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thank you the day is force wipe and as you all know then rust added tuck boots getting your hands on the tugboat on phone swipe can be game changing as you can bring it with you wherever you go like I mentioned we wanted a talk boat but the main goal for this wipe wasn't only the tugboat but we wanted to build an iceberg located right next to small and large oil rig while also abusing oil break with the use of Our Own Private Tugboat so without further Ado let's get into the video [Music] okay let's do this so today is for swipe and I'm gonna be playing with a four-man team so this wipe I am playing with Bernie's Murphy and solo ties this is quite an interesting team as we all have a lot of experience in the game so yeah we're hoping for the best here and we also have a goal for the wipe which is gonna be to ball somewhere next to large oil rig on air Iceberg I have not done this in a very very long time I don't think I've ever actually built an iceberg next to lartrick but yeah the goal is to hopefully try and get a talk boat very quick we have no beeps on the server as it is force wipe once again so uh yeah hopefully this swipe is gonna be great and uh yeah let's just get into it okay so this is kind of big and next to a supermarket right now and I might be able to get the first green card [Music] oh I just found a compound bow what I'm here I'm uh I'm age 17. I am K 16. the best is spawn for the tugboat though oh I see it yeah as long as we get a doors down we're okay I'm like right now that's me yeah [Music] [Music] yeah I know great and two doors oh my God oh my God yeah he was yeah I could put a dawn oh he's going for me I want to shoot you there you go these are hard barrels [ __ ] got the spear guy here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it took us less than two minutes to spawn on the beach and get our hands on a truck Boot and with solo ties Family Stone out in no man's land we were more than set for the start of this wipe now all we had to do was get the whole team together so we could make our way towards the first oil rig brother oh you got food that's huge damn okay that's a steep ass Hill making a sky base on the tallest hill oh look at there's a tug right there pulled up to the coast oh yeah you don't know does he not see us yes he does he literally no he's still not he's just standing there yeah he jumped in the water right oh no he's here left left left [Music] thank you I got this one [Music] there's a guy here in the uh bow outside both side it's a lot a lot a lot like free okay once headshot one hit him sitting in the Flies I hit the guy at the top one yeah on the crane wait one's close running one more running there's one more oh they're turned away what are they doing they were coming straight at us and then they stopped someone's outside at the recycler I heard him jumping yeah I see him I think it's recycling guys that's it right [Music] it's a buff space [Music] foreign [Music] that's big no way that's huge taking the first oil work with nothing but Bose and nail guns wasn't exactly easy but we made it work we managed to get a blue key card right off the bat but the red card was still needed so while Bernie and smoothie stayed back at large rig we made our way towards Mainland so we could get our hands on a red key card but while talking our way there I would like to mention that I have officially launched another mouse pad I have been using this mouse pad for a long time now and the quality is just outstanding this artwork is commissioned by Jose and I wanted him to create me something a lot different from a lot other mouse pads instead of showing an action scene or whatever I wanted a mousepad that would show the beauty of rust the mouse pad will forever be smooth so if you're someone who loves gaming for a short amount of time or for many many hours then this mouse pad is for you trust me when I say it's worth it just keep in mind this is limited edition so with that being said once they're gone they're gone so head on over to in the description and get your hands on one it's definitely gonna have a big group on that [ __ ] all right let's get the cards yeah grab what we need uh go to the left I'm just running for now yeah yeah finally we're engaging it for some reason this is kind of cheat whoa okay there's two I'm just what you don't have anything on you I'm not gonna no no just run just run tuck boat coming in what 200. oh my God they're coming up right here yeah yeah I'm dead it's actually those guys man they're gonna literally getting nothing coming so many times all I have is a one Arrow all I got [Music] like five and I'm enough to fight this fan oh my God I just got a custom from the scientist down here wow what did you get a custom somehow I got a gun from killing two scientists down in Airfield compared to the amount of scientists that we killed on larger artery this was extremely lucky thing to find down in Airfield unjust a scientist so with the red card obtained it was time to make our way back to oil rig but all the time we spent making