Be Careful Who You Marry

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[Music] now indeed the beginning and the end of your life that is why you don't rush into anything there are some of you it is that mistake you have done that is why your life has then upside down to today guess what you are likely the Pandavas is no waking you are killing everybody that they supposed to die anytime you lift up your voice you are praised this and that's what nobody's dying nobody is done you committed an error and God is a live with it you never consulted me [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning I'm going to be preaching on a subject of entitle be careful who you marry be careful who you marry hallelujah and I want you to give me your undivided attention because this message will transform your life and it will get you thinking hallelujah Amen look at somebody and tell the person be careful who you married hallelujah hallelujah amen please you may be seated in heavenly places god bless you hallelujah amen let's pray Heavenly Father I pray in the name of Jesus one more time we are in your presence to receive your word we are your presence to hear your word we are your presence to hear your voice father I pray that you use me as an instrument you will use me as a vessel to bless your people to empower your people father I bring myself under the subjection of the Holy Spirit and I declare in the name of Jesus that it will not be my word but it will be your word thank you Father in Jesus name Amen for the last time I want you to look at somebody and tell the person be very careful who you married you didn't say it well look at the person eyeball-to-eyeball shoulder to shoulder face to face be very careful who you might like I've been saying in this series is good to marry the Bible says that he that finds a wife finds a good thing and he obtains favor from the law he that finds a wife not a woman I will repeat that again he that finds a wife finds a good thing and he obtains favor not he that finds a woman which means that is not every woman that is a wife material the fact that she is a woman doesn't mean that she's a wife hallelujah like the Bible would have said that he that finds a woman finds a good thing and he obtains favor from the Lord the Bible also didn't see that he that finds a girl finds a good thing and he obtains a favor from the Lord he said he dad finds a wife he dad finds a wife finds a good thing and he obtains favor from the Lord which means that if you find a woman or you find a girl you are in trouble I want to say that again if you find a woman or a girl you are in trouble it means that you have no favor from the Lord because you didn't marry a wife you married a woman or a girl and so you have denied and deprive yourself of the favor that you are supposed to receive from the Lord and I want you to understand that this particular fever is different from any other fever this particular fever you don't obtain it by fasting and praying you get this fever you want in this favor by marine and wife not a woman not a girl I have said this time without number of share this testimony so many times when I was single there were certain places I wanted to preach searching pulpits that I wanted to be invited get connected to them and preach on those puppets and these puppets were puppets that when I was growing up you know the ministers or these lead pastors I listen to them I read their books and read stuff about them in magazines and all that and so I admire them growing up in the Lord and so I wanted to to stand on the appropiate and preach and I fasted I prayed I did everything the door never opened never open I prayed I fasted the door never opened until I got to the point that I was exhausted and tired and I stopped praying about it but do you know that immediately I married without even trained concerning it the doors started opening that was when I understood when the Bible says that he that finds a wife finds a good thing and he obtains favor from the Lord so there is a certain level and dimension of favor you can never walk in until you are married to a wife the same thing applies to the man to the woman sorry as a woman or as a wife you don't marry a boy boys has no real or any idea about marriage they have no idea what marriage is they have no clue what marriage is and I've said this time without number that boys marry forces men marry for love if you marry forces it means that you are not in need to die in it but when you marry for love you are in need to die in it because the Bible says that husbands he didn't see me he didn't see boys is a husband's it also means that you can be a man and not be a husband so it's not every man you marