Beating Blox Fruits But Emojis Decide My Fruit!

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in today's video I'm going to be fighting every Blox fruits boss but my fruits are determined from emojis but if I don't guess what fruit the Emoji is meant for then I have to get the rocket fruit no entry sign a knife and a circus tent that kind of shows to me that that's saying no swords no knives and a circus tent that reminds me of buggy so this got to be the chop fruit okay so let's use our tackle and then it's time to dance it's time to tango a little bit Mr gorilla man let's stay up here to where he can't hit us and let's dance a little bit again and there we go gorilla King is done so our next Emoji is literally a bomb wow thank you Wii so much I would have I would have never guessed what this fruit could be yep it it's the bomb fruit awesome may as well buy perm bomb why not and I only have the Z move locked on this that's not very great I do have 90 stats though to fight Bobby so I'm going to put 90 stats into our block through and let's hope that targeted bomb will be all we need that did a lot of nothing I think for dis ability and I could be wrong if I stay back all the way here yeah if you charge it up you get like a really big bomb okay so I'm just kind of stupid I did less damage because I'm not using it correctly yeah get as close as you need buddy get away from me stand back here a little bit that targeted bomb again yes sir get out of here just stay up here the targeted bomb right under us and he can't even do anything lowkey a kind of op ability but uh hey get Bobby out of here okay our next emojis is donut and dragon I actually have no idea idea what this commit obviously you see the dragon and you think okay dragon fruit obviously but would the donut be there for I actually have no idea I do see donut though and donut makes me think of two things either katakuri or Ace so I can either go for firef fruit or D fruit but I don't know why D would be here so I'm going to go with firef fruit this could be completely wrong it actually is the flame fruit I guess by using the logic that I ended up using you know that that kind of works all right though fire versus the shark man gu uh you know type matchup wise we may not have best Advantage but luckily for me my flame fruit is quite upgraded why a per version why not I probably shouldn't cuz I have literally zero why am I no no no no you know what I'm just going to I'm just going to eat them I got like a million of these flame fruits all right let's go eat this up and we need 135 stats to fight Saw so I'll put a nice 100 into blockx fruits I'll put 35 into defense so we don't get cooked too badly but it is maxed out which at this stage of the game is quite nice for us so we're just going to keep hitting this D with some combos just walk around a little bit get a little close fire column now we're going to back it up yep do your little Spin Attack you think you a Beyblade but you're not hit you with them fire bullets to burn and blast and I'm a fire flight away bro and go to the complete opposite side you're cooked what I find funny though is that I'm literally shooting fire at him but it's not burning like he he's not getting the burning effect so if there is an Awakening maybe it would do that get a little close fire column and he's out of here huge bro okay so our next Emoji is a cigarette that shows to me smoke that 100% of anything I've ever seen that shows me smoke but if I know ADI correctly after that last flame one I don't know if I should take things that face value is this just a normal smoke fruit is this actually like hinting towards the fact that it's on fire and it's actually mag that would make no sense we've already done fire it's got to be the smoke fruit let's go all right I don't actually have perm smoke but I got six of these bad boys so let's go ahead and eat up and for the yeti we should get 30 stats so I'm just going to keep this little even put 10 throughout the board go ahead and fight Mr Yeti and then smoke blast okay so smoke blast is like a projectile ooh that's kind of that's kind of decent actually let's use a smoke bomber stay in the air this pretty much hard counters Yeti because his only move is just slamming into the ground like an idiot so uh yeah now I'm sorry about this buddy but I think you may be cooked yeah he he literally can't do anything about this I feel kind of bad so I'll give you I'll give you a chance I lied I did not give him a chance at all he he had no chance at that point of the fight okay Mr mob leader let's see what fruit we got for you so we got a slice of cake and a cyclone okay so that makes me think of nah dough wouldn't make sense I mean there is dough in cake no there isn't but Cyclone I don't see how Cyclone could fit into D but I could see Cyclone fitting into spirits and cake is what big mom who in the one piece anime actually you know she uses the spirit fruit so I think I might make guess I don't even know whatever man I'm going to just say Spirit Spike what okay well we got that wrong so we have to use the rocket fruit I I got to ask wadf later why bro made that a spike fruit what could bro have possibly been talking about that has to be an anime reference that's probably an anime reference that flew over my head bro I'm going to try not to let that bother me uh rocket is not very good in here it looks like because air strike you