our way towards Airfield meant that we wouldn't be the only ones wanting control over oil rig one third wait no the crate has gone on large oh what no might be able to cut them off true largest probably gonna spawn soon as well though probably guys though right bro they robbed oh true it is it's fine though if we go smaller maybe on the way to a lot you might even like spawn okay free Customs uh talk about here at small there's a taco here oh [ __ ] issues [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] might be more probably [Music] yeah he's on crane he's on crane look on crane oh yeah that's the first part I hit multi I hit multi nice I think I killed volte yeah headshot this I killed both of them one more we go we go we go we gotta get home we gotta get down [Music] oh come on he's gonna die okay watch watch tag yeah what he just did it I think he ran off icers one of them jumped onto the tug where'd he come from [Music] I I think oh I think I'll let Andre [Music] performed yeah yeah we're good we just hold them here they're gonna make the mistake right I got I got three head cheese dude if you get more from these scientists we have enough they're gonna be loaded anymore I know he has one doors in his Captain's Quarters yeah it's what doors all right let me do for quick in case they like actually push out everyone we need to all be ready no one's on Rick so we're good okay he's gonna push out the back door for sure gonna leave he's trying to leave yeah they can they can pull off in the Tokyo the doors that doors um there's two there's two two more I killed one go go go okay open the other door kill them kill them okay nice nice all right I'm taking I'm taking their Tech back tires oh yeah yeah oh [ __ ] you're smoking one's almost dead [Music] maybe I sorted him yeah oh man no you're in there I have it Jack Herbert brother bro they have so much like Farm I don't even know what we need give us some guns maybe a C4 if this is before it would be nice yeah foreign [Music] oh my God okay there's a lot of stone in here that's nice oh that was a lot of stone all right look at this box this is what I got from them okay dude I think I think this is the perfect Iceberg right here yeah perfect with the amount of loot that we currently had in our talk boat it was about time we started thinking about putting down a base and like I mentioned our base was gonna be on an iceberg giving us easy access to both the oil rigs and most importantly the ocean it's coming out oh no I was deep in a flame trap killed me [ __ ] did they even have um it's one it's one sheet metal door and then a wood door we can rate it right now if you wanted to I have a C4 a Molotov and the GL he's on the roof I don't think he knows that we can just get up right here okay I'm low I'm good though okay there's gonna be flame trap straight in as soon as the door opens I'm dead though it's a wooden door like down there and you're at the jail this one trap yeah I'm in okay we're good I'm Molly in the door I could teach you this juice that's nice [Music] with the most important stuff move to our Iceberg base we were ready to get back on the tugboat again and well we got straight back into the action as the first cargo had spawned in oh people on lmg yeah yeah he's on the other side though he's on the other side ah yeah we just got off from here in a boat the right here right here I'm not jumping on but I'm shooting in a sec what does oh Nice kill destroyed that guy did we go on let's go this one almost I was sick [Music] twice there's two one more one more then one more thing I killed one both dead are they both dead I think so I killed one I killed them you killed one I killed the other I think they're dead all that all that all that yeah yeah am I F1 and start bringing our Tugboat back over this way [Applause] I'm a double doors that's good raiding a base in snow and coloring the first cargo all this was done in just about three hours on the server we were doing great but after using the talk about this much we were getting very low on low grade so the next thing to do on our list was to make a trip to Harbor so we could recycle and get some more fuel for the tugboat [Music] oh yeah yeah the costume got to the left running away Double Dead he's uh running I'm dead I'm dead I'm very low though you killed him yeah but it's one more got him nice if someone's on the podcast sitting here waiting for trades like weirdos [Music] living on an iceberg we didn't want to run too far away when it comes to farming luckily we got quite a lot of diesel from oil rig so instead of going for Option 1 which would be farming we win for option two running Stone cry for middle and stone we basically kill two birds with one stone as Bernie was an oil rig waiting at the crate [Music] hit him that's so bad why is there concrete yeah let me just get a concrete barricade that's exactly what I wanted on my [ __ ] laundry a guy found this truck and this guy behind the truck I [ __ ] knew it holy [ __ ] [Music] yeah that is something [Music] all right got him wow [Music] [Music] the main reason why women don't cry