trying my 6x6 G-Wagon on Dangerous Road map.

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hey there welcome to the channel um today I'm going to be checking out this new mod by Carl it's a gambler 500 mod and this one's a 6x6 pigeon it's got a couple other versions of the pigeon like just a normal four-wheel drive one and a donk and then this awesome like what looks like a wish version of a G wagon the 6x6 G wagon and then also this is Spencer's dangerous road map and this thing is insanely beautiful too but yeah let's see if I can get damaged the bottom of it without crashing and yeah let's just see how this goes like I said I want to get to the bottom without destroying myself so I don't have to reset or anything [Music] oh crap oh Rock thank you for not flipping me off the road oh this is awesome I love this already this map is great too oh my god oh no no no no no no no no well that didn't take very long and destroyed that thing wow okay back to the top we go okay come on you can do it let's go buddy take it easy instead I want to make it to the bottom or the other side wherever this thing goes come on buddy let's go oh that rock again oh let's go oh that could have been bad I love this thing oh man oh crap hey didn't wipe out nice oh this is awesome that was close oh this is awesome sorry for repeating myself a million times but this is great oh crap oh no I'm no good back to the top all right this happens too many times I'm just gonna reset come on buddy let's go take it easy come on you can do it I didn't hit the rock that time oh come on dang it okay um that's destroyed okay back to the top all right come on um this might end up being a very long video and I'll ever make it oh too fast and not good oh but this is a great map for destroying vehicles oh wow this is awesome okay let's go again [Music] come on [Music] all right slow down dummy there we go come on you gotta make it [Music] let's go [Music] slope there we go come on hey watch it Slow Down slow down a little too carried away here said I want to make it to the bottom and keep doing stupid stuff not gonna make it oh crap oh this is great I love the suspension on this thing oh oh that was very close and stupid of me come on too fast there bud I also couldn't see wow come on slow down [Music] yay yay let's go buddy oh crap stay on the road or the path whatever you want to call this right now oh this is awesome there were some big dips let's go buddy not too fast slow yeah oh this bike engine sounds insane oh I love it remember this thing is top heavy [Music] so it does like to flip [Music] oh this is great oh crap crap crap crap no no I'm sorry but I'm not going back to the top I'm gonna reset here and you didn't see nothing [Music] I want to actually see the whole map I'm gonna try it without you know going off I'd probably be here for the entire day I think this is a fairly big map oh crap okay that's pretty narrow [Music] come on whoa I know that's not where we're supposed to go okay this is crazy this map is awesome these roads are dangerous oh crap come on you can do it [Music] all right let's go oh crap oh yeah by the way this uh pigeon thing is basically just sitting on top of a stand Becca but this is way better than the stand back up oh this is awesome [Music] oh okay I think this is the farthest I've made it on this map [Music] wow this thing is beautiful thank you come on come on oh man I said this is the perfect vehicle for this map hey the banana you know Komodo Neil have already done this video I'm nowhere close to their size so yeah yeah oh crap I guess this is the right way yeah oh this map is awesome and so is this My Wish 6x6 G wagon here oh my this thing is just awesome I just don't know what to say like for real oh nah it's getting a little more sketchy let's slow it down a little bit there dummy come on oh whoa oh [Music] yes Vehicles heavy enough nice yeah buddy this is amazing looking this is insane [Music] look at that holy cow wow I love this map it is awesome the views everything just beautiful big giant like lake or whatever that is down there below us even oh man thank you Spencer this oh this map is beautiful also thanks to Carl for this awesome mod this vehicle is insane wow oh well so dummy I have no idea where this goes but like I said I do believe this is the best vehicle for this it's a little big but it so far has been doing insanely awesome whoa whoa whoa whoa thank goodness I had no idea where that was going oh crud Slow Down slow down or rocks oh this is great well oh I love it oh man this map my face hurts I'm smiling and laughing so much oh I love this [Applause] [Music] oh this is awesome all this mud [Music] this thing is perfect so watch out for these giant rocks oh crap come on you can do it oh this is awesome oh wow my little mud section was great [Music] hey watch out for the Rocks dummy oh whoa oh man all right Jack the suspension up pulling to the right it's not a good thing for this map whoa that is awesome it's the first time I've seen that in one of the maps whoa this is just insane [Music] what the um basically speechless right now I'm sorry but wow [Music] this map is incredible and then this gee my I can't even say it now my wish version of a G-Wagon is great for this road oh come on this is beautiful holy cow [Music] this thing just goes right through it too I love it wow whoa that is beautiful [Music] one more look Gray wow yeah sorry oh oh crap that can't be good oh crap it's like a torture test jeez oh whoa whoa bouncy let's go buddy oh wow like I said with the suspension pulling to the right it's kind of hard [Music] or keep correcting it oh slope oh my God this is great wow [Music] oh slow down come on put on the right gear Debbie let's go slow down huge rocks oh dang man this is awesome seriously wow thank you very much Spencer same to you Carl because this is great it's perfect for this map I'm telling you it is [Music] this thing is oh my God oh my whoa that's awesome you're the individual boards oh my God it's beautiful love it oh my oh rocks oh okay it still turns a little bit oh crap okay now it's getting real sketchy this might be hard come on buddy I'm pulling to the right please I know you're keeping me from going over the ledge but it's hard oh that was oh oh come on oh rocks that was so close oh no no no no no no no no no no no no oh foreign this is gonna be tough come on buddy yes I thought I was gonna lose there oh that wheel is shot still making it though keep my mouth shut come on no no please no no no no no no oh no um made it to the bottom oh my God this map I love this so much all right this map is beautiful his body is insanely awesome and thank the both of them for making them and thank all of you who watched and everything thank you for watching and I hope to see you next time um yeah bye
Channel: Beam Geek
Views: 2,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UFQYnkgpeBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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