Beach Metal Detecting | 11 Rings 2 Chain Mega Hunt

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[Music] good morning guys Merry Christmas Happy Holidays so as you can see I'm back at the beach and we're about to get low tide so I haven't been able to hit a low tide for a very long time anyhow some light rain today so hopefully that'll keep the crowds away and that can get a good hunting I'm a little bit hungover today because of the Christmas yesterday a self inflicted illness that yeah I can't let that stop me from plundering the beach okay guys gotta get to work you talk it guys well doesn't sound that great but well there's another target here lots of targets around here I can see some some rust here we go that's a lot of keys okay someone's in trouble got a 1112 let's check it out it's been a little bit quiet around here it's up it is pull-tab this one's eight nine jumping around a little bit kind of quiet sometimes he's gonna be zip pulls very small ones yes Linda that sounds better now I can see something this is a low target okay there's no stamps inside all right cool guys first ring of the day Oh keep going nice signal nineteen since the cello oh my god hey guy hit something that's something straight to scoop it's up there it is okay it's a teddy bear that kodai's got a nice signal solid 1920 but I'm up near the dry sand so I'm expecting trash this needs to be the pattern it's out there it is Oh okay that's not trash it's another ring this one's got some writing in it it's a some 816 okay I'll have to check that out more when I get back okay that's interesting the Rings are getting washed up on this cut here I have to do some more investigating okay guys cool ring number two I just is not with us welcome sorry I was born in oh oh oh yeah yeah we are many Frank and student I guess seven years every year yeah my wife is Vietnamese my wife Vietnamese yeah she's a cook chef cooking it's a really faint signal okay Oh check it out anyway this one's barely showing up on the VDI look at it's a little chain that's why you got to dig the quiet targets nice loud signal first one in a long time it's been very quiet today okay still down there hey of curry what are you think it's one but it's perfect I did you find some plastic do you find out that's icky did you find you just saw it okay guys this one's hitting 33 it's the highest target of the day I'm guessing a coin it's out another Oh that's all that guys Oh nuts yeah looks very clean to be silver it's got some engravings that's a way looking ring okay I'll take it okay guys think I found a good touch I just found two coins one there one there on the surface this one's a 15 a little bit deeper but not so much it's up there it is okay like a pendant yellow yellow stone okey-dokey Yutaka guys last lab 2627 let's check it out it sounds nice and hot here okay it's up it's not a ring dice it's really really loud for a small ring become the zombies okay guys some peas are come in enough oh the nice solid 17 see what it is and it's up guys a ring it's kind of a crappy drink but I know that's nine-to-five okay guys I think I made a good patch I was just digging a 17 it was very shallow and I thought I didn't turn the camera on anyway I can I can see a hint of gold here Oh guys oh holy God okay I'm gonna go rinse this up guys oh it sounds big okay there's a stamp inside I can't make out what it is okay guys I'm gonna put this away before people come but uh yeah what a fine that's a big ring awesome you talk it guys 14:15 it sounds good down in the wet see what we got deeper oh holy yeah I can't say that oh my god this is huge too thick a string I've ever seen nice guys alright well and filly in a good patch I wasn't expecting than here there's just a little slope up it's a not really any serious aversion and that gold ring I dug up it was maybe an inch or two deep normally you have to fight for the gold okay guys okay that's a nice-looking ring okay it's back to work out this okay this one was deep I have to work for that one Oh it's got like a black girl nice I think this one's 14k well some guys to go home I'm gonna keep going okay this one's 12:11 sounds good I'm actually surprised with this area because usually I avoid this area because you don't get many swimmers here the only reason I'm hunting is because it has a slope slope running down it's Linda No Oh nuts up guys again oh my god there's some zombies behind me I'm just gonna rinse it out here I even got a diamond this one's got some some rust it's like a some rust on the join [Music] you target guys sounds good not too deep there it is okay little ring preppy ring cool okay guys I'm done for the day I just uh work along this cart here and nothing very interesting but I'm just gonna zigzag back towards my motorbike and I'm gonna go back over the area where I was finding the Rings there's a lot of heavy stuff over there so anyway guys I'll get the camera rollin if I find something good you cannot see you at the wrap up okay guys so welcome to the wrap-up and as you can see it was a very lucrative day I'm happy that I went out because it was it was raining this morning about 6:00 a.m. and I had a bit of a hangover from the previous night being Christmas so I thought I'm gonna go out there's not many crowds when there's rain so oh man I'm glad I did because it's turned out to be a great hunt so in total there was 11 rings one earring and three gold and there's a few silver in there too but I'll keep this quick guys because I know the video dragged on a bit so I'll start with the gold this was the very first gold I found and this one has dad inscribed on it so I'm not sure what karat this one is there is a stamp inside but I couldn't work it out Izu my Cameron on it and then I wasn't able to identify what karat this is but it's a decent size it's a 5.3 3 grams so that's pretty cool and yeah this one was very shallow only a few inches down which is surprising so normally you think gold heavy gold is gonna be deep but hey guys gold is where it is you just don't know and moving out to this one has you probably know guys I'm not so good with jewelry and this one I believe is an onyx the Black Rock but like I said I don't really know what I'm talking about this one has a few hallmarks inside or stamps and one of the stats just says 14 so I'm guessing this is 14k and this one's also a decent size this one's nearly 5 grams that's pretty cool and this one was a lot deeper this was in the shallow water but I had to really dig down to get to this one that I was rewarded unfortunately I didn't have the video running when I was digging but I just saw the gold sticking out of the sand and started the GoPro so you guys could see what was going on and the final gold was this one this one was a little bit deep as well and this one the zombie saw me digging this one up they were surrounding me after this and actually those guys followed me for about an hour and a half after I dug this up they think that I'm some weird foreigner with a magic one that brings gold out of the sand but this one has a stamp inside this is Korea 10k so I'm guessing some poor Korean dude lost this and the diamond is testing as a negative all my rings test negative I haven't found a real diamond yet but I'm not complaining guys I'm happy with this this ring is ridiculous it's it's huge so I'm guessing that stainless there's no stamp inside and I'm gonna wait it check out this it's uh it's over 17 grams it's ridiculous I don't know who would wear this but anyway it's always nice to dig up heavy rings okay guys there's a few silver rings inside I think there's three silver and the rest are just Junkers but um yeah this one snapped like a twig must have been in the ocean for a long time and actually a few of the targets that I found out here I'm gonna break down two of these butterflies but I know something's gone missing but anyway guys I hope you enjoyed the hunt I'm yeah I'm very humbled by this hunt you don't always have lucrative days like this yeah guys give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed and I shall see you on the next hunt
Channel: Beach Pirate
Views: 58,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beach metal detecting, minelab equinox 800, minelab equinox 600, beach detecting 2018, found gold, found silver, coins, 14k, 10k, 925, wet sand, water detector, underwater detecting
Id: bahHWJlMMxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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