Beard Grooming in XGen ( part 1 ) - Making of "Walter White" 3D Portrait - Part 6

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hey guys uh welcome back and uh in this video we're gonna be talking about grooming so uh first of all uh i will try to be talking about the basics of grooming and i will be using xgen for that i am not a groomer i grew my characters and even when i did growing professionally i did were very minor parts so i didn't like groom fall creatures or something like that so what i will share with you guys is just how to groom your characters and not to be like a professional technical solving problem-solving uh groomer so i just wanted to to add this disclaimer in the beginning of the video uh and i hope that what i know in grooming could at least help you to to start grooming to learn the basics of grooming and to at least be able to groom your characters which is the goal if you are a character or creature artist or kind of generalist you are not asked to be like uh like only grooming or solving problems with grooming you will be asked only to be grooming your characters and that will be basically what we will be doing exactly like what we did with uh with log dev and with the the shading part is that we were just using the shading knowledge that we know as a character or creature artist not the shading knowledge that you would know as a log dev artist so with that said let's uh let's start grooming walter here so again guys like every time we would be talking about our work we first always have to have our reference next to us so i will have this on my on my next monitor on my next or by the second screen and he has like a lot of different looks that's bigger because i think he was uh using his own uh his own like beard in the beginning of the show and then when he became like successful and he started to get other rules in in other movies or other tv shows he uh he had to like shave his his beard and then he started to use like uh like a fake one so i think that's why he has this like difference and i think the fake one is like darker than his original one but i think this one is like a nice middle ground that we can play around with because here it's not that yellow like like here and at the same time it's not that black that looks like it was dyed or something so that's why i will go with something like this and also in terms of like the length of the beard i love the length here which is also again something in the middle it's not as pushy and and crazy like here for example and at the same time it's not like uh like very thin or or or uh or light like here so i think something like that would be my primary reference and then i will start building on that so uh another thing that i want to talk about is that we don't need to be matching this exactly like like one single hair to another uh we need to just get like the general direction the general look of it because if he took this picture again if he took this photo again his hair will never look the same so so don't get stuck in like matching every single hair each one by one just try to get like the gist of it you know like how it would be looking like if it was growing on his face so yeah with that said let's have this on the side and let's start talking extra so first thing that i want to talk about is that oxygen is a [ __ ] so for xgen you need to take care of a lot of things before you start working and setting up your environment and i'm gonna try to quickly talk about this stuff so i even like made a small list next to me so i don't forget about this uh requirements or the things that we need to keep uh clean and like take care of uh before we start our grooming and this is very very important for x-gen guys uh because when i started grooming i had a lot of problems because of that because of this very simple things that i needed to take care of first so let's talk about this so the first thing is that you have to have your product set so xgen always saves its its maps and its textures and everything in the product directory and it has to be this very specific project directory so you have to always set your project before it start working so what i do is that i always in general this is a good advice in general when you when you work uh it's good to like set your project i know that this is personal work and you can like do whatever you want to do with it but uh yeah like for example here i'm not like organizing everything in my uh in my outliner here but for something like the setting a project this is very important so you have to like set your project before uh before you start grooming so it's a it's very simple you just go to wherever you want your your project to be and then just basically just click set and then you will have your project set in it and you're going to have this workspace mail and that's the very first thing is that you should have like your product set and then the other thing is that you need to uh make sure that your scale is is correct and your scale is like uh very related to a real world scale because um oxygen is really really affected the hair that's coming from oxygen is really really affected by the the real world scale so again this is uh something that's very important for the for the skin shading and it's also very important for the for the grooming is that we have our model in the correct scale so if you remember guys if you go back to the older videos you will find one of the videos where when i'm like talking about the skin shading and i'm talking about the correct scale that we should have our model in and then another thing that's really important is that when you use your model uh for example what i do here is that i have this model here if i go into solo this model here is like my mesh uh export it from zbrush and this is the resolution that i'm gonna use you can go lighter than this you can use like a smaller resolution but uh for me my my computer can handle it and it's not like a pin in the s to uh to take care of that for me so i will use this which is my second subdivision and the first thing you need to take care of is the naming you you need to have like correct name and in the same time no naming space so what i will do is that i will go to windows journal editor namespace editor and you see like i have this namespaces so i'm gonna just like delete this one merge with root delete and choose root and and so so what i will end up with uh with this and remember guys this is gonna be like