Bear Grylls Reviews More Survival Scenes From Movies & TV | Vanity Fair

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they would have been better off just stabilizing the injury not getting out the big old machete getting out the axe i think if i saw that girl charging at me after i'd got my leg caught somewhere i'd be going uh-uh put it down we're going to plan b hey i'm bear grylls and i'm back again to review some classic survival movies and see how viable they really are [Music] so this clip is from the film of those who wish me dead these guys trying to survive a forest fire i think first thing that jumps out is that forest fire is incredibly dangerous incredibly powerful these guys are really in a high high danger zone forest fires can reach over 1500 degrees so that is a crazy heat one thing they're doing maybe a little wrong on this in the sense even though listen they're in literally the heat at the moment but they're running directly away from the fire you know if you're running downwind you're never going to be able to outrun it you really should be trying to run across the fire together to get out of the path of the forest fire they're doing right in the sense they're going downhill you know the heat is always going to be wanting to go up the other good thing about going downhill is that you stand the best chance of finding a stream and a stream sort of going to lead to a you know river or a lake or a pond that's going to be one of your best ways of staying safe take a deep breath hold it and lay back watch what i do the reason people often die is a lack of oxygen you know there's only so long people can stay underwater you know fire sucks oxygen uh out of the environment so that is one of the real dangers for these guys i think that's probably pretty unrealistic the reality is you know hey you're not going to be able to hold your breath for long under that water every time you come up if you're in the heat of the fire there's going to be no oxygen the heat's going to be overwhelming and ultimately you're unlikely to survive that [Music] in the classic film the revenant this guy has to cauterize a wound a big net wound with gunpowder so obviously leo is in a tricky spot at this point he's got an open neck wound uh obviously there is a lot of blood flow in your neck uh if this was a you know on his hand on a leg there'd be an argument just to stabilize it and do compression on it the amount of blood loss you would experience with a neck wound you're into the territory of like well cauterizing with gunpowder isn't really great but it might be the least worst option at this stage yeah you know if you're going to die anyway you're going to get to the stage of trying anything what would have been the reality is that most people with that sort of wound would be dying anyway so cauterizing probably works some of the time and that's probably why they did it but it's a true inextremist option gunpowder is going to create super hot it's gonna seal off those uh arterial and venal bleeding and then you've got to keep that wound clean and try and protect it but as we know from this one he's already in a bad situation he's into the reserve tank and it just might save his life yeah i would give him a good chance actually above all what he does have is courage fighting spirit and a never give up kind of come on we're gonna do this so in the game of survival that is king [Music] and this scene from the shallows she's been bitten by a shark she's trying to deal with the wound as best she can what she's trying to prevent is is massive massive blood loss from that shark bite which is right and which is smart but she'd probably be better off in truth doing it mainly through compression you know she uses some jewelry to suture to sew it up which is actually smart i mean i remember once in the military seeing one of uh soldier eyes alongside we were parachuting in north africa at night he landed on a rock cut his leg really badly open and i sat saw him just just there there rambo style sew up that wound but what he had that this lady didn't have is strong antibiotics and to be able to stop infection because really in the wild it's infection and historically it was infection that often killed people i think the hard thing in this situation is going to be the pain level you know she's obviously doing it without anesthetic to be able to do that yourself it's hard but again you know survival the rewards that go in survival to those who can do the unimaginable and can overcome that pain and that fear barrier she's obviously made a stern staff she's doing it but there's also a power to adrenaline in disaster moments and if you can harness that and use that for most people adrenaline becomes overwhelming and they panic that's why it becomes so frantic but if you can harness that adrenaline to allow you to overcome the pain and act quickly that adrenaline can really help her in this moment [Music] and this clip from yellowjackets it gets ugly with some amputation on the cards [Music] [Applause] yeah so this is a pretty gruesome scene uh you know sometimes you've got to act fast in the heat at the moment but you got to make sure your actions are actually going to help the person rather than potentially kill them i think just making a split second decision to use the axe to cut off the person's leg is maybe jumping to some hasty conclusions really they've done the hard work which is getting the injured person out from under that wing the leg's obviously broken but once that leg and that person is away from the danger really the focus wants to be on just stabilizing them potentially resetting that leg and then protecting it you know just hacking into it is going to create huge open wounds and opens up a whole can of worms often literally you know if these guys haven't got antibiotics you're going to get septic probably out there pretty fast and blood sepsis kills very fast so hacking with a axe wouldn't be number one on the agenda if though you can't get the body out from underneath and you've got another threat coming along and you've got no option apart from