becoming the ultimate Nookazon sugar daddy (sanrio edition)

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hello and welcome back my beautiful froggy army to another video as you can see by the title we are continuing my dearly beloved nickazon sugar daddy series if you haven't seen the first two videos in this unofficial series i will link them below and put up a little card for you but basically what we do here in this series is we go and we give people stuff that they would like on knockouts on for free just kind of spreading some positivity and good vibes and being kind to people on good and by the way if you're interested in also getting some free stuff nukazone is going to be hosting a free stuff day event that is going to be on july 27th all the top traders are going to be setting up shops and giving away lots of free stuff so if you're interested in taking part in a fun event then definitely check it out mark your calendars for july 27th for nook zone's free stuff day but today we're going to be doing the sanrio edition as you can see here i am surrounded by sanrio items it's a little bit of a mess i also have some in my inventory and some bells i have one of each set here so i have one kikian lala set i have one my melody set i have a karopi set and i have you know just one of each set you get it so i think the plan is we're going to go and look for people on nukazon who are trying to get their hands on maybe one or two sanrio items and then we're gonna go surprise them with the whole set so the ones i have in my inventory right now are cinnamon roll and hello kitty so we'll be doing those first so let's head over to nook is on and see what we can do here all right so we're here on kazan we're gonna try and find people who are looking for the sanrio items and actually they have a nice little looking for section so i'm going to go ahead and click see all and now we can just scroll and scroll and we can try to find someone who has recently added a sanrio item because hopefully that means they're online and will get back to me fairly quickly so here's someone who's looking for the cinema roll table we're gonna go ahead and scope them out so here's their wish list they're looking for the table they're looking for a caropie snack they're looking for the cinnamon roll tray they're looking for the sign so it's pretty safe to say that they are looking for the cinema set in general thankfully i can go ahead and give that to them so i'm gonna offer for i guess let's just do something easy and simple this nintendo switch so i'm going to pick the cinema rule table from their wish list and i will submit that offer now little do they know that once they accept my offer i'm going to hit them with the entire cinema roll set whoa so i'm just gonna chill and wait until they accept hopefully they accept soon it looks like we have been accepted okay they need my dodo code let me go grab that super quick or will i need you to open these gates so we have a very important visitor coming i was kind of expecting to go to their islands now i don't know because i have like no space here to do like trades and stuff like how am i going to drop all these items and i also don't have my phone connected to like the keyboard thingy so i can't type ah we'll just see how it goes we'll see how it goes i think this unreal items are a really good item to give away on the kazan and in general because they're so annoyingly exclusive i guess because you actually have to buy the amiibos and not everyone can get their hands on the amiibo so i feel like a lot of people are missing out on the sanrio furniture you know even if they get a set from their friend or whatever like maybe they want more and it's not that easy to get so i'm really excited and happy to give it away especially since i do have access to them it's easy for me to just like reorder stuff all the time you know oh looks like they're on the way love the outfit okay i gotta type fast i gotta type fast i have what do i have gifts i have a gift for you um it's the entire set surprise table tray you get the little rug you get the little floor there's no room okay yeah pick it up pick it up there we go there we go we got a system and lastly the poster there we go i hope you like it that's so sweet oh of course this takes me so long to type i'm so sorry but you're so welcome it's been in a circle to show that i am excited oh my goodness thank you you oh my goodness not you three you two no i didn't have time to wave goodbye that's that's good enough that's good enough i will see you another day oh they seemed really excited that was so wholesome i love it i love it just making sure that i gave them everything okay yes i did let's leave them a nice little review as the cherry on top thank you for the trade ten out of ten would trade again oh they left me a review too if i could give ten a thousand or is that a million wait how many zeros one two three okay if i could give a hundred thousand out of a hundred thousand stars i was super generous trader thank you so much thank you if you're watching this you're so sweet okay next is the hello kitty set that's what i have in my inventory still so i will be right back while i try to find someone who has a lot of hello kitty stuff in their wish list hopefully i will find someone i forgot that they also have this like if you are on an item you can literally just click looking for and you can find people okay so this is the more uh efficient way to do it i suppose so it looks like this person added the chair to their wish list just 15 minutes ago so i'm gonna go ahead and check them out oh yes oh yes they are definitely in need of some sanrio items they have quite a few hello kitty things sadly i don't have the clothes so i feel really bad but they have all the furniture they have a couple pieces of the hello kitty furniture so i feel like this is a good person to give away the hello kitty stuff too oh i'm actually gonna offer on this papa bear because i feel like