the scalp that i'm gonna be using uh to grow my hair from so i'm gonna call this one because we're gonna be doing the beard so i'm gonna call this one for example beard mirrored scalp and then jail for example so this way that i know that this is gonna be the scalp for my beard and it's it's a geometry and the other thing that i uh that i want to make sure of is material and this is one of the problems that was like really painful for me when i started uh when i started grooming is that i started to like groom on arnold shaders or arnold materials and then my groom would go crazy and it wouldn't allow me to like paint my masks or my or my maps on it and i discovered that x-gen doesn't work with any non-default maya materials so what i would do is that i go here and then make sure that i have my scalp and then if i can like assign favorite material and then like maybe give it a lambert okay so it's going to take lambda 4. and i try to like every time i would do another uh scalp jail is i would give it a different material so that at the at the very end i have like separate material for every uh description that i'm going to be using for grooming so if i go back again here i know that i have a lamborghini and this is very important the other thing that i would uh that i would do is that i would make sure that i have uh like history deleted and uh and my transformation uh frozen so if you like click here you have that freeze transformation and if you click here this is deleting your history so that's also important another thing guys is that to to make sure that let me first try to like cut my model so i'm gonna use something that's very easy here is that i'm gonna go to my uh uv editor and in my uv editor i'm gonna select all the uv shells that i don't need as you remember guys this is gonna be uh i'm gonna convert this to face this is gonna be uh only for the beard so i don't need anything else other than the beard okay the beard area so basically if i even like deleted everything other than the i deleted everything other than the face and the neck it will be okay so two faces and delete so what i want to have is basically only this area here so let me try something because my model is not symmetrical guys if you have a symmetrical model then your life is so much easier uh i'm gonna try something if i do symmetry by topology and then like select an edge in the middle okay so it's working hopefully yeah so what i would do is that i would get like a brush and then yeah like make it smaller and then go to faces and then start painting only the faces that i uh that i will need to keep so i can go here to renderer and then use so let me paint the faces that i need so again guys while i'm doing this i'm looking at my reference here and i'm trying to see where the beard the area where the beard is and also have in mind that's another thing that's very important to have like extra extra space and extra faces in the scalp that you're gonna use for for your grooming so for example i know that there's not gonna be beard hair in this area but i'm just growing this and i'm using more in case i needed that because we're gonna mask this later when we start making our description but it's uh it's better safe than sorry so it's always better to have like extra than run out of the areas or the faces that you would need in your groom so something like that and then maybe when i need to see from the side it can get like this again guys i should use more than i than i would need something like that school and then here again okay more than what i would need so something like that is fine maybe add more so yeah and then if i move this on the side here and i can get my uvs and in my uvs here i can like add extra faces if i go to move faces and then i can i try to make it clean try to like select my edges oops something like that so yeah this might be boring guys but uh it is really important because also you don't want to like have uh like you don't want to miss a face in the middle and then in your scalp you're going to be missing this face which is going to be like a face in the middle that doesn't have any groom on it so that you don't want to have that so let's go so let's see this if we need that we don't really need this one so let's get rid of this let's go back again to my uvs make sure that i have everything yeah we don't need this one need this so yeah something like that let me see here yeah maybe even at this one here so yeah something like this i would use as my scalp so if i shift select then i'm selecting everything else then make sure i can make sure in my uvs that i don't have any faces selected that i will need and then i can just basically delete that so i will end up with the scalp that i would be using i can get more like delete this like delete the ones on the nose because i'm sure that i'm not gonna have like hair on the actual uh nostrils itself maybe delete this so yeah something like that would be fine and then remember guys to like always like delete history so i deleted history now and of course like freeze your transformation make sure that it's clean the other thing that we should mention about extra then is that xgen works only uh with the mesh that has uvs from zero to one like only on the first cd okay guys and because i might need this uvs to like transfer if i made any changes to my model in the future and i would need i i already lost like my vertex my vertex id or my vertex number because i deleted all these faces so what i would need for any transformation for any trend transfers when i make any changes on the model so i will need this uv set so what i will do is that i can go here edits [Music] it's changed in this maya so yeah in uv sets copy of sets and then i can i think create so i'm going to create a one that i'm going to call for example blank for example so this is going to be the link of the uvs that i have in my model and in my scalp and then i can just create it and if i go to my uv sets here i have my map one and i have my link uv so in my link uv i will keep the same uvs and in my map one i will try to like take advantage of all this mt udem and then i can just like get my uvs and make them huge and as big as my shell the other thing that i would want to do that would make my life easier is if i like like the edge here the same here and i can sew my uvs uv and then in here i can just unfold it that's not very good so we can do something else you can basically get this over here select this edge come