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(upbeat music) (people chattering) - Hello! Welcome to the channel. We are Sorted Food. And today we have a Beat The Chef Mystery Box Challenge. - Always excited for these and slightly terrified. - I am so glad I'm not in this one. - Why aren't you in this one? - Yeah! - Because I have to be on the side. I'm a side man. Just without the views or the money. (laughing) (upbeat music) (thunder rumbling) - So let's start by opening the box and seeing the four ingredients that you must use. - Only four? Oh! - Quite literally a mystery tin. - There is a growth of some sorts (mouth blubbering) (screaming) - That looks and tastes like the chicory family. - Hundred percent correct Ebbers. That is puntarelle, an Italian variety of chicory. - We have a tin of-- - Oh, What is that? Come off it. - [Ebbers] I thought they were like artichoke hearts. - Oh mate! This is not what I expected! - That is banana blossom. - Ah! We have had banana blossom before. I really should have known that. - Some stunning looking rhubarb here. - Some amazing looking tuna steaks. - Wow! They are beautiful. And that's it. - So you have to use these ingredients. but there are store cupboard and other fresh ingredients lying around for additional inspiration that you can use if you want. - Do these all go together? - You're the chef. You tell me. Ebbers, 30 minutes on the clock. - Yeah. - Jamie, Baz 45 minutes on the clock. Start your cooking in 3, 2, 1 go! Jamie you've gone straight to the rhubarb slicing up. What are you thinking? - Rhubarb is deliciously sour and sharp with a bit of sweetness. What if we pickle it and just add a really nice kind of like punch to whatever else it is that we're going to make? - Baz, what are you doing? - [Baz] I've whipped out our banana blossom, And what I'm thinking is create a tempura batter then deep fry these in - As always start with the things that take the longest to cook. Now, banana blossom is already cooked So that's not the answer. I just wanted to see what shapes we had. Fine! Drained! We'll come back to that. I'm gonna roast up some onion on a baking tray as petals, and that can go through the dish. So I'm jumping around a bit. But I want to make a stock with a vegetable stock cube. I'm gonna use that to absorption rice so it takes on some of that flavour. And I'm gonna use that as a very, very simple but elevated rice salad. (energetic music) I'm thinking kind of South of France meets by Italy. - (mouth bubbling) - [Baz] Stick some in there. - No, you don't need much of it. - Yeah, I know. Just get it on that first. Then I'll dip it. - Is that togarashi? - Togarashi, yeah! - Got bold flavour. - No, not. - Bolder. Eh! Am I telling Spafford to go more bold on flavour? - Have you tried togarashi? (laughing) (upbeat music) - Oh! - Oh! - You're right! - Bold! - So what is togarashi for? - Togarashi, so togarashi is a mix of maybe seven spices. Some of which are basically chilli or cayenne and things like that. It's a Japanese spice blend which is amazing! But a little does go a long way. (upbeat music) - [Baz] Going in - May have overcrowd the pan! Hold on - It's looking good. (upbeat music) - Rhubarb tossed in a little bit of sugar. I don't want it to be super sweet but you need something. But no extra moisture. - Ebbers is sick of Pass It On videos where rhubarb and water are mixed. - I'm not going to do full absorption method with weight amounts. I'm just going to add into boiling vegetable stock some rice for our salad. I'm also going to add some oil to pan to get it nice and hot. When it gets nice and hot I'm going to add some herbs to it. So I'll use some parsley, some dill, and some of the green leaves off of here. And basically you kind of blanch it in oil. And then blend it into a herb oil. - What? So you're essentially taking some of the harshness of the flavour out in very, very hot oil. - Not going to fry in colour but they should lock in that colour into a herb oil. - Barry? - Yes - Can I just say I'm having a great time with you in the kitchen. - You know what? - We're working well together. Which is good. I like this. - [Barry] How much time? - 22 minutes remaining. - Back to work! - Cool. - Oh, thank you! - Spaf, what's going on in there? - Sesame crusted, seared tuna steak. Soy sauce all over the tuna. And then I'm gonna dip it and coat it in this sesame seed mix. Which has got a bit of salt, pepper, sugar, and some garlic powder in it as well. The sugar will caramelise a little bit on the outside which should cook that nicely. But then on the inside it means that it doesn't have to be very cooked at all. - How are we feeling? - I'm terrified of this thing. I don't know what to do with this new haircut. Like - [Jamie] What is that? - [Barry] Break this away. Then you've got a little brain in the middle. (upbeat music) - [Barry] So I've chopped this into quarters. I want to sear this off in something. - Why is that pan smoking Barry? - Cause I want to sear it off in that smokey pan. - Right. Did you turn, you didn't turn, I've asked you three times to turn my pickling liquid on. - Remember cuddles and bums slaps. - Can I just take that off there for a second though? - It's