Become Better, Stronger and Smarter | Jim Rohn Self Discipline | Most Powerful Motivational Speech

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how come such a difference from those who can reach such incredible Heights and those who haven't yet found the answers for their life and their health and their future we just have to ponder that and let that give us a note of seriousness it's serious whether you win or lose it's serious whether you succeed or fail it's serious whether you've got a good future carved out for yourself or you do not have here's how to really cash in on this year number one get serious life is serious we call it life or death next to make this your best year ever have a piece of the 400 million see what you can do touch the lives as many people as you can possibly Touch number one Let's Get Serious here's number two Get Smart that's what these journals are for that's what pad and pencils for that's what taking notes is for see if you can't increase your ability to comprehend ideas information that can be life transforming don't miss the opportunity to learn take a good key phrase home use it in your training don't be lazy and learning don't be casual in learning develop a whole new intensity for the 90s that you're not going to miss the information you're not going to miss the stories you're not going to miss the Deep days Get Smart [Music] here's a couple of parts to it number one your own personal experience right if you've had a bad week just sit down and ponder that for a while study it see if you can't pick up some ideas from a poor week and then make a better week learn from your own experiences one way to learn to do it right is do it wrong I mean you know that's one way to learn to do it right do it wrong now the key is don't let it take too long if you've done it wrong for a year we suggest that's long enough you don't need another year just to prove a point no one year is enough learn from your own experience right so the call didn't go well all the stuff guess what they did when they finished that call they made another call what else could we do to make it better how could we possibly improve this is called the possibility for life change starts with education don't be lazy in learning don't be lazy in picking up the ideas don't be lazy and learning from your own experience that's why you've heard from some people that have shared their testimonial here and given you some of their ideas Ways and Means of taking this product to the marketplace making it work for you we've devoted most of our time for that and well we should learning is the beginning of wealth learning is the beginning of Life change so education yet smart don't miss the training class you say well I've already been to one of those classes I've already heard it I've got a good phrase for you to take home that's no sign you got it just because you've listened to those millionaire tapes one times no sign you've got it I'm asking you to listen to them over and over and over I'm asking you to dedicate yourself to a new level of learning in 1992. when I travel with Mark Hughes he's got his book open he's got a book open he's reading he's studying lives of successful people lives of Despicable people you know study learn grow change develop never let it be said you didn't learn right if you want to solve your problems you got to learn you want to take advantage of an opportunity you got to learn we can't come here and just give you the marketing plan give you the product send you home we got to stay for a while learn stay for a while right put on those cassettes and stay for a while right we asked you to come here for a couple of days and stay for a while do some learning take it back home so number two they have your best year ever a good piece of that 400 million make your dreams come true number ones get serious number two get smart develop your own personal philosophy here philosophy major determining factor in how your life works out each person's philosophy is like the set of the sale the same wind blows on us all the difference in where we arrive at the end of the week at the end of the month at the end of the year is not the wind that blows and the wind is blowing around the world the world is in solution things aren't a changing the walls have come down all kinds of things that are happening in Russia tonight today the winds are blowing but what's going to make the major difference each person's personal philosophy that sets a better sale sets a better sale so don't ask for a more favorable win that's like wishing something that's not going to occur don't ask for better seed and soil all you got is what's available don't curse what you got on this planet all we got is the seed that's here the soil that's here the Miracle of Life that's here the opportunity that's here the seasons that are here that's all we got wherever you've come from in your country the economy you got that's all you got in America our economy that's all we got the government that's all we got the marketplace that's all we got whatever you do don't criticize all you got the key is to set a better sale and turn what you've got into the miracle of your future don't wish it was easier wish you were better don't wish for Less Problem wish for more skills that's the reason for coming here spending a couple of days of intense effort taking notes rolling up your sleeves going to work commit yourself to learning so that you can get smarter for the days ahead develop your philosophy herbalife's philosophy is carried it now these 12 years to extraordinary Heights those who do the work a philosophy that commits itself to having the finest no matter what it calls that kind of I'm asking you to develop your own personal philosophy get your business philosophy going get your financial plan going don't violate the conclusions of your own Philosophy by not executing and taking action but that's number two Get Smart here's number three get going as smart as you might become after these two days as many ideas as you take away from here there truly as Larry mentioned like seeds to be planted in the soil you got to get going you got to take action the disciplines is the miracle process and here's how to get the miracle of your future going as far as disciplines are