on two v's again not working i don't want to lose a lot of time just making the uvs perfect let's move it like that okay so let me close this so let's use the unfold 3d that's why it was on legacy and then apply and that's so much better now so and this way guys you're gonna end up with bigger resolution for you uvs and this is gonna be the map one which is gonna be the uvs that we're gonna be using for our grooming so yeah something like that it's fine so we talked about deleting history we talked about freezing transformation having a a default material let me save having a default uh maya material uh make sure that your uv's is is on zero to one uh make sure that there is no naming spaces uh make sure that when if we for any reason would duplicate our scalp that for example if i'm going to make another variation of it or if i'm going to use this scalp for my mustache and then make another scale for like the the actual beard itself you have to make a different name and try even to get it like a different material because guys believe me all of these things and like being really touchy while you're working with x-gen is going to help you a lot once you start grooming so uh the other thing that i want to talk about guys is that to try to always have your model uh with polygons like what i mean is that four-sided polygons so if you have engines or like like a five uh five-sided uh five-sided face or if you have any triangles three-sided face x-gen is not going to be very friendly with that so try to always keep your your grooming scalp to be uh only made of polygons let me check guys my list here because like i told you i just made a list to not forget anything that's important so yeah that's that's that's basically it and now we are ready to start uh working with with our grooming so now that we are ready to to start the grooming uh what i would do is that i will select my beards cup and then go to generate and then create description and then guys for the uh the collection and description it's basically like collection is like the group of your descriptions and your descriptions are the several grooms that you're gonna be making for the same model so for example if if i'm making water head and i will have like the beard the eyebrows the eyelashes etc so i'm gonna call my collection uh walter white for example and then call and for my description i'm gonna be using this for the beard so i'm gonna call this one [Music] beard full underscore description for example and here you can use by the way guys i'm using a xgen core i'm not using the interactive one i prefer to use core i use both but interactive is like really messy and it's very difficult to to control so even if i'm gonna be using interactive in the future i would prefer to use core to begin with so it's more under control and more stable and then i would convert it into interactive and then i will start using the interactive layer so uh that's that's why i'm gonna start with like talking about the core first and here you have like two kinds of uh of grooming when you're making there are several kinds but i think it's only two that we're gonna be using for characters or creatures uh one is basically the splines and the other one is the groomable splines so for like shorter hair or like animals uh it's it's good to use the removable splines but for longer hair or for something that you want to control with guides i would prefer to use a splines and for his beard i will use the splines so i can show you guys this method and then for uh for for example the peach fuzz or the stubble or the shaved head i'm going to use the groom wool splines so i will show you the other method and then randomly across the surface we don't want it to be uniform and then i'm gonna do it using placing and shaping guides okay and let's create so now what what exjean is telling me is that i need guides to start the grooming so what i will do is that if you if you guys have like in your toolbar here the xgen tools or if you are on the like xgin menu or window here you're gonna have like several kind of tools i prefer to always have this uh extra gen toolbar so that i have like all everything because here you don't have access to everything and basically we're going to be using a lot of tools in this but the the ones that we are going to be using mostly uh are going to be uh of course to show our preview of our primitives to hide our primitives to show our guides or hide our our guides this one of course this is the one that we're gonna use to add guides and this one is if you have like a symmetrical model you can just like make your guides on one side and then mirror it to the other side and these where else yeah this one the scout guide which is very very important because this is the one that basically is like the brush that we are going to be using to move our guides and shape them so if i get the one that i can make my guides with and i start like making some guides like that so something very basic like this just to show you guys if while i have this brush selected and then i click control i can move my existing guides so for example i can move this one around so ctrl and then move it around and then another one here etc of course in the beginning try to make a lot of guides so that it's easier to control them and then in this one let's remove the update preview automatically because once your model starts to have like a lot of chrome and a lot of hair it's gonna be like really heavy and it's gonna automatically update the preview for everything that you would do in your grooming menu so let's turn this off and let's try to preview our grooming and as you can see this is basically how our hair looks like so far which is not realistic at all so uh the other thing that i wanted to talk about quickly is in the preview output menu you have here something called only primitive interview i always like to turn it off also because if for example i don't have this part the upper part of the head is not in the view and then i update my preview what will happen is that i'm going to be missing the other areas so let's remove this and then i can see my groom all the time everywhere on the mesh and so the first thing that we need to talk about is the density and in your density here if you of course if you add more density your groom is going to be denser and another thing that we're going to be talking about is of course your length and the width of your of your groom so what i like to do is that i