Becoming Emotionally Strong and Stable | Steven Furtick

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I want to check your stability today okay I want to check your emotional stability are your emotion stable I should probably ask your kids I should probably ask your boss oh man Samson was a drama queen operated not just by emotion but he operated for most is the difference you need to have emotions I mean come on what kind of preacher would I be if I didn't have emotions what can you imagine like you know the band's finishing a song and I walk up with no emotion how I just killed the whole thing I'll praise the Lord if you want to I mean you don't have to don't feel like this all right I'm glad God gave me my emotions but he gave them to me that means I get to use them for his purpose and some of you you don't have emotions they have you must scan the room real quick yeah yes about fifty fifty men and women see when I say emotions you think I'm talking about her I think men are ten times more emotional than women oh yeah oh yeah governor haki oh yeah yeah you are too because look Samson's wives would cry but Samson would kill who's more emotional I mean I need my emotions and you need your emotions to do what we're called to do if you're gonna preach you need to feel it when you preach I don't care what any of y'all say you need me to holler every once in a while when I'm preaching you know you do you need me to holler at you one time nothing more than to wake you up and and and you need me every once in a while when I'm preaching bring it down with the hushed forced with intimacy emotions in it crazy though the same emotions that can make me a good preacher can make me a crazy driver cuz I could get just as loud behind the wheel as I can behind the mic it's what you do with them and and I believe God gave Samson if you want to read a story this week from judges 13 to 16 that would be your homework and read how how God called him to deliver the Philistines and he gave him the emotional passion to do it but but but Samson took his passion and spin it on his preference instead of applying it to his purpose so instead of delivering his people from the Philistines he reacted out of rage and married the Philistines are you stable in your emotions and are you stable in your commitment because if you consult your emotions to determine whether or not to keep your commitment you'll never be stable three things Samson was told not to do and he did all three of them because he wasn't committed now I'm gonna tell you something I didn't tell any of the other worship experiences if you want to hear it say oh yeah say I totally want to hear this pastor Steve Anna when the angel came to tell Samson's mom that he was supposed to be a deliverer of Israel she never told his dad that and I wonder did anybody ever tell him or did he just grow up knowing that he was strong and not know what he was strong for because when you have a strength that you don't give an assignment to it turns into apathy and you spend it in all kinds of crazy ways so I want you to check your ambition that's the third thing your ambition are you stable in your ambition because of what you want isn't what God wants even if you get it it'll destroy you and all I can find in the Bible that Samson ever wanted bad enough to do something to get it was revenge and women so he had the strength to accomplish it but he didn't have the ambition to point the strength in the right direction Elijah asked me regularly if I think he's gonna be a great musician and I tell him honestly cuz I'm a dad mom can tell him yeah baby you're gonna be the best uh-huh that's not my job my job is to say it depends because what one coach that I had said there's three things you need to be great in sports and I believe it applies to anything in life he said you need talent and Elijah's Got Talent he's always been beaten on something in rhythms and she was like he's beating on Holly when he was inside of her and feel him kicking and stuff and he's got that second thing you need which is opportunity because I bought him two instruments and I put him in the classes but he said the third thing you need is Drive and nobody can put the desire in you nobody can can put it in you to want it can I tell you the problem with a lot of us we don't want enough we don't want enough we just want a job we don't want to make a difference there we just want enough for us we don't ever ask God God would you give me more than enough and I'm not just talking about money I'm talking about other resources as well I need I need more opportunity to be a blessing I don't just want to be blessed I want to be a blessing Samson was only strong enough to get what he wanted nothing more and he underperformed his potential because he didn't have stable ambition he saw a woman he wanted her he took her took what he wanted but if your ambition is not aligned with your assignment even your achievements will be empty and he lost his strength he lost it in stages with every compromise and eventually came to the point where he felt weak but he wasn't weak he was unstable an unstable man in an unstable nation and you know what I think Simpsons big deal was and maybe this is just a breakout session for the students in the church is are you stable in your relationships Sampson got into all of his trouble listening to the wrong people wanting to be around the wrong people he was hooking up with the Philistines that he was supposed to kill I'm not telling you to kill anybody but I am saying that in this season of your life if God is to stabilize you so that you can be stronger you can't keep leaning on weak people [Applause] thank you thanks for the applause I feel the love there's very little of it what little there is I feel it because if you get around the wrong group of friends and you think I'm just talking to teenagers I'm talking about some of us that live in isolation it's not that we have the wrong people we have nobody Samson wouldn't listen to his parents who told him don't marry that Philistine woman he wouldn't listen to the ones who really loved him he fell in love with the ones who hated him so if you keep leaning on weak people don't be surprised when they let you down if you put your head into Lila's lap don't be surprised when you wake up Paul come on in this season you might need some new people you might have to join