know it comes from the air and we're in a cave and I only got two move for some reason this is the third one of these videos that I've done and I still don't have my rocket fruit maxed out I'll just bring you outside so I can hit you with the air strikes oh you've drowned my bad all right hit you with the air strike and he is out of here and next is the not mob leader this is vice admiral we get another 30 stats which I'm honestly going to put into melee because we're kind of struggling with our energy a little bit right now and let's see kangaroo is that's a kangaroo why did he send me a kangaroo what could a kangaroo possibly be before for some reason my mind automatically thought T-Rex but what in the world connection does a kangaroo have with T-Rex wait I actually got to look through the fruit list what here could possibly be related to a kangaroo I mean like a leopard would eat a kangaroo is that what he's trying to say maybe something that can punch really hard nah it wouldn't be rubber all right I'm going to I'm going to throw something completely into the wind here kangaroos they jump right you know they they they do that they have two legs you know what else jumps um I don't know I don't know which one it is I don't know at all I'm going to say spring I'm going to say spring cuz cuz kangaroos jump spring how was I supposed to know that I couldn't think of anything else other than spring I don't I don't even know why logic behind it well let's eat the spring fruit pretty sure I already gave myself the stats so let's just just just beat this dude up bro and here we go get him out of here he definitely got his hits in but it's all right wi if I will pay for his sins with these dude what has he done swing back to the Jungle is saber spawn okay well I'm super scared of this guy actually I don't even know what to do I think I'm going to do 150 into defense I'm I'm so serious he's that serious and I'll put 60 into blocks fruits all right though let's see what fruit we're going to be fighting Mr saber with so it's it's an eagle I mean I want to say Falcon I do not have perm Falcon so let's go eat one up I think I only have two moves on Falcon as well wait I only have one move I forgot this just gives you the wings am I finished oh my gosh I forgot he can come up the stairs this is actually like maybe the worst possible fruit that he could have given me I don't know rocket would have been pretty bad too but I would have had to fail when my guess to get Rocket it's okay guys don't overreact we we could totally beat him at this rate maybe I should have gone full into Blox Roots I may have made an oopsie you know he hasn't hit me once yet I do so little damage he literally heals back up he literally heals back up in the time it takes for me to do like a quarter of his HP let let me let me try this again maybe I'm crazy I could have sworn that he was a lot lower than what he what he would he just went to though I think he has to stay in this room in order for it to not like glitch out this is not fun I would have really loved to get like I don't know dough or something for this bro really made me go from Spring to Falcon bro come on now just run it in circles don't mind me yeah he literally reheal himself I I I literally cannot beat him what what can I give myself that's not too op like I can use Sanu Arts I guess I hate to use it but I do only have 66 in melee like how much damage does this do realistically okay it does a lot how about this then I'll uh I'll use sanguine until he gets to like red HP then I'll go back to Falcon yeah I know you may be thinking to yourself wow Acer that's barely even a that that's barely even a challenge uh I'm sorry bro what do you want me to do for real all right let's let's try to beat him at this at this HP range I don't even know if I can that's the most messed up part going to get him a little lower all right there we go now we can use the Falcon fruit I promise I'm not a cheater I got no choice here just blame wfire yeah I won guys yeah time to beat up the warden so let's see ice and Ice Cube is he trying to psych me out and this is Blizzard I don't even know but I'm going just say ice okay good luckily my ice is awakened oh you're so cooked right now buddy yep I'm not even going to let you get close to me bro yeah it's time to start skating call me Frozone I just realized I don't even think I gave myself my stats I should have 60 though right no I think I did no I did not uh I I'll put it into block suits why not time to hit that absolute zero though yeah you're finished yep hit hit hit you with the sword cuz yeah you know I got a sword get him out of here next one is a hourglass so that's either sand or something time related but I don't think there's any time fruits in the game so I'm going to say sand awesome I don't even think I have anything for sand let's go ahead and eat this sand fruit though nevertheless and I'm going to put uh cuz I got another 60 stats right nope I got 30 okay well I'll put 30 into melee cuz I would to get to 200 melee and oh what did my sand get maxed out let's go probably in the last video all right the damage isn't um too fantastic but I'll take it yep put you in a desert funeral see a tornado I don't know what the the sound effects before I'm sorry put you in the desert funeral into the heavy sand this room just does no damage like it actually just does zero damage those got kind of got like