Becky Ricardo's Wedding!! Ep. 12

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won't everyone the planes here coming dad that's a pretty cool plane I'm so excited dad and mom I never got to go on a plane before cool plane am i dying let's go hold up jasmine mom come on I'm excited I'm gonna go on the plane I know we gotta wait for Grandma Oh Lucy dear it's okay the kids can go ahead they don't need to wait for me it's a pretty exciting time yeah thank you getting married we're all excited for Becky to get married I can't believe it's my wedding it feels like we've been waiting so long for this and it's finally here Oh oh my goodness this is our most requested video that we have ever had a great big thank you to Kitty one two three who was the first one to suggest this video along with Xia Hackett Samara Boggs and Hayley F Cosentino followed by hundreds more of you thank you so much for suggesting this video and we hope you love it Becky Ricardo's wedding over here oh hello do you have a reservation yep the Ricardo family oh yes perfect mr. Ricardo we were expecting you cool another shuttle Oh perfect I think there should be room for all of us just the five of you then no actually there's seven of us all right well I'll just help you with your bags here and the rest of you can hop into the van then here sir let me take your bags hey mom where's Becky and grandma oh I'm not sure actually jasmine oh I saw the mom grandma was gonna help Becky with her bag or something not quite sure okay well they should be here shortly then well it's awful mom what's going on What's Wrong Becky yeah thank you what's wrong why so sad it's horrible mom they lost my bag everything was in there mom my dress my makeup my shoes everything they lost it what how could they is a bag that big not now Johnny okay are you sure maybe they just put it in the oversized area no grandma went to go check and she says it wasn't there where is your grandmother she says she's gonna talk to the airline ma my wedding is ruined okay Becky we'll just have to figure something out maybe we can go shopping don't worry we will figure something out already it's okay Becky you'll still look beautiful no matter what you wear thanks jasmine Hey look it's Jason Oh Jason hi everybody what's the matter sweetie what's wrong they lost my bag Jason my dress was in there everything what are we gonna do don't worry you guys we will figure it out but I love that dress I know you did I loved it too you look so beautiful we'll find you a brand-new dress that you love just as much okay where's your parents they came down yesterday so uncle George and I are gonna meet them at the hotel oh that's wonderful oh here you are Jason my boy everyone I'd like you to meet my great uncle George well hello there everyone with a lovely occasion to get together with family and friends was it was it something I said the airline lost Becky's bag and her dress was in there oh dear that's not good at all oh excuse me sir I'm sorry young lady I didn't mean to block your path uh-huh that's very sweet of you I'm just trying to get by you sir but of course anything for a lovely lady like yourself oh you're sweet Becky honey grandma did you talk to them today find it Oh sweetie I did talk to the airline and it looks like it was put on a different plane all together they're trying to overnight it but they weren't certain it would be here until after tomorrow but the wedding is tomorrow ain't no dear they said they're gonna try as hard as they can to get it here on time all right well thanks for talking to them for me grandma anything for you dear yeah Becky will go shopping as soon as we check in okay I guess that's all we can do right now Oh perfect I guess this is the rest of your party then yeah it is unfortunately we only have room for seven in the vehicle I can't take all of you Jason honey you go with Becky on the family and I'll just catch the next shuttle Oh mrs. Ricardo I can't take your seat no no dear it's quite all right Becky needs you right now I can wait it's okay I can just meet Jason after no no dear you two should be together Oh can I be of some assistance I'm Jason's great-uncle I'm George George McGinty I've actually rented a car I could drive you to the hotel if you'd like I'm staying there too hmm that would be fantastic oh well that's a pleasure to meet you i'm judy judy Ricardo lovely uh-huh okay well I guess we're all set then let's go guys we got to get to that hotel and check in and then we gotta go shopping let's get going if there's no more bags everyone can just hop in come on jasmine let's go thanks again grandma uh mom yes Ricky honey what is it you sure you want to go with uncle George here well of course sweetie he seems like a very nice gentleman don't worry a lot I'll take care of your mother for you oh go ahead Ricky dear I'll see you at the hotel okay it's very nice to meet you George it's very nice to meet you too Ricky that's Rick all