Become A Business Analyst in 2023 | *PRACTICAL STEPS*

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you can be a business analyst in 2013 a lot of people are business analyst and 23 is something that you can do [Music] hello everyone welcome to my YouTube channel my name is if you're new here welcome welcome and if you've been here before welcome back so today's video is sponsored by everyone who has subscribed to my YouTube channel everyone who has made who has commented everyone who has blown up my video of how I became a business analyst like it's currently on 2.6 K views at the moment it is amazing for me like I'm like oh it feels so so real I'm really grateful to everyone who has watched my video who has liked it who has subscribed to my channel through that video I'm so grateful and this is the reason why this video is sponsored by you and if you're a new subscriber to my YouTube channel I want to say welcome welcome you're more than welcome here we've been waiting for you for so long where have you been my channel is about having real talks it's about Career Development and it will also be about um lifestyle so this is the type of content that you like please do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel like share and comment and yeah let's get back into the video so today I just wanted to talk about becoming a business analyst in 2023 I got a lot of questions um a lot of messages from people just asking what to do how to go about it and everything so I just thought that today I was just I just talk about realistic steps I think you should take towards becoming a business analyst in 2013. so first of all I understand that there is so much Buzz about business analysis right now as we speak and I know that everyone wants to get into it and everyone's talking about it and how like it's a good career path basically but I want to say that if you're looking towards becoming a business analyst in 2023 you need to sit down and think about your why why you want to be a business analysis what is your driving force what is pushing you what is your goal like what is what is dragging you into this is it the buzz about it or because you genuinely want to do it so you actually have to sit down and decide your goal like think about it because before you go into it you need to just do your research to understand the fundamental and concepts of business analysis just a basic just have a basic understanding and a basic knowledge of what it truly entails and if it's something that you feel like you fit into because at least they it's not everybody that can be a business analyst some people have these skills naturally While others they they take their time to build it so we actually have to sit down and think about your why why you want to be a business analyst is it because of the buzz is it because of the money is it because it's what you truly want to do I'm someone that always advises people to go for what they actually want to do do not follow the crowd because if you do you might end up being frustrated you might end up being overwhelmed because that is not what you want to do the money is good yeah going because of money is good but then I feel like that is not the ultimate goal you shouldn't go into something because everyone is going there you end up being frustrated and no one wants to be frustrated in that place of work because you are literally there Mondays to Fridays literally almost every day of the week so think about your why try and understand the basic fundamental knowledge of business analysis what it influes and if this is something that you truly want to do secondly it's also with everyone that have been talking about business analysis I also don't think you need to have a degree in Business analysis for you to be able to practice as a business analyst so there are different things that you would probably have to do because you need to get your understanding the knowledge of it so it could be going to different places like LinkedIn learning or Coursera or somewhere so the different training sites you can either go there look for classes on business analysis basic understanding basic knowledge the fundamentals of business analysis like you can just go think about and look for courses like that and start to study or you're also taking business analysis and courses on places like this on LinkedIn learning for Sarah also try and read and research about the skills that is needed to become a business analyst and try to build up on those skills um I know some sometimes it comes to people naturally but for some people you have to actually build yourself to that certain degree there are videos on YouTube you can watch videos on YouTube on what skills are needed how to build your skills for starters you need to be a good communicator you need to be very Analytical in your thinking you need to be able to have a problem solving mindset just stuff like that you need to be able to build that up while you're also like doing all these certification courses to build your Knowledge and Skills about business analysis also it would be nice if you can get the recognized business analysis certification in the UK for the UK I think it is BCS which is a British computer Society in places like Canada and I think America it is um iiba so if you can consider paying for this and getting certified as a business analyst in the UK or wherever country that you are I also wanted to point out that the market right now for business analysis is very saturated like it is tight they've like like everyone is aware of the buzz and therefore everyone is going into it so you need to build yourself in such a way that you are standing out what do they need they're different they're different tools that you could learn like Empower bisql um Salesforce netsuite the different things that you could actually learn during our confidence and the rest of them you need to make sure that you are well armored to wear the armor around you so that when they try to shift people off of the pool you will still stand the chance so don't just settle for um just having having a knowledge of one or two tools go to indeed look for business analyst jobs look at the requirements what they need from people and see if you can at least use some of the tools that they require of business analysts to use now before I think before you could even get away with not having these skills or even understanding of knowledge of these tools but right now I think you would actually you need to know most of these tools because there are a lot of people and it is harder now to get a job as a business analyst unfortunately this is just the truth so you need to be well cheated for the job market like you need to prepare yourself for the job market also you need some sort of like practical experience you can't just go into it because I know that there are a lot of people that are offering trainings but I know that some of these people they don't give you um practical experience it's going to be really tough if you're unable to get practical experience except if you're really lucky you'll most likely be learning on the job sometimes that can be frustrating sometimes you can be able to deal with that but it'll be nice if you can have some sort of experience or practical experience before you get into the job for me I was mentored so you can you could you could find a mentor someone maybe a senior business someone close by who can actually assist you and probably give you practical projects that you can probably work on and build your point build up on your experiences because beating up your experience will actually help you when it's time for your interview for you to be able to like speak up on things that you've done and I mean in interviews about proving yourself that you're a good you're qualified for that job and you are the best candidate so getting the experience will help you to be able to prove that you are the best candidate for that particular job and then once you are done with this then you can go ahead with applying to be honest you can actually start applying when you feel confident enough that you are ready for the job market what I would say is that this is not a short process you can't give it such a short time it has worked for some people but it hasn't worked for others so try and give it time try and give it time like three months four months six months to be honest I would recommend one year but I wouldn't say you should do you should give it one year just so you're not limiting yourself and missing out because I mean you could want it for different reasons right so but just make sure that you are positioning yourself very well in the job market so when they are trying to pick out people and let some people go you will be among the people that would come up of interest to this the creators or to these employers and they'll think that you at least stand a chance for that particular job so keep yourself up I'm more up abuse yourself as much as you can do your diligence research about the course get the required skills get required knowledge get the required specification classes get the required experience and start applying for the job honestly I don't think that is something that you can't do you can actually do it as long as you put your mind to it you will definitely achieve it so do not give up keep pushing you can be a business analyst into internet Theory a lot of people have business analysis in 2013 is something that you can do yeah so I think that that is my own idea or my own opinion of how you can become a business analyst into engineering if there is any other topic that you would want me to talk about if you have further questions please leave me in the comment section I will make videos about it if it's something that you would want me to talk about if you enjoyed this content please do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel like share and comment yeah I'll see you in another video bye
Channel: Nena Obasi
Views: 9,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business Analyst, how to become a business analyst, business analyst, what does a business analyst do, business analyst skills, business analyst career path, business analyst career, business analyst training, business analyst roles and responsibilities, business analysis, business analyst salary, business analyst jobs, switching careers to become a data analyst, business analyst school, business analyst interview, business analyst career in canada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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