a little bit of a combo though desert funeral and I think a good desert Sorge to kill him from this range I lied again this route does no damage all right yeah yeah yeah desert tornado all right our next fruit is a moon and a a black large Square what moon Square Moon Moon black Square sorry I'm just saying things out loud to to make it make sense Moon okay Moon that could be like Darkness right like maybe the dark fruit I I want to know what the black square is there for even if this is dark I guess just to like more Point towards the black parts I'll say dark yeah it is dark I don't know about this one wfi that one was a little odd I'm just kidding bro I love you wad Fe let's go ahead and use the dark fruit nice this fruit is awesome this is actually the perfect person to use it against in the sense that uh it's actually a fruit that I have leveled up speaking of leveled up I forgot to give myself some stats should have 30 right now so I'll put it into block throughs make me uh have a little bit of a better life put you in a black hole really quickly and throw some black rocks at you did not mean to send you straight into my face and take this black bomb okay Swan is on half I'm going to need you to relax Mr Swan sir all right you're you're doing a little bit too much right now how are you still alive it's because I haven't been investing a lot into my fruit like I've been putting too much into my defense and melee so right now I'm super weak and take those dark rocks all right cool hey and we got the big coat so we can use that time to go swing by our favorite spot the volcano though and let's see a diamond ring it's got to be Diamond bro yeah all right I was going to say like there's no way it's not Diamond I actually have perm Diamond even I didn't know this why do I have perm Diamond why would I buy this well let's incrust dude I look so weird right now I got the Wings what am I bro I kind of look like Kevin from uh Ben 10 bro he's got a whole bunch of everything going on right now ooh I actually have a lot of stats I need to invest yeah 300 30 I can't miss out on that 330 straight into blockx Roots I am way too weak right now let's see how much damage we do now okay it's something it's getting there good thing as well is with the pink coat I kind of don't really need to invest in energy anymore from now on I'm pretty much only going to be investing into or block Roots at least until it can get to Max okay after 35 years of straight bebing tackles and dodging magma fist he should be done let's go all right so our next one is a son with a face okay so metag game in a little bit but we've already done the fire fruit so sun is there anything that's connected to the sun I mean there's desp fruit like I always look back at the Spirit fruit cuz it's like yo it's got like a sun on it but then I feel like there would be more to it than just the sun the Sun is bright it's got fire you know gas there's not a gas fruit I think I just got to I think I just got to go for it bro I just got to go for it I'm going to go ahead and make a guess for magma I mean it's not magma that's what Mr RFI is going for but you know he is a little silly so light cuz the Sun is bright oh cuz it oh I didn't even think of light no way do I have to fight oh my dude I have to fight the Fishman I might be cooked guys I I might be cooked it's okay me and Rocket we got this bro you know what we got this so much I'm putting all my 225 stats that I get right now into Blox fruits I might be finished I can't even use air strike just just kill me already I haven't even started the fight yet but you can go I think my goal is going to be to just like get him outside yeah keep running here keep running here almost there he missed and he teleported back okay strategy failed uh Plan B just run around pillars and shoot missile fist all right he's in his second form now this has been like a horror movie bro the second that he hits me with any moves I'm going to start freaking out luckily though I got pink up plus a little bit of Defense so I don't think I'll get one shot but his damage is definitely quite out of pocket there we go ooh and I got the Trident and we finally got another move on Rocket let's go rocket crash I don't know why it reacted so much but it's kind of cool Mr whisper it's time to get blistered ooh bars let's see though what is or fruit a nice cup with a straw and a woman's hat it kind of looks like a Luffy oh he that's got to be rubber yeah okay well I see I see you kind of snapped with that one we got perm rubber ooh this is fire I'm not even going to bother with a transformation for you whisper you don't deserve a transformation did I give myself my stats I don't think I did I do have 225 though so I'll give myself some blocks fruits all right you know what I'm going to I'm going to actually use my transformation after all yeah I'm kind of a fraud and then let's punch you get pretty close hit the rush that rubber damage is insane plus I'm pretty sure we could stay in transformation I might be wrong look at me I'm pink now Vanella is next oh so close to being able to fight the Thunder God with rubber that would have been fire it's all right though let's see fire and raw magma it's got to be magma yep all right awesome I have awaken magma too let's go okay and then I'm going to put cuz I get another 225 stats I'm going to put it again all into block fruits let's just become really