Becoming a Warrior Poet | JOHN LOVELL

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chomp what's up brother yo homie glad to be glad to be here with you yeah oh I'm glad we finally linked up I know it's been a couple months probably or so or longer who knows I followed you for a long time I think I was wrong you longer than you were following me yeah I mean that makes sense right don't be a jerk come on you're supposed to feel bad I was trying to shame you I'm sick instead of feeling guilty you just owned it like I get I I got over feeling uh feeling bad and all that and playing that game a long time ago man well it was devastating to my game here to shame you my yeah whatever I thought it was the other way around cuz I reached out to you and I'm like man this guy's not gonna have any idea who I am he's not gonna want to do anything together but here we are nonetheless know why I kept hearing about what you were doing though I have I think there's a lot of people who follow what we're doing with order of man who also are following you as well so overlap is perfect we need a whole bunch of people doing what we're doing yes shocking that nobody seems to be really doing what we're doing with our ethos yes and I feel like we're we're this doing very very similar messages under different kind of banners and right but it's essentially the same thing I got more guns than you you do you have significantly more although I'm not willing to disclose how many I have I'd still bet that you have more than I do well tragically and guys some of you will this will resonate with you I lost almost all of them in a tragic boating accident so pray for me but uh you know okay that that's good hey we'll just say they're lost and that's it and the story Mensa we won't dive into that any deeper than that so big brother if you're looking for them there's somewhere at the bottom of a lake for sure that's right I it's funny because every once in a while I have guys on Facebook like hey you know what what do you carry what's your et Cie what's this I'm like don't worry about it I'm like if you want to know you can let the let's meet in person we'll talk about that but I'm not gonna share anything hey I'm ready to defend my own that you need no more informative that stuff do you disclose I disclose it I mean it's your job to yeah I just cuz I want people yeah specifically we're trying to make more responsible gun owners carriers make the world safer gear can be helpful getting the right gun setup holster and all that stuff it's not what we major on it is the Indian and not the arrow so to speak in that training is outrageously more important than what model gun you get is training and knowing what you're doing but gear and getting the right stuff really can help so right we weigh in so people want pro you know professional kind of advice right I feel like a tool calling myself professional but you are a professional there I said it well thank you anyway so we don't want people to waste money on crap right right so there well it's hard to because well I'm not in the industry so I frankly I wouldn't know other than like what I have but how do you how do you start to like decipher you know what is what is good as far as equipment and advice like what is good what is valuable where it's accurate and what is trash without context I have nothing to tell you what are you trying to accomplish is absolutely the most important thing well and I bet actually now that you say that's that's probably if they aren't asking that question or bringing that and then it up then that's probably not qualified advice yep that because so my background is financial planning so so I have people say things like oh well what's the best investment and I say the same thing I don't know what is it you're trying to do yeah and if they're not asking that question advisors not asking that question right then he probably is not gonna lead you in the best path because he has no idea whether or not he's gonna lead you into the right thing yep and I can't I can't answer the question until you give me a little bit more data to go off up so if you want to if we want to go toward kind of some of those sure unique ones we will we will there we go we'll get into it well we'll get into it yes where does so obviously we've got firearms but where does the ethos that you talk about fall in line because a lot of the times if it's firearms we're just talking about firearms you're talking about training and all of that but very rarely do I see if ever the ethos that you bring that supports what it is you're doing from a firearms and protection perspective sure so I'm combat veteran special ops all that jazz and you know as such I'm talking a lot about how to win fights how you make the world a safer place but I think the fallacy that people get roped into kind of tunnel vision this is both people who are outside of the gun community and then people fall in and kind of a shallow rut as well thinking that we have some deep love for violence and that's not really what's happening here the real idea is we love people our families our communities we don't want to see dead kids and schools or churches shot up and so to quote the great philosopher and writer journalist 20th century GK Chesterton the soldier fights not because he hates what's in front of him though he may but because he loves what's behind him and that's more of the ethos of no no I I just want to protect people right and that's what drives us and so it's a little bit more grassroots it's not all multicam stalking with night vision in the darkness that we're doing after the common man right working a nine-to-five and would like to make some gradual realistic steps to keep himself its family and make the world a little safer that's it why do you think there's such a misconception generally I think of what it is that you're doing you know I think there is a lot of thought that this is just a group of you know violence loving people when in all reality it isn't that we just use that as means to protect the people we care about I don't know but I've noticed it's just kind of the way of the world that everything pendulum swings from one extreme to the other sure you know it's kind of like if people want me to be all poet and just do theology or philosophy stuff and other people want me to be all warrior and be like hey shut up just talk about guns you're good at guns let's do the guns they're like hey bro I'm more than guns I'm interested in a lot more than guns I'm really interested in family and faith and freedom and that that kind of stuff so I I don't six succeed in war just to fail in life right that's a not a successful person to me so I don't know why why folks pendulum from one extreme to the other but the real balance that we're after and I think you're after two year you're after strong masculinity sure but also a vulnerability you should be chasing your wife around the kitchen trying to make out even though you've been married 20 years yeah tickle fights with the kids Legos and nerf wars I mean you're vulnerable if my children should not fear me but Isis should who you know well I think it's a great way to say it because there are a lot of guys out there who are so one-dimensional and and and all they can do is be good at the one thing right they're good at providing for example or well that's mostly what it is you know if they're good at something most men seem to be good at going out into the workforce providing for their family but what's fascinating is that's what they say they're doing but it comes at the expense of the relationships with their family and they aren't multifaceted they're so one-dimensional and they can't seem to translate their incredible skill in the workforce over to family life and volunteer service and every other thing that they say they have aspirations to do I think it's a failure of a man not being able to branch