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Euro 2024 is finally here and to celebrate this we're going to start a brand new free-to-play account and see if we can beat EFC 24 for this account we will only be using first owner players so we cannot buy players from the market for our team and the players we can use have to be from the 24 Nations that qualified for Euro 2024 also to make things more interesting we are only going to use the euro type cards shown for our foot Champs run if we make it there let's see how we do starting off the account we chose France and completed Foundation One squad builder objectives and this is how the team looks we chose Ben's Loan as he gets chemistry to the team but thankfully EA gifted us an all team of the season welcome pack which should improve our team from the 83 plus pick we got Austria's Limer who is an upgrade to the team but not the best from the base hero pick we got either govu or Crouch and as our team is mainly French govu was the Clear Choice for the base icon pick we only had one choice as Spain was the only nation involved with the euros and this gave us a great goalkeeper for 24 games then we had the Ambassador pick which none of the players were usable so we went with patellas and finally our team of the season gave us klous who again is French so fits nicely into with the team also for season s Festival of football the season progress cards were insane and there were a lot of Euro PA to Glory cards to pick up with the final page having the likes of end of an era Cru path to Glory depart and puscas who had four play styles with that we went into the new Euro game mode outside of Ultimate Team to pick up a couple loan packs so we chose England and played a couple games and some interesting things happened what the hell oh my God but with this we were able to pick up the first two objectives on the European Journey which gave us a 10 game loan for a team of the season Defender and midfielder so with the defender we got turkey's meran which as good as he will go into the team and for the midfielder it gave us Dunst who's not usable so it was a bit of a waste with this we actually used meran as a left mid as his stats were way better than our current left mid and looked for our first game of division Rivals before the start of this game we're going to set ourselves three overall objectives to beat eafc 24 and they are one reach division three in Rivals two reach rank five in Champs three pack a Euro player worth more than a million coins so back into our first game of Rivals we came up against another starter Squad which had a 53 rated goalkeeper and pirz as their lone icon with this govu and benetta would get goals on their debuts and around the 10th minute the opponent had left the match so first win for the Euro team by just playing a game we got a 78 by two pack as one of the daily play and got a walk out from France in Inu which was perfect as he slided straight into the team and gets full chemistry we went back into Rivals and govu got an early goal however our silver and bronze Defenders were exposed by Highland's strength and speed but we won the game and for the potential promotion game of division 10 we came up against a team of the season and icon Squad with galazo RVP up front govu got the early goal for us and the opponent had lost their head before the half and this game would end up being 8 n and we were now into Division 9 with this we played a couple games of squad battles but even playing against the computer Ronaldo scored a long shot which just showed that we needed some upgrades with that we completed end of era Julie Sawyer who would have been a massive upgrade but she is not usable so she went straight into an 89 exchange and from this pack we got Leon's Le with these additional cards we completed a team of the week pick and got 89 rated Martinez but as he was Argentinian he was not usable so he did another and picked up Italy's de grego who was submitted into an 83x 10 which gave us Zinburger with this we grinded the team of the season CR dra in upgrades and any player that was above 85 rated was put into the exchange and we got a couple casemiro and Allison's but nothing was viable for our team but this would give us a bunch of packs for the Road to Glory promo as well as three guaranteed team of the seasons where any player who plays for one of the Euro nations would slot straight into the team okay so for the first team of the season we get a German Center mid sent poy we get Harel who's got plus chemistry so that's great for our second team of the season guarantee pack we get English I think this a team of the season moments Center back oh smini I mean nice 95 defending aerial plus also a Euro Nation so we can use him great stuff and the final team of the season pack we get Portugal left back PSG oh Nuna men's again all three players we can use which is great with these team of the season packs this was how the team was looking now most players had chem apart from Smalling and meran and with that Festival of football had officially started and there was around 30 path to Glory players to pack however 10 of