concerned number one do what you can you might go home and set a whole new pace for yourself and we call it cleaning up neglect good walk around the block could walk around the block for your good health don't walk around the block see you're on the wrong track should read could read don't read on the wrong track should call could call don't call on the wrong track could change should change don't change you're on the wrong track letters you haven't written conversations you haven't had with your family somebody you should sit down with when you get back home get that job done don't let neglect destroy your days destroy your life and destroy your future go back and do what you can and if you'll do what you can then life will give you some extraordinary things to do we all pity them in right wants to stride out of his house go straight enough Corporation has not yet straightened out his garage you got to take care of the small disciplines before life will give you a chance to handle the more complicated disciplines how do you think Mark Hughes got here scattered now throughout 14 15 countries another 14-15 coming up I mean how do you do this you start first with the smallest of disciplines and do not neglect them and do not disregard them as being trifling everything matters everything's important good phrase to take home all disciplines affect each other in fact here's a good philosophical phrase if you hadn't thought of it before here it is everything affects everything else it's so easy to be casual and say well this doesn't matter this doesn't matter I'm telling you everything matters of course some things matter more than others but there isn't anything that doesn't matter then here's the positive side every new discipline affects all your other disciplines if you'll get some new things going make some calls you've never made before step up your activity level step up your labor level develop the skills from these two days of training here and you'll go home and work some miracles on your days and your life and your future and your income your business and a bigger portion of that 400 million will certainly be yours go for the disciplines the smallest of disciplines the least of disciplines like keeping your accounts in order the smallest of disciplines did you ever hear this expression I don't know where it all goes do you ever hear that I don't know where it all goes wow oh we'd love to have you run Herbalife you don't know where it all goes how long do you think we'd last here in Herbalife if that was your philosophy sitting at the top like Mark Hughes let me give you the story on Mark Hughes Mark knows where everything goes and he started back when he only had pennies he started back when he only had dollars he started back when he didn't have much but here's the key one of the greatest extraordinary phrases that's ever been written from Antiquity says if you'll be faithful if you'll be disciplined when the amounts are small will make you a ruler give you a position of authority when the amounts are many says I've only got two or three Distributors I don't know where they are come on if you've only got two or three you can know when they get up you can know when they go to bed you can know all the details take care of your disciplines when the amounts are small and then life will see to it that you get some extraordinary numbers to work with like you saw the stories displayed here do not disregard the smallest of disciplines let us not neglect do not neglect the smallest of disciplines and build on that foundation and you can have everything you could possibly want okay get going here's number four get better there isn't any of us that can't get better so turn on this whole idea of personal development and personal growth that was what my teacher shared with me to change my life starting a few steps from here that convincible I'm telling you for things to get better you got to get better don't ask for it to change out there ask for you to change here don't ask for a more favorable win we call that naive don't ask for better seed better soil this is the only planet you got just ask that you can get wiser and stronger and better be able to take care of your own responsibilities get better learn how to handle the seasons better let's go through them some stuff I did on satellite many many years ago let me just review those notes for you on this getting better part learn how to handle the seasons of Life number one learn how to handle the winters we're all going to go through some Winters herbalife's been through a few just the winners of the calendar in the last 12 years how many Winters about 12. but it's not just the winters of the calendar it's not just the winters of the seasons there's all kinds of winters the winter when you can't figure it out the winter when it all goes wrong the winner when you have all kinds of heckers on a telephone call right the winner when you get that first half dozen refunds the winters of your life social Winters political Winters that were going through around the world the economic Winters that a lot of people are experiencing these days personal Winters when your heart is smashed in a thousand pieces and the nights are unusually long it is simply called winter time but here's what you've got to do in your own personal development your own personal growth and that is just get better at handling the winters you can't change the winter you can't change the seasons but you can change yourself you see what can I do about the upcoming winters of my life the challenges that I know I'm going to face here's what you can do you can get wiser and stronger and better just make a list of that Trio of words wiser stronger better go home smarter than you came go home with more ideas than you came with next get stronger you can develop a muscle you can develop the courage muscle you can develop the inspiration muscle you can develop the dedication muscle you can get stronger there's anybody here that can't get stronger next time we see you may not even recognize you how strong you're going to be able to become in language style personality the ability to cope the ability to handle with anything that happens no matter what happens and the third one is get better we can all get better I've gotten