Beating EVERY N64 Game - NHL BLades of Steel 99 (145/394)

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I am beating every N64 game and I mean all of them the twist is the next game I play is randomly selected so I have no clue what's coming next this is the journey to beating every N64 game as a disclosure this video is sponsored by Atlas but more on that later game number 145 NHL Blades of Steel 99 released in 1999 this game was developed and published by Konami it's back to the hockey rink once again I seem to remember Blades of Steel being a popular enough game on the NES so maybe this one's actually going to be pretty good the Konami sports games on the N64 have been pretty Hit or Miss by this point so it's kind of hard to tell I basically played no hockey games growing up and honestly probably none before starting this challenge at all I just was never into hockey as my sports interests were really basketball and football I looked at the game settings to start and I was surprised to see the default difficulty on rookie I was even more surprised to see that this wasn't the easiest level it's basically the medium of this game in literally any other sports game I've ever played rookie means easy but uh sure the way we handle sports games in this challenge is we try to win the main championship for that sport in the quickest way the game allows for hockey that's winning the Stanley Cup this game allows me to jump straight to the playoffs so that's what I'll be doing the biggest decision of the game who should I play as I try to change it up every time to keep it a little Interesting Man the devs were harsh on these teams the best overall in the entire game is the Dallas Stars at 86 so I guess I'll play as them I was also able to set the length of a series to one game instead of the traditional seven look I get this a lot but there's just so many sports games it's nice to be able to shorten them when I can my first game was against the San Jose Sharks when you go into a match it shows a pretty ridiculous animation with the players of both teams coming out with colored spotlights honestly gives me that feel of the Bulls coming out back when Jordan was playing getting into the actual game play man this game just moves so slow like it's not necessarily the frame rate although it does run a bit choppy everything in the game is just slow I don't know even the puck when you shoot doesn't move all that fast I thought maybe there was a turbo button I wasn't using or something but nope that's just how the game plays a bit into the first period someone on the other team shoved me down with his stick two-minute minor penalty buddy you can't do that the main controls are moving with the joystick a to pass B to shoot and R to change players there's a couple special passes and shots you can do with the c button so it's very simple about halfway into the second period I had my first goal Brent hole with the slapshot to sneak it right by the goalie heck yeah man that feels so good the game also does this weird thing anytime there's a break in the action where it zooms in on the scoreboard trying to get me to make noise will that make this end quicker thankfully you can skip over most of it look at this the computer shot the puck directly into my goalie's face what is going on with this game nearing the end of the game the other team went into desperation mode and brought their goalie out on offense as well I took advantage with quite the unlikely shotra attack [Applause] get in there we ultimately won two to nothing the team celebrates together and like all their models are just phasing inside of each other is this a rare glitch or does it always do this you know the N64 has a lot of great video games but there are still awesome games coming out nowadays like the sponsor of today's video Atlas who have released Persona 5 tactica the Phantom thieves are back in an all new adventure with this spin-off of the Persona series many fan favorite characters have returned for this game as well as some new ones this turn-based strategy game has many different mechanics to keep Veterans of the genre entertained when enemies are surrounded by three of your allies you can issue a triple threat attack to deal huge damage to all in the area each character has different unique abilities and there are multiple paths to take when unlocking abilities in their respective skill trees this allows you to figure out which characters synergize well together and play to your own style if you're new to this type of game or you just want to have a casual experience the game offers five difficulty levels that can be changed at any time I really like this because it makes the game approachable to anyone depending on which difficulty you choose you will have more or less access to the Baton Pass skill which allows you to swap out a fallen character for someone in reserve so go ahead and check out Persona 5 tactica out now on Xbox series X and S Xbox One Windows PC PS4 PS5 Nintendo switch and steam thank you to Atlas for sponsoring today's video and now back to NHL my next game was against the Edmonton Oilers you know these old sports games tend