like to keep the length on one as it is so that i can control it with my uh with my guides so what i mean is that if for example if you click on this one you can on uh unpreview the groom so it's like preview and on preview so if for example if i select one of my guides here and then i can get this tool like i told you guys the sculpt guides think of it as as basically like uh like the move brush in zbrush it's uh it's like a brush that you move the guys around with and the most important thing in this brush is the lock length so as long as you have lock length uh turned on this means that you cannot lock you can move it around but you can't like make it longer than this or shorter you can like bend it but it will not be shorter but once you uncheck this you can like make it longer so i like to keep it like that so just to show you guys so if i do this and i turn my preview on again so what happens is that now because of the length of this guide my hair is going to follow this length that's why i like to keep the length at one and then try to control my length with the actual size of my uh of my guides so the other thing is the width and the width ramp and the width ramp is very very important i i mostly use with ramp first before using the the width to see how wide my hair is going to be so if i get this ramp like out like that what i do is that i try to imagine how a hair would look like so in everything related to x-wing guys you're going to have uh in any ramp when you start doing like clumps or whatever stuff that we're going to be talking about later you're going to have a t and an r and the t is basically the tip and r is the root so this is the width of the root of my hair and this is like the width of the tip so if i make something like this and then i update so you can see that now my hair like let me let me try to make the like the root thicker so you can see guys how i can control the width of the of the root and the tip and then what i like to do guys is that i try to like simulate uh like how a real world hair would look like so i like to keep like a little bit of variation like that and then if i click again and now like you can see like the hair is like very very thin so what i can do now is that i can in the width like give it like 0.2 update and now it starts to be like uh thicker what else so uh the other thing that i would talk about is [Music] i don't use the table or the the tilt that much actually and for my density and for my width i like to always use maps this way i can get like the realistic look of the hair so what i'm gonna do now guys is that i'm gonna start uh i'm gonna start like adding the curves uh in a better way and then let's start to see how it let's see how it's gonna look like so for example if i'm gonna like delete this then delete so the cool thing about xgen is that if you have like guides while you're selecting so if i select it like everything like that it will basically only select my guides and it will not select any uh other objects in the scene and then i can delete that so now when i update there is nothing so let's now look at our reference and let's put our guides in a better way so let's see this and let's start so if i have something like that and something here one here one here so the cool thing about the oxygen also is that you have uh interpolation between the guides so i will show you guys what this means so if i get here let's do the length and let's move our guides like this and of course guys one of the most important things when it comes to grooming is patience and taking your time to like make sure that your guides are correct your your maps are painted in the right way your masks and your your your maps like region maps or whatever so it's all about patience so what i mean guys by the uh the interpolation between guides is that if i have here and then started adding guides and then you see that when we were adding guides before it would just like going straight up so what i will do that is that when i try to add a a guide in between these two guides it's gonna take like it's gonna be interpolated between them and like take a direction that's like the average in between these two guides so something like that which is really cool let's do this and then we can add like some here like that here for the direction of our hair have in mind that we're gonna be using modifiers later like the noise modifier to like fix the to like uh make the the direction like not just like straight here it's gonna be like uh it's gonna be adding like more interesting directions to it so for example these ones here if you can see like in my reference i see this direction happening here and then i will try to do that so if i'm adding more here and for something like that guys you can use the groomable splines not just the splines based on guides i don't know for me i always like to like have control more and with the guides i feel like i have better control so the other thing is that just like we were talking about the sculpting that you have to look at it from like three quarters especially from three quarters because of a lot of people who make the scout look nice from front and nice from the side but it looks like very flat from the three quarters so we need to do that also in grooming so we need to look on the side view and try to see how the hair is moving like the direction of the hair so you see like it's it's moving in this direction from here yeah it's not a lot of nice references but that's what makes sense so let's have that in mind while we are working on our guides so what i will do guys to not waste our time is that i'm gonna go quickly and place all these guides and then uh see you in a couple of minutes uh so that we could talk about things that's more important than just placing guides so once i have something like this with like a lot of guides basically i know that there is some people who prefer to have like less than this because it's always a mess when you have a lot of guides that you want to work with but for me i don't know i i feel more comfortable working with this much of guides so basically guys what i'm doing is that if i bring my reference i let have make this a little bit smaller i have here like this three images like this one which i look at and see the directions of the beard like from front and a good trick that i do to like keep moving around with my uh use my brushes and with my guides is that i would like for example click w for move or q or something