better under getting better I just want to make you make this list of four words four words first we talked about getting serious second get smart third get going fourth is get better and here's four good words to take home one is absorbed develop the skill and the ability to absorb everything be like a sponge like you've been today this has been a good serious group I appreciate that you've worked as hard as we have up here on this platform you've rolled up your sleeve and you've gone to work and you've taken notes then I appreciate that absorb everything you can absorb the sights and the sounds and the color guess what you're going to want to do go back home and invest this experience into other people's lives and you can't invest it if you haven't got it so I'm asking you to appreciate the color I'm asking you to appreciate the auditorium asking you to appreciate what's going on here I'm asking you to appreciate each other soak this all up soak it all up it's called absorb absorb absorb then when you get back home you can give out give out give out and you'll have an extraordinary effect on the people that you Reach Out And Touch here's the next one develop the ability to respond that's what got me almost six years ago Mark and Larry made that call I responded it touched me the vision they gave me the story they gave me the pictures they painted the numbers they gave me what we could do together the team we could build dominate the industry walk Head and Shoulders above anything else that's out there have an extraordinary Adventure that's only been given to a few chance to walk the summit got me touch now I'm asking you however not only to be touched with the summit numbers the 400 million I'm asking you to be touched with the smallest of people's challenges don't just be touched with the challenge I'm asking you to be touched with the problem let people's problems get to you let people's problems touch your heart this year like never before be touched let Life Touch you they'll let it kill you but let it touch you the problems that are out there people struggling with their economy struggling with their health struggling with their future I'm asking you to let that get around your heart let it do something to you don't go untouched don't go on move when you walk out of here open yourself up don't build up the wall the same wall that keeps out disappointment keeps out happiness and opportunity take the walls down let yourself be touched by what's going on out there let sad things make you sad as well as happy things make you happy let your heart get touched and you'll have good hands then to take this product to the marketplace here's number three develop the ability to reflect long after this session is over I'm asking you to go back over it one more time I'm asking you at the end of the day go back over your day I'm asking you at the end of the week go back over your week make that week more valuable at the end of the month go back over your month at the end of a conversation go back over the conversation how did it go and what did you do learn by reflecting I call it run the tapes again of your own experiences and you say why do that here's why it's a developed extraordinary ability to gather up the past and invest it in the future what a next year you could have if you pay more attention this year soak it up gather it up and reflect at certain times what's going on and what's happening and this year we'll take a more powerful place in your experience and then when you get ready to deliver in 1993 people will not believe the words you've chosen they will not believe in heart and soul that you've mixed with words they won't believe the power you've got a few simple things here under getting better then here's the last one and that's to share we've got this extraordinary opportunity now let us not keep it let us share it let us reach out with a Long Reach a strong reach an unprecedented reach let us Reach Out And Touch people not just with our opportunity let's touch people with our lives let's touch people with our experiences let's touch people with our heart and soul let's don't just touch people with the marketing plan and a distributor kit let's touch people with their health yes with an opportunity yes but here's a commitment I'd like to have you make Let's help people with their lives not just their health Let's help people with their lives not just their income let it be said if they were around us one week one month or a lifetime that when they got around us not only did we talk about money not only did we talk about products we talked about life we talked about getting better we talked about becoming all that you can become we've talked about picking up a challenge we talked about not settling for less than you can possibly be let's do that let's develop those ability now here's my last two parts to make this your best year ever get excited and excitement is not just you know excitement excitement that runs deep is the excitement that really lasts for a lifetime not surface excitement there's been a lot of noise here but what I really appreciate in field is that this room is full of more than noise it's full of more than sound I'll tell you what's really going to serve you well and that's the excitement you feel inside that isn't even probably expressed on the outside the excitement that runs deep the excitement that stirs the commitment the excitement that stirs courage give me the chance and I will get the job done that kind of excitement develop that kind of attitude get excited about your own skills get excited about your own abilities you can put it into words if I can start with nothing and finally stand on this platform deliver best words I can choose words are clumsy at best when you try to express what's going on in your heart your head but I've done my best but I'm telling you if I can find the words you can find the words and here's a key here communicate don't leave it unsaid somebody's got some congratulations coming don't fail to congratulate them if a distributor has got a word of Praise coming don't fail to give it don't fail to say it don't fail to say it find the best words you can struggle with the best words you can borrow some words if you have to I borrow all kinds of words Winston Churchill