out to be good at everything to be able to balance I think a man and really you could say just a human in general sure a man's success is predicated on what are the priorities that they set what priorities do you have and how well do you balance between them so you great you became a captain of industry and you got all the stuff but your family hates you your soul is black as night everyone hates you no one's going to your funeral it's kind of like that was a pretty bleak picture even my metaphor is swung over to the radical extreme so now Hama well people relate with the extremes although the answer usual eyes somewhere in the middle I purpley is fun though hit it well it's fun in and also it's easy it is I actually fall into that trap quite a bit you know I speak and I'm a black and white kind of guy so I speak in black and whites and I speak in absolutes and Instagram and social media is never at a failure for telling me all the things I'm doing wrong but that's one of the things that get right is that I fail to explain the nuances of life because I am so black and white it's amazing just that no matter what I put out I was just talking with some people here at the shot show floor of I did a collab with a few other fighters and ones like the world knife expert the other is a UFC professional fighter who and I've got an OPS background and I've been fighting for a very long time and the three of us were doing a collab and when you hit in the comments we were getting so much advice and so it's just like amazing if like there we all have something to learn we're all on a journey right or sure but but I don't think all the expert advice is going to be in the comments in that instance of like man I found the top collab people I could but in the commissariat oh it in a real file I would do such-and-such and I'm like MIT maybe May maybe not like it is funny because and you have to be careful because it's easy to start believing what people are saying and there's certain things that you should believe because it comes from a credible and reputable source yeah and there's other things where you just have to be good at dismissing it and those are the questions I ask two questions when I'm evaluating feedback is it qualified and is it right yeah cuz that's not always the case they don't always meet right do you ever read in the calm and you just feel like this this person has a really good point I missed the ball or you got a yeah usually what I do is I put my foot in my mouth first and say something stupid and then go back half an hour later and say that probably wasn't the best way to handle that and then try to correct it after got it I wish I could just do it initially and I can I just don't so you know I learned from the comments sometimes and some stuff I just completely missed and so you find gold in the comments yeah for every one nugget of gold I'll find a hundred pieces of like this person just despises my soul like why do you why do you think that is there's so many miserable people it seems like and I don't know if they're miserable or not they're miserable like that's it they're miserable people and I think they just I don't know it just seems like they wanted to say grub that off on other people because you're trying to do good I think objectively I'm trying to do good objectively I don't think there's very many people who would argue that we're trying to do good another way we do it may be off at times or not resonate with everybody bill ultimately I think we're trying to do good yeah for sure and I'm just falling short all the time I'm missing the mark I'm a dude on a journey I'm it got it all figured out I've gotten some stuff figured out sure up it got just a ton and some two steps forward one step back yes though anyway sometimes they've got a point a lot of times I don't know sometimes it just gets to me when it's just usually I just shake it off you have some terrible troll Ori right something epically over-the-top and it's hilarious I love it I love the the horror that Rome has it's just have to it's you appreciate it so comical but they're always so sure then you know as a man I want to be fairly introspective so if you say something and it disqualified like you said that that's important I need to weigh that otherwise I get caught in my little echo chamber and I never progressed as a human right and now that sucks I need I need bad feedback that's credible right right you you have to have that it's critical that you have that you know if there's one thing I can appreciate about trolls is they are masterful at finding out your buttons and being able to push those buttons like that's a translatable skill to something that would actually be valuable in in life instead of just beating people up but they are good at it socially they just understand all this guy's driven by this I'll say this and then he'll respond and they are so masterful at that Emily why don't you apply that in a positive perspective and you know go get a job or a promotion or sell something or win over a woman or connect with your kids using the social intelligence that you obviously have yeah like they can see it but they just don't use it correctly it's a travesty it really is and you know like right now I'm thinking of if we were just barely logical creatures that could do the thing we knew we should do nobody would be overweight or out of shape we'd all be rich and our families would be completely happy our problem isn't that we don't know what to do our problem is is that we're weak and we want the cookie and what the upgraded car and I want to feel important and I'm jealous of so and so and so we sabotage what we know yeah by our appetites and I it's not them it's me to all of us right yeah and so I feel that pressure that the pang of jealousy or insecurity and so the trolls know it they do know it and the water starts to shark the blood for that bro we're doing the best we can I mean how do you uh how do you put that in check for yourself I mean acknowledging it and recognizing that it that that it's there I think is the first step but I didn't check it great question I've got a I've got people long deep relationships around me that can speak in and they'll say the harder thing and that's part of it another thing is the introspection thing and another thing is I'm reading all the time and then I'm also plugged into a family of faith so I have a pastor and so you know all of that ends up being support network where I'm not the big right I'm under Authority as well as in authority and so I have people that can speak into my life otherwise pride just put you know scales over your eyes and sure and yeah what about you that's a great question that's that's definitely one way that I do it is having the right people around who I have given permission not only verbally but through my actions and responses when they do share negative feedback with me or constructive criticism sure because sometimes what we'll do is we'll say yeah you can share stuff with me even the things I don't want to hear but I need to hear and then when they share that stuff with you you blow up at them yeah so you may have given them verbal permission but your actions are in direct conflict with what you just said and then they'll never give you any feedback again that's good right so so having that has been valuable and then you know in direct mentorship you know whether it's connecting with guys like yourself and other people that I've met through the podcast reading books putting myself in front of good information where it expands my thought process and the way that I look at life the way I look at my performance that's another one is I think about what other people are doing and what they're capable of I think there's this there's this theme in society that says don't compare yourself to other people and that can certainly be put in a negative light but I also think there's