like that so that i would get out of the uh out of the uh brush tool thing so for example w so i'm in move and then i can click and select the edge and once you have like a lot of edges this is a little bit handy for me to always have like selected objects so i can see how many edges i've selected in case i'm like selecting if i'm working with a model that has like edges on the back of the head and then when i'm selecting this way i would be selecting both so i like to have this and so when i click move then i uh i can select the the the guide that i want to move and then when i click g then i can go to like the last uh used tool this is like the basics of maya i'm sure that all of you know that and now i have my uh my move tool let me move this out of the way my move guide tool or sculpt guides tool i have the lock length off for now so that i can make my guides like shorter or longer let me make this smaller so and then i keep doing that so it's like move and then i select and then g and then i have my previous tool and then i'm like trying you see guys like how the hair is like splitting in the middle here so that's what i'm trying to do so move g and then try to like play around with the length of it like for example for these guys i would like to make it a little bit shorter and then if you see like this one the small ones that's like really next to the to the left if you see from our reference here you see that they are a little bit shorter and they are like really going high and that's what i'm doing here like they're going high like that and then i can do it again so here try to make it nice from front here again and as you can see guys i am i my my my guides here if i right click and then get control points so that basically has like what for four points so i prefer to like uh have it doesn't have like a lot of cvs in it so that it's easier to move and then you can add more cvs when you feel like like especially if you have like longer hair and you want to like add a curve to the to that so you can always rebuild your guides so if for example if i select this guide and i know that it has four and then if i go here to guide tools and then rebuild and then i can say for example 10 and then if i say okay and then if i go again to my that's interesting okay so let's get out of that then select my edge hit this here and then guide control points and then you can see that now it has like 10 cvs so what i will do now is that i will go again to the object mode and then rebuild it to be four as it was and get back again too my tools so make it shorter like that and as you can see here on these ones you can see that it is basically just like going out like that so even this one here if i oh okay if i go back to my tool here i can just move it out like that so it's basically guys a lot of tweaking in the guides and then testing it and then seeing how it looks like and like generating the hair and see how it looks like in the viewport and of course later we're going to be seeing how it looks like with uh with the shading with with the hair shader because that's the most important thing because this is basically how the hair is gonna look like at the end and we are good with xgen in terms of what we are seeing in the uh in the viewport is ninety percent what you're going to be seeing with the shader which is one of the cool things about about extreme that you don't have in most of the other uh most of the other roaming softwares that especially in the past you had to like always try to render while you're working to see how it will look like at the end because you could never like preview them correctly or close enough so yeah that's so once i have like some guides that i'm happy about like that what i will do next is that if i preview my hair you can see that the hair let me first like if i go to my outliner and then if i select the beard and then my physical hair shader here let me like make it a little bit darker so i can see what's happening all right let's get it in the hypershade there you go physical here let me make this smaller so i can show you guys what's happening so if i come here in my hypershade and then i have my physical here so primary highlight i don't want it that strong let's try first to go to extrane and then in the density let's try to maybe make it like 100 see how it looks like so yeah that's better maybe you can even do like 200 so that we can see the how the hair looks like so let's do that then yeah make it a little bit darker the lens you don't need it that much let's leave the transmission so yeah i don't want to make it like the best shader ever i just want to be able to see how my groom looks like in the review and then of course we're gonna use a an arnold shader later to see how our hair is gonna look like with arnold when it's rendered so make it saturated a little bit so something like that so we can see how our hair looks like so we don't need the hyper shader anymore for now so as you can see guys what's happening is that my hair is following the guides but in the same time my hair is everywhere it is basically all over the scalp that i'm using so what we will do next is that we're going to be using uh we're going to be painting that density mask and what we are going to be using this for is that we're going to be telling exchange that in the areas that are black we don't want any hair and in the areas that are white this is where we only need hair so let's do that quickly so let me have my reference again open this to me i'm doing this so of course guys i i don't even need to tell you you need to always uh keep saving while working especially with xj so i will save and come here and then you can always by the way like do this to hide your preview and then show your preview you can hide your guides like that and you can show them again the same and what we need to do now is that i can also again go here and then select this oh yeah let's select the scalp and then in my layers here you can make i can click on layers create layer from selected and then when i hide or view this i can hide or view my scalps and i tend to add like all my scalps like for example if i'm gonna have like a scalp for the brows and one for the eyelashes and etc i'm gonna be using this layer to hide or show all my scalps so i can even like name it like scalps and give it a color like that for example okay so i'm gonna hide my scalp then and remember if you try to add like any uh new guides what will happen is that if