i could use this for my plushie shop that i'm gonna be building so they are only taking nook miles so that's fine i'll give them some nook miles too and then i'll give them a little tip of the entire hello kitty set so let's offer what like 10 i feel like that's good right we'll offer 10. now in the meantime i'm gonna go grab those because i got no tickets in my inventory right now oh my goodness bob is it just enjoying the laundromat such a good boy all right grabbing tickets and we're good to go now i'm just gonna sit and wait and hopefully they respond to my offer soon okay literally right after i said that they accepted it so they request my dodo code once again i will toss it on over and we can get going i put down the tickets um just i don't know just because i felt like doing it oh they're on the way star bell is such a cute island name i love that gotta type fast go to type fast hello don't leave yet don't leave yet i have no don't don't wave by at me wait i have gifts please don't leave please don't leave take these take these take the chair oh you're welcome there you go take all of this all this for you all for you is for you take yes i am so sure take them take them i'm just gonna say i i had extra i had extra aka i i got extra ones just for you now you can dedicate an entire room in your house to hello kitty i'm sure that's a hundred percent what you were gonna do so you're welcome now now you can do it i hope that's tears of joy not use of sadness oh you're very welcome if i just say you're welc is that the same no i'll say you're welcome it's only it's only three extra letters gail get out of here i'm trying to record a video what did i tell you what did i tell you when i'm recording you gotta stay past the bridge repeat after me stay past the bridge thank you and they're off with their hello kitty set in tow i'm gonna leave them a little nice review as usual thank you for trading enjoy your items and thanks for being so sweet oh my goodness thank you sweetie if you are also if anyone who i trained with today if you happen to watch this thank you guys and you're all so sweet my whole heart one of the sweetest traders i've ever traded with very sweet and generous also a quick and easy trade lovely island and lovelier person you guys are too nice the wholesome vibes i'm literally gonna like tear up the wholesome vibes today are off the charts astronomical alright so i keep forgetting to give away the bells but that's okay i think this sanrio furniture is probably enough i don't want to overwhelm people you know so we have gotten a papa bear and an acn h nintendo switch which are great i will definitely use those items somewhere in my island so i'm just going to toss them here for now so we can make some space and next up what do we got we got the kropie stuff my favorite set kind of i really only love the karoopi snacks and the lanterns and the little trays i don't really use anything else all the sanrio stuff is really good though but i do have a special spot in my heart for the karopi stuff as you know i mean legally i have to all right so let's go ahead and check the kuropi snack let's see who's looking for a little snack today so we got acnh player 190 who added a krobie snack to their wishlist six minutes ago they don't have any reviews looks like they're pretty new to the site and look at this they're looking for my melody a lot of karopi stuff oh pretty much all the karopi stuff okay yeah they definitely want some cenrio items so let's see if we can work something out these are the only two listings they have right now which is fine i'll treat you for a little vampire costume alright so i will offer the snack because it is the best karobe item and we shall submit now we just wait as usual i'm hoping that we get to go to at least one person's island today i love seeing other people's islands that's always my favorite part of using nokia's on so hopefully i mean of course i don't mind just staying on my own island but you know i'm here all day i'm with these villagers all day i want to see some new faces i want to see some new grass yes they accepted my offer i'll just sit down once again and we can wait oh they're on the way welcome to the island hello not you bob bob get out of the way i need all of this real estate right now okay i have gifts my friend take all of the karupi stuff the full set full set friend i hope you enjoyed this i hope this makes your island look beautiful yay thank you of course no problem no problem i hope you enjoy them i'll see you later that was sweet i hope they really liked everything bob please okay oh i get to leave them their very first review thank you for the quick and easy trade happy face alright so we got three more sets to go through so we're halfway there let's do my melody next all right i think i want to shake it up a little bit for this one instead of trying to find people who already have this on their wish list i think i'm just going to put up a listing and we'll disguise it as oh yeah i'm just going to give you this one item i guess let's go with the chair like yeah i'm just going to give you this one chair but then surprise they land on my island and i give them everything i'm gonna add a listing i'm gonna do ask for offers and let's see i guess i could always use tickets i'll just take like a couple of tickets i don't even need that many just literally like two tickets would be fine with me okay kimberly offered 10 nook miles tickets so i think i will accept that and let's see if we can request their dodo code because i would love to visit someone else's island today now we just wait all right we got the dodo code we're gonna head on over to someone else's island we actually got to close the gate and travel so sorry orville i gotta get going all right we're all set let's go oh they have marshall i saw marshall for a split second was he wearing a crown that was so cute hello oh my goodness they're wearing a beret too we match i have to say something nice hat thank you okay