times where you probably should not not from a perspective of worth like oh this person is doing better than me so he's worth more than me and some what I'm saying but when you look at other people that inspire motivate you to do better things and you compare their performance to yours it shows you what's possible for sure and that was very very powerful yeah oh great so one of the things you said is you said I believe you said either in or under authority is what you had said how do you reconcile that with being in control of your own life and determining your own destiny and the things that you want to create because I assume that you feel like you're you're an independent man capable of making those decisions and yet you say you're under authority I assumed you were talking about God right yeah and also I mean Church is as well then that's another thing and also you have just different spheres if kind of like for instance warrior-poet society the buck stops with me I'm kind of the boss but look a lot of days many days I've you know like I've got a staff member that is over an area of warrior-poet society in there kind of the king they direct me around and tell me what here we have Brendan and Preston and they're there my camera guys working here and producers and directors and they tell me what to do and who where to stand and you know kind of like when we're doing video stuff of I'm not in charge anymore right you know the overall concept or the idea of like but no so even little things like that we're in authority but I know how to be under authority as well if if you're always in charge you're never kind of really nobody's it should always be in charge well there's other people that's not going to go go you're not gonna go very far in life with that and your weaknesses will never turn into strengths yeah or how did you get well you say how did you get into firearms but I imagine your time in the military service wasn't even before that did you grow up around firearms no not rhyming guns were around and I wasn't really into him I got into them yeah I don't really just love the firearm some people love their guns and they collect them and sure they name I do name some of mine but uh do you really yeah but it's just to be hilarious I was gonna say is that like a superstition thing like I have a friend no it's I mean all about baseball and he like he has a name for his glove or whatever a name for specific bats that he uses and he's not being funny like it's legitimate and if you don't have a name for it that's bad luck like you don't not have a name for your bat or your glove or whatever no I'm just being fun okay so my are 15 like my my original og ar-15 she's been sharing gene for ages named Sharon gene that's her name right but now I just do it but I don't love guns guns cool they're but they're they're really tools for me show our tools it's it's right you're the weapon and that's just a tool and so uh that explained the difference yeah so sure well guns don't kill people people kill people you know like if but violets it comes from somebody good point pulling a trigger or pushing up that just happens to be the tool you're using yeah that's right if like we are the most dangerous predator the world has ever seen we Mar the top of the food chain we are the apex predators but when you think of it's not because we have sharper teeth or claws or run faster or stronger it's because we're smarter hmm and so our mind right that we are the weapon people people frown upon that it's interesting though you know you think about that we are the predator but the other thing is that we also are the only animal out there that is humane right and that considers their preys feelings and the way they die and these other thin the predator world yeah right that's what I'm saying yeah funny yeah you know so people people beat that up like oh we're evil or the worst thing that's ever happened no actually we're pretty we're pretty gracious that way I would say I mean we can be we can be evil but I think we've worked a lot of that out some time my mind immediately wandered as I went to a theology is is man good yeah we evil or what do you what are your thoughts I think that's a slippery slope because it's all a comparison contest of kind of like you may be a better man than me but if we're talking if there is such a thing as God well now we have a huge problem because when I compare myself to a god if God is God then God is an infinite without beginning or in and if God has it any attribute about logically it follows that that attribute must also be infinite so if God is good an infinite God must be infinitely good which means if I am even just a little bad in the eyes of an infinitely good God I looked infinitely evil and so now I've got a huge problem and when we talk about our inherent goodness we're ants arguing who's taller and it's a ridiculous concept of then when we look through the pages of history everyone is evil wearing black caps except one dude named Jesus right that's it and so that's guy in the Bible echoes that language of fallen short of the glory of God all of our righteousness like filthy rags the heart is desperately Eve and so that's kind of the idea and where it is true we can have moments or we can have great moments of charity compassion love even if you're not a Christian or you don't believe in God that's true we can do that and so I'm not saying man is always evil all the time I'm not really saying that I'm just saying if we're playing a comparison game who are we comparing ourselves to because compared to Jeffrey Dahmer I'm kind of a saint yes compared to kind of compared to Jesus I am utterly a devil and so that's what I'm saying it's what is your comparison because if we're talking about evil and Jesus is the standard I'm in a lot of trouble and I hope he's nice and forgiving if we're talking about just me and you then you may be better so where do you fall on that you know the more I like trying to be like Jesus the more I realize I'm nothing like him try try but it's still a you would say it's still a valuable pursuit though right of course yeah absolutely be perfect as I am perfect he says I'm cuddly all right well that's here I go well like I guess the question is only only valuable in that you're doing something with the answer right so you're just asking the question for the sake of asking the question it's ridiculous not that's what I actually believe philosophy was like just people thinking about things that has no bearing in the way they apply it I think that's sophistry in that sucky philosophy and that's what no no no that's that's the postmodern answer whereas before you know you think back to the great philosophers of the ancient world and you had guys like Socrates who was after truly after truth and even when they tried to shut him up he's like no no truth true truth in her like hey dude you talk keep talking about that we're gonna totally kill you right like truth truth truth and then he drinks the hemlock and dies and you're like no there's a guy who's really after truth is so sure of that truth he'll live by it and he'll seal it with his blood and I'm like all right that that's real philosophy which is just trying to figure out how the pieces fit and figuring out how to think hard about life and do life well pragmatically and more you know a priori and so that that's kind of the the good philosophy today we've given up on truth and so there's no truth except whatever you may either know truth or my truth which is which is no truth yeah it's the exact same thing that's a completely circular self-defeating argument yes if you're denying absolute truth you are denying the laws of logic and you can't deny the laws of logic without using law its assent you're sawing off the branch you're sitting on who and all of it falls like a house of cards it's utterly idiotic and people stumble into it not because it