Beanboozled Quiz | Barshens

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"I actually feel bad! Least I would, if Paul was a human, but you know; he's a producer."


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/thatmaksusguy 📅︎︎ May 12 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

Nice to see Riyad Barmania in a cameo of sorts. I start to wonder how much episodes they film a single day.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PPStudio 📅︎︎ May 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the beanBoozled because that's really good for Google search when people type it into YouTube a lot of videos come up with it quite well so hopefully this will do quite well trivia challenge Russians basically we've got a ray of bean boozled here and some are nice they actually impairs normally but we've got a jumble sale full of them which is going to answer a question depending on our answer we get right or wrong one of us will end up tasting it and then we don't really have an outro yet we're just going to keep going until it's disgusting which won't take long you ever had contact with these I have very nasty especially the vomit one yes and the moldy cheese well we change red vomit bad rotten egg bad or bad forgotten the rotten egg one person yeah a couple of flavors where the disgusting one isn't actually that bad example toothpaste yep like swallowing a tic-tac the other one that I don't think is very very interesting is a freshly mown grass yeah what in general or I'll chose it sour down on some man some turf concern yeah I ask who you ask me a question I love Barry a question Barry asked you a question we'll probably ball thrown up Allen and if you get it wrong you have to eat bean yep you get it right you can offer your beat anyone hear that sound Sarah I'm gonna feed them all to the producer okay so roll the show biz dice you gonna eat to be a brown starfish Brown that's a bad stuff okay now this is quite good question so in what topic is brown it's bf sir best friend beefy Fox I don't know i haven't played Trivial Pursuit because it's such a dull boring terrible game who was called little Spartacus by his school pals due to a role his father had played oh I know Michael Douglas correct what it with me means I get to choose somebody who to eat a beam so you're going to be a snot or juicy pear or a juicy pear of schnapps it's going to be snot oh no it's not it's makes not it made me real small or something neither do they ever get in kind of incredibly clever machine that makes them taste far too accurate I actually feel bad at least I would if I cannot pull his human but you know he's pretty sad oh I reckon you know this one which comedian sneaked into the pop charts disguised as Tony ferrino oh um Harry I'm feels may isn't it no no I didn't think it was no no I was going to Barry's gonna have to eat a bean poor Warner yeah poor white household any of it no aha oh my gosh Steve Coogan yeah I have one of these milky looking ones with a bit of yellow in hmm I don't know what it is why they actually how gaily coconut or baby wipes oh my god baby books not too bad okay I hate coconut I think I prefer the baby without a pina colada if you like pina colada and getting blocked from your video in Germany because you Sonia song Barry Manilow I write the songs except you don't Barry yeah yeah I tell the lie what is both good and right according to Gordon GECCO when he speaks to the shareholders meeting in Wall Street fellatio no it's great it's great really correct aunt so I don't have to eat food Barry you have a booth seen anyone uh I'd like you to go for this the black ones are a sinister only yes let's hope it stays cool let's hope it's cheese because Barry doesn't like cheese ah oh yeah we got a gag oh how is it spin it back up spin down oh I know you like a boss no no the after the taste will destroy you it's kind of smeared on my teeth now is this like this shows like very bottom of someone's foot yeah is there something you wish indeed moldy cheese helps to get the taste away from a stick of rock orange orange also a well-known citrus food you know Baron Orion song which of the three ten oars okay campaña has written the most letter R's in his surname can you name two three ten oars I remember Timbers Placido Domingo his name means quite Sunday or something um well he's got no eyes in his living none so that's no good there's a big where I have a lonely go yeah and I can't be the third one was it was name wasn't it I'm gonna go for Pavarotti now it was a third one Jose Carreras damn your eyes Carrera and I want you to go for the pond water green one Thanks this one with the leg and what could what could that be that will be either against knot or juicy pear haha snot excuse Apep ah he got this Mick laughs there he really doesn't like them nothing I mean he does that wasn't even one of the worst I know the answer to this you may not okay what's the grand I tell you one I can still taste not I am who is the Brummie comedian dad of Lucy Davis Jasper Carrott who stars in definite carrot it's got to be the correct answer it is indeed but do you know what she started and the office correct yeah very good