Beauty and the Beast (2017) VS Beauty and the Beast (1991)

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oh man I feel so sorry for all you kids out there that weren't able to be Logan but instead we're taking to see this you all have my page for those of you that don't know Beauty the Beast is my favorite Disney animated film and the live-action movie was just recently released and today we are going to find out which one is superior let's get to it I'm going to do something a little different this time I'm going to assume that you all know the story of duty in the Beast and instead I'm going to focus on the changes the movie did and see if they were necessary or not now the story in the animated movie is perfect it's very tight cut straight to the point and don't have any filler now the movie on the other hand decided to add additional elements to the story for example the movie opens with the exact same narrated story about the enchantress and the Beast although this time instead of it being told fear a patterned window it is reenacted with axes and it was nowhere near as nicely told or therapeutic as the animated version now I don't mind the story being told differently but this was just a disaster I mean the narrator tells a story about The Enchantress revealing herself and the prince begging for forgiveness but you don't see that being reenacted by the actors as a result this whole theme didn't synchronize or connect with the narration and it just felt disjointed what was meant to be a nice simple scene was turned into a complete mess and instead of being drawn into the story it leaves you questioning the film's competence next oh forget it I'm just going to cut to the chase the story unfolded like throughout this entire movie it is so copy and paste the points that it seems to follow the logic that if the cartoon did it then we should do it to hell with why the cartoon did it we'll just do it and that alone is a poison that Fester's throughout this entire movie's narrative the events in the cartoon felt natural and happened more or less organically in the movie it feels like the characters were forcefully written into these situations and the outcomes feel completely rigged and excluding the natural character progression really sucks out all the humanity these characters are supposed to have and as a result it makes this movie feel dull and what's funny is that the film boosts the colors adds a lot of brightly colored CGI and constantly accompanies all of this with background music and somehow it still feels dull and lifeless seriously this film just feels like a visual and audible reenactment of the themes from the cartoon and it misses everything that made them special also the animated version uses time effectively and efficiently whereas a movie severely compromises the pacing by adding a ton of padding and unbelievably the padding creates plot holes let's start with Bell Dam where do I start now when Emma Watson was cast to play Belle unlike the majority of people I thought she was miscast but I was willing to give her a chance I mean after Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe did a good job in the woman in black and emma watson did she did ok I have never seen her in anything after the final Harry Potter movie but this is basically her chance to prove herself to audience members like myself the outside of the Harry Potter franchise she can act and she has yet to prove it I mean my god she was terrible in this she had no charm her singing instead of sounding nice and organic sounded auto-tune like crazy and her relationship with all the characters didn't feel genuine in many ways this movie makes me see the hidden passion and genius the animators had for the original because in the very first scene where Belle is just walking through the village there is lost personality in the way she moves you can kind of see why people look at her as unusual when Emma Watson is walking through the village I see nothing except a dull expression on her face that rarely seems to go away and she seems very indifferent to the rest of the village and that makes this song The Villages thing about I seem out of place why are you thinking about her there is nothing that makes her different from the rest of the village yet for some reason everyone persists on bragging about her because because she can read off something and consequentially it makes belle dull in the cartoon Belle wasn't just different because she could read it was also because her characteristics were different as with her interactions with the village because of this everyone saw her as an outsider in the live-action version she just walks around with that same monotone expression even to the biggest low-lives there's nothing about her worth gossiping about now it's time to talk about the beast now before I talk about him I must talk about his appearance and I got flak for talking about how crap he looked in my trailer impression but unfortunately I was 100% right he looks like I mean seriously there was not just one moment where I just stopped and admired his design I recently compared Kong Skull Island to the 2005 King Kong and 12 years after its release I am still admiring the CGI with his amazing and natural-looking facial expressions is downright pitiful that a movie from 12 years ago looks night and day superior to this and it absolutely puzzles me that it looks this bad because in the dawn of the Planet of the Apes movie from 2014 the CGI team had to create hundreds of Apes and they all look unique and are able to