[BE ORIGINAL] Stray Kids '소리꾼' (4K)
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Channel: STUDIO CHOOM [스튜디오 춤]
Views: 11,891,002
Rating: 4.9778085 out of 5
Keywords: M2, 엠투, 스튜디오 춤, 스춤, Studio choom, COVERS, 커버스, DANCE THE X, 댄스 더 엑스, 댄스, DANCE, 비 오리지널, BE ORIGINAL, 커버, COVER, studio choom, be original, 비 오리지날, 스트레이 키즈, stray kids, 방찬, 리노, 창빈, 현진, 한, 필릭스, 승민, 아이엔, Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, I.N., jyp entertainment, jyp, 소리꾼, Thunderous
Id: ly3HDyks4Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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Lee Know is biaswrecking too hard this era😔
Also, I really love the choreo in the bridge, its so cool.
i fucking love studio choom because we really get to see the details and compare how members dance/position themselves inside a performance.
00:12 hyunjin's hip movement is amazing, and i love the amount of body rolls this song has and how different they all do it. who is a hip based dancer, who guides movements with their chest, everything. i think it's super interesting how hyunjin in particular took this lazy approach to some movements in such a powerful song - but it contrasts so well! my favorite, however, is felix, he just owns this concept and movements.
02:05 is such an amazing part not only for the little laugh movement which is honestly already iconic, but how minho gazed at the camera - we can see the laughter/disdain in his eyes!!! such a perfect interpretation, what a performer.
honestly i am in love with this comeback.
Every editor and camera person in Seoul going through their Hyunjin/Felix phase
This is my first SKZ comeback and Changbin is just stealing the show somehow
stray kids x studio choom really hits different, just wow
I am absolutely loving everything skz are putting out I literally can't stop saying this haha. And my GOD that Felix ending fairy is just mindbogglingly GORGEOUS???? 😩
Danceracha OWNED this! Omg I have no words
Can’t wait to have those fancams too. Perfection.
I love the ending shot closeup of Felix's face featuring his freckles. They're beautiful!
Stray Kids choreography is made for Studio Choom. It always gets captured so well. Stray Kids/their team do such a great job letting each member have a Moment™️ but it’s even more fair this CB. I found everyone’s solo moment to be iconic and memorable. Every performance so far is bias-wrecking me 😭.