one time said truth is incontrovertible malice May attack it and ignorance May deride it but in the end there it is see I love to borrow that I mean you know that's better said than I could say it see that's well said you could stay up all night and I'll think of that I mean I mean it's well said I'm asking you to borrow the words that have come from this platform borrow the words that have come from the top ten borrow the words that have come from the Distributors who have shared so elegantly with you borrow their words borrow their notes but then I'm asking you to start choosing the best words you can we want you to get good at these skills of communicating skills of touching people's lives with words touching their heart with word helping them to see something they've never been able to see before by your words choose the best words you can don't fail with an opportunity to challenge yourself to choose good words search for the words struggle for the words but don't let somebody within the scope of your influence go without your words words work miracles words can help people to see something they've never seen before there's a lot of people you haven't got to yet they can't see how they can possibly be healthy and if you'll come along with your good words you can turn on all the lights for them they can't see how they can possibly be successful and if you'll come along with your testimonial that's why Herbalife is built on testimonials words that were Miracles help people to see and when you come along and tell your story people are going to say before you got here I was blind and now that you've talked to me I can see I can see the possibilities I can see the opportunity I can see that if I take a hold of this thing I can change my life I can see it I can see it I can see it I'm asking you don't miss the chance to work miracles with your words get excited about your possibility to work miracles with words and now here's my last word to you and I'm finished for this day but let me give you this last one to make this your best year ever get away get away balance your life take care of your family take care of your responsibilities take care of your spirituality take care of good friendships we've got to have some friends that's why I'm here I made these extraordinary friendships way back when it lasted all these years now got me an invitation to participate in something so extraordinary this came about from a friendship now I had the skills and I said well you know they offered you millions and a chance here just because you were friends no you don't just offer your friends and millions no they gotta have some skills so I did bring skills but I'm telling you my chance to bring my gifts and my skills to you today was because I nourished these friendships over but here's the secret to my success I stood up and did it again stood up I did it again and I did it again and I did it again all those many years ago I did it when I was scared and I didn't when I didn't want to and I did it when I was ill and I did it when it didn't work well and I didn't did it when they didn't appreciate it and I didn't a lot of times when I didn't know much what I was doing I just did it anyway and now all these years later I'm asked to walk on this stage with the greatest introduction I've ever had greatest response and welcome I've ever had the greatest opportunity I've ever had to touch this many lives with a mixture of words and heart and soul I got better got better day by day and week by week and month by month and I'm asking you to do the same thing until you can develop a long arm and a Long Reach until you can develop influence that won't quit touch people next year you couldn't touch this year touch people now you couldn't touch before conduct a meeting now you couldn't conduct before heart and soul now mixed in there that wasn't there missing before I'm asking all of you to get better in spite of the winters in spite of the downturn the money downturn the social downturn the personal downturn whatever it is get stronger get better we've all got those personal Winters we know what those are like Barbra Streisand sings it used to be so natural to talk about forever but used to bees don't count anymore they just lay on the floor until we sweep them away you don't sing any love songs you don't say you need me and you don't bring me flowers anymore a winter song but hey we're acquainted with all those personal Winters and all the rest of it the key is not to wish for a better winter the key is to wish for more strength more wisdom more courage get better get wiser get stronger here's number two learn to take advantage of the spring spring means opportunity and we've got a fresh spring going here it's called a spring like no other a spring an opportunity like no other for you but here's the clue spring is not a guarantee of a harvest in the fall in the Autumn Harvest on here's what you must learn to do underline the two words if you're taking notes take advantage take advantage of the spring don't just be faked out by the spring because the nice weather has come looks like everything is going to be a lot better the Winter's finally passed the spring is here I'm telling you that's not going to do it for you just because the spring is here it's not going to do it for you you got to seize it with your own two hands and take advantage read the books study the tapes go back through your notes get ready to cash in on the spring and now there's a sense of urgency here here's why spring doesn't last that long to be able to say I just got back doesn't last that long it's called the springtime of opportunity postpone a few things in the springtime get the job done set aside a few things in the springtime get the job done support I was raised in Idaho Farm country what if you asked a farmer to go bowling in the spring what would he probably say he would say you're insane you can go bowling in the winter when you can't plant the crop you can't go bowling in the spring you've only got a certain piece of time and you got to get it done in that certain window of opportunity and that's what we've got here a window of opportunity let's take advantage of it it's called take advantage of the spring and there's also an urgency here how many Springs have you got