very good Barry now this round one it's going to be dog food or chocolate yeah this dog food yeah don't need spit it spit it don't make us all sick notes you're hungover it's not gonna help chow down how is it chocolatey so that's gonna be the [ __ ] peak Eli moment isn't dog food or chocolate on a no jelly brain no I think it was dog food very unpleasant thank you if it was unpleasant it probably was the dog for ya I wouldn't get that one just ask her blue what ask the blue his knowledge may psychotic yeah that's it okay what did sue brown become the first woman to do swim the British channel that's actually on the same sort of wavelength we I'll give you a second yes sail the Atlantic no all right well does it float [ __ ] a boat race crew what year was that doesn't say that it's very minimal yeah see Trivial Pursuit giving with one ear hiking with the other goofy it for yourself folks let us know down below in the comment bubble butt out garters would be copyright over I'm going to go for the caramel corn because he's eating the rest of it yeah yeah I think that's the good one yeah oh nice day hmm a palate cleanser which member of the monkeys won a 1995 race at link field on a horse called big race all right so we've got to think of a smallest monkey that was this gorgeous little monkey which has got to be Davy Jones Davy Jones is the correct answer Wow he was a little guy I didn't know he was a jockey and then he must be quite quite old in 1995 yeah I probably was and it's 40s at least yeah late forties all the five spice you can ride a horse if you're smaller than your forces yeah Eli's thoughts you're right which means you selectively victim for bean boozled month which one of you guys fancies bean camera worm you know camera two I'm going to ask a trivia question and the first person to shout out the correct answer gets away with it okay what if any is the relationship between TV presenter Nadia Sawalha and absolutely fabulous as Julia Sawalha no but that doesn't help because Ryan haven't given answer yet the answer is sister vomit down there Oh God that that that looks disease that's going to be stinky socks or tutti frutti tutti 300 this is amazing question though I do not know the answer to how I do what did the hootenanny singers changed their name to it's not the Jools Holland ban or something it C that would make sense that was yeah Jools Holland's big band but yes perfect answer is not the answer is Nolan Sisters no be a closer Abba whatever called the hootenanny sing is it a Swedish earlier let's eat my bean I think berry should try one of the stealthy black what could black be there we are undetectable to enemy radar scopes right oh you can hate either I hate me you hate Latinos I really got a sprayed by a skunk in America because if it was a cat apparently if you get sprayed by a skunk you have to pause it tomato sauce over tomato juice all over you know I don't know how they found out I think that just made up yeah it could be my perfect market better Tomas get it give it to Tanya oh god yeah ha ha ha ha dong Singh yeah yeah I won't even taste would that have that's a really bizarre it's like dead animal it it's when a gland it's it's a musk gland Oh stink - yeah big the glad think - mmm it's got that classic Smokies Phil yeah charred finish well this is easy I could see the answer as well you're holding out the admission fee well that was easy who's right which movie about a boy and his bird brought David Bradley to the silver screen yes yeah it's got to be keV Paul you finish us off come on peach or vomit no it's not tutti frutti so every [ __ ] or well I don't want to give you that one then no that one's going to be vomit what Pete alright peach or vomit I thought it's gonna be peak better then it was rollin its peak so much is it vomit yeah terrible it does set off a gag reflex on boomer [Music] you can I just say that guy seen next me on the bus go what the hell man and why'd you do that what's most don't think he was pac-man I think he was a elderly could have been kind of and trying to sort of dented out yeah little deranged was he a horse and somebody put peanut butter in the gum I didn't look because I thought to be rude to scale it but do you know why prank man is called prank man this is a good one well in Japan the noise you make when you're very hungry enough something isn't yum yum yum it's the slapping of the lips noise or puck as they write it back to the puck someone's calling puck man so it's like hungry man yeah so it risen to be puck man but then somebody spirited to that if you put that on the side of an arcade machine and a kid comes along with a permanent marker and scratches out a bit of the pee duck man yeah exactly and it want to be called duck man and that would be terrible so it changed to pac-man well that was very astute of them
Channel: Barshens
Views: 161,156
Rating: 4.9600511 out of 5
Keywords: beanboozled challenge, beanboozled, challenge, funny, uk, ashens, stuart ashen, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen, quiz, beanboozled quiz, trivial pursuit
Id: lksx27wObak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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