them were not Euro related with this we were given a 92 plus timed loan for our team which should be a guaranteed starter for us as well as the Festival of football attackers pack we started off with an 84 by5 and man City's Highland was in there but as he plays for Norway and they didn't qualify he was not usable for the team this was followed up by an 86x two which gave our first path to Glory behind Cristiano Ronaldo and it was Austria Sait who was already part of nine Golan gang having 90 Plus in all six face stats the next few packs gave us fodder to the club but the 83x 20 gave us another path to Glory but sadly this was a copper America and not Euros but it was 95 rated Benton core with the F we had gotten we completed Scotland's Christie as it was a great card with Prem links and you never know there may be an upset against Germany which would give him a plus two we then opened the 92 PA to Glory Global loan pack and we somehow got a dup saza finally we open the attackers pack and now had an additional four forwards for our team in aob Alis Sterling and admi we opened up the team of the season weekly pick too and this gave us an option of Vivien Jordi Alba and Santos Alba looked the best but as we had Nuno Mendes in the team Santos would give great Cam and with that this was how the team looked now before we go back into Rivals it was time to start our first evolution and with this the best player was Alis who cost nothing and ends up as a 95 rated with trlla power shot and Technical plus play Styles we went back into Division 9 and govu was still the main man up front getting the goals in the first couple of games and then for our potential promotion game of Division 9 we come up against a couple of Co-op players and they have a very strong team of the season side but with Bobby Moore and Ruben Diaz as the two center backs we had the opportunity to outpace them within the first 5 minutes govu got the chance and slaughtered it away followed by some nice passing and and kungu scored and later on Diaz would completely game end our Elis which got the straight red and we would get the fourth and this would lead to the rage quit and we were now promoted to division 8 back in the Evo tab an Alis would get his first upgrade with a plus three in Pace and shooting and a plus4 in passing and a plus seven in dribbling also from the daily play pack we pulled another path to glory in Poland's zeleski who had 99 pace and Rapid plus so he was just speed but he has the option of left back if needed also we decided to go for path to Glory Christensen who required a goal and assist from a Danish player in two separate games and we also required wins with the La Liga players so we restructured our team and as we can only use first owning players we had to use Erikson as our Striker so we went into division 8 and the priority was to get gold and assists with Erikson and in his debut he laid it off to Elis for the goal and got himself a goal in the game so already halfway through the objective and in this game he dribbled around the goalkeeper to get the six but in the following game we conceded early to a 97 rated pet Barson would chip the ball to Raheem the Dream and it was a bit of a lucky goal but it was an assist for Erikson and Ericson would get his goal so this completed the Danish objective Christensen and with this we had enough points to qualify for Champs back in the menu we completed level one of the season pass which gave us Bolivia's Cespedes who will most likely be high rated father for a future SBC we still needed one more win in Rivals for Christensen so we went back into Rivals and played one of the strangest games as the opponent scored a known goal but did not quit did this three times to the point that EA kicked him out of the game so I guess that's the one we needed so with that we got Denmark's Christians which was a massive upgrade for our defense as he had 90 Pace and 96 defending as well as aerial plus with the chance of getting an upgrade if Denmark win a game at the Euros with this defensive upgrade we went back into Rivals for our promotion game and came up against team of the season Allison and mallister but still gold Trent and Bruno Fernandez Raheem of the dream would step up and with his quick bur and custom run animation and the opponent would stop playing within 20 minutes and disconnected as this gave us the promotion to division 7 now with us being in division 7 we completed all of the football shirt Friday objectives which gave us Bobby Moore as a reward but sadly at this point in FIFA he was far too behind the power curve and Christianson and small deie were simply just much better options so again he will likely be fodder for the club Alis had also completed the level two objectives which gave him a plus4 in Pace plus five in shooting and defending and a plus one in weaker this now meant Alis had 98 dribbling 97 pace and was five star five star so this was huge and the fact that he was free he was probably going to be in a lot of people's teams with this we decided to switch it up and go into Online Friendlies to play the German one nation which meant that as we