in a lifetime not very many life is brief at the longest The Beatles wrote life is very short and for John Lennon it was extra short for Michael Landon it was extra short but it is short there's an urgency here don't waste your Springs don't just let them pass pass hoping the time will pass take advantage last year it was seize the moment and I'm asking you now this season to seize the spring I opportunity you've got a new organization going seize the spring you've got a new distributor going seize the spring you've got a new life situation going seize the spring take advantage of it don't let it pass without giving it the best of your two hands and your attention number three first learn how to handle the winter second take advantage of the spring number three in the summer learn to nourish and protect we've got some major challenges now come summertime one is to nourish our values take care of them feed them don't let them go hungry don't let them go wanting and nourishment and care then here's something else we've got to do in the summer defend ourselves against the enemies summertime is a unique time it's a time of opportunity it's also a time of challenge but what else is new it's what life is called the last six and a half thousand years reads like this opportunity mixed with difficulty opportunity mixed with challenge we've got a chance to grow like never before but I'm telling you there's going to be many enemies that's going to try to prevent us as soon as you plant the garden the busy bugs and the noxious weeds are out to take it and you've got to learn not only to nourish your values you've got to learn to do battle with your enemies whatever threatens you I'm asking you to threaten it back take care of your responsibility but don't take anything off anybody [Music] somebody wants to destroy your chances for a good future by their negative talk negative thinking put it all down I'm telling you walk away if you have to walk away whatever threatens you threaten it back whatever threatens your opportunity threaten it back now some of our enemies are on the outside but here's the most important thing to understand some of our enemies are on the inside let me give you a quick list indifference you got to do battle with your own indifference boy it's easy to Coast especially if you've accomplished something you know extraordinary now somebody says I gotta relax here's the key not too long the weeds will take all you plant if you rest too long don't rest too long indecision you got to make those decisions the ones that don't turn out to be good gives you experience to make better decisions don't let much time go by without making some decisions the ones that you can make quickly make them quickly the ones that take time take your time but get those decisions made don't let indecision be an enemy rob you of the future empty your bank account leave you with zero in the purse don't let that happen the next one is doubt sure there's doubts on the outside people doubt that America is going to make it people doubt that Europe's gonna make it people doubt that Russia is going to make it the Poland's going to make it the Czechoslovakia is going to make it they doubt the whole world is going to make it but I'm asking you not to pick up all those doubts I'm asking you to have some Faith have some courage believe drive your doubts into a small corner don't let them loose like a mad dog drive you into a small corner don't doubt the future don't doubt the possibilities don't doubt the extraordinary gifts that your Distributors bring to your organization don't doubt that here's the most important one of all don't doubt yourself if I've got Miracle working power to change my life so do you if I've got the ability to change so do you if I've got the ability to read so do you if I can discover so can you if I can grow you can grow if I can develop you can develop if I can get an invitation like I got six years ago help take something around the world so can you if I can stand on this platform Idaho Farm Boy raising obscurity so can you if the millionaire team can do it President's team can do it walk off with the Diamonds the trophies so can you I'm asking you don't sell yourself short we haven't sold you short that's why Mark Larry and Dr katzen and I have decided to invest the big share of our life These four days and being with all of you if we didn't think you were worth it we wouldn't have showed up we don't need to conduct another meeting we don't need to walk on another stage we don't need to get up early like we get up don't need it except for the challenge and the opportunity to invest in this many people's lives who wouldn't get up early to have a chance to work miracles and invest in this many people's lives and help turn the world upside down for better nutrition called Herbal Life here's the next one worry I'm asking you to drive worry into a small corner you got to worry some all this negative stuff certain serves some purpose but the key is for you to be the master not the servant if it's two o'clock in the morning and your daughter's not home yet best you worry in New York City if you step off the curb and one of those yellow taxis is coming best you worry but here's what I'm asking you to do you be the master of worry drive it into a small Corner Don't Let it Loose and I'm asking you to go home with some new faith and some new courage I'm asking you don't worry drive it into a small Corner we've all got concerns and sometimes we all wonder and sometimes there's a little crack of doubt we worry a little but I'm telling you drive it into a small Corner Drive your worries into a small corner I promise you from this platform the dedication of the executives that you've seen and the president's team members and the people that have walked off with one through ten I'm telling you we're all dedicated to help this Herbalife future that includes all of you be the most spectacular thing that's happened in the 90s I promise you not to worry because you're in good hands and now what I want you to be able to say if you give Mark Hughes a telephone call or if you have a chance to talk to Mark Hughes in person whatever Village you've come from whatever street you've come from wherever you come from I'd like for you to be able to say