makes coherent sense but because it felt really good to say everyone's right right and we're all on a fluffy cloud of nebulous ambiguity and I'm like no it's it's utter constipated thought it's terrible it's anti philosophy it's postmodern deconstructionism it'll be the death of all of us so um not the sophistry thing is let's just think about something up and have some cool really argue feel good about it smoke a doobie while trying to figure out how the world works and then we'll go on and do whatever we want I'm like that's not philosophers not how this works you know to go back to that question of are we are we good or are we evil you know inherently whatever may be that I lean more towards we we are fallen right so yeah the reason that that thought is what I've decided to adhere to and believe is that I know I have the capability and maybe even the propensity to be evil to to shortcut to be lazy to look for immediate gratification which means that I need to set some systems up in my life to combat my natural tendency of being weak and pathetic that's awesome I can totally I like everything you just said there you go you should start a movement I should a pop will have a podcast will interview some great guys Banta will have some events and I come I have salute you're invited you're invited hunting so so dumb everyone's rolling their eyes right now sorry for that I think this was bound to happen though because obviously we have a lot of correlating thoughts and ideas and like you said the way we go about maybe talking about it or explain it might be a little bit different but I think they're they're very much in alignment yeah I agree yeah that's cool house as far as you know just society in general you know you talk about the the pendulum right do you see the pendulum of masculinity going going more and more away from this idea of strong masculinity I like we were talking about earlier or do you feel like we're in a point where we're moving back towards the center and maybe even swing the other way where do you see that man I want you to answer that I will I want to hear your answer first just so I'd give myself some time I think we are the greatest bunch of sissies as men the planets ever seen I think we're more sissified than ever before generally as as men I think just we live in the bread I live in the breadbasket of the world right now and we haven't any way of like we got first world problems oh yeah I've got no right are there things not working yes my 3g with them what am I supposed to do with 3G I can't even stream whatever movie I want immediately with my supercomputer that's our first world problem that you know before for most of human history we have been eking baha'i just trying not to die every day and yes Timmy died of dysentery today and we had a 12 kids so hopefully two would make it and I lost all my teeth at 28 years old and just it's been a brutal existing you didn't have any penicillin because that didn't exist right you know Elliott got eaten by a saber-tooth and nobody thinks anything else happened it's just been a brood and if you look at the rest of the world even currently people are fighting to survive I mean 1/3 to 1/2 the planet doesn't have clean water right kids are dying it's a brutal thing and out here we're just so outrageously rich we of like I live far more comfortably than the greatest emperor of the Middle Ages no doubt you know of like I have artificial environments that I can nearly I don't feel like 68 degrees I feel like 71 right and then I float through you know space in an airplane or car and I'm upset that everyone doesn't serve me like right yeah I think we're purchasing yeah I mean you think that even like even food right you think about food I'm a little hungry like I said a little growl in my stomach oh so you walk over to the food court and you grab yourself a big burger and fries and a coke and whatever else you eat so ears off your face so irritated it's a two and a half minute line yes have to wait you have to wait 10 minutes for food how am I gonna feed the Graham which is actually part of the reason I got into into hunting actually is because I wanted to connect the dots between where our food comes from and it's sitting on the dinner table ready for us to eat yeah you know it's pretty enlightening when you get do you hunt very much no I don't plan on moving toward huh are you yeah all of my guns stuff has specifically been you know more of the tactical type stuff right it's just apex predator against apex predator yeah yeah but I'm really interested in hunting think I don't going down that route more yeah what's what's your draw kind of the same uh I like the the chess of it all I want the utility of man stock a freezer full of meat and my family can now eat really healthy for a very long time so the utility of really inexpensive way to feed my family and be healthy without all the garbled junk that goes into poison our bodies through our food sources so you know that makes it also it's just kind of a mental rest it's a recharge if I don't think it's healthy for a man or a human to just stare at a screen all day every day inside I think we need to get out there and be uncomfortable little miserable haunt makes something happen and kind of tap into some calm some piece of nature and I think that's that's healthy and we can we we've gotten away from it I wholeheartedly agree every once in a while man just needs to go howl at the moon you know this is true this is true that's that's definitely been true for me as I've gone down this journey and you know there's a lot of translatable skills as well for you know if you think about going out there and the patience it requires and the mental strategy and chess game that you're playing and then you know you appreciate your food a whole lot more too when you realize I got an experience just a couple of weeks ago where a deer and myself were staring each other at 19 yards for two minutes straight and it's interesting when you think I'm trying to kill this animal and it's hard and as much as I want to kill this animal that animal wants to stay alive yeah and in the battle right between that is actually really cool to see an experience and be part of as well and it just connects you back to our humanity and who we are yeah you know we like we've got what have we got like three cameras in front of us right now and you've got a camera here we've got this electronics we've got our headsets on and like this isn't almost like not real and most of the people that know you and I like they don't know us yeah they don't know us they see us on social media every once in a while I meet somebody and most often when I see somebody they say oh I recognized your beard you know but they don't know us it is and there's no humanity and it is and try not to say anything but you brought it I brought it up you got a little ways to go but you don't shame me I don't take well to that fair enough I'm sorry I want you to feel okay with with your feelings are so important they are they are hopefully my delicate modern male Constitution yeah will recover from this yes attack I'm sorry that I that I put you in this position I'm sorry that your words are violence that's a funny thing to is the words that we use man like when people say oh he he attacked me verbally but what does that even mean that means you're a how does somebody attack you verbally you need a safe space crazy which goes back to what we were saying the specified world that we live in so what's what's the solution I don't know but one thing well if if the world is dangerous and you are so delicate that someone's words or ideas or thoughts can cause such upset I know the answer for successful living is certainly not to declare safe spaces yes as if the world will bow down to your your delicateness the only answer is is to get stronger that's it so that that doesn't bother you the world's not going to