Beekeeping in Colorado, My Split Went Wrong!

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foreign what to do what to do hey everyone welcome back to my bee yard this is Adrian has bees so today I'm really excited we're gonna have a look at La Paz which is that Hive right there which if you watched my video from last week I made a split from Berlin The Hive right there I took five frames out of Berlin one that had eggs two that had brood and two that had resources on it and I put them in La Paz and I'm hoping that there are queen cells in La Paz just about ready to emerge so we'll find out I I calculated that the 9th of July today is the Fourth of July happy Fourth of July by the way everyone I calculated that 9 July should be the time that the queen emerges so there should be some capped Queen cells there I hope um it's been very interesting uh watching this I've seen a lot of um larva be pulled out it appears that a lot of larva died during this process and there was a lot of larva being cleaned out I saw bees dragging larva out of the entrance and dropping it on the ground I'll post some video here so that you can see what was going on it was actually quite amazing to watch um had I raised some queens and had some Queens handy to where I could have put one straight in there I actually wonder if this would have done better but I have not tried to raise Queens yet I do intend to at some point but so far I have not so anyway thanks for coming along on the journey I'm gonna get suited up I'm gonna light the smoker and we'll go see what's going on thanks for coming along everyone our goal now is to see if there's a Queen cell in there hoping that these girls have been making themselves a new Queen so we're just going to do this without smoke oh there's plenty of bees in there that's fantastic as soon as I see a clean cell I'm gonna stop because I don't want to disrupt these girls anymore than necessary and I'm happy with how many bees are actually in here my fear was that I would make this split and that they would all abscond s no Queen so lots of brood there I think this next frame should be where I see a queen cell is that I believe is where the eggs were damn it I don't see a queen cell all right what I'm gonna do since I don't see a queen cell here I'm gonna go into Berlin I'm gonna grab a frame that's got eggs on it because these girls have been without a queen for a week so they're going to be desperate to make a queen I think so I'm gonna steal another cell or another frame from Berlin we'll see how that goes more to come I think Adrian messed up last week I went into this Hive today to check and see if I could find Queen cells because I anticipated that they should be there based on the fact that I pulled the eggs out um quite early uh last week and they should have Queen cells built but I opened it up real quick and looked and I didn't see any Queen cells so I was going to take another queen frame from Berlin when I opened up Berlin I found several Queen cells on the frames there so to prevent disturbing them anymore I put them back I didn't get any pictures of them unfortunately I might see if I can get some later um but that tells me that my queen is either in here or I accidentally killed her putting boxes back together or frames back in which I hope not but I I'm gonna do another inspection here and kind of look a little closer and see if I can see any eggs or anything else in La Paz because the queen of Berlin may have been relocated to La Paz so that's what we're gonna do now oh goodness there she is gosh dang it so if you can see her sure enough the queen of Berlin walking around I completely missed that and I placed her in this hive which was unintentional however gonna let it go we're just gonna see how these two hives progress It's good to know now the the pause has is Queen right she is laying so we'll keep feeding them in fact I'm gonna give them a pollen Patty as well thank you [Music] okay okay thank you the big surprise of the day That was supposed to be my split last week that I took from Berlin what I found this morning I didn't see any Queen cells in La Paz and I was really worried that I might not have put in eggs young enough and that that would just go and be a hive that self-destructs basically however upon closer inspection well I went into Berlin and I saw Queen cells in there which the bees will draw out Queen cells when they're queenless or they need to replace the queen so that got me thinking let me go back over to La Paz so I went back to La Paz I found the queen in La Paz so I left her there I found larva I'm sure there's eggs as well because I found some like three day old larvae so she's laying in there she's she's going great guns so I fed fed them really well both the pollen Patty and sugar water and I've got a pollen Patty and sugar water in Berlin so that hopefully both of these hives will grow and be strong this one I've got about a week before we can go and check to see if there's a new Queen in there and we'll try and Mark her again not that it helped me much with that Queen but we will we will try that foreign they're building it up all the way through there isn't that pretty brand new really pale comb that just shows how new it is so wow looking at this honey super they might actually have some yeah built out or capped over I should say oh looky there okay so there that's about half capped over they're still capping the rest that's about a quarter capped over so let's set that one aside see what the rest of these are looking like oh lots of Honey dripping oh my goodness there is this is a heavy frame still they've got more to go on that you know what instead of disrupting all of these I think we're just going to put these back I think that's safe to say that we have some honey cooking okay okay so I want to get one pollen Patty on here oh my gosh that is that was heavy look at all that all that some of that's probably honey too we're gonna actually sample some of that before we go anywhere foreign we're going to clear a space so that we can lay a pollen Patty up here yeah all right man it is humid you know what we may actually set a second uh super on here all right yeah I think we will I would really like to leave them this super so oh my goodness I'm gonna look at all the uh honey nectar that was dripping off I laid the honey super there and that just completely dripped off on there so we're gonna set another honey super on here and luckily I have one ready hey everyone this is some of the um the comb that had sweet nectar in it and I've got someone else interested in it now and I'm here to tell you hmm that is delicious not quite thick enough yet for honey but that was some of the comb and the nectar that was between that box and that box right in that seam there the bees had built comb between the honey super there now what I've done is put a second honey super on and over here we've got a honey super we've got a feeding box here so I've just got some uh jars of sugar water inside there turned upside down so the bees can eat off of it and the honey this honey super here is almost full it's not kept over yet it looks to be about halfway kept over on average so maybe next week or the week after we might actually get some honey out of there I put a second honey super on so that's what this box is I don't feed these uh except for a pollen Patty I put a pollen Patty in down here but I don't feed them sugar water at all because we don't want sugar water mixed in with the honey because that would definitely detract from the quality of the honey thanks for joining me on this journey with my bees Adrian has beads thanks for watching take care everyone and happy Fourth of July everyone but anyway thanks for joining me along joining with thanks for anyway
Channel: Adrian Has Bees
Views: 40
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 66rCoTsGFYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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