your scalp is hidden is that it will not approve that you're trying to add guide so you will have to show it before you try to add any guides so uh yeah so let's continue what we were doing so what we will do next is that i can now like hide my guides and then come here and then under density mask i can say create map and you have to name your maps uh in a correct way also this is one of the the bad things about x-gen is that if you name your maps in a funny way it might not read it so for example what i'm going to do that is i'm going to say like beard density and then underscore and then i call it mask and in my resolution there's a lot of debate about the resolution for me i try to do it like 25 is fine for me it's not really high and it's not really low and i try to start always from a black so that this means that once i create this map and apply it i will not have i will not have any hair uh on the beard and then i start painting with a white color where i went the the where i want the beard to be to appear so once i click create another thing that's funny about xgen is that you need to save your mask first or map first any map that you're creating you need to save it first and then after you save it you can now be able to like paint your maps so if i go to my channel box show my scalp uh what you will see that is if i isolated that it is all black now and what we need to do is that if it's all black you can for example like show wireframe and it will tell you what you need to see and then of course i will have this next to me with the nice references from the side here and from the bottom and i will start painting in white where i want my my map to be so where i want my hair sorry to be so what i would do is that i will open the tool the 3d pen tool and i always try to start with a solid brush profile and color is on white and then in the paints i use a constant blend mode and the stroke no need for reflection since i don't have like a a symmetrical model if you have a symmetrical model of course it will be amazing that you can do reflection and you can bend to one side and then it will automatically paint on the other side and the stylus pressure i will remove for now so this means that my paint is going to be very solid and constant and not affected by the brush of my stylus so it will be the only black and white and that's what i need as a beginning to define exactly where the hair should be let's see so need it to be here like that and then if i look on the reference from the side i can make my brush bigger or smaller something like this so i like to make like my brush smaller first to draw or to paint where my borders are gonna be and then later i would make my brush bigger and then fill all the spaces so let's go again from front and then look at the reference let's start painting that and a cool thing about this paint tool is that if you're painting in white if you control uh click while you're painting you're painting in the opposite color so now i can paint in black and then if i paint again i can paint it white and then black with a control so that's cool so like i told you guys i can like define the outlines of where i want to paint the beard something like that here and then i can when you click b and then drag you can make your brush bigger and then i can make my brush bigger so what i did now it's basically me telling oxygen that grow hair only in white areas and don't grow hair in any of the black areas let's do this and then let me again look at the reference from the side especially and it feels like he has here let me try to find a reference let's let me show you guys what i'm looking at let me try to find any of the yeah like you see the hair is like going all the way up to here yeah see even here so it's like going like that here too you can see so let's do it like that here it's like it's going like this and then it goes back it's like an l shape so let's see if we can do this yeah you can see here so yeah so something like that and don't be so precious about what you're painting because we're going to paint it a lot and a lot and a lot and we're going to keep testing and we're going to see how it looks like and then go back again to it so no need to be very precious about it now something like this so if there is like a really fine hair like what you see here i would leave that i wouldn't paint it in white because once i start like blurring my white color it's going to start to have like a little bit of grays in this areas and then this is what will get you these smaller hairs so again guys with control i can go back again to black it's a little bit thicker from these sides here and one of the things that i discovered about x-gen is that it is not the best when it comes to painting masks yeah so it's gonna be a lot of trial and error and we're gonna keep working on it trying between masks and between guides to make it work at the end so yes so let's try something like this and let's see what's gonna happen so let me move and then let me go come here to my xj and then i tell it that i am happy with this and save it so let's remove that and now let's preview again as you can see guys if i go to my outliner oh sorry in my channel box and like hide my layer you can see that now i have my mask applied and of course it will never be amazing from our first try but what we will do now is that we are able to see if i show my guides i can see that this area here because of my guides going inside so it's like intersecting so i need to either move these guides out a little bit or like add another guide that moves this part out and as you can see here this part has been masked it looks weird so that's why i was telling you guys we're going to have to like to revisit our model a lot and this here looks very weird also a cool thing that you can do uh with your guides is that you can try on the edges to like make your guides smaller so it's like your main guide should be like really long and then as it gets to the edges it should be like smaller and smaller so that's what i will try to do now like for example i can make this smaller here this is a cool trick to make your your hair looks a little bit more natural is that too like make that guy's on the edge is always smaller maybe here and to then let's move this guys that we were talking about that we're intersecting so let's move it more out like that and then once we are happy with what we have we can click preview again and then you see that it's getting out now