overpowered at this point great magma Hound yeah magma especially awakened is a very aggressive fruit probably one of the most aggressive fruits in the game DOD that shoot some more magma showers I kind of hate that he can kind of just walk right through it like that but that's fine sand a and he's dead like you literally couldn't even see him die through all the magma that I just threw last boss of the sea though we got to go ahead and swing by Fountain yeah go over here to fight cyborg who we do get 300 stats for and you already know that's going straight into blocks I don't even know what we're going to get yet but I'm still going to do it let's see though earth like Earth okay specifically Africa all right and a shake face oh Quake like the Earth is shaking Quake yeah awesome okay and I actually have Quake awaken which is fire pretty much getting any awakened fruit is just going to make me a lot of a a lot more happy of a person so especially a fruit like Quake which is super strong super powerful not really much uh brain to be used with this fruit you kind of just Spam moves when you get them I just knocked how did I knock them all the way back there dang right bring him in the air smack him straight into the ground yeah this fruit's lit I'm going to hit that seaquake as well into the air crusher yeah bro I'm so sorry cyor you don't deserve this Mr Frankie but alas this is your fate all right are you dead here nice oh my gosh well that's it for the first C I get another 75 stats from Ice Admiral that sadly we still cannot fight go that into honestly after what just happened to me I'll do 50 into defense and 25 into bloxers yeah spiced up a little bit now Dilly ding though let's head to the second C okay now we're in the second C so we can go ahead and fight Miss Mr Diamond over here let's see what our next fruit that Mr wad has chosen for us I see a lotus flower and prey lotus lotus fist the the Lotus fist is there a single fruit that's like plant related I'm kind of thinking a love fruit right now but I don't know if lotuses have any connections to to love could also be like super meta like Lotus like could be talking about like wano so it'll be Dragon H Lotus Flower and Ray not going to lie guys I got no clue so I'm going to say the love fruit buha oh I just sold so bad bro I just sold so bad okay well guess we're using the rocket fruit now luckily hey we just got a new abilities so let's check it out rocket crash ooh it's kind of cool okay diamond is kind of cooking me right now I'm starting to get outs scaled normally at this point in the game I do allow myself to use hockey so I'm going to allow myself to use hockey maybe later throughout this second C or the third C I'll allow myself to use observation hockey as well but for now I'm going to try to th it out but it's not looking too good it's very easy to get hit when you use rocket crash which is something I'm noticing all right Dodge that let's try to Rocket crash and back up nice got wait for him to use his projectile before I use anything I just realized I did not give myself my stats either dude I got to stop selling like this use your projectile so I can devest my Stats come on I know you want to do it there you go 150 into blocks Roots nice all right and then rocket crash I completely missed oopsie rocket crash into the Fist and you're out of here buddy let's go we got the final rocket move BL off o wait that's actually kind of cool I didn't expect it to look that cool well we may as well use this to go ahead and swing by our buddy Jeremy cuz he's about to get clapped wait not like that so our next fruit here is hard eyes it's it's love yeah this time it's love I'm so mad at myself bro oh my gosh do I even have perm love I don't do I have a physical love I don't think I do no dude no I got to buy bobu yeah I got to buy bobu okay let's buy the love fruit all right well I got a couple of moves with this luckily so take this heart shot did I get myself the 300 I did not 300 stats oh ouchie ow I'm dude dude let me the 300 stats at the Blox fruits see this is why you're supposed to do it before you start the battle guys all right we got into Blox fruits cupido this fruits actually really fun to fight bosses with yeah yeah look at him covered in Hearts bro falling in love he's falling in love with the rizzler I'm sorry why did I say that I just found out that you can use the love fruit while using your flight okay I mean Phoenix allows you to do this too are those the only fruits that allow you to do this this is this is really busted actually this fruit is so good honestly I kind of wish I had this for Swan cuz I know that boy is going to cook me up well GG's to him okie dokie next up we got a spider web that if that's not string I don't know what is or spider whatever yeah spider awesome I actually don't one have perm spider I don't think I have a physical one I have two of them Honestly though I really want to use them should I really I'll just buy I know I'm going to end up buying it eventually so I may as well I've already burned a bajillion bobu in this video okay cool well I have this fruit awaken which is good so take these thermal lacerations Turnal white nice I just put 225 into the block suits it's not that hard buddy thermal laceration into the silk prison Spider-Man swap over here into Heavenly punishment yes sir straight in the air he's he's done though there's nothing he can do