could only use first owner players our team looked like this with a silver goalkeeper in goal thankfully Harel would help in the Midfield and we also came up against opponents with similar squads to ourselves and add with quickstep plus got away from our opponents and got the goals but for one of the games I completely misjudged the play and EM Chan crippled their Striker which led to the first red card for the team but we would go on to win and the following games we would also win and we did this mainly so we could get the XP for the season and with this we used the players from the rewards and players in our club to complete team of the season shz as he gets links with the Sera players and gets full due to the Polish link with zeleski so no more need to use Lan Casas we also completed team of the season hurter but this was purely so we had another team of the season for future upgrade packs and it would turn out should be used straight away in the guaranteed serat team of the season pack as there were some great options such as jirun Theo Hernandez cver and from the pack we would get Chris Smalling who is like the only player who could have been a duplicate from this pack so it was a bit of an l and a waste of fodder but we had gathered 35k on the account and as players have to be first owner we decided to open up the path to Glory Nano pack which gave 10 rare Golds but it guaranteed a loan for 16 games we got pjo and Bruno Fernandez and the loan gave us Yan o black which was great as we now have a keeper for at least 16 games of champs as before we were going to have to use an outfield player in goal we decided to go back into division seven to play some more games and with Alis being 95 rated he was extremely good and kungu got a lucky goal for our first win in division six but Alisa's dribbling was some of the best in the game and his quick burst to Pace would get so much open space and during these games some of the worst play would happen where it would just pinball off everyone and we got the goal and the opponent Rage Quit so it worked in our favor after these games we got the final part of Lisa's Evolution where you got A plus four and pass in and a plus seven in physical but the addition of the technical play style which is going to make Elis even more insane in the first game with the upgrade Elisa got us a penalty which Raheem the Dream slotted away and this game would end with a bit of nice pass and play with speat of finishing it off and surprisingly that would be us into division six with this we switched up the game modes to get us some more coins so we went into the draft with the three token that we had received and the main thing for this draft was to to ensure that we had a starting 11 from Nations that are in the Euros we went with the 433 false 9 as three of the formations with three or five backs and I felt better with a formation with Wingers and from our captain choices there was thunder struck ronaldino but as we could only go with euron nation we went with Germany Schweinsteiger and our final team looked like this with puscas up front we went into the games and our team was a much weaker side than most of our opponents as we didn't pull a single path to Glory card but puscas Saka and Lea were doing damage up front but the most surprising player in the team was 78 rated sa from Switzerland who seemed to be everywhere and even got a goal for us and with this we got into the final of the draft and we came up against Team of the Year Virgil Van djk and Messi and Johan C and HRI up front but it was a three back so he could play down the wings and for our third goal in this game puskas went on a nice run and scored the goal which would lead to us getting the win for winning the foot draft we were rewarded with a Premium Gold players pack and a mega pack valued at 60k but the issue with these rewards is that even for winning the whole of the thing we only scraped profit with us getting an 87 rated level from the 25k pack and a Poland kit being the most expensive thing from the 35k pack but this did give us just enough coins for another half to Glory Nano pack which gave us England's James Madison but he won't make the team as he's only 84 rated and he also won't help much with sbc's either but we did get Croatia's gadol from the pick and Czech Republic's shik but gadal has ping past and is a very solid Defender so he was the Clear Choice out of these two with this we completed the three available 85 by5 packs and from the first one we got Trent however from the second one we got the highest rated player so far in slovenia's path to Glory OAC which was great as we now had a goalkeeper for all 20 games of Champs but 16 game loan was completely useless and from the last one we got another path to Glory player however this was a copper America player and it turned out to be Brazil's Bruno gz so this account had an absolutely insane Midfield we also completed Croatia vasich who was only an 84 rated Squad with an informal team of the season and for the price he was a must complete with Technical and finesse shot plus and he could receive an upgrade if Croatia get a upset against