so what i feel like is that i need more guides to make this transition so let me like raise these ones up here like that like this and then maybe i can add like a couple more guides here so if i go here and do one here and do one here and then get my move guides brush and make my brush bigger then i can move it out like that to the same here and let's preview that so as you can see guys i'm like trying to make it look nice and dynamic from all the angles possible and then let's preview that so yeah it looks better now of course it's going to look very very thick in the beginning before we add any modifiers and before we start like adding clamps and help the groom to follow our our guides better so let's see again guys like i told you save every like five minutes or even less so if i'm looking now at my reference i feel like here that i need this to move let me lock my length first because i don't want to destroy what i have like to to have like more volume like that let's do it here and there and then let's update and as you can see it looks better here i feel like i need my mask to be better i feel like here in general like if i as i told you guys with my uh with my add or move guides i can just control click and then it moves the the roots and then i can move the guide itself because i feel like the roots are closer to this and then i will show you what i mean guys also if i select this one also and then move it like get the root to be in here maybe here and then i move it to the side like that it feels more like that it feels more like it's coming from this direction you know and let's see how it's gonna look like it looks better so yeah it's better in this side and so what we are gonna do next is that i need to refine my mask so for that i will go to my layers show my scalp then when i go to action i can click on this and then i can paint so i want to like paint more white here something like that and then i feel like i need to like paint back here so control and then paint something like that here i'm happy about how it looks like and then i can save and then generate and take a look and then see what's happening so let's paint again maybe this in black like that save preview better maybe more white here and more black here save preview better so that's good for now let's yeah let's try to add like maybe more white here let's see how it's gonna look like so save preview that's better more here also i think like that this side save preview yeah that's so much better now i think here more here a bit save preview yes that's so cool so yeah so that's a good start for like the overall shape of the beard let's get out let's hide our scalp let's hide our guides so yeah that looks nice let's add more density so let's go crazy first so that's too much maybe 400 that's that's better and what i will do now guys is that i will start to like blur my mask and then let's see how it's gonna look like so if i go again show and then paint and then i can go to solo mode and this is how my map looks like and then if i move this on the side i can come here to my tool and this time i can go to blur and let's blur and see so let's make it smaller and then start learning like the edges like that and this way we're going to have a nice transition it's not going to be like a hard cut between where it's dense and where it's where it's bold and like i told you guys we're gonna be visiting this map a lot while we are working so we're gonna be doing this not just for the beard for everything that's uh that has grown we're gonna be visiting the density map a lot we're going to be visiting the width map a lot you're going to be visiting your guides a lot so yeah that's the ugly side of growing is that it's basically all about patient and precision so and then if i go again to my actual brush then select black or we can select white as it was and then no pressure no stroke perfect and then i can just control so i can get rid of these whites i've been showing here perfect and let's save it let's get out of the solo mode and let's go to our layer hide it and then let's preview and as you can see it's so much better now cool cool cool so what we will do next is that we are going to start first to play around with some modifiers to see what we can do so the first thing that i want to use is so if we guys go to modifiers here you can add a modifier and basically the modifiers that we're going to be using are clamping [Music] that's it basically that's it i think these are gonna be like the main modifiers that we're gonna be using we might use coil i don't know i don't think so because his hair is like very short so yeah so let's select cut and let's see what this happens so basically what cut does is that instead of all your hair has the same length it will make like a variation in this lens so it will be it will look more natural like uh one hair longer than the other you know and it's random because the amount here is based on an expression that makes it random so it's basically it says that it's random between zero and between point two so that's the guy the cut that's gonna happen so it's gonna cut between zero cut and between point two cut of the hair and then let's preview and as you can see it already looks better you can do more and see how it looks like like point five for example and yeah that's even better and as you can see once we start doing that uh we're gonna start to see that our density is getting a little bit lighter which is a good thing next what i would do is that i would let me think here guys yeah i would just like try to refine my guides more and then after refining my guys like again i try to make this shorter try to make the ones here like longer so that you can see more hair so if i show you guys the reference you can see that it's like longer in these areas and then like shorter in these areas and then longer again here and then shorter here so try to make this variations with my guys and in the same time i will try to i will try to use modifiers to fix that so first of all let me go back to my layer and then my primitives here let's show the guides and let me try to add guides that are shorter here so let me first make these ones like shorter length so let me like make this one shorter select this one and make it shorter like that so one and then what i will do after making these ones shorter like the ones in the middle that i'm gonna create more uh guides like uh around the lip that's gonna be like really short and then it will