a new group you might need a new squad touch somebody say I got goals I got squat goals and in this season of my life I need somebody who's stable I can't just be around people who are this way one day and the number way the next I need to be around some people who have thing check your neighbor and say are you stable come on check out my plush on them a little bit take can you take a storm and stay with me can you put up with the trials of life and persevere and some stable people stable stable stable stable it means that you know it can't just be pushed around see this camera is on a tripod you can't see it but the reason that it's able to hold steady is because of what's under it God said it's not what's happening at the surface that's causing your life to go up and down you'll just need a stable foundation are you stable and so he's gonna stabilize this to fit thing my belief how many believers do I have but but belief belief belief in what you can't see they they cut Simpsons hair and after they cut his hair he had forfeited his strength because he had lost his stability and then so once they took his stability they took his sight they gouged out his eyes but when they took out his eyes physically it was only an external indication of what had already happened internally because Simpson hadn't had vision for twenty years and he and he became a slave a strongman became a slave his strength was turned into weakness and they let him out one day to the temple of Dagon that was their grain God the Philistines this oppressive people they brought him out and they had 3,000 people watching him and the one who had made a laughingstock of them they were now laughing at and I want to show it show it to you real quick because it says while they were in high spirits 25 they said let's bring out Samson to entertain us so they called Samson out of the prison and he performed for them but then they made a mistake what they did next was their downfall because the Bible says that they stood him among the pillars what do pillars do to a building they stabilized the building so they put him among the pillars and when they put him up among the pillars see he can't see he doesn't have his eyes anymore and I want you to watch with me how it was in his most vulnerable state that Samson accomplished his greatest victory I came to preach this message today for somebody who needs a second chance maybe your strength has seen very low lately maybe you've collapsed under the pressure of an unstable life but Samson now Samson is standing there and he doesn't have his sight and they saved this here but another mistake that they made when they shaved his head is when they shaved his head they should have taken his scalp because one thing about hair is see that's when Holly sometimes she'll say I'm thinking about getting a haircut what do you think and I say try it if you don't like it it'll always in a wife and so Samson now it's been a while and they cut his hair and he gave up his strength but guess what it's growing back I came with an announcement or so under oppression your strength is common that's three people telling me scrolling back it's gone back I see you scrolled back you said to the servant well the sermon is a blessing to me thank you Lord for second chances thank you for a new strength thank you for renewing my I thank you for placing me among the pillar [Music] you said put me where I can feel the pillars so so they put him where he could feel the pillars everybody say dumb move they put him where he could feel the pillars and he's with us with his eyes gouged out he said I want to feel the pillars that I may lean against them and then I want to go to verse 29 because I think it brings full circle what I've been trying to say to you today then Samson reached okay he can't see but he can reach he's reaching to Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood now the next two words I'm gonna need your help with cuz I can't see but the Bible says that Samson did something in this momentum that created his greatest victory and when I say three I want you to shout out what he did next what did he do one two three he did what he did what what you're gonna do in this next season what you're gonna do in the storms rage what you're gonna do when it seems like hope is lost what you're gonna do when friends forsake you what you're gonna do when you don't know what to do I'm a brace myself raise your some I has not seen ear has not heard to the hearts of man what God has five spirit it was when he couldn't see that he believed and Sampson prayed to the Lord in his weak state now I understand it he turned weakness into strength because he believed when he couldn't see and he he did in his death what he was never able to do in his life he braced himself and when he braced himself he pushed the pillars and when he pushed the pillars with all of his mind because he braced himself he found out his strength never left him it was there all along and you're about to discover today this is a stabilizing word God sent me with a message to stabilize you today you've been tossed and driven like James says you've been like a wave of the sea tossed and driven with the wind a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways and you hadn't been strong cuz you hadn't been stable but if you brace yourself well look there's my sermon points look how that turned out would you do me the proud honor of locating 12 people Andrey preached in my sermon and tell embrace yourself would you do it would you find him right now and tell him brace yourself for what God's about to do in your life hey thank you for watching make sure you subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a single video or live stream and share this video with a friend and don't forget you can join me live every Sunday thanks again for watching
Channel: Official Steven Furtick
Views: 931,111
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Keywords: steven furtick, pastor steven furtick, becoming emotionally strong and stable, steven furtick becoming emotionally strong and stable, stephen furtick, furtick steven, steven furtick short sermons, steven furtick sermon clips, steven furtick emotions, getting your strength back, chain reactions steven furtick
Id: nGrqe70jPkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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