all right Dodge these meteors cuz I'm the goat take these thermal lacerations into the silk prison Eternal white oh my goodness rosers too easy there's nothing you can do at this point I've already won oh no next up is Don Swan that dude always is washing me bro it's all right though cuz I know y'all believe in me and I believe in myself and I believe in the myself that believes in you that believes in me well let's see what fight we're going to be fighting Don Swan with we got a radio radio radio I mean I'm thinking I'm thinking sound it's obviously sound I almost said Rumble too yeah it is sound all right awesome okay you know honestly sound is not the worst fruit we could have gotten this time though I'm not forgetting to invest my stats so I'm going to put a good old 225 into Blox fruit I don't know how many I needed for Max so what I'm going to do instead is just from now on for the rest some melee defense I don't really care what the extra now now we got Max and BLX Roots that's lit bro is nowhere to be seen he decided we are not worth his time yeah that's not going to slide with me Buckaroo so I'm respawning you all right take these Rap City notes and then I'm going to PR or PR tiimo so I can get the max Tempo meter let's go Dodge that fortisimo sympotic Radiance into the Glorious Harmony and let's spam some rsity notes real quick nice we're getting some good damage off he is now in his second stage Dodge that let's go take this fortisimo we're going to shoot some rapity not dang buddy Chill on the dam damage chill chill chill chill chill chill chill CH chill chill on the damage I'm going to run all the way back here I know he's going to want to use one of those string moves I know how you work buddy I'm popping I'm popping MV 3 as well yep rapity notes fortisimo glorious Harmony how do you like see this is what I'm talking about with this guy bro a I was so close to winning too he's probably going to get himself fully healed up I know how this works already wait he did easy let's go get out of my face buddy next up is the smoke Admiral though 450 stats is crazy I'm putting all of that into defense you're crazy dude all right so we got eagle and fire fire eagle Phoenix it's got to be Phoenix right yeah Phoenix you could have done something a little bit more creative with that one Mr Wy Phoenix is pretty lit though I'm happy with this one cremation Cannon one of these fruits that I actually have pretty high leveled up I'm going to Blazing plumage how did I get him through here bro well I I can just hit him from under here so fine by me wa wait where where am I what is up there I've never been up there before in my life where did he go oh he's still right there I'm out of energy I forgot this food depends a lot on energy so uh yeah this is such an awkward fight like this is actually such an awkward fight I I think he I think he's fried and get him out of here nice kind of sucks using this fruit with zero energy but it's okay we won at the end of the day go swim by our buddy the awaken ice Admiral though in the winter castle next fruit magic wand and a door H we doing magic right now okay Mr what Sky H what fruit is truly magical see I want to say Spirit but that doesn't make any sense Magic Door barrier oh wait Magic Door but what the heck does a door have to do with barer I guess cuz like door is like blocking the Out ooh wait that could be there could be layers to this also it doesn't look like anything else could work for this I'm just going to save barrier portal oh I'm so stupid I see it now I see it now yep the Magical Door portal why would I say barrier bar doesn't even make any sense all right well I get 750 stats that I'm going to put into defense I guess whatever man you know just don't care anymore give me that rocket fruit you know what I'll take it I'm not upset about this this is just a rocket fruit leveling uh session at this point I will take what needs to be taken I'm not even going to bother trying to cheese him and stay on the first layer bro me and awaken ice Admiral are about have an anime battle he got me good chill chill chill chill just kidding I'm going to go over here yes sir take that rocket Crash BAM dude why do you have that back up already thank goodness I put investments into my defense or I'd be Fri all right missile fist touch that rocket crash into the air strike back it up missile fist all right I should be good bro I don't want to jinx myself but I should be yep you're trash I actually got you so good bro rocket crash a that one was so fun to use bro hey look at all that mass 32 let's go oh no next one is Tide keeper bro this fight could either be so easy or so difficult it's only been easy for me once so it has a higher track record of being difficult that's for sure Cloud light and please be Rumble let's go let's go there's potential electric is super effective against water I've played Pokemon Rumble equip this bad boy and I get 225 stats and honestly I'm going to these into melee cuz I want to get a little bit more energy we're pretty good on energy but you know just to be careful you know just a little bit more doesn't hurt I am absolutely not not going to hesitate on using everything to beat you up though buddy Thunderball destruction yes sir I'm just waiting for this guy to summon his Sea Beast luckily I got one of the better fruits for fighting sea beasts compared to the last time I fought him I think I fought