help me with this transition from like longer to shorter than i was telling you guys about so once i have this one's like shorter than before we can now start to add shorter guides so one here for example a little bit then one here and i can move them i hate when this happens like yeah that's better let's preview and then another thing that i want to do is that to again paint on my paint on my mask and then try to remove any white colors that's close to the lips so here we go solo it and then i can basically make sure that i have my constant solid brush and let's paint let me see like the wire frame so let's paint all the lips area in black like that nice and let me save down here the wireframe and then as you can see it looks better and if i go again to add like more tiny guides around the edges it will help to basically tell extreme that i want it i want my my beard to transition or my mustache to transition to be this size so from longer to shorter so we can do this here a little bit then add one here maybe i can move it a little bit here make it short another one here short to and let's see now so yeah as you can see now we can have like shorter hair and now it's maybe too short so you can maybe get these ones to be longer like the medium ones in between the long and the short can make a little bit longer i can get this one higher up here then add a new one here and then this one would be like a medium length and do the same here so control and move it up a little add another one in the middle and then let's generate looks better maybe this is too short so yeah another thing that i noticed guys is that i feel like my uh i feel like this i feel like my mustache from the side is like very flat while if we see the reference here it has like a like a volume to it you know like going out like that so you can see it also here so let me try to do this so yeah here it looks nice so if i select all of these like that and then go to the ones that feels crazy like here try to make it work better so so yeah that looks better but i still feel like in the reference you see that his hair is like covering his lips so i think i will still like move all of this down more like that maybe i need to move this one up here marked out a little bit of volume and then i can add another one here like that that's better maybe i can also if i show my scalp i can just go again to my mask and then give a little bit of blur here so blur make it like really tiny and add a little bit of blur to the edge then save it hmm yeah and maybe also my cut variations too much so if i go to like 0.3 it's better so yeah that's basically how it will look like right out of the pad but of course with a lot of modifiers and a lot of playing around with the guys and trying to match it better i can see guys i still need to like move this out more still need to move this out more but what we can do is that we can uh start adding other modifiers like for example the noise and uh and the clump but since we are already out of time so i will try to maybe add the noise a noise modifier just to make it look a little bit less or a little bit more organic a little bit more natural and let's yeah so basically that's what happens once you start to add like noise it starts to break away uh the hair and then like if we add like more frequency and more magnitude so you can get like really frizzy hair you know and let's see look what's less so something like that and then again what we can do so i think like it's gonna be like maybe maybe next week we're gonna start like playing around with modifiers starting to like uh paint like width maps to like make the the the hair thicker in the middle like really thin on the edges and we're going to start playing around with it and we're going to start to like add the shader add an arnold shader and start to see how it will look like so that's it for this video guys it was basically more like an introduction like get you up and running with the with the x-gen uh modifier x-gen software plug-in whatever and uh yeah we're gonna continue working on it we're gonna refine it like make the like i feel here guys like first of all i feel like my hair should be thicker um if i go to my width and at like 0.3 that's too much maybe 2.5 so yeah it should be a little bit thicker and the other thing is that i think noise is too much 1.5 maybe two frequencies 0.5 yeah that's better and then the other thing is that we need to like play around with the with the length of the guides like i feel like here i need to make my guides like bigger in this area like longer so let's try that very cautiously let's see how it's going to look like so if i hide my guys to see what's gonna happen then so i know feels too much a little but in some of the images he has like really longer hair like that so what i need to refine my noise i also want one one really important thing that i forgot to tell you guys about is let me first show my guys because some of them started to like let's let's make it a little bit shorter than that and let's move it out of the way like that here that better so yeah with our density i'm gonna like try to like make it less dense in the transition here and then a little bit of a little bit of density here to have this like really small hair and the thing that's important that i want to tell you guys about is the modifier cv so now each hair that we have has only like five cvs so of course the more cvs we add the more realistic results you can get so for example let's try with like 10 cvs and see how it's gonna look like so you see start to look more natural another thing that you would do is that if you go to your render anti-aliasing you can like get it to 16 and then you can see like your hair better so if you can go close so that's it for the beginning guys and let's continue this next week with uh explaining more about like the modifiers and more about the maps that we're gonna start painting and the masks and let's see how it's gonna look like so see you guys next week
Channel: Kubisi Art
Views: 21,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walter white, 3d, portrait, zbrush, maya, mari, wrap, cgi, cg, art, digital art, likeness, head, face, vfx, photoshop, fanart, realistic, digital, sculpture, sculpting, digital sculpting, breaking bad, artist, tutorial
Id: jJiJzfMfEP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 4sec (6064 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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