to have some kind of cheese that you can spam to score easier than normal this game's cheese seem to be the wrist shot I think this is where they don't even lift the stick up whatever it is it was effective we won this one 3 to nothing yeah that celebration sequence was all glitchy again so I guess it happens every time the third match was against the Detroit Red Wings let's get into the highlights the initial faceof goes wild but Pat verby gets control not even a minute into the game and Doug Brown has a good shot that's deflected but the legend vaselov klav is there for the followup to get the first goal of the game Ed Belford's got to secure that puck in that scenario not even 30 seconds later and Brian scrin with a rough defense gets hit with a two-minute Miner for charging Detroit now with a power play the Red Wings try to take advantage but belur is playing much better defense this time around three saves in a row wow near the end of the first Tony herak weaving in and out of the Defenders but can't quite make the shot what a stop from Chris o good we get to the end of the first period Detroit up one nothing into the second now Dallas gets called for off sides this happened quite a lot this game it's almost as if the players didn't understand how the rule worked later Brad h to the goal and gets it in or no he doesn't what a save there I thought for sure that one was in 2 minutes left in the second and Jamie longan Bronner whacks the defender with his stick and that's another two-minute minor they're throwing their chances away folks however the Red Wings offense couldn't capitalize on the power play and we head into the third period still one nothing Detroit it's desperation time with just a little over a minute to go Joe NE and Dick shoots in desperation but it's obviously blocked Mike Keen tries to follow then it's knocked back in by new and dick oh my goodness we're all tied up with a minute to go folks Brendan Shanahan shoots it so hard that it knocks the goalie down Holy Smokes on the very next possession the Stars pass it around and Bret hole with the goal to take the lead in just around 40 seconds the Detroit Red Wings see their Stanley Cup chances slipping away I've never seen a comeback like this before In the End Dallas held on somehow winning this one two goals to one they just wanted it more I tell you so yeah anyway I was now in the Stanley Cup finals against the Pittsburgh Penguins I'll take this time to talk about the graphics and audio the graphics are pretty nice for the time period I'd say however as I mentioned previously it seems the good graphics came at a heavy cost this game just runs like garbage there's not really any music during the game play but there is a commentator he carries it over the Blue Line KN down while winding up he passes he's got a decent variety of Lin but the audio's compressed so much that it just doesn't sound good in my opinion not a strong suit for this game for sure when all was said and done the Dallas Stars had won the Stanley Cup finals two to nothing it plays the normal old celebration then it fades out to a cut scene with your team holding their trophy holy heck man is that thing that big in real life also my goodness the game just cannot handle playing this scene maybe it's supposed to be slow-mo to look cool the game's credits are just available to view at any time from the main menu there's not really any fun cheats or anything like that in this one if you're wondering the manual does show controls for fighting but I never had one happen I guess it's a pretty rare event for the game but yeah that's about all there is for this one game complete so yeah there you have it my journey to beating NHL Blades of Steel 99 um yeah there's not all that much great about this one they seem to not know whether they wanted a simulation game or an arcade game the controls are super basic but the game definitely doesn't run fast in action-packed like Wayne Gretzky's 3D hockey it's really clunky to control the players it feels like the game runs in slow motion and even the commentator isn't great I guess it did look nice visually but yeah this is a pretty forgettable Sports title I wouldn't really recommend it I gave it a 1 out of 10 for enjoyability and a two out of 10 for difficulty hey thanks for watching watching the video have a sneak peek at the next game we got 246 left let's see uh what we get next three two one go 163 is this another sports game oh shoot we are playing paper boy uh I've played this on the NES I didn't even know it was on this console so I wonder what this is but yeah if you made it all the way to the end thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it if you enjoyed the video consider giving it a like it helps the channel a lot and if you like this series make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on the next one
Channel: Thabeast721
Views: 44,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thabeast, Thabeast721, Thab, Beast, Reaction, Gameplay, Lets Play, LP, Review, NHL Blades of Steel 99
Id: x7holh7fevg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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