sincerely and honestly with all the dedication you possibly can Mark Hughes I want you to go to bed at night and sleep like a baby because where I came from when I go back and represent Herbalife in that Community I want to reassure you Mark Hughes herb alive and that Community is in good hands I want some of you from Germany get together form a little Coalition from Germany after you've gotten out there and gotten your hands into it and you've had a chance to work in labor for a while send Mark Hughes a message and say Mark Hughes the Distributors that have now joined forces in Germany you can rest easy Mark Hughes in Germany Herbalife is in good hands and all of the rest of the countries make that your dedication make it personally make it collectively as an organization this incredible opportunity has been dropped in our lap it's been given to us we're going to take it to the market place and we're going to take it to the marketplace with good hands steady hands growing hands intelligent hands that can go touch people and get the job done I'm asking you to commit to this Herbalife is in good hands couple more enemies of the mind you got to do battle with in the summer one is pessimism that tries to get you only to see the negative side of course there's the negative side life is part negative what else is new if the glass is half empty it is half empty you say well I've been only taught to see that it's half full well sure it's half full but it's also FMV I mean can't you handle that I mean you know that's not too difficult but here's what pessimism would try to get you to do believe that it's only happened and when pessimism comes to your mind you've got to educate pessimism because pessimism is stupid pessimism tries to get you to believe that it's only half empty you gotta say pessimism you've never been to school too dumb and stupid to know of course it's half empty but it's not only half empty it's also half full I'm asking you to be in charge be in charge of your own mind be in charge of your own destiny do battle with your enemy in the summer time in the summertime you got to learn to love like a mother hate like a father give life like a murder nourish take life like a father father says to whatever threatens his family take two or three more steps toward this family and threaten them you'll cease to exist I'm father I killed to battle with your enemies now it's also possible to love like a father and hate like a mother I'm not saying that is impossible nothing more dangerous than an angry mother I saw an article in a magazine a little bit ago up in Canada and showed a man with some claw marks on his back had his shirt off piggy Chief marks in his neck this man was out in the woods had his flash camera saw a mama bear with a little cub thought though this is cute took a flash picture mama bear takes unkindly to this flash picture promptly chases the man catches him almost killed him before somebody rescued him so beware Mama Bear okay love like a father hate like a mother give life like a mother take life like a father or however you want to arrange it just so you nourish your values nourish your family nourish what's valuable for you nourish your organization nourish your Distributors nourish your customers take care of your responsibilities feed nourish but then I'm also asking you to do battle with your enemies take sword for your enemies whatever is going to destroy those values take sword through it if it's worry take sword to if it's threat threaten back you got to be like your bloodstream good illustration red corpuscles to nourish like a mother quite core muscles to fight and chill [Music] you got to do some negative thinking and just think positive thank God for white corpuscles that think negative all day white corpse will say just show me some infection I'll kill it whatever threatens this body and its future gets threatened whatever's not to kill this body gets killed I'm asking you take sword to your enemies whether they're on the outside or whether they're on the inside protect your family protect your future protect your values love nourish but also do battle with whatever is out there to do battle with you take some courage from some of those that have been through the battle they've given you their stories on this stage they've been through it they know what it's all about take some courage from that and in the summer now here's the last one in the Harvest Time number four take your Harvest and all that comes your way with full responsibility don't complain that fourth season complaining telling you could ruin all of your chances complaining sometimes starts with an infection if you don't take care of it it becomes a disease you battle with it in the Harvest Time reap your Harvest without complaint it's your crop you sowed it you either made the calls or didn't make the calls you wrote the letters you didn't write the letter you were steady or you weren't steady you did it or you didn't do you put together a good day or you didn't put together a good day take responsibility when the Harvest Time finally comes and say hey it's my crop gotta take responsibility for it I do not complain and then here's the next one do not apologize if you've done well we offer no apologies when these winners that walked across this stage here go back to their communities we offer no apology for making the kind of money they make because of the lives they touched and the people that they helped no telling what would have happened these people have not touched many people's lives who touched many people's lives when you go back to the community all of you that were winners here I asked you to go back with no apology because you've done your job well and you've given good hands to everybody you've touched you deserve all the money
Channel: NEVER GIVE UP - Motivational Speech
Views: 57,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Self-discipline, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Personal development, Success, Procrastination, Productivity, Motivation, Potential, Transformation, Life-changing insights, Empowerment, Achievement, Personal growth, Become Better, Stronger and Smarter
Id: IC9mrBSe9B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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