really bitter. - We say we don't eat the outer bit. - Try that. (crunching) - It just looks so cool I want to use it. (upbeat music) - It's really bitter on its own. The rest of it, trying to work out if I can just have the leaves, and mix that in with a salad. Shall we put some of this in there? - In where? - In the pickling. Should we pickle some of this? - Yeah about a half an hour ago mate when I started the pickle. - May be useful. It will take the edge off of it. (gasping) - Why Not? - Because do you know how finely sliced - Doesn't matter. - everything else is? Get it in there. Just mix it in. - Cuddles and bum slaps. Cuddles and bum slaps. - Teamwork! Come on! - Do what he says, teamwork. Let him take over. Teamwork. (energetic music) - [Ebbers] So oil, sweat off some garlic, some tomato, some anchovy so it all cooks down. Then add in like capers and use that as the basis to all of this which we are going to braze. - Some fantastic smells going on there. (upbeat music) - Oh - Set timers. You don't forget. Right. - It's all starting to kick off. - That oil is hot so all my green stuff is going in. What do you never put into oil? - Water! - [Ebbers] Correct. What are herbs full of? - [Mike] Water. - Correct. But you will need to cook that for a little while to cook out the oil. Not long. Just 30 seconds. You can see all the steam coming off pour it from height to cool it down. - You have 15 and a half minutes remaining. - What's happening here? - Barry's jazzy. - Yeah. He's getting some swish - [Mike] Bean sprouts going in Baz? I love this! 10 minutes remaining. (sizzling sounds) (egg cracking) (gasps) - What is that? What happened? - He just cracked an egg into it. - Why have you cracked an egg into it? - Egg fried rice now isn't it? - [Barry] Will we ever try to do something traditional here? - Traditional, no. Delicate, yes. I think we had the makings of something quite special. - Can you imagine running a business with this guy? - [Mike] This is what happens in a pass it on. It's just we're never here to witness it. - I just, I don't. Right. Can you, can you move out the way now? Cause I need to cook this tuna. - That's decent. - Eight minutes remaining - Again. - Cook that tuna. - Move out. (upbeat music) - [Ebbers] That's what I'm going to use to cook the leaves of this in because they're quite bitter. And I feel like they need cooking down. The capers are quite salty. We'll season it at the end. As are the anchovies but I'm going to add some black pepper. And then last minute some lemon. (cooking sounds) - [Mike] What's the plan for the banana blossom? - Don't know Michael! The beauty of a day like today is we really can use all the equipment. We wouldn't do this if we were doing midweek cooking. I want this side to be slightly warm, but not hot. I'm going to toss all the rest of the stuff through it at the end. (energetic music) We've got onion. We got rhubarb. Now sometimes you can get away with this and it's just heat of the blender that can do the work for you. But because we put it into hot oil, we should get a really vibrant herb oil that will hold its colour for much, much longer. It's a great way of using up green leaves and herbs. If they're on their turn or if you've got too much it will stretch out over a longer period of time. What am I doing with banana blossom, Mike? - I don't know Ebbers. - Super hot for the banana blossom. That's gonna go in. So the comments when we feature this as a fish alternative was it works nice as a stir fry or in salads or in curries. So I'm actually thinking if I can just add a little bit of a sear on this, season it up nicely so that it tasted what it tastes of. And then also add that to the rice, with our onions which are sweet and roasted, our rhubarb which is sour, loads of the fresh herbiness. And still don't know what I'm going to do with that. So it's already cooked. So literally as long as there's a good colour on it that's all it needs. Okay? Commit, commit, commit. These are uniquely different and we've never used them before. So it would be a shame not to. How much time left? - You have 6 minutes remaining. - [Ebbers] Christ! Don't know if this is hot enough. I don't have time to fix it. (upbeat music) (laughing) - Where's the mayonnaise gone? That we need for this dish. - [Mike] Boys you have five minutes remaining. - What are you doing? - [Mike] Five minutes remaining! - [Bazy] Mayonnaise. - What are you adding in there? - Tahini, mayonnaise and tahini. - Why tahini? - I thought mayonnaise and tahini. That was the idea wasn't it? The mayonnaise and tahini dip. - Because it's Japanese and Chinese isn't it? - [Jamie] It's fusion! - Tahini is made from sesame. - To be fair. Yeah. Yeah. (upbeat music) - What's that? - Bit of chilli oil. Look at that colour! Yeah! - Alright. I need you, we need to plate up. Looks like you've made a hummus to go with our Japanese dish. (laughing) - [Ebbers] I don't even know whether these would typically be roasted, boiled, braised, or even served raw. But in this instance, I'm gonna get them into our water to blanche them. And then I'll add them in and around our tuna. Really hot! Now it's in the pan. We can season up the other side. So this warm