BeatSaberダースモールプレイ13 Light It Up
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: チャイロ - Chairo
Views: 9,237,339
Rating: 4.9424343 out of 5
Keywords: BeatSaber, DarthMaul, ビートセイバー, ダースモール
Id: o27W2ELMfho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
looks stunning for third person viewing
Nice, but at least for beat saber I think videos like these with mixed reality look much cooler:
Bets for the the player is a guy or a girl
Is that body tracking really though, since it seems like the character is moving based on animations and is definitely doing different stuff than what the player is doing with their hands?
song plz
What's the tech set up for this?
Clearly a Darth Maul main this ones pretty dope.
Why would you want your avatar to be a little girl in lingerie?