right I'll just see you guys at the hotel then the car rental place is just down here Oh wonderful this is turning out to be a good vacation it'll be okay Becky don't worry thanks jasmine oh what a lovely car yes I like to travel in style and I'm on holiday here it is girls this is a store that the girl the front desk of the hotel told me about let's check in here it looks nice ok let's try it out mom come on Jasmine hi there welcome to my shop what can I do for you today we have a little bit of an emergency the airline lost my daughter's wedding dress and her wedding is tomorrow oh dear that's not good at all no it's not so we're in a bit of a panic we're hoping that you might have something well I do have lots of selection so how about you come back with me dear and I'll get you a whole bunch of different things you can try on oh thank you so much here jasmine honey why don't we sit down you can rest your leg a bit and then Becky can come out and model for us oh yay follow me wish me luck mom good luck honey hey mom where's grandma how come she didn't wanna come she said something about meeting George for lunch you know Jason's great-uncle oh yeah I liked his massage it was funny yes he did have a very big mustache tinting he did I've got your daughter all set up in one of the dressing rooms I'm just gonna grab this wedding dress as a front here Oh perfect there we go hopefully she likes this one here I come mom Oh Becky you're beautiful what do you think Jasmine Wow it's okay I love the veil but it's not as pretty as your other dress oh I know I think you're right Jasmine but I agree with jasmine I love your veil yeah cuz I didn't really buy a veil with my other dress no you didn't but I really do like that one but how do you feel about this dress it's okay it says wedding I don't really love it though so what are your thoughts on this one um it's okay but I don't know well unfortunately that is the only formal wedding dress that I have but I have a whole bunch of other dresses that you might like oh okay but did I hear you say that you love the veil yes I love the veil so we'll keep that why you come to the back of me and I'll show you what else I have what would you guys think of this one it's beautiful but it doesn't really say wedding to me there's more like really fancy ball or some some sort of princess outfit yes I agree with jasmine again oh yeah I thought so too it is beautiful but I'm just not feeling it for the wedding okay I'll try something else that's just a no honey yeah it's a little old-fashioned hey yes definitely old-fashioned I didn't even know they still made dresses like that oh okay I'll try again well mom what do you think of this one it's very lovely dear but it's not very fancy it doesn't really go with the veil that you like so much oh yeah that's what I was thinking too well what about this one mom oh it's lovely it's not white though that's okay honey do you like it I do really like it I like it better than all the other ones it's fancy but not too fancy but it doesn't really say wedding though well we don't really have much of a choice at least do you like it though I do I do like it it's really pretty and I love the veil well let's get it done sweetie we don't have time for anything else yeah you're right and as long as you love it that's all that matters okay mom I'll get it yay I'm so happy for you Becky you look beautiful thanks jasmine I know you're upset honey and I'm really sorry that you're not able to wear the dress that you originally bought but I guess mom the day is not about just my dress it's about me and Jason and starting our new life together you're absolutely right honey let's pay for this and we'll head back to the hotel okay mom sounds good honey knock it off oh but Marcel I'm forward how can you board we just got back from the pool dad but I'm bored not here Jonny don't open that door who is it it's mom Jonny Oh mom come on in hey guys my husband hey mom hi Marcel hi Jonny how was your afternoon with dad oh it's good the pool was fun yeah the pool was really fine run forward now mom come on isn't there something we can do you sure can Jonny it's time to get ready for bed what that time already no way we got a big day ahead of us tomorrow Jonny we need a good night's sleep oh I'm ready for bed mom I'm tired okay Jasmine you guys get ready for bed okay okay mom all right mom even me mom yes Marcel you tube okay okay kids well good night then and I'll see you in the morning and tomorrow's a big day night jasmine night Johnny night Marcel my mom so had a goal Jasmine thought she got a dress yeah she did and she look beautiful I guess you should get ready for bed I get top bunk Johnny uh gentlemen I don't think that's a good idea with your foot all right okay he's gonna have top bunk all right Jasmine I'm excited for tomorrow though me too it should be lots of fun and we get lots of gig and I don't wear my beautiful dress oh yeah I gotta wear my