bow to it never has we've been fighting for survival and now we take it so desperately for granted we've run out of things to complain about and our real complaints yeah you know if like I forget it was like memes or something where some starving Rwandan child is asking this person to tell me more about your first world problems just like and then your AC went out and they've got like distended belly from starvation and that the point is valid we are just so spoiled and I'm not saying they I'm spoiled too right we say I purposefully want to tap into a little inner masochism sometimes of like you know what today it's freezing cold shower day and I go just turn it down and I'm like no maybe I'll cheat it like no do it do it oh let the misery take yes it's good for character I think it's just as good for coz then for the next three weeks I'm so grateful for every hot shower not only that but you're much more capable of dealing with other things that might arise that aren't catastrophic you know your your cab doesn't arrive on time or the microphone doesn't work quite right or the or the gala at Starbucks doesn't get your mocha frappuccino flavor right but you can deal with that stuff well they're not that last I get coffee yeah I actually don't I don't drink coffee so when people talk about coffee and it's funny because we ran some events we had an at my property in Maine earlier in Ella's last year I give feedback forms I'm like alright tell me like what you like what you didn't like how can we improve this and 80% of the recipients set bro we got to have coffee it didn't even cross my mind I have no coffee that you live in Maine I mean yes cool man can I come see her house I love me have you been there yeah yeah we think that we did this awesome roadtrip my wife and I and one other couple rented a car and went like hit nineteen stays all right in New England and yes big loot but Maine was one of my favorite states Maine's amazing well it's always amazing I like it year-round because I've been there now through a summer spring and now into a winter yeah but obviously you know summer is the best time yeah summer early fall is incredible anyway Maine's awesome when I left it was negative 8 when I left to come out here 67 degrees so we had like a 70 degree heat you know difference and I gotta say it's pretty nice well I'm gonna come see you in Maine I'm gonna bring my old lady too with double data you're welcome you solve all the world's problems yeah it'll be easy we'll do it in a weekend and we'll drive on you know you talk about beating yourself up a little bit one of the things that's thing about I don't know if you can see I got a little bit of a black guy yeah it is fantastic it is kind of weak but you know it's go can II to the knee to the eye socket the other night you're doing jujitsu stuff now good thank you man that that's awesome it is good and you know the guys like are you right now Mike yeah fine and no big deal but like I wear it with a badge of honor because like we don't get to get punched in the face no and and I think men need that we need that adventure we need a little bit of risk and we need to inoculate ourselves against what else is gonna happen in life I'll I'll punch you in the face well I got it I'm already I gotta check it off the list I don't need it anymore well I'm trying to help but I just don't appreciate you being all like negative about it I'm like I'm offering and I appreciate the offer but I'm gonna I'm gonna pass all right whatever what's trying to do internet this guy whatever you know okay just you do whatever bro you do whatever you want yeah remember remember when we were talking about feedback yeah I don't need that I don't need your feedback all right so what else do you do as far as like heart things right like what else do you challenge yourself cold showers check what else well I got kids yeah like are you crazy I'm not crazy how many kids you have I've two and we're working on an adoption ozma which is it just terrible process of your Ryan receipt outrageous money at all looks very very shady and it's yeah it's only little disgusting it is to be outdone by you know some of the goatrope that foster care is of like here they have a baby that they can't take their don't want we want to take care of right let's just do a handoff right and then the government says I'll help and then $60,000 later a year in everything of light and I do believe it like all right let's do a little background check so they find out you're not in fact you know Jeffrey Dahmer and like okay good we got some background check right can we do that for less than $60,000 can we figure out a little scheme to make sure because they're already it's like they're in a situation where they're in a high-rise building it's burning on fire and the future of this kid may be an abortion or it may be up the system it's a bad thing so you know it nobody stands on the burning building and refuses to jump because they want to make sure the trampoline is OSHA certified okay this is dire straits let's do a little due diligence is that a trampoline are you sure all right it's like kind of halfway set up good I'm going to list it anyway so um we got kids yeah I work out regularly and amused myself that way we're always you know running and gunning that stuff I'm in business as well of like we have other stuff that's going on and so that's that's certainly really difficult stuff some fighting here and there stuff what kind of made on jujitsu yeah right kind of an old hat for me yeah and so that's good and I'm just kind of pushing into other areas of collapse whether it's knife stuff or a force-on-force stuff is that'll really get your blood going cuz you're you're fighting each other you're trying to shoot each other hmm and so for some forces an old hat for me too what kind of what kind of technology is utilized for that I don't really know too much about it so I can take my Glocks convert them over so I'm shooting my lower but let's change up kind of the upper and my pistol or change out the bolt in my AR and now we can take my training munitions and we can just shoot each other and they're out rubber bullets is that what they are or no they're little plastic tip paint and them it hurts you wouldn't want to expose skin right they're streaming out they're a couple hundred to three hundred feet per second right so when you get hit you'll know it you feel yeah you feel it and set the adrenaline pumps out school start on one side I start on the other we just see what happens right no alibis there's no there's no well I would find out what you're gonna do what happened if you're like I got shot in the face well then it would have died let's do it again and see how this goes and so that's funny yeah we do we do at our events we do airsoft with with the guys and man which have a great time doing that an airsoft can be a good training tool me as a tactical trainer I can utilize different tools but if you are with somebody who has a some experience to know how to craft that training right and how to use proper scenario so I can I can kind of craft this out it can very quickly denigrate into a bunch of kids running around in a circle pew pew and then you know it it loses its value as a tool we ought to talk about that but it's a good tool sure of itself it's really helpful to further the first few hours you play and then after that you start playing airsoft right rather than really fighting and I'll watch some airsofters do stuff and I'll be like good all right I like that that's good whoa what was that yeah all right you got the hit no one could ever pull that off in a fight you wouldn't try and it wouldn't work right right just go straight through the walls in real life but no you'd have this thing called fear they wouldn't do that you wouldn't do that it you need someone to be able to call a horse crap on stuff yeah and and make scenarios so that