Beef Wellington On A Big Green Egg - Ace Hardware

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hey guys it's chef jason race hardware grilling expert and we're hanging out here at my local ace hardware for today's edition of ace this beef wellington i'll tell you what super excited because we are cooking on the big green egg today and we have a fantastic recipe for you so let's do a little food fly over walk you through the ingredients we're going to show you step by step how to make an amazing beef wellington okay ingredients today super easy but i'll tell you what beyond flavorful so we're going to start off with some mushrooms and we have a pound and a half of mushrooms and like i say in the recipe go ahead and use those cremini or baby bellas as they're also known or you can use golden shiitakes you can use oyster mushrooms you can use button mushrooms as well we're going to make a beautiful duck cell we're going to flavor these mushrooms make a beautiful mushroom paste with some shallots a little bit of my favorite squeeze tube garlic then we're going to add some dried thyme then to kick it all off we're going to add a little bit of heavy cream to really make that mushroom duck cell shine we're going to season the chateaubriand today with a little bit of rub-a-dub this is a beautiful two-pound chateaubriand which is the center cut of the tenderloin we're gonna wrap it in puff pastry and then give it a nice egg wash on the outside we're going to go ahead and get the big green egg all set and ready to go we're going to fire this up to 600 degrees today so we can get a beautiful sear on our chateaubriand but then we're also going to use that for the dutch oven to saute off the mushrooms and make that beautiful duck cell now once we get that all set and done we're actually going to hook up the egg genus slow this down bring it back down to 400 degrees add our convector and then we are going indirect to finish this off first step is to go ahead and get this chateaubriand season so like we always say i'm going to use a little bit of oil to act as my binder and you'll see i just roll that around now i want to get the entire barrel and i want to get the ends as well and then like we always say you guys season it as light or as heavy as you want so get that seasoned i'm going to roll that around a little bit get that all set on all edges but hey check this out now i'm going to use the ends to soak up all that get everything utilized perfectly and there you go we are seasoned now i'm gonna let this sit for just about five minutes and then it is over onto the big green egg where uh we're gonna get this seared off 90 seconds aside we have the big green egg preheated to 600 degrees now this is the first part of this beef wellington process we're going to take that chateaubriand and now we're going to sear it off for 90 seconds aside very important to remember here we don't actually want to cook this we just want to get a sear going on like i said about 90 seconds aside then we're going to pull this off and give it a rest so we'll go ahead and let this go the moment you've been waiting for we are going to make the mushroom duck cell or it's kind of a mushroom paste right or a mushroom stuffing so what we're going to do first we've heated our dutch oven up at 600 degrees i'm going to add the mushrooms i'm going to add that pound and a half of mushrooms now keep in mind there is a lot of water in mushrooms so our goal here is to saute these until that water reduces and these mushrooms start to get beautiful and golden brown so we'll get these guys sauteed off here real quick we'll catch up with you when these guys are nice and golden brown okay so you can see we've got some beautiful browning and some golden color on those mushrooms super important because two reasons one it's gonna reduce that water and get those mushrooms uh reduced down and you can tell we have a lot less in the pan than we had before secondly it concentrates that umami that glutamatic acid in those mushrooms and makes them fantastic now we're gonna go ahead and add our shallots our garlic and our thyme and we're gonna saute this now for about two to three minutes or until the garlic and shallots start to brown we've got the mushrooms the shallots the garlic and the thyme all sauteed now we're going to go ahead and add that half a cup of heavy cream what the cream is going to do is reduce down make this absolutely fantastic but then help us form that beautiful mushroom paste or that duck cell that we're going to use for the beef wellington so we'll go ahead and let this reduce and we'll see you back at the cutting board when it's uh time to wrap and make these perfect wellingtons first thing we did was we went ahead and whisk these eggs right because we want to make sure we got everything fully incorporated and it became a beautiful egg wash now what i did was i let the puff pastry defrost but i wrapped it to make sure that it didn't dry out so now we'll go ahead and puff pastry normally comes floured you can put it on parchment if you want but i'm just going to go ahead and leave it flowered as is i'll flip that guy over put that