Spain we also completed zamen as well as he was a solid all round midfielder who was more likely to get the upgrade also he had no active player Evolution so we went back into the evolution Tab and put Raheem the Dream into this as the massive boost it gives as well as the play Styles will give us a very strong attack and back into division six we went now we're in the divisions where basically all squads were at least team with a season level unless it was a unique Evolution team and vasic was proving his worth however we were having some problems at the back with small Dei as any big man who was quick like team of the season giru were getting the better of him and as he didn't really have any passing or dribbling play style teams were able to High Press and cause problems like with kachu getting the ball and scoring and our opponent celebrating so we had to teach him a lesson by scoring seven goals on him with the last being a little chip over the keeper and with these games we got our first upgrade on Sterling which gave him a plus three in Pace and shooting a plus4 in passing and a massive plus seven in dribbling so he now had 96 dribbling we also did another team of the week pick and got one of the most favorite players for Evolutions this year in Germany's BC who is massive in game and if the right Evo comes up he may become one of the best center backs in the game also as we were grinding I foolishly skipped an 87 exchange pack which had an icon in it in Croatia's davil Suka who would give chem to the whole team and was a massive addition to the team but it was ashamed we did not get to see the animation for the walk out but we completed another 87 exchange pack after this and the unthinkable [Music] happened what's blue wait is that icon German that's balac did I just pull icons in backto back 87 plus upgrades that's insane look at that card so yeah we pulled back toback icons and we added these two icons to the team and as these two icons gave a plus two on League points for chemistry any PA to Glory player in the team would be guaranteed all three chem points now so with this we went into Squad battles to play 12 games on legendary to get ourselves around 30,000 points to get a chance at any team of the season red card in the elite rewards so we played these games and whilst doing this Sterling got his next stage completed which gave him a plus4 in Pace a plus five in shooting and defending and he was 95 rated now so we continued playing Squad battles to get the rank up to Elite 3 with around 30,000 points secured I went to sleep we now had our Squad battle rewards as we stayed in Elite 3 rank so we got a mega pack Premium Gold players pack 7.5k pack and the one ultimate Champions team of the season guaranteed with an extra 12,000 coins also for maybe the first time ever the extra 700 XP was actually useful as so far this season there's not been much xp to obtain sadly from the packs we got nothing to value and this was highlighted by the fact that the most valuable item from these rewards was the shadow chem style and for the main pack we just wanted a usable Euro player and we got comentry Chief who is usable as he's English but he's just bad but at least he can be used in The Exchange pack the reason the XP was great was because we got Romania's ratiu who has good stats and whipped Pass Plus and long throw plus which is massively undervalued as people don't seem to understand how offsides work for throwin so you're able to get players in so much open space and with this the team now looked like this with that we went back into Rivals where Sterling was showing his dribbling improvements and sabit was starting to become one of our top goal scorers as he kept popping up in great spaces for easy chances and we went into the promotion game of division 6 and came up against gold vvd but he was still broken in game but thankfully vasic would lay the ball off to saza and he would finish off the second goal leading to the opponent leaving and us being promoted into division five back in the menus we completed a couple more team of the week picks with the fodder in the club and from the first one we pulled 91 rated Harry Kane and from the second one we pulled him again but there was also a 90 rated diani who was put into the 89 player exchange and from that we packed another path to Glory but it was the USA's Adams who was another great midfielder who we could not use but he did have the alternate position of right back also we completed Sterling's last stage in his Evolution and this gave him a plus4 in passing and a plus seven in physical as well as the technical play style plus two we completed another team we week which on First Look looked pretty bad however because of the star performer Evolution where the max rating was 84 and both baren and zinchenko fit this Evo however zinchenko was the best possible choice in this Evolution as he had the most in-game stats so we went with him and put him into the evolution we went back into Rivals to get the evolution complete for zenchenko one thing that was clear now was that most of our forwards had technical play style plus and insanely