BeamNG Drive - Awesome TOOL to COPY ASSETS from one map to another!

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hey there how's it going David in Ark here and in today's video I'm going to show you a very cool little tool that allows you to easily copy an asset from one map and bring it into another map so that you can take objects and move them around use things from one map on another map create your own custom levels very very cool stuff that's up next all right so the first thing that you're going to do is you're going to go to the GitHub link down in the description below and that's going to take you to the BeamNG level cleanup file from Alex Klein Walker I apologize if I say that wrong but you're going to come to this page and if you've never messed around with GitHub don't worry about it I'll guide you through that the first thing you're going to do is you're going to notice that over on the right hand side there is going to be a section called releases and as of recording this the version that we're downloading is Beta release 0.9.5 your version may be different depends on when you grab this but what we're going to do is click on the text for beta and that is going to take us to the download page now you're going to see all kinds of information on here but what we're interested in is under assets you've got the BeamNG level file so you want to save that to your computer and then you want to extract that all right after you unzip the files one of the things you're going to want to do is create a working directory where you'll store files while the system is moving stuff around so I went into my documents folder and I just created a folder called BeamNG underscore work and this is where I'm going to put the different zip files that I'll be working with the next thing that you want to do is you want to go to wherever your BeamNG files are stored and you want to grab the zip file for the map that you want to pull the assets from so for example if I jump in here into my steam apps and I go to BeamNG Drive content levels so I'm going to steal the shed from the automation test track and I'm going to put it into East Coast USA so I want to copy the automation test track and we're going to put that into the documents BeamNG work folder right so I'm just copying that zip file and I'm putting it over into my working directory and you want to do this because you do not want to mess up any of the base levels that are in the game plus if BeamNG releases an update and replaces some of those default levels then you don't want to lose the work that you've been doing so I put in the automation test track for my source right now I need to go back to the BeamNG folder the levels because I also want to get East Coast USA because that's where I'm going to be working so I'm going to copy that and go back to my documents and BeamNG work and I'm going to paste that in there so I now have the place that I want to get the assets out of that is the automation test track and I have the place where I want to put the assets into which is going to be East Coast USA all right now once I've done that I can go back to the folder where my level cleanup resides and so if I scroll down here eventually I'll get to that folder so BeamNG level cleanup then I'm going to double click the BeamNG level cleanup file now if your computer does not show extensions at the end just look for the type application you're going to double click that when you first start it there will be an error message that pops up or a warning message that pops up just click more info and then run anyway and then the program will run that brings you into BeamNG tools for map Builders and what's really cool about this is there's actually multiple Tools in this one program there's a map shrinker there's a rename map and a copy assets now the only thing that we're going to be working with is copy assets and rename map I'm not going to be working with the map shrinker maybe we'll do that in a future video but we're going to go down to copy Assets Now the first thing you should notice at the top is that it says where your BeamNG install directory is it should pick that up automatically if it does not if that's not where your BeamNG Drive executable is located you know the main folder then you can click on this drop down and you can choose the folder where BeamNG resides the next thing we want to do is we have to pick the source level and remember the source is where it's got the asset that we want to take out so if you click on select the zip source and then you can choose to select a file now you can choose from a vanilla level the problem is that if you do that it's going to unzip all of that into your BeamNG main file folder and frankly it's just going to Gunk it up so your best bet is to go up here to select file and in this case I'm going to go to my documents and in my documents I have my BeamNG work and I'm going to choose automation test track now remember that the source is where we are copying from notice that you got some dialog boxes down here in the corner so blue and green are good sometimes you're going to see some red for the most part as long as you're following these steps you don't have to worry about the red errors but one of the things that you want to know is as it's unzipping and especially when it's re-zipping files then it's packing them back up it could take a while and you don't get any kind of message at all so you just kind of have to wait for the system to tell you what it's doing so we've got the source we want to copy from automation where do we want to copy it to again I'm going to go down here I'm going to select East Coast USA from my work directory all right now you'll notice that it is also going to unzip this it's reading in all of the assets and now it has read the assets from Automation and now shows these down below and you can pull in just about any of the assets that you want to I mean there are dirt roads there's look drainage there's fallen leaves there's all kinds of stuff if there's something in particular that you're looking for though you can who you can do search so in our case on the automation test track what we're looking for is a thing called The Shed now there are two different sheds in the automation test track one it has the doors closed and the other shed has the doors open and of course we want the ones that are open so that we can park our car in there right so I'm going to check the little box over to the left hand side and at that point I can tell it to copy those assets do you really want to copy these assets it cannot be undone yes fine I'm going to copy so in this case I picked a quick little asset if I had picked a bunch of assets or if I wanted to select all of the assets that are in this map for example if I wanted to copy everything that was in the automation test track over to East Coast USA I could simply just click all and it would grab everything and move it over I would use that with caution I really would all right now we have imported at this point the shed from automation into East Coast USA now before you build the zip file which that's kind of the final step we actually need to take another step and that is to come over here to rename the map and the reason why that you want to do this is because if you don't rename it then basically what you're doing is replacing the in-game east coast map with yours with the same name by giving this a new name so here's your new name included in file paths this is the file name that's going to be used for your version of the map and this cannot have spaces okay so I'm just going to call this East Coast and you'll notice I'm using underscores where we would have spaces so east coast East underscore Coast underscore David and Ark all right then the next line is your display title and this is the title this is how it shows up in the map picker so you can call this whatever you want to so I'm just going to call this David and art