him with portal before yeah that was easily the worst fruit I could have used for this guy oh there's the there's the CB took a little long for you to spawn him buddy did you think I wasn't a threat you're literally about to die I I got to win bro he's already doing too much damage chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill dang what's up with the Dragon Call of Duty aim I don't even know what I'm saying ooh Dragon Trion I didn't even have that let's go get me out of here though get get me I got a scoodle almost died dude oh my gosh how I almost died from that position is beyond me that was the final boss for us to fight in the SE though let's go ahead pop or parle fruit and let's head to the third sea okay Mr Stone before we go ahead and beat you up let's go ahead and see what our next fruit is okay so we got a bike all right and a rock what bike and a rock what is this SpongeBob follow leaf and a head bandage so a rock wait okay so he's on a bike then the rock hits a leaf and the leaf gives me a concussion I don't think I read that correctly what could this possibly be bike Rock Leaf headache fruit is it supposed to be pain I going to say pain yeah it's supposed to be pain what are the leaves for though cuz you fell oh I guess these are old things that could be pain like a bike crash is this like signifying a bike crash I guess I do not have any pain fruits of course not my wallet all right well I got perm pain now cool heavy pain pain barrage yeah well I'm going to allow myself to use hockey now thankfully I don't have to use the pain fruit against Captain elephant again cuz that is also not very good at least not leveled up I honestly really want to know what pain n does and torture too look I need to I need to figure out what pain is up to bro almost done with this guy though also typical me did not give myself my stats so for stone I should have 225 which I'll put into melee I guess at this point honestly it kind of just doesn't matter if you pain and one pain barrage should be enough I'm already going to start leaving like I already got it bro GG's Okie doie next up we got a cloud snow okay so snoow plus a snowman so I'm going to assume blizzard ah I could assume correctly and it's another fruit uh I do not have as you guys could tell I'm poor 2250 it's all the expensive fruits right now I mean I needed to get these eventually but dang all right it's actually Mastery 116 higher Mastery than I thought and for Island Empress we get 375 stats that's pretty nice I'll go ahead and put that into defense cuz she's pretty strong if I remember correctly yokie doie take these snowflake shens white out honestly this rout is really cool I don't really know the point of this like when we have ice but hey I'm definitely taking it does this do damage yo I didn't know tornado flight actually did damage I'm fighting bosses that actually have moves now would have been nice to use this against like Yeti or something that theasaurus rex would not be able to even think of hitting us me and Empress are having an anime battle bro yep yep keep getting hit by this tornado flight shurikens dude if only I had the max kit oh this would be so much better white out it's the shurikens dude she's so weak but I'm old so uh you know just a little bit just just a tad weak you know nothing too crazy we just got to dodge and weave Dodge and weave yep we Dodge all of those oh my gosh she got a my tornado flash you chill chill chill chill chill you don't want to do this right now I promise you buddy oh you're cooked you're done so now yep let's let's go dude okay yo Blizzard's kind of fun that's why I wasn't too upset about having to buy the perm cuz I actually kind of want to use this all right though time to use the portal to bring us to kilo Admiral an or fruit looks to be an airplane pardon and then ryen see I want to say rocket but an airplane in case you didn't know is not a rocket so is there any other fruit that depends on like I don't know flying I would say Falcon but we already did Falcon gravity fellas I might actually be stupid I see what he's saying now I wasn't intelligent to understand what he was putting down I wasn't picking up what he was putting down is how you're supposed to say it but it's okay because I'm perfectly fine with using rocket against the kilo Admiral it's it's almost like a poetic you know what I'm saying the new versus the old I got to show this old lady who's the strongest if I had a dollar for every time I forgot to invest my stats I'd have like I don't know $10 that's way too many dollars bro I just know you guys are at home screaming like Acer are you stupid invest your stats you dummy and I'm like I'm so sorry this has been the longest fight of all time bro please just die I'm almost there just one more air strike into a missile Fist and that should be all missile fist let's go oh no kilo Admiral bro not kilo Admiral sorry Captain elephant first of all I got 375 stats I I'm not going to let you guys say anything I'm going to put all of that into melee before anyone says anything and let's see or fruit tiger Arrow forward Arrow backwards what D okay now hear me out right a tiger is kind of like a leopard I don't know what he's trying to signify with the arrows but I'm going to give him the benefit of Doubt and say it's leopard let's go I I don't know where he was going with that but I'm very happy to use this fruit against Captain