rice salad that's infused with veg stock. We're gonna get our ratios right. Our roasted onion and sauteed banana blossom. - Oh! Too much. I was hoping they weren't going to have mushed quite as much as that. But we are where we are now. - [Mike] We still got three minutes. - But we're doing a kind of all in one tossed together. There's a lot of acidity in there. And then a lot of fresh herbs The herb oil which will also finish some of the plate off with. And lots of lemon. You got the veg stock which is seasoned. You got the sour rhubarb. You got the banana blossom - [Jamie] Right, Barry's got a vision. - Minute and a half remaining. Look at the colours on that. (upbeat music) - [Mike] (beginning countdown) 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, - Get the rhubarb in there! That's the main bit! 3, - On the top, on the top! - [Mike] 2, 1, and step away from the cooking. - It's what came to mind about five minutes in. I'm slightly disappointed though, I've overcooked the rhubarb. (laughing) - Let's get into the sexies. (upbeat music) - [Mike] That was a day. Would you like to see what you've all cooked? (group cheering) - Unblindfold in 3, 2, 1. (ooing and ahing) - You chose all the crockery then. - Well, let's do some tasting. I'm coming in as well. Right, Let's dig in! Go with the normals first. Two very different tuna steak. - Very thin batter. You can actually still see through and see what's in it inside. What is that? That's terrible. - Didn't work. Last minute idea. Kind of regretted it. - Look. Something deep fried. Also quite oily. Plus the tuna. This pickle helps it all. Those things really work That, I'm so confused at how you even, what even happened. - That doesn't matter. It was, it was a last minute idea. Let's forget that ever happened. - What I like the way we've both gone is completely different sides of the world with our cuisines. I think it's actually really tasty, which why I keep going back for more. - Let's move over to Ebbers. - Lots of herb. Dig in. (group eating noises) - [Mike] Ebbers! - [Ebbers] Oh, what have you done? - This is rhubarb. It was it's far too overcooked! - The roast onions make that very special! - For a dish that has no butter in it, that tastes so buttery! - If I'm being harsh on myself, I'm not sure what the banana blossom adds to this. But I needed to use it. And it doesn't not work. - [Mike] Tough ingredient to work with. - For me, the stand out of Ebbers dish is the greens. It's the punterelle with the anchovies and the capers. Just lots of strong flavours, but they bring everything out. It's really good. (upbeat music) - Okay. Scores are in. So this is how we did it. We asked you to score yourselves. That is purely for reference that won't be taken into your final score, but it's just good to see whether it marries up with what the other people score. So Barry and Jamie, this is what they scored themselves. And the combination of Ben and my score gives you a total of 13.3 - Out of? - 22 Here's Ben's score. And his combination of scores came out at 15.5, making Ebbers the winner. Sorry guys, you did not beat the chef this time around - Not on this occasion but pretty close and four great dishes. - That (bleep) mayo! - Honestly, it's easy for me to be critical. I wouldn't have come close to doing what you guys have done. So amazing job. But over to you guys, what did you make of this? What did you score the guys? And comment below with any odd or interesting ingredients we can chuck in a mystery box and challenge our chef and normals to next time. - [Mike] Our meal packs app has been reborn! Meet sidekick. Your all in one kitchen companion! Taking you through every step to crushing the week's cooking. First, choose three to five delicious meals for the week. Sidekick will then generate one shopping list. And every fresh ingredient you buy will be completely used up across all those dishes. Bye bye food waste. The step by step cooking is super easy too. And you'll discover new dishes, techniques, and ingredients the more you use it. And the best thing is this is just the beginning. We'll constantly be adding new features and smarter ways to help us all crush the week's cooking. Plus it's free for 30 days, so you might as well try it. - I don't care that we lost. That was one of the most enjoyable videos in a long, long time. - I had such a good time until about five minutes - Shut up! - before the end of our go. - It took us on a journey. - I think I prolapsed through laughter, at one point.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 665,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food challenge, mystery box, beat the chef, chefs vs normals, cook off, recipe challenge, cooking battle, sorted food, sortedfood battle, mystery ingredients, cooking challenge, mystery box challenge, sortedfood mystery box, sorted beat the chef, sortedfood ultimate battle, chef vs normal, sorted cooking challenge, ultimate battle, sorted mystery box, sortedfood beat the chef, mystery box unboxing, sorted food mystery box, recipe fail, tuna steak, steak, banana blossom
Id: WxUyK-bfOrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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