express themselves in various different ways but not in here they do such a terrible job to make the Beast expressive unsympathetic to the point that they actually give him a song to sink after Bell leaves the castle to express how sad he is and this was completely pointless because the cartoon did it so well in just a few seconds with a couple of contemplating looks a few sentences a couple of sad faces and a final raw as Belle leaves the castle with a bit of dramatic music added for good measure it was beautifully done in the live-action version it was just laughable Beauty and the piece had only one big CGI creature to create that takes priority over all the others and still he ends up looking like an answer his personality it was basically everything from a cartoon but performed with much less care the only good bonding moments he had with Belle was when they were reading but that was just two very short themes apart from that everything about him was unbelievably unimpressive this remake also proves that the director did not even understand the original movie for example in the cartoon we are shown that one day the Beast is at an all-time low and disgusted with his appearance he rips his own portrait simple enough however in the live-action movie they show him turn into the Beast and right after his transformation out of nowhere he immediately rips his portrait it had an express meaning in the animated version but the movie does it purely as a visual reference you see I messed up this is even the small things that should be straightforward and simple somehow misrepresented also the scene where the Beast saves Belle from the wolves was a complete joke even the accompanying music was complete crap during that scene heck even the very next scene where she attends to his wounds and they talk to each other was garbage I'm not kidding I have seen better arguments re-enacted in school plays so they failed with a beauty and they failed with the Beast is there any point in going on if you couldn't tell the main characters were far better in the animated version now as far as the writing goes Gaston is not as repulsive or dumb in this movie so in Belle rejects him you don't fully understand why like in the cartoon in the cartoon he is a narcissist and embodies all the characteristics of one so it's understandable why she would be repelled by him in the live-action version though he was actually a gentleman towards her now as far as acting goes Luke Evans is passable as Gaston he clearly is trying and when he's opposite Emma Watson he suddenly becomes the best actor in the movie however he is lacking three pivotal things that prevent him from properly being Gaston he needs to be more Stern built and grand everything about him seems underplayed both physically and vocally if he resolved that that he would be a great Gaston but unfortunately he is just passable next up is Lefou now I'm not going to beat around the bush here Disney decided to make him gay in this movie and that was a misguided decision now viewers and especially critics seem to be so caught up in defending the fact that he's gay that they don't stop to question why he's gay and the reason they don't is because their mind immediately goes to the common argument oh people don't complain about a story with bestiality but they have a problem with someone who is gay well that argument of complete nonsense we the audience know that the beast is not really an animal he's a man in the very opening scene the film tells you that he's cursed and thus he still has the same intelligence with a human so he's not just a mindless animal so no this is not bestiality this is fantasy and something we know is fake and thus does not reflect our reality now is Lefou there is no reason for him to be gay and adding this trait really makes him feel out of place now I know what you're thinking Eric you unbelievably handsome dimwit how can you feel out of place when this movie has talking kitchenware and dancing furniture well all of that takes place in the beast castle which is enchanted and meant to be fictional whereas the village is meant to reflect and represent the real-life time period of the time albeit with more singing and in this time period homosexuality was far beyond illegal it was inconceivable so to add a modern-day concept into an old time zone really breaks the setting and it completely took me out of the movie so no I thought it was a downright stupid addition for the studio to include and it makes a once-great and beloved character stand out like a sore thumb whenever he's on screen and he felt like he didn't belong and this causes immediate ramifications to his performance and he switches so frequently to be engaged that he spends next to no time encompassing the characteristics of Lihue there were only two moments not scenes moments where I can recall he played the character somewhat he wasn't good but I could kind of see in here tiny fragments on the whose personality but once he started acting gay again and was prancing around like a prat he lost all sense of the character the animated movie invented these characters and nailed their characteristics all the ornaments in the animated movie were memorable had very distinct personalities and they all had the perfect amount of screen time they knew when to take center stage and when to get out in the live-action movie however the house ornaments intrude and hog bells time with the Beast and every time that happens the character development suffers why Disney changed it I don't know but whatever the reason it