the tool can do really well but I've used airsoft in my training courses sometimes it's a fine tool I like it I've used it and you would have the same problem using this other training technology it's the same problem right more of you need somebody who's walked through the fire to show you and help you do that and in some degrees if you've never done any force-on-force you don't need somebody like that get the tools get protective gear so you don't lose an eye or something yeah and then dry out just have fun do it a little bit so go ahead and get welted up and that's immediately whatever you try to do is gonna be good I'm talking more as once you've been doing an extra a while the next look that'll get you so far and now you need somebody who helps you script that out so that it actually feels like a fight a real fight and valuable in that situation you know it's um this is a valuable lesson into mentorship and the power of mentorship yeah because I know a lot of guys who whether it's arrogance or just not believing they need mentorship or coaching or guidance who-who don't look at it right they think I got this I got this and to a degree yes you can't figure it out all on your own and it'll take you longer and more painful and more expensive and everything else but and mentorship is so so powerful having the right people that can coach you that can consult you and guide you and lead you to a place that you're trying to go yeah you have mentors in your life yeah I do but it was when I was younger where I could be like this is my mentor I was looking for that but it was kind of more of like if you took your biblical example it was like everyone's like feeling like Timothy looking for their Apostle Paul Ryan's gonna be my mentor right and the older I get I noticed a lot of people just stopped progressing even they get to a point and then they stop growing right they go to work and the baby bank account will grow but they're just kind of log in time in terms of human you know us our sole progress for lack of a better term people get to a point and stop growing maybe this person sixty years old but they really stop growing at thirty who maybe this guy's seventy he never stopped growing and he'll be alleged everyone's gonna want to get short huh yeah but but I don't want that to happen but it's hard I there's not many people I could go to and be like this is my mentor instead what I do is I find somebody who's really good at one area and I want to emulate that area so when I think I don't think mentor anymore I think mentor sure so that I can inherit their strengths without their weaknesses mm-hmm and so this this person just does family really well and so we I can think I'm thinking of their faces right now or like we have stolen so much about how we do kids and family and dates from them from and this other you know in business this is who we look at my man that's awesome ur in the tactical realm of like these for somewhere in the average of those full and so it's more like that right so that makes sense and you know mentorship that will use that term it's never been easier what do you mean well I mean if you're trying to look for an expert in you know firearms tactical training or jiu-jitsu or writing a book or starting a podcast like it's it's everywhere and it's so readily available you just have to have a little bit of initiative and a little bit of focus on what it is you're after and you can find it I couldn't agree more one one thing is I think somewhere in mentorship there should be some type of reciprocation meaning that that's probably the not what I'm looking for if it's good to know them and be able to get what they know yes but I also want the better people the smarter people to know me so that I have some type of accountability and they can speak into my life you can't nobody can see yourself you think you can see you right you can't really see you it's not objective right you can't see you you're you you're looking out everyone else is looking in though and so out there is is where I can gain the perspective and see all my blind spots you know it's like you got a big kick me sign on your back you can't see that but your mentors can and so I do want some mentors that can speak into my life and say John I know you think you're doing well but you jacked up right whatever oh you're totally messing it and you know wise mentors around you will be the first to know yes and if you've invited them to speak into your life I want them to tell me the bad thing and then hopefully I'll have the discipline restraint and the humility to say thank you I'll think about it pray about it work on it rather than arguing which would be more my proclivity I think that's most people's well that's value of so so I talk about the ease of finding these mentors right which is good but it's also a trap because then you might be led into the belief that you don't have to have people physically around you yeah and I think for men there's something to be said for standing physically shoulder-to-shoulder in a same fight or a same mission or a same purpose working towards the same thing and trying to hold your brother to the net to the left of you to the right of you accountable for doing the same thing yeah that's something a lot of guys struggle with though a lot of guys who write into the podcast or reach out to me on Facebook or Instagram ask about that like how do you find guys in your area that you can connect with well yeah any recommendations or thoughts with that yeah been collecting them for a long time they don't come easy yes well they do but the good ones don't uh-huh very good and they're so busy yes I get older and I want people to pour into me a lot of people just stopped growing or they're just so ridiculously sought-after you can't get access to one thing is I'll say don't be so snooty and so picky recognized immediately here this should take a load off don't look for the one person that's got it all together because they don't exist and you think you do you don't have it all together either find somebody who's doing something really well and they're a mentor in that area of life because if you're looking for the big package deal thing you're just probably not going to find it and then when you do stumble upon it maybe like this person is not Jesus after all then you'll judge them and they're out right now and then you find yourself completely adrift no one's speaking into your life no one's calling out your blind spots and that means you're gonna have a wreck well I think you're speaking to the idea of it being reciprocal too so if you and I you know we're gonna change lives for example you should be able to share things with me I need to see and you should also be open to receiving information from me because I don't have everything figured out and neither do you yeah so I think in somebody you're looking to bandwidth it's got to be somebody who's willing to share truthfully and also willing to accept truthfully the things they need to hear as well that's good are you buttering me up to tell me how jacked up I am of us have I missed the mark oh I'm just hoping like I'm kind of alluding to the fact that like well will you be my mentor that's what offer to be mine no no I need no no no I need yours more than you find here we go here we go here's my ground rules all right if I'm to be your mentor no direct eye contact okay fair yes you have to please be a little lower than you yeah when you're anywhere in the vicinity if you have to go to the bathroom you have to sit down to pee a lot of that I've got the dad joke syndrome yeah well you know if like I feel in my heart I feel like I'm hilarious but all the data to the contrary it is funny how funny a joke can sound in your head and you say and your kids are like funny or your wife my wife's really good at saying I'm not funny maybe I'm just way ahead of everyone that's what it is you're you