suit look nothing pinches my neck but you're gonna look so pretty Johnny what I don't want to look pretty okay you look very handsome ooh hmm come on Johnny I'm tired let's go to bed okay Jasmine sounds good I got the same shows on here that we do at home hi honey oh hi Lucy how shopping go it went really well did she find a new dress yes she did oh you don't sound too happy about that well she did really like it but I know that her hearts broken a little bit she really loved her original dress yeah I know that's gotta be hard for her but you said this one's really pretty yes it's very lovely and she can wear it again for another occasion so that's always nice oh yeah totally have you heard from your mom today no I tried calling her can't get ahold of her I knew she's meeting up for lunch with Jason's uncle maybe they decided to have dinner too a second date in one day I don't know if I like this guy oh honey it's a good thing that your mom's getting out there she doesn't get out of that often yeah you're right well I told the kids to get ready for bed I think maybe we should get to bed too we got a long day tomorrow you're right we do did you want to sit up for a little bit and watch a little bit of a show Oh actually that being really nice oh I love this show I watch it at home all the time yeah I know me too there you go Johnny and that's how you clip-on a bowtie oh wow thanks dad I couldn't figure out how to clip it on no problem at all buddy well you look rather handsome there young man you know what you got yourself dad how are you doing Marcel okay dad I'm still getting ready though I think Johnny and I are gonna head out and see how the girls are doing okay come on Johnny let's go next door all right dad well mom you look amazing oh thanks jasmine you look beautiful yourself yeah this dress is great I don't even need my crutches kind of just holds me up look I can just kind of glide around on this thing well it's good that you like that dress and it worked out quite well with your cast yeah no one's gonna know that I have a broken leg see and you were worried for nothing hey Dad I can see them they're dressed okay Wow honey you look amazing in that dress oh thanks Rick you clean up pretty good yourself Wow save me a dance later you bet honey oh jeez I get through you lovebirds sorry Johnny hi Connie hey John where are your crutches oh I don't need them in this dress they kind of just hold me up in a day tickety hey I just kind of got around in there faint oh cool how's it going Becky okay mom I'm almost ready okay honey I'm just gonna head down with Johnny and jasmine and your father will wait here to take you down okay sounds good mom Thanks hey guys let's get going hey Becky I needed your flowers okay Jonathan look at me Johnny I'm a bride yeah if I don't look like one don't forget your pillow with the Rings Joanie alright then I just have to make sure I don't drop them doors on there tight on ha good huh okay kids come on let's get going see in a little bit gap by sweetie-honey hard to fit to the door oh hey Joey see you down there dear how you doing Becky it's almost time to go down I'm done dad well dad what do you think you look beautiful honey is my dress okay I don't really feel like a bride in it it's not your traditional gown but you still look beautiful okay well then I'm ready to go special delivery special delivery were you expecting anything no I wasn't hmm you all set for your big day Jason yes ma'am I am you remember all your lines yes I do very good hi holding up a little nervous that's to be expected Oh perfect here come my parents hi Jason hi Jason hi mom hi dad this is our justice of the peace she'll be officiating the ceremony oh how lovely to meet you yes the same to you we are so excited for you Jason we just wanted to wish you congratulations on your big day thanks mom we're proud of you son thanks dad okay sweetie we're gonna go get our seats after you my dear I guess I should be standing on this side yes that is the side you're supposed to be standing on hi Jason hi mrs. Ricardo you remember my parents oh how lovely to see you both again and on such a happy occasion your dress is simply lovely why thank you so much and I love your dress thank you so much well I better go and check on my kids and see how they're doing and then hopefully Becky will be ready to go soon as well and we can talk more after the ceremony talk to you later bye hi Lucy honey how's Becky doing she's doing good a little bit nervous did she find a dress alright she did she's not thrilled about it but she still looks very beautiful well that's wonderful poor thing getting her dressed lost we didn't hear from you last night how was your evening oh it was fantastic George and I went out for dinner he's such a lovely man I'm actually quite happy for you well I thank you dear hello beautiful ladies hello again George hi George my dear you look absolutely stunning I think I'm rather lucky to have