flowered side down a little bit and we should be set i'm just kind of flattening this just a little bit right to make sure everything fits wonderfully now that the puff pastry is kind of finishing up on the cutting board we're going to go ahead and take that mushroom duck cell now look at this nice and beautiful right that is absolutely fantastic i'm going to go ahead now and coat the rest of this and let it get exactly where we want it all perfect and beautiful and total umami all right now that we're all mushroomed up i'm going to take my egg wash and brush around the edges here this is going to help seal this off so i want to make sure i do a good job and get this all ready now we're going to do a little bit of stretching a little bit of finagling a little bit of wrapping and we're going to get this all set and ready to go i like to start with the front edge so i'll grab that like that and i'll give it a little pull and i will go up into the middle just like that now check this out come around the side here we will push the sides in just like that now we're going to take the back and wrap that all the way up as well and tuck that side in too just be careful you guys when you're stretching we want to make sure that we are not ripping and tearing all right like i said we're stretching finagling just a tiny bit of pulling to get it right there now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to take a little pizza pan here we're going to put a little bit of oil on that just to help this not stick so we'll rub a little bit of oil on here right so that doesn't stick now check this out we are going right on there with that amazing beef wellington okay next up i will see you at the big green egg all right so we went ahead and slowed the egg down and got it all adjusted and set back down to that 400 degrees we have the convector in there we added our egg genius pit temperature probe because now we let the egg genius do everything so basically we'll get this shut we will let it sit and hover right at that 400 degrees we are preheated 400 degrees set for indirect now we're going to go right in the middle with that beautiful wellington then guess what guys we're going to use the egg genus like i always say if you don't have an egg genius make sure you have a beautiful beautiful digital thermometer because that is going to make difference look at this now i am going right in the end all the way into the middle i'm going to cover that up just a little bit now we're going to go ahead and cook this for 10 minutes then we're going to come back and give it an egg wash then after the egg wash we'll cook it to the final desired temperature we are right at 100 degrees now which is great so i'm gonna go ahead and brush this with egg wash now to get that beautiful brown exterior and we will get this all set and ready to go all right we hit that 115 degrees and check this out it is time to rest now now the important part is we're gonna let this rest here about five minutes before we get to carving and do you know what we always do a little quality control all right it is time to slice in here now listen i cheated a little bit and peaked because i wanted to make sure it was perfect for you but i'll tell you what i think we're in a pretty solid place well i hope you're ready because beef wellington has been on my mind for like the last week while i was getting ready to finish it today the helpful folks are excited as well because this is lunch for all of them today now listen you are wondering how do i get notified when all these videos and recipes go live subscribe to the ace hardware youtube channel you will be notified when we go live every week with a brand new cooking video then we always ask you for your questions and comments because that helps guide us along it tells us what would you like to learn and definitely how we can be more helpful you know our goal is to make you rock stars in the backyard cooking circuit then don't forget at the end of today's video we have some more big green egg content coming up that is absolutely going to help hone your skills polish your skills and really get you ready for that neighborhood competition circuit i am ready for quality control that is for sure hey i'm chef jason your ace hardware grilling expert thank you for hanging out with us today i am yeah i'm glad i cut this end piece because really what it means is like i get this delicious little pocket right of pastry and mushrooms and yeah cheers
Channel: Ace Hardware
Views: 3,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big green egg recipes, big green egg recipe, beef wellington on, beef wellington on the grill, beef wellington on bbq, big green egg beef wellington, kamodo grill beef wellington, kamado grill beef wellington, big green egg recipe ideas, big green egg beef recipes, bge recipes, bge recipe ideas, best bbq recipes, bge beef wellington, chef jason, chef jason big green egg, grilling beef wellington, grilled beef wellington, smoked beef wellington, smoked beef wellington recipe
Id: FGrlMPbpp9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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