don't get it you don't get the joke now I'm thinking of the movie the Joker what is it I see I saw and he's like in the oh yeah you would hit it oh you wouldn't get it that's right and he's challenging the structure of comedy yes it's like who gets to decide what's funny why why and I am kind of like well if you're in a mental ward for killing a bunch of people let's say you don't you don't that is insane movie literally insane movie it was a great movie though I thought it was amazing it was incredible Enochs is on another level yeah yeah yeah he was truly a amazing bad guy but all the psychological I mean it's really off-putting it's really disturbing it is just you can't quite get it out of here sit you're thinking about it for days later that's what I did to you that's psychotic weird one thing I don't like about it all is he the Joker is known for being like the criminal mastermind yes he's thinking 35 steps ahead in the game of chess but this character didn't have that No so what I wanted more in the Joker is I wanted them to develop the Bobby Fischer brilliant intellect but instead you didn't see that you think that way that's why I liked it though because it wasn't the same storyline or even the same character really it wasn't and I like this but it wasn't the Joker that I've known yes Joker was the brilliant psychopath and this guy was just a psycho just a psychic I brilliant I wanted to and it could have been an easy ride in let's just watch him he solves two Rubik's Cube 'its at the same time it was like two rubik's cubes of like same time like oh well it could have been a thing of brilliance is if you can solve a rubik's cube two of them I don't know write in anything that lets me know allusions to oh and there it and that the movie was missing that so there was a disconnect yeah the Joker I knew it that the movie was and this is how the Joker came about was supposed to be a backstory on the guy you knew but instead they gave me somebody I didn't know right maybe he just got smarter later anyway great movie loved the movie big rabbit trail whoo a movie who knows how he got on this I did not plan on talking about this movie when I was thinking about what we talked about today yeah but it is what it is yeah he clearly was not a member of the order of man he should be though well we need we need more guy or warrior-poet society that just don't wear my t-shirt on TV for a while like not murdering people on television it was a hardcore movie moving on moving on so let's let's talk a little bit fire we haven't really talked too much about that sure so my question is where do we start let's talk about basic information for novices who are considering UK what what do I need to be carrying on my person on just for everyday use what kind of training do I need because a lot of guys what I think they'll do is they'll flee because they own a firearm they happen to carry it on their body that all of a sudden they're more protected and I might argue that not only are they not more protected they're probably more dangerous that they don't have to go that if they'd on the train and go with it yeah so what what should somebody who's looking at protecting themselves getting the right training and getting the right equipment in place be looking for let's start with what you're up against what you're up against is the average gun fight is over in a total of three seconds is so fast three seconds it happens at a distance of three yards an M so it's really it's fist fight kind of range it's within a ninety six percent of all violent encounters in a civilian and law enforcement context or within seven yards that's the length of a car right military's a little bit different but the majority of that ninety six percent it's all within just like me right it comes out of nowhere yeah and it generally a total of three shots will be fired so when you think about that if it's like it's closer than you imagined it happens way faster way more violent and it's just really hard to react at all what that means is whatever we're carrying you got to be able to draw it in a blink of a not having it in your glove box somewhere in your car in Section A nine right isn't gonna help you you need a gun three seconds ago right you think of like all the sudden somebody and I'm describing a bit of a worst-case somebody all the sudden you turn around and there's a gun in your face well that's what you need to be prepared for because if it's not that worst case well you are prepared for worst case you can certainly handle something that's not worst case that's right absolute fantastic so one piece of this because of that I put a pretty high priority on martial arts the martial arts is not enough you martial artists to be like whatever I know kung fu I'm like dude shut up it's not enough in a world of guns and knives and stuff like that if you're a really good martial artist you will know that man weapons change stuff no doubt also the gun community could know this as well because hey gun is it nearly enough due to the constraints of the average gun fight man it's probably gonna be a martial arts fight you really need to be pretty proficient at both and know that but the precedent is really put on speed the impetus is really put on raw nasty you can get that gun out in a moment and respond right because you're what if a bad guy who is an ambushing predator that's what a bad guy is if they lay an ambush you have fractions of a second often time so more important than this model or this model or what you like is something that you can get out very very quick and put it into action and also I'll want a bunch of other stuff so that you need to be able to be able to conceal it well it needs to be comfortable I'll put a huge priority on comfort because if it's not a comfortable way to carry eventually you will stop it aery surely think I'll be disciplined no you won't you'll eventually stop care if my wife feels fat carrying the holster and gun she will eventually not carry it she would probably not carry it at all interesting yeah if she feels unsafe she's not kind of kidding so I've got to go through a whole bunch of different stuff that usually lands made a pretty narrow option so typically with gals who approach me of like what gun should I carry I'll say all right well let's think about some training and doing that stuff if you're going to get a gun here's three or four options you choose whatever you like what I don't want you to do is go to a gun store and be at the you know mercy of whatever dude is behind the counter that wants to give her a snubnose 357 that weighs point two ounces you know and she can't even pull the trigger AK it's a 12 pound trigger that's about a mile and a half long hyperbole that's a sucky gun you just didn't know anything it needs a retailer of guns yeah it's not a pro shooter you know but it doesn't mean sometimes they have good advice sometimes they have bad but you don't show a lot of people when they select a gun they do it on just a few criteria one of my daddy said right things I grew up with somebody shot this once in 1985 you're sentimental sweet on it you know it and so you went bought it right and that's one thing other people just like the color and look and then they like the way it feels in your hand I hear that all the time generally what that translates to there is something to be said for how it feels right but in the scheme of all the things that are important you know it's a tiny tiny issue I don't really care as much about the comfort of how it feels in your hand if you really want comfort by a cardigan sweater so if you want something that's beautiful get a painting you know this is a tool I care about physiology biomechanics sympathetic nervous system response I care about the angles and the draw stroke and so what that means is I'm talking science and they're talking aesthetics and artistry and so it's the lowest denominator