Become a Belayer I can Trust | Ep.1

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oooi, I cannot reach it from here! comon, you can do It! [Music] you got me? - Yeah...! f**** cmon! aaahhhh... cmon, Cara! I can not... aaa... [Music] hi welcome to Belay master class an in-depth technical course for sport climbers or my attempt to minimize situations like this Yeah... pretty crazy situations that could be easily avoided by proper belaying techniques So, I hope that by publishing this course here for free finding a belaying partner that you can trust will be a little bit less of a trouble and maybe we will also stop crushing each other's ankles this is from the poll i did on my Instagram about half of the people had or know someone who had their ankles sprained due to a hard catch if i try to imagine why this is happening happening the analogy I could come up with is like is like letting people drive cars in the streets without getting the driver's license first so crazy and that's what's happening in sport climbing most of the people learn how to climb and belay from their friends these friends learned from their friends and pretty much nobody attended any formal training and on top of that some climbers get very strong and some develop very strong ego and if very strong climber is using questionable belaying technique the beginners will be watching and copying so if you're a beginner don't assume that everybody who climbs really hard is very good belayer for example in one of the climbing gyms in Barcelona I've seen a guy with the t-shirt which said - "Staff" Belaying like this... and then good luck explaining to them why this is dangerous despite the fact that petzl says never let go the break side of the rope they say - "well it locks anyway right?" or - "i will just let go if the fall happens" I actually made another instagram poll and I've asked my followers: do you think GriGri would lock during the whipper, if you give slack like this and to my surprise about 30 percent of people said yes so in this video series I'll try to debunk this and other bad practices and myths Now if Climber never did any formal training on climbing equipment, he might think that all of this is kind of magic, which never fails. And in that case, he might see potentially dangerous situations as false, safe or the opossite He might be afraid in completely safe situations, because not knowing enough creates fear. So that's why in the first videos of this series, I'm going to cover Climbing equipment then I will explain some of the essential knots for climbing. And then we will go to fun stuff. And if at some point you will realize that you are getting a lot of benefit from my videos and you want to think me the best way is to visit my website where you can find different ways to contribute So thank you. The first video is already out here and enjoy climbing!
Channel: Hard Is Easy
Views: 383,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Belay climbing, belaying lead climbing, belaying climbing, how to belay, how to belay indoor rock climbing, how to belay with a grigri, how to belay from above, how to belay lead climbing, how to belay with an atc, how to belay top rope, how to belay someone, top rope belaying a heavier climber, belaying a heavier climber, belay technique, belay better, safe belaying, top rope climbing, lead climbing, sport climbing, rock climbing, alpine belay techniques, belay techniques
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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