such a beautiful date Oh George well I'm gonna go check on the kids and relieve Marcel of his babysitting duties all right dear see you in a little bit see you later bye George goodbye Lucy my dear and you lovely litter don't forget you owe me a dance later oh I wouldn't forget George how's it going guys okay mom how long did the wait feels like I've been waiting forever Bucky should be down soon I'm here I'm here I made it our flight just landed and we had to run here Karen and I oh I'm so glad you guys could make it we were so worried that you wouldn't and then I wouldn't have a best man and Becky wouldn't have a maid of honor well we're here let's get the show on the road yeah we're just waiting for Becky I don't know what's taking so long I made it Oh perfect Karen I'm so happy you made it we were worried that you weren't going to uh yeah I was scared that I wasn't going to but luckily our flight just landed and we rushed over here I know Becky will be so happy to see you okay Marcel you're relieved you can go sit down thanks for watching the kids no problem mom look everyone look it's Becky whoa guess what guys they found my luggage I'm so happy Wow Becky you look amazing hi Karen you made it you look incredible thank you hey what about me don't I look incredible too you always look incredible honey no I thank you dear well Becky are you ready yes mom I am right well I'm gonna go take my place and then remember it's Jasmine then Johnny and then you Karen and then Becky it's you and your father okay mom good luck sweetie you look amazing I love you love you too mom all right I think we're about ready to start will everyone please be seated mrs. Ricardo's will you please be seated yeah we actually can't sit down in these dresses oh okay then never mind I guess everyone else just be seated please all right kiddo let's get the show on the road places everybody good job Jasmine honey thanks mom well everyone please rise for the bride oh my goodness she is so lovely Wow look at that dress who gives this woman away her mother and I do wonderful thanks dad love you sweetie you may all be seated for those of you who can dearly beloved we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses to join together Rebecca and Ricardo and Jason Patric Carlile if anyone here has any just caused as to why these two should not be married please speak now or forever hold your peace dad Rick honey what's wrong I'm sorry I'm sorry it just hit me what is a dad you're getting married you just realized that now my little girl you're my little girl and you're getting married I'll always be your little girl dad that that won't change I know I know it's just it just really hit me right now it's just really real you know it's fine I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt Oh dad I'll always be your little girl Oh Rick honey okay I'm okay I'm okay continue please I got it I got it together now I'm good I'm good okay let's do this are you are you sure you're okay dad yep I'm good just had to get out of my system carry on honey I'm good now I love you Becky I love you too dad okay sorry about that are you okay honey yeah I'm fine dear I'm good too think anybody saw yes I think everyone saw what are you talking about did nobody see oh okay well I'm okay now does anyone else have anything else they need to see No okay moving on can I have the Rings please and the bride and groom would like to recite their own vows I Becky and Ricardo take you Jason to be my lawfully wedded husband I wasn't expecting to meet you so early in my life but I'm so happy that I did and I look forward to many years of happiness together I Jason Patrick Carlisle take you Rebecca and Ricardo to be my lawfully wedded wife it was easy for me the first time I saw you when I was dropping off the pizza at your house I knew right at that moment that we were meant to be together and I can't imagine my life without you in it Rebecca do you take Jason to be your husband I do Jason do you take Rebecca to be your wife I do by the powers vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride thanks for watching to join all the fun of it our tree top please subscribe the little monkey leaders channel don't forget if you like our video please share it and click like
Channel: lil' monkey media
Views: 14,787,226
Rating: 4.4721761 out of 5
Keywords: lil' monkey media, lilmonkeymedia, lil monkey media, lilmonkey, little monkey media, little monkey, lil monkey, littlemonkeymedia, best playmobil wedding, best playmobil summer fun, best playmobil citylife, ricardo family wedding, becky ricardo wedding, best playmobil story, best playmobil movie short, best playmobil skit, best playmobil series, playmobil summer fun hotel, playmobil wedding day, playmobil island wedding, playmobil beach wedding, playmobil summer fun jet, dolls
Id: oI0rUSiss_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2016
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