was because of the resources but along the way we also ended up making ourselves some enemies as a result of living on an iceberg we didn't interact with a crazy amount of bases so most of the bases we interact with on the shorelines will most likely become Ray Targets later on the AK that we got from the created oil rig did not have many Spurs left in it so before fully breaking it we decided to take the BP and shortly after a patrol heli spawned in we had no way of taking it from our base so we made our way further into the map using our tugboat hit it I gotta make it there we go good job perfect let's go what customers bolts okay full HP bolts that's not too bad all right okay a reinforced glass window wait what all right well at least become one time C4 Rockets yeah you can't complain I guess nice dead scientist yeah I just saw one like oh they're shooting him right now oh my go get on nice oh is that on my stairs he's going back to the other one yeah there's plenty more guys in here kill them both nice nice right side west yeah I'm about this about the shoe [Music] I'm jumping I'm jumping right forget this suicide this guy had a P2 oh I think that face mask metal face mask drone Tommy wow [Music] [Music] that's like so bad I'm just gonna turn towards him and see if that's this is like oh he's going he's going to uh wig with it yeah it's our door all right our door's gone off the top so that's definitely ours his name's cram don't know those guys why I'd be about in cargo we had our talk boat stolen most of the good loot was already moved to the main base and all the cargo loot was on us Bernie quickly ended up finding our Tugboat due to a door skin we used on the front having our talk about stolen was not something we could allow as it had been through a lot and we were not done with it yet so with the use of another chalkboard we went to get hours back well there's nothing about the body oh there's turn left is that it turn left uh 140. oh my God he's ready to stop I kill him if you stop and kill him stop yeah hit him once twice go in oh we're in I'm going I think our little might be here head shot him nice I didn't hit him his name's cram is that a guy on the ladder of the tug while you're driving there is there is yeah heard him I heard him too I swear what the [ __ ] it could be my wood Patrol hely what are you ready I have via boaties ah it's smoking that was fun take her down boys easy do you think they got the am2 okay M2 first grade so I can create M92 oh yeah C4 rocket nice that's so big M2 C4 rocket yeah [Music] hit him [Music] [ __ ] okay I have a I have a 14 chance of surviving and I have 15 seconds what did you get for jumping [Music] with even more FIFA rocket crates we were ready to find a raid Target and well after a bit of scouting I discovered an online base on an ice Lake ridings to Arctic this seemed like a promising raid so we take 3D our way to launcher and made our way there oh simple yeah three two one yeah front door [Music] wait this is good oh he's blowing this but no [ __ ] I've seen Force I got C4 this might all be open he opened so many doors there oh my God okay it's a they're still here right this one oh no it's awesome look at that wow oh look at this small box a bit of sulfur wait what the [ __ ] is this oh the furnaces have sulfur too it used not bad 140 iPhone the fact that we got this many doors deep saved us a lot of explosives as we ended up only using two of our C4s luckily we had another Target in mind so with a ton of rockets still left we decided to make our way towards the guys that stole our Tugboat but making our way there something unexpected happened well there's heavy yeah where's the base goodbye in the rock he's on the roof on roof it's about to hit him he's outside it's outside yeah I just told that so it doesn't run in what's outside though like on ground outside I think on ground are you the same guy you know obviously up there though we just send four rocks to the side though [Music] left I left get cover get covered I'm just W Keenan yeah left 120. oh my God it's [ __ ] status [ __ ] them oh you died I got a building plan Hammer I'm gonna start building yeah the cost Boxes Fell outside the wall it's out here oh computer station two yeah look at all this quick how did you push through the wall like that one dead one more up the hill I shot him bodies dead this was not our original Target but raiding it was surely profit and luckily we barely used any explosives so we still had a ton of rockets left to rate our original Target he said not an auto crew I think we just rereck it yeah go for it I guess assistant oh [ __ ] I'm good oh it's funny hi guys deceased okay armor that's not good okay no this is it's all doubled officer yeah yeah it might be open it might be open oh what is this it's Stone though it's Stone though thank you I killed him through I got him through oh my God it's easy no way bro oh my God components oh look on that yeah tier two reading crime was all worth it we know that Trend find the loot from both the hilly guys and crime space would take a while so to speed things up we