what am i giving uh my melody chair i have gifts this is all for you my melody set just for you just for you my friends [Laughter] no problem and let's let's give them some bells because i keep forgetting to give them to people there we go and i'll pick up my stuff yay all for you all for you how do you type so fast i can i can type at the speed of like i don't know something really slow you're welcome and let me i just want to see what's in the gift really quick oh more tickets they're so sweet i'm just gonna say bye have a great day oh my goodness you too i'm gonna type that back once i get it you too all right and we're out i hope they like everything and they can use it all right as we fly out of their island let's give them a nice review so sweet thank you for the trade and gift i misspelled sweets put a little heart and put that little face they used to because it's so cute ah there you guys are so sweet to me today what is what is this what is this thank you kemberley all right and we're back to the island we got two more sets left two more let's go ahead and do kiki okay so for the kiki and lala stuff i'm having a hard time finding someone who is online who has it in their wish list you know so i just picked a random person that i found who seems to be online right now and we're just going to trade some other random stuff and we will just give them the kiki and lala set just as a little gifty you know so i'm going to offer on this diy recipe that they have i'm just gonna offer 99 000 bells i think that's pretty good for like a semi-common diy i don't really know but we shall submit and see where that gets us and we have been accepted oh shoot i have to get a dodo coat i wasn't prepared i could have been preparing this whole time bob you're so cute doing zoomies but i'm on a mission right now orville open up open up all right we sent out the code we're good we're good i'm gonna work out with tangy while i wait let's go tangy come on no breaks no breaks gotta work it girl what are you staring at me for go back to working out i'm just working out with you why is she staring at me oh she just what was that [Music] what what tangy what was that the second i come and work out with you you just sit down you decide you're done okay they are on the way i guess i'll drop the bells so they're conveniently here for them maybe i'll try to drop the stuff more in like this area that'll probably help all right they're coming hello i have gifts now here take these take these i hope you wanted kiki and lala stuff because you're getting it today i'm out of space there you go all for you can i take two yes oh my goodness take everything all of it is for you is for you take everything yay that was so sweet of them to ask though oh no full inventory goodbye bugs oh i'm so sorry i hope you didn't need those you're welcome i will see you my friend goodbye i have to put exclamation points even if it takes me extra time i have to type them out so they know that i'm excited and happy all right let's complete and review them trade was 10 out of 10 would trade again oh and they left me a sweet review filled me with gifts her island is wonderful thank you you guys are so sweet okay so lastly we have the pom pom purin stuff i'm gonna go ahead and pick everything up and this will finish off our last round of gifts for today being a nukazon sugar daddy is hard work but it's certainly worth it to see people excited and to hopefully make their day and give them a good experience so let's see if we can find one last person over on nokia's on and we will be done all right let's see who let's look at the latest listings let's just give this person all the pom pom pour and stuff i'm sure they'll love it i'll trade for a mrs flamingo that looks cute i'm gonna offer two sacks of 99k bills so 198 000 and submit all right so we've been accepted i sent over my code they're on the way welcome i love the yellow outfit super cute hello welcome to the island here's your bells and i have gifts you're not ready for this you're not ready for this sure thank you there you go there you go all the pom pom pour and stuff just for you i will take my flamingo thank you i hope you like it you're wearing a yellow shirt so i hope you like the yellow pom pom purin stuff yes all for you it's so cute people will be like what is for me and i am like yes is for you take yay there you go oh i hope you like them i hope you needed them or wanted them enjoy everything thank you thank you goodbye all right let's give them a little review super sweet thanks for trading with me we have an awesome awesome spell oh and they also left me a review so generous and so patient thank you is i really appreciate you okay well that was every single sanrio furniture set um not including the clothes we gave one away to a bunch of different people and hopefully i made some people's day and i hope that i you know gave them a little positivity you never know what people are going through so it's always best to be nice that is gonna be it for today's video i really hope that you enjoyed it and gail really enjoyed it too apparently don't forget to like this video if you did like what oh my goodness gail please if you did like the video don't forget to give it a like and also subscribe to the channel for more nokia's on videos and more animal crossing content i do a whole bunch over here i am also an akazan content creator so i do have a code for a crew pro and if you use the code froggie crossing whenever you sign up for a crew pro it does support me directly on the channel so i would greatly appreciate you if you wanted to do that thanks so much again for watching and i will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: froggycrossing
Views: 737,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh builds, acnh inspo, froggycrossing, animal crossing kidcore, acnh kidcre, acnh city, acnh custom designs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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