East Coast USA all right once you've typed in so you're not going to mess with anything of the current name because that is the current name of the file you've got put in a new file name no spaces and then put in a description with spaces and click rename the level so are you sure you want to rename the level yes rename the level all right so everything is renamed and at this point once the boxes fade now I can build my zip file now this is going to take a while and you'll notice here it says I'm zipping the deployment file please be patient compressing the file it still shows you know zipping the deployment file this will take a while especially uh depending on what your what assets you're bringing in and what map you're using as your modified map so for example if I were if I had just grabbed the shed and I put it into the the simple grid map then this would actually take almost no time at all because it was one little thing but in this case I'm taking the shed which is a little thing from the automation map but I'm putting it into the full-blown East Coast USA map so now you see here we get the blue box that says hey the deployment file was created here and yours has a funky name so at this point I can close the tools and now if I go to my documents where I've got my BeamNG work you'll notice that I've got East Coast David and Ark deploy blah blah blah that is your custom map right there so what you want to do is you want to copy that map and here you're going to put it into your BeamNG mods folder you have just created a mod okay so you're going to go to your BeamNG Drive mods folder uh usually it's whatever your name is app data local BeamNG Drive and then the current version which happens to be 0.29 for as I'm recording this then I go into Mods and here are my mods actually I've got one there we'll just get rid of that and I want to paste in my modded version of East Coast USA now the next thing that you're ready for is to launch BeamNG and insert your newly acquired asset onto the map all right once you get into BeamNG you're going to go to free roam and in there you should see your map based on the name that you called it so remember I called mine David and Arc East Coast USA remember this was the description that I gave it so if I click on there you'll notice everything looks exactly the same because I didn't change anything else all I did was add in the garage so I'm going to put the garage at The Farmhouse so let's go to The Farmhouse and spawn in there all right so I am spawned in at The Farmhouse and I think we will put the garage for now we'll just kind of put it right here sure why not okay so the first thing that you want to do is you're going to hit f11 to go into the world editor uh when the world editor comes up you may or may not have the asset browser down in the lower right hand corner or anywhere on your screen at all so I'm going to go ahead and close it just so this is how most people probably have their screens what you can do is go up to window go to asset browser and then that brings up the asset browser when the asset browser is in place there are all kinds of different ways that you can find what you're looking for for me though it's just easier if I go to all up here and then next to the magnifying glass I can click and I can type and I'm looking for the shed so as you can see I have the S corrugated Dae and that's what we're going to drag onto the map so we have this it's got the little box next to it and you're just going to drag that into the game don't worry about your screen blanking out or any of that kind of stuff there you go now we have the shed in the game that is so cool okay so the next thing we're going to do is we want to place it correctly right so I'm going to go up to the tools up here we're going to rotate and I'm going to flip this bad boy around and then I'm going to use the translate key and with translate you have the red and green X and Y but you also notice that there is a flat place in between them so I can actually do X and Y at the same time so we can kind of move this up here all right now I'm going to use wasd so I'm going to use a to come over here and then I'm going to hold my right Mouse button down and move my mouse so that I can position myself because I want to go back to the rotate key or tool rather and I'm going to use the red yellow and green lines to I'm going to hold my mouse button down here and I'm going to rotate that a little bit oops that looks pretty level now obviously it's not on the ground so I need to move this down a little and it's not perfect but for our purposes it'll work just fine now you'll notice that because of where we put it there is some grass and some ground poking through so we can go into the editor here and we can get rid of that stuff so what I what I'm doing here is I went to terrain tools up at the top I clicked on it so that it's orange came down here to the terrain painter and then my terrain painter box popped up you can see this here and in order to get rid of grass you have to basically paint something else on top of it so if I just pick let's say dirt because why not I also I can change the size of this circle but that five should be good so if I click then you'll notice that the grass is mostly disappearing all right so we have some issues right one is that appears to be this bush out here I want to be careful I'll be honest I hate to get rid of that I'm just going to leave that there because I I don't care that much but I could also do like this ground is a little weird right here so if I want to I could actually go over here to lower the height and you'll notice as soon as I click then that's been lowered now the downside to this is outside of the shed that is also that has also been lowered so you may want to oops I hit the wrong one you may want to go back here and raise the height a little let's see what that looks like inside that's not bad that'll work and I know that tree is sticking out I just don't feel like messing with the tree it is what it is so I've got my shed the garage if you will post it up here in the yard of The Farmhouse and really that's it that's all you gotta do but for the sake of argument uh let's see my car is definitely not lined up here so the question is can Dave get in the garage without tearing off his side mirror oh he did oh look at there okay there we go my car is in the garage look at that likewise I can drive out there you go so one of the other things that you want to do is you would want to go back into the world editor and you want to make sure that you save the level that way when you reload the level your garage or whatever assets you brought in will still be in the game and it is I I want to say it's that simple I will tell you uh that it is not quite always that simple as a matter of fact um here is some footage of me trying to put the diner into East Coast USA from the West Coast USA map you know a little spaceship Diner what I didn't realize was that the diner asset was not just the diner but also that entire row of buildings so as you're looking at assets you want to be careful and get a feel for what things are exactly because there's more than meets the eye often the case but anyhow there you go I'll have a link to the original video and place where I first learned about this I also have a link to the tool itself down in the description you can check that out got any other questions problems suggestions horror stories feel free to leave those down in the comments section below thank you so much for watching I'm David in Arc we'll see you next time have a great day
Channel: davidinark
Views: 1,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davidinark, gameplay, beamng, gaming, gamer, gta, beamng drive, broken car, broken cars, beamng drive davidinark, beamng davidinark, beamng drive realistic crashes
Id: hQK5GSDyR68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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