brought over our talk boat and by the end of all the transfer runs our talk boat was absolutely loaded getting back to base we realized how many guns we actually had so before heading off for the night I decided to make a shop in hopes of it being absolutely stacked the next day [Music] wow [Music] overnight our shops had almost been completely sold out so with the amount of sulfur that we now had I decided to make myself useful with that being said I decided to set up a whole entire Electric System cooking all of our sulfur in no time and shortly after setting up the furnaces heli spawned in for some reason it was insanely boxed so taking it down was no problem from the crates we got C4 Rockets ak ammo and MP5 like I mentioned earlier than most bases that we interact with throughout the white will most likely become raid targets as we live next to the ocean we had some interactions with a few bases on day one these bases would of course be much more expanded by now but we didn't really mind that as we didn't only have a ton of sulfur but we also had a talk boat which in this case could be used as our own ocean raid base the first Target that we had in mind was the guys that we made making our way back from stone quarry on day one so after cooking up all our sulfur we were showed the after ready to raid I'm gonna wait here okay they're about to hit in a second they come and they're here yeah they're there that's good that's good huge hits all right I'm going I've opened up so much of that compound oh my god let's go all they open up their outer TC right here we can break it yeah yeah break it break it yeah [Music] it's broken I'm dead he's got my AKs call me outside I killed him but the guy when the poor killed me to the right color one we're eight rocketing through here yeah [Music] got a head marker nice we just keep going right I killed one bro I'm gonna start opening these loot rooms [Music] hit markers hella hip markers tons of eight markers there too we under oh my God GP dude can I move GP can I move an inventory home my God you can't be careful shooting before I know but this is insane oh I'm dying I can't see him I can't see him I'm here I got the most of the gunpowder there's still some left am I set there yeah four rows yeah full metal eight a right side South so I think I got him Dublin it's a launcher [Music] thank you I'm ready all right three two one go nice that's DC hold on from living in an iceberg and mainly only using a tugboat we didn't end up fighting a shitload of targets but luckily the targets that we did have was absolutely loaded and they didn't let us win without a great fight we used a lot of rockets on this base but just the first inventory that we got back with made back all the rockets that we would end up using before making our way back to our main base we decided to rate their furnace base which was all worth it as the large furnace had over a line of freaks as of now we were absolutely loaded but looking back at our interactions we still had another Target in mind the guys from stone quarry at the time these guys were deep so with even more Rockets than last time we jumped in our talk boat and made our way there where they really built up is this okay I can't tell yeah it's good he's in here what is in here yep oh [ __ ] I'm 22 HP oh I see one I hit one headshot I'm coming dedicated wait let's just fall rocket right he's dead I might have hit the frame there maybe don't jump down until we hit the bottom because we end up getting stuck if we do oh damn bro [ __ ] we got a counter Northeast far 50. yeah okay it's open just keep rocking down for now RTC holy [ __ ] that's perfect [Music] all right he spawned in the bed above oh he's down there is broken I'm coming yeah yeah oh my God he's still getting surprised what [Music] oh you open I think yeah yeah oh my God I just go to the counter okay so you can start to find each of these furnaces [Music] this guy's like are you guys [ __ ] YouTubers or something y'all are fast hmm with every single one of our targets raided our wife was coming to an end starting out the white we got our hands in the first Tugboat and from there we won I already count us a cargo calendar and in general we just ended up abusing the chalkboard to the max as we did too got rid of the rest of our Target using our Tugboat I hope you all enjoyed this video and hopefully I will see you in the next one thank you all so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Coma
Views: 50,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, raids, raiding, wipe, wipe day, coma, Coma, Coma rust, Rust, online raiding, rocket raiding, explosive ammo raiding, taking over the server, raiding everyone, dominating the server, dominating, controling, this is how we play rust, this is how, this is what, playing rust a whole wipe, stevious, Vanilla, Vanilla rust, Online raids, Reddit, force, force wipe, bloo lagoon, coma group, group experience, online raids, early raids, raid defense, the best, experience
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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