elephant cuz in my opinion elephant's like I don't know he's either one of the like tankiest or just strongest bosses in general next to like obviously K Queen K Queen's obviously the strongest like NPC boss but I know captain elephant is definitely up there yeah we we keeping this we keeping this buddy in a corner take these finger revolvers yep spiraling kick how did bro get old the way up here take this spiraling kick for your sins bro leard is such a funny fruit like it's actually just pushing this guy all around the map bro yeah you you got no chance buddy you got no chance at all buddy there we go all right awesome okay sotify beautiful Pirates lizard and a stock or like I guess like a chart going upwards so like stons bro I'm okay this got to ooh is it is it is it T-rex or Dragon though I actually just don't know if this is T-Rex or Dragon I'm going to say T-Rex okay it's actually T-Rex let's go I mean if it's Dragon I literally can't use it I don't have any dragon fruits and right now like you can't buy the dragon fruit as of recording so yeah it's not really a choice if if I get dragon I'll probably just let myself choose whatever fruit I want well do I have T-Rex I do actually didn't think I did it's not even leveled up okay well I get 225 stats so I'll put these into melee and let's put this beautiful pirate in the beautiful dirt this is going to take ages I really desperately need to level up all my fruits bro oh my gosh yay we're in the second stage after 10 minutes of me just spamming m1's dude this is actually taking forever I do no damage okay I do decent damage but it's like I don't know it's just it's the name of the game you know all right my HP is looking a little Grim right now so I'm going to stay back here for a second wait for my instinct to come back up and fly you to use a move that could Dodge there we go and then we're going to have to start playing this a little bit more strategically before I just up and die cuz if I die then I got to go all the way back to this area like turtle mansion and then I have to restart this whole fight and I just don't feel like doing that so we are going to have to play this end part a little bit safer but it looks like we're good now yeah okay woo and we got predatory spe speech Yes I had a dream before we leave the floating Turtle though we got to swing by here so we can fight longma look at him standing there all menacing like who does he think he is he think he's got the swag he is not me oky doie next fruit is a fish a chart upwards and fire so that's definitely Dragon right yeah it is if you don't know in the one piece animated dragon fruit is actually the fish fruit but it's like a model sea serpent or something I don't know but yeah as I said earlier which funnily enough happen to be the next fruit if I get a dragon I can just choose whatever fruit I want since you can't equip it right now so I'm just going to choose Kitsune because why wouldn't I I guess I could have chosen Buddha as well but the thing about Buddha is that I can't use melee or swords or anything so it's like what's the point yeah you're cooked buddy you're you're actually so done so I'm going to hit the transformation as well for literally no reason you don't even have a second stage that was just evil I'm at Ice Cream Land remembered that I didn't invest my stats to 150 into defense and now I'm going to get 500 25 for cake Queen who's her final boss put that to melee so let's see what her next fruit is I see cake I see birthday and I see a moon cake that's a lot of cakes there's no way that's not Spirit right though that was the perfect fruit for right now no no no no no this can't be I have to fight C Queen with rocket I'm finished I'm actually finished oh I could have had such an easy final battle now it's going to get dragged out for 5 hours I can't even use I can't use air strike in here why didn't he use bread dut bread could have put a a trident in there too I get it though you didn't want it to be too easy it is dop so you know got to make me work for it I guess see I said spirit cuz I guess you know I'm fighting K Queen right now I was like like you know maybe he's talking about big mom you know all the desserts and stuff I was stupid I should have thought of it more this is indeed one of the fights of all time we're almost there just give me like a good 30 more minutes to get this little bit of Chip left one Missle fist just one missile fist let's go finally bro we we we finished the game with the perfect op rocket fruit but if you enjoyed this video be sure to drop a like And subscribe to share the boys some support and if you enjoy this video you'll probably enjoy this video of me beating blo fruits with random [Music] fruits
Channel: Aesir
Views: 56,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aesir, Koopekool, anime, beckbroplays, inemafoo naruto, roblox, socksfor3, one piece roblox, blox fruits from noob to pro, blox fruits from lvl 1 to max, blox fruits level 1 to level 2550, blox fruits noob to max level, blox fruits i started over as a noob, blox fruits, Sai, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits update 21, dragon rework bloxfruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruits update, blox fruits best fruit, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits race v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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