they don't know what to look for so they're like oh that's a cute color yes the way that feels in my hand and what you're gripping it wrong I don't like the way that feels in my hand well you're holding it wrong yeah almost 10 out of 10 times is true with a new thing of like I like the way you're holding it wrong oh that feels much better I'm like yeah exactly because that was made for that so the big thing is is people read their form and they trust somebody that gave them bad advice or they went off a few indices that were actually ended up being irrelevant rather than just go in these few criteria now just to be pragmatic generally I'll recommend for ladies or people who want to really maximize comfort and everyday carry if you go a subcompact it is easier and more comfortable to carry a smaller gun than a bigger gun but if you get a really small gun it's nice it's cute but they're a little bit more dangerous because the stuff is just right and it's very hard to get out quickly and it's extremely hard to fight with so you want something big enough that you can actually fight with it and small enough so that you'll actually carry I'll carry a bigger gun when I'm out with my family or I'm out in a public place I'll carry my war poet pistol we have a gun it is amazing it's the best bang for the buck kind of thing but that's what I care it's a bigger gun it's a Glock 19 size frame and hold 16 rounds but you know if I'm going to the office or I'm just hanging out solo I want to be more comfortable and I'm not gonna always carry that and so maybe 40% of the time I'm carrying a subcompact right it's a tiny gun yeah and typically I'll lay out the subcompact options and I'm like right now at the time of doing this so January whatever 2020 right now it's I like the Glock 43 so you can choose that I like the M&P shield I like the sig 365 I like the Springfield Hellcat yeah so here's four choose any one of them right and now let's get a good holster that goes on with it own that gun shoot that gun get training on that gun so that you know how to do this stuff and then take her out yeah and in any one of them whatever it's like what's the best and if I get the wrong one I'm gonna die I'm like no it's yeah it's not that it's really more about the training it's less about the gear but one of those four and people like well I want an external safety I'm like well that the holster now is the say see there's all kinds of prop you can do that you can get it but there's things I need to show you that only force on force stuff later on you'll know why I roped into a very specific choice and until you know that it's in the thing if you don't know what you don't know it's kind of like I don't want the whatever and then you actually take off the range and you do stuff and you're like man I don't like that at all it's like yeah that's because it's really fun to hold but that little noisy cricket right there you shoot it and it's kind of like oh my god I hate that that's terrible get rid of this gun oh yeah and so there you go that makes sense that's a lot of talking I'm sorry but I just went after it no it's a good primer though and I think there's a lot of guys who are listening who want to know okay well what do I need to do what do I need to consider but I think you're dead-on with that the idea of the training right and how critical and crucial that is if you don't get to just check because you want a firearm I mean if maybe maybe you feel a little better but in reality it's not really gonna put you in a better situation if you don't have that that training that goes along with it we actually ought to consider having you come out to our to our events yeah that'd be an opportunity for you yet get out to Maine and then teach some of these guys a little bit of firearm instruction which I think would be pretty valuable sounds good man yeah and we could go on all day I want to be respectful of your time we've got other things that we need to do as well so let's let's let's start wrapping things up I do want to ask a question I didn't prepare you that for this though bring it on I didn't know what you're doing with any of this that's true the question is what does it mean to be a man man that's hard I'll probably go more of the things we major on are probably leadership provision and protection so in the idea of traditional gender roles which I would subscribe to not that one is more important than another male and female we are inherently different physiologically and I think in our just general roles we are more set to certain things now women can lead obviously women can provide and women can protect but generally speaking when there's a bump in the night the man goes and checks it out not the woman and there's exceptions there's some really dangerous women out there who are fierce defenders and amazing breadwinning providers and amazing leaders but generally speaking for me which I can speak for me to me of I'm supposed to major on leadership protection and provision my wife does not major on them but she minors in them mmm I like that I like that framing that makes a lot of sense so she's doing all that stuff too but it is primarily in my home and I get to speak for my home cuz it's mine and not yours and if you have a problem with it run your home differently and why exactly don't judge you at all do you but in the Louisville household here I major on protection provision and general leadership and that's a real my wife is flourishing Russ she wants me to lead and I do that in a real you know in a real collaborative way we do stuff to get them in but generally I'm taking point on most stuff right not social stuff she is queen of them the social kind of calendar and she's why our family relationships are still good side of work my wife is totally in charge of everything I just say yep okay per week we got to go to the so-and-so's at 7 o'clock and I'm like oh alright fine I'll be doing it I'll do whatever you say you are in charge that's what's up well I'm gonna grab a sound buy to something I said before without any context and make me a monster but well yeah welcome you guys suck if you do that welcome to well yeah welcome to putting yourself out there yeah whatever I'm glad that you said that you know what what you said are actually the three words that we subscribe to which is why this conversation was inevitable we talked about protect provide and we talked about leadership preside so protect provide preside because alliteration pees they all start with the letter P it makes sense very powerful and poignant well played well played all right how do we connect with you oh yeah just type in warrior poet wherever John Lovell wherever so if Instagram would be warrior poet Facebook warrior poet YouTube warrior poet our website where your post society dot you at you get the idea warrior poet's probably gonna be good at a good wind they'll be able to track you down and we'll make sure we sync it up so the guys know where to go appreciate you brother thanks so much forward to hopefully doing some stuff together in the future for sure I know we have some other stuff to do this afternoon yeah and what a great conversation times good harmful stuff awesome thanks man yeah
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Views: 48,741
Rating: 4.9482479 out of 5
Keywords: order of man, manly, masculinity, great leaders, how to be a better man, how to be a great leader, how to be a leader at work, how to be a leader in life, how to be a leader in my community, how to be a man, how to be a man motivation, how to become a better man, leadership experts, masculine men, traits all leaders possess, youtube channel for me, youtube channels for men, john lovell, warrior poet society
Id: Jok6fS2ae0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 3sec (3843 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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