Beauties Of The Past Brought To Life (Animated)
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Channel: Mystery Scoop
Views: 1,139,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery scoop, beauties of the past, beauties from the past, bygone beauties, facial animations, artificial intelligence, brought to life, old photos brought to life, beauties of 1900s, photos from the past, colorized history, ai technology, ai animation, old photos colorized, historical photos colorized, 19th century beauties, animated photos, historical portraits brought to life, history colorized, 19th century photography, beauties of 1800s, colorized photos, beauties
Id: S7q7jCmkTCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Do renaissance paintings next.
stupid dummy text to fulfill arbitrary character count dkfjahsdlkjfalksjdhf kaudshfkljashdflkj
Fascinating. They all look so different from each other,but are all beautiful in their own way.
creepy as all get out if you think about it. Here we are with a huge amount of computing power and what do we do? We take old photos of women and turn them into waifus. How about old photos of no longer existent buildings and places and then virtualize them? That would be a more productive use of resources.