hacking off a leg if you had to do it where you want a tourniquet first then you need to cut you know you've got to get through bone which is harder than it sounds often involves initially breaking the bone before then cutting through it and then you've still got a massive mass especially with a leg massive open wound really without proper equipment and and antibiotics is kind of almost a death sentence but you know again you're in an extreme situation if you've got to do it you've got to do it but really looking at this clip they would have been better off just stabilizing the injury keeping the person calm keeping fluids going into them not getting out the big old machete getting out the axe [Music] tv show the wilds and one of these girls gets stuck in quicksand what the is taking me down here rachel calm down daddy quicksand is obviously dangerous people often wonder if it actually exists of which the answer is yes i've been caught in quicksand a few times so it is very hard to recognize when you're often approaching this stuff i've had it many times as you have been walking looks like really solid and then suddenly i've just disappeared the number one rule of quicksand is turn around and get out of the way where you know solid ground is behind you the way you went in second golden rule is not to panic you know the more you panic the more your limbs get pulled down and what happens then you get fatigued and then once you run out of energy you know you're often really then sunk into it and that's where people start breathing in the water and obviously die so like with so much to survival number one don't panic keep calm turn around go back out the way you came and don't fight it listen to me you have to stop okay shh stop fighting try and get a limb one at a time legs arms onto the surface spread your weight wriggle a bit like a seal but never fight it you know sometimes you just get caught in this stuff but the key is staying calm knowing your routines knowing your your protocols how to get out of there and if you're with a buddy get them a rope get that under them to give them some leverage to get their body up and then use that to help again spread your weight as you move forward but like so much of the wild and so much to survival you got to be resourceful and also calm in the big moments [Music] this clip is from the mountain between us where kate winslet goes through the ice of a frozen lake so frozen lakes are obviously incredibly dangerous in the wild many people still every year fall through ice you know then you're in a real genuine life survival situation as you see with kate which goes in that immediate gasp and panic and they actually call it the gasp reflex where just in that moment of adrenaline and fear and overwhelming you breathe in and water goes into your lungs and then you go under so first thing to do is just again like with so much to survival staying calm trying to stay calm easier said than done when it's happened and you're not expecting it but trying to stay calm not gasping not breathing in water and then turning around and trying to get out of the ice the same way you went in a bit like with the quicksand the only place you know where it's going to be stable enough is where you've just come from then you want to wriggle like a seal try and get out spread your weight get onto the ice and stay low center of gravity all the way until you're back onto either properly solid ice or back to the shore the thing that's going to kill you quickly fastest uh once you're out though is the exposure you know you're wet and you're in sub-zero temperatures and you don't last long without dry clothes so then you've got to act fast whilst you've still got that five minutes of adrenaline or so to get the wet clothes off you roll in the powder snow that will absorb a lot of the water off you try and get a fire going if you can't get a fire ring out all your clothes and get moving and get the blood flowing fast and try and get somewhere where you can get a fire going or you can get to safety it's why really whenever you're near frozen lakes and you're having to cross them you want to do all you can to avoid having to go out onto the ice always make sure you're with a buddy don't assume you know in the wild when you assume as you know it makes an ass out of you and me don't just think ice is going to be be strong enough for you it can be really genuinely life threatening and i've been through the ice of many frozen lakes yeah not fun and potentially very dangerous but she was lucky in the sense that she had idris there who could help her out and uh and it worked out [Music] gotta look at these clips and go what is the alternative the alternative is giving up and you're definitely going to die you know these are worst case scenarios and i think that they're doing anything whatever it takes it might not be perfect there might be better techniques with time that people learn but ultimately they're in that moment and they're doing whatever they can and that is the heart of survival a do or die and never give up or try anything i'm not letting this beat me that survivor mindset that you're gonna have to be resourceful you're gonna have to be smart you're gonna have to be calm in the crisis you're gonna have to be determined and resilient it's what separates the uh those who make it from those who often don't and in that sense these guys they've got it [Music] you
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 544,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bear, bear gryllis, bear grylls, bear grylls fact checks, bear grylls interview, bear grylls movies, bear grylls on, bear grylls review, bear grylls reviews, bear grylls reviews survival movies, bear grylls survival, bear grylls vanity fair, grylls, how realistic, realistic survival movies, reviews, reviews survival movies, survival, survival movie, survival movies, the revenant, vanity fair, vanity fair review, vanity fair reviews, vanity fair survival movies
Id: EicLOpTz_JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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