Becoming a first generation pecan farmer

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[Music] this pecan has been a work in progress since March and April the first harvest some of these may have made it to China from Savannah port this one's too late in the years probably gonna stay in America a lot of people like to think pecan farmers only work you know November and December but in the winter months we'll prune trees spread lime check irrigation plant new trees and our work really begins in April we do a lot of spraying on certain varieties we have to move all throughout the summer and spread fertilizer again and monitor the irrigation wells but typically I'd say the hard work is done April to September when you eat sleeping spray and come October that's our Christmas time October through December we're seeing the fruits of our labor shaking harvesting eating dust and cashing checks a lot of folks think millenials are entitled and we have a poor work ethic and I would agree with them and say most of us do not all of us if you want to own your own business I don't care if it's landscaping farming or being a hairstylist you're gonna work hard because if you don't you won't stay in business the biggest challenge as a young farmer today would be acquiring land to rent or purchase if someone makes too much money renting it out why would they sell and you don't want to be hated in your tri-county area taking leases and renting out farms so I would say that the the hardest thing about being a young beginning farmer is land base and equipment prices are pretty high also but there's not much we can do about that if there was one nugget of wisdom I had to share with people I truly think you can be anything you want to be if you want to be one of the best farmers in your County put your mind to it go to every extension meeting you possibly can and I honestly think you can be the best farmer in your area [Music]
Channel: Growing America
Views: 13,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pecan, Farm, Growing America, Pecans, farming, agriculture
Id: Ilp5D_hRgvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 13sec (133 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2016
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