fall on my hives the simplest way to think about it I like to start with the quart jar so what I like to do in the fall is feed them one to one sugar water to stimulate them to lay more brewed beads of winter physiology so I got one part of warm water here and I'm just going to add sugar now the sugar doesn't have to be exactly one to one it can be a little bit shy of that but we'll just go ahead and dose it on up there pretty close now what I would like to add now is a teaspoon teaspoon is about 4.9 milliliters or you know five milliliters and so we'll find a teaspoon here and then I'm going to add one teaspoon of protein powder this is actually a powder I'll leave a link in the description below I add that because everything beets eat they eat through a straw they're proboscis sort of like a straw and they suck up nectar and nectar has grains of pollen in it so that's what we're trying to do is give them more protein pollen grain pollen substitute as they take in the sugar water and then I also add a teaspoon of honey be healthy this is per quart and then I add one teaspoon of amino B booster Amino B booster is amino acid so another form of protein all right so that's what my bees are going to enjoy eating now let's go ahead and top it on off to a quart size here add some more water to bring it up and let's just mix it up really really good some people ask me well will the protein powder actually mix well in the water it does it mixes uh good enough for me if you really want to mix it up great where it doesn't always collect on the inside of the jar lid then certainly you could put it in a food blender and blend it more nicely get it more dissolved but this is really good here so some people think I have a secret recipe and it's really not a secret at all I'm just trying to give bees what they eat naturally in the spring they you know one-to-one nectar nectar is a more water-based very moist 80 70 to 80 moisture level and nectar and then they dry the nectar down to 18 for honey so this is more like simulating spring it's a little bit more like nectar one to one some people say why don't you give them two two to one in the fall well two to one they're just going to store it and if it doesn't dry out it crystallize it so I'm trying to use this to raise speeds of winter physiology make the Queen lay more brood and then my protein powder that I give them is simulating what they get when they go to a flower they get grains of pollen that they also have mixed in to their nectar that goes into their second gut for protein power Amino B does the same thing so this is going to do the trick for us here once I get it all mixed up I'm going to take a lid like this and it has tiny little holes in it and I'm going to put it on my jar and then I'm going to put this on a top feeder my Burns bees feeding system that I invented actually and I'm going to feed my beads this fall with this now if you didn't see the video where I actually put this on the hive a few days ago and we actually took a super off of here they had two and I moved it to another Colony that needed it if you didn't see that video check it out right here right here and I'll see over there
Channel: David Burns
Views: 43,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beekeeping, beekeeping 101, Beekeeping tips, beekeeping training, beekeeping for dummies, beekeeping help, how to start beekeeping, naked beekeeping, natural beekeeping, beekeeping hobby, beekeeping farm, beekeeping for beginners, moving supers, david burns beekeeping, winter bees, honey supers, honey harvest, best queens, package of bees, beekeeping basics, honey bees, beekeeping classes, beekeeping tips and tricks, beekeeping tips, feeding bees in the fall
Id: gDSXm2XcRPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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