fails because there is no chemistry between Belle and the objects and it was just wasted time that she could have spent more productively with the Beast now all the ornaments were average at best with the exception of Cogsworth played by Ian McKellen he is the only actor in this movie that sounds like he's putting in the most effort and energy to his vocal performance everyone else however is just reading lines the worst of them all though was mrs. Potts voiced by Emma Thompson now I thought she was a perfect casting choice and I still do but everything she says has next to no personality and she speaks way too slow and that's what killed our character for me and it even killed the beauty in the beasts song which she could have sung perfectly seriously if she spoke at normal pace sprinkled with a bit of humanity then I would have zero problems with her but somehow all the cards were in her favour and she still lost now that being said even though I didn't really like them the ornaments did have the best scene in the movie at the end of the climax when they were turning into real objects to see him suddenly gave me the field and it incorporated the original beauty in the beasts soundtrack incredibly well if the whole ending was as good as this and it would have been a tearjerker but unfortunately it didn't even come close to accomplishing that so again the side characters were far superior in the animated version the songs although practically the same length feel longer for some reason in the animated version they are fast paced and go by very quickly but in the movie despite being done by the same team feel sluggish and don't have the same energy and charm to them they just feel like poor imitations the whole ballroom scene in particular was so lazily done it lacked any creativity and the dancing looked so silly the new songs were also crap they feel like something I have a completely different movie and they didn't fit also the segues of the songs are so incredibly jarring the BR guests on came out of nowhere and it didn't feel armed and something you'll notice about the songs is that they made perfect sense for the characters in the cartoon but the movie has changed certain character elements and because of that the songs no longer make sense anymore for example in this song Belle says that the Beast is dear and so unsure and that was a fitting description she is starting to realize that he seems very uncertain and uneducated in the movie however he naturally a lot more intelligence than years in the cartoon so that means this version isn't unsure and because of that this song no longer describes the beast in the movie anymore and that's just one example so with regards to the songs they really are disappointing and I expected them to be far better than what they ended archives and believe it or not but the day after I saw this in the cinema the flash which is one of my favorite shows of all time I had a one-off musical episode with a low budget of a TV show and the actors that were singing in it sounded far more natural and experienced than the beauty in the beasts cast there is no sadder nose to end the segment on than that this makes me feel even more grateful for the animated beauty in the Beast because in many ways the live-action beauty in the beast is a very strong reminder as to what the animated version could have been if it wasn't made with such care now I went into this movie with the lowest of expectations as I possibly could with the hopes that I would end up enjoying it on a fundamental level but somehow it was even shittier and more cynical than I expected and I didn't think that was possible the sets were nice albeit incredibly hit and miss and the cinematography was decent but when you know is such basic structural problems with the story and such poor performances than those few good things don't amount to anything it's time for the scores the original Beauty the Beast gets a 10 out of 10 and the live-action crap fest gets a two-wire - well because it's really pitiful that this film had a perfect template to work off of and still it turned out to be a piece of crap at the very least this movie should have been good but the fact that it was worse than the super low expectations I said is absolutely criminal and funnily enough my younger sister watched this with me and she hated it more than I did that is some feat Disney so thank goodness that's over with in the comments below I want you to tell me what you thought of the live-action Beauty and the Beast whether you agreed partly agreed or completely disagreed with me I'll be really interested to read what you have to say also I do have a patreon page and if you want to have early access to my videos as well as have schedules monthly Skype chats with me then feel free to donate and I'll be in contact with you shortly after if you give this video a thumbs up and share it I will really appreciate that too thanks very much for watching guys and I will catch all of you next time take care
Channel: Eric Carter
Views: 71,212
Rating: 4.526907 out of 5
Keywords: Beauty and the Beast, Disney, 2017, 1991, vs, Animated, version, cartoon, Bell, Beast, Songs, musical, Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Cogsworth, Eric, EC12, Lafu, Gaston, Belle, Carter, King Kong, 2005, Skull Island, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, CGI, Crap, sucks, bad, cashgrab, beauty and the beast vs beauty and the beast
Id: jydWzOM1dTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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