high dribling so they're able to win a lot more penalties for us and it seemed that vasich put everything away in front of G we got zenchenko first Evo upgrade giving him a plus five in dribbling a plus six in defending and pace and a plus 10 in shooting which made him look like a great Super Sub we went back into Rivals and got an easy win and then for the promotion game up to division 4 we came up against an all England team with red foden but this highlighted one of the main problems with single nation teams and that was the fact that goalkeepers are just usually very poor as an example of this the best player you can get on the market for an English player is 86 rated Pope this was shown by the fact that we red timed a shot near post and pford let it go past him and that poor goalkeeping lost our opponent in the match as we only scraped a 1-nil win but we were promoted to division 4 we also completed part two of zenchenko evolution which gave him a plus one in his weak foot a plus4 in his pace and a plus n in his physical so now he was part of hit gang now it was time to attempt to qualify for Champs with this team [Music] glassic into Suka cross body oh went with the travella nice finish one n up right let's cover Ronaldo up black catch what what was that right Sterling cut across nice finessi we take those all right he's running out at Leisa with a Long Ranger lovely stuff he's paused I think this might be a rage quit yes it is all right into game two team season Allison té gu 6'9 should be playing in the NBA and then Mia ham up front nice dribbling glassic cross body nice goal right Suka use your pace cut across finessi bit of a sweaty goal but vasage puts him away and the rage quit game three and we come up against another team of the season Allison red celba a drog up front too that's a good team nice Meza nice through but might be offside yeah nice finish though sterin Alisa cuts it across Suka nice finish all right let's just get the ball off of Ard oh not cver come on tackle him oh I can't seem to stop him okay we here isue ah nice beza nice finish again Suka right let's just play it down the line nice Sterling okay another sweaty goal but great Sterling play is this a rage quit yes it is okay potentially the last game of qualifiers regular Golds okay this guy is going to be terrible insane that's a red card oh he's going to leave all right second attempt for game four red donaruma Dean rice red and kungu okay that's a good side of who nice chip through ball gone Suka nice finish nice chip play round oh finesse V just finess is too good nice W gles can't Sterling that's a cracking challenge nice play and beat it with the Finish are we getting a rage quit against this team nice we got all the needed wins so forg getting the 20 points we had gotten qualification for Champs finals and rank five rewards and this got us two rare gold packs and a small Prime gold players pack the only notable pool was marinos from one of the rare gold packs and this helped increase our coins a little bit in the evolutions tab we had finally completed zenchenko after the qualification games so you would end up having 955 passing 96 dribbling and pinged pass and first touch plus so he'll be perfect as a versatile Super Sub as he can play fullback and we can put him in Midfield if needed we also completed some player picks and got a duplicate Bruno which we would put into the ultimate team with the season upgrade there's basically any European team of the season player should be able to get into our Squad so we used a lot of the F in the club that we had built up and let's see what we got from the pack so our ultimate team of the season pack we get English Bellingham left mid who's who's that man city oh it's Lauren hemp it's a very good card but we can't use her that's a bit disappointing with this we made some more player picks and pulled hungry salai and this is great as he'll be useful for when we run down to one contract on gadal and need a replacement in Champs but after this we got one of the best players in the promo we got Italy's kiasa who had unbelievable stats and due to him playing for Italy could easily get a couple upgrades so he could end up being 97 rated and he was valued at around 1.7 million coins so that ticks off packing a Euro player valued at over a million coins so with this we switched up the team and we'll change to a 4334 in game to have Kasa playing the cam roll with this we went into some diff four rival games and I understood why kasasa was this price he felt broken with how quick he was on the turn and with the Quick Step plus it made it so easy to get space in the box and we may not have a world class defense in our team but our attack with Sterling Alis and kesa were extremely good sukko was okay but there are alternate players who were cheaper and better than him but we were unable to go on to the market as all of our players had to be first owner and with balac and SAA behind the attack we an option for longrange goals too we completed some more 85x fs and the first one gave us Jamaica's Antonio and the following pack gave us another Euro path to Glory but this was only a duplicate Oak which we would put into the 88 rated Squad of barola and Antonio would be used in the 87 rated Squad but this would be another good addition to the team as he had 99 Pace rapid plus and 96 dribbling with technical plus also France are one of the favorites to win the whole tournament so he may see all of his upgrades but as Suka gave chem to the team we replaced Raheem the Dream with barola and went into our promotion game of div four to get into division three and our opponent had some crazy players with PA to Glory Walker red bisc who is a tank in this game and red palmer but Alisa would be the hero of this match with a shot across goal for the first followed by some nice skill and a shot in the box with finally barola winning us a penalty in the 34th minute to which our opponent had enough and dipped from the game but this meant we are now in division three and completed the second objective of reaching this division so we only had the foot Champs objective left so before our Champs run we guarded everything tradeable in our club for one last ditch attempt to get a worldclass Defender from the nanop pack or lone pick so the face card was Francis Theo Hernandez and the pick gave us one option in Spain's Almo who was great but not a Defender that we were looking for so this is a team that we'll be using for our Champs run which is exclusively Euro related cards so let's see how we [Music] do Elis with the ball nice cut back finessi nice finish Suka Christian clear it that's not the clearance I was looking for but p with finessi oh big block going on no black massive save and that should be the win one down team two got check bot and goal team of the a kdb oh red Sophia Smith nice play nice turn Suka with the Finish ah nice through ball K could use that pace that's another big save he moved his keeper stop Smith oh that's a nice play yeah that's a nice goal oh bit lucky there pass it through nice finish is that saza nice saza nice steal Lis b roll nice ball lovely finish Suka and there we go two wins okay so team of season Allison a red wuben Moy oh and CR7 up front let's see how we do oh is he not playing is this free win I think we might be getting a free win if I could actually score that is oh he's going to do it for me what a guy that was nice okay so another check bot BC 95 Lis and 94 barola everyone has them nice play finessi great finish nice pressure guys nice chip through ball finessi nice finish Elis we through across big header oh we knocked it wide oh is this the Rage Quit another win all right game five vanar oh red dembele and red Drogba nice play oh that a bad ball good pressure to beat chy chip lovely go great pressure humiliation I've been done get rid of it nice if in doubt get it out nice P look at that strength oh off the bar go on Suka great finish is that a rage quit it is we 5 and0 so with us going five and0 in the first five games we had unlocked a couple packs from the Festival of football champions bonus and from the 81 by 11 we got Spain's Roder and as he was 89 rated he went into the exchange pack which helped build one more 85 by5 which gave us another duplicate path to Glory card so we decided to put him into the guaranteed La Liga team of the season pack and we pulled Ukraine's Doric we continued with Champs it was interesting to see the changes in the value of certain play Styles as earlier in the game it was crucial for a Defender to have anticipate plus however now with how good cards are play Styles like intercept and jockey were more valuable Also earlier on I spoke about how long throws can be great we got a goal as ratu launched it into the box for the flick on and header some of the opponent's teams were insane and if you faced a red fakir or PA to Glory Enzo Fernandez you knew you were in for a sweaty game but we got our 11 wins and gave the last few games away and finished weekend league so with the rank five rewards we get two team of the season Reds a 50k pack 125k pack and an 85 by3 so from the europ pick we get a 84 Smalling not the best and then we also get Modric 87 rated that's not too bad let's see what we get from our Reds okay and we get mosala none of them are usable but salah's a great card and then from the second one we get basically the same cards again but Evan F Fus on Scottish so he's usable so let's go with him sadly the packs were not much better with Romero being the best from the 50k pack K being the best from the ultimate pack and from the 85 by3 we did get Mo Salah but no special cards but with this we had completed the last challenge of reaching rank five in Champs so we had beaten EFC 24 with a Euro only team just quickly if we were to use this account in the future should we be allowed to use the copper America cards too as we have some insane players and copper America's just started so we will start to get more insane cards from this competition I will leave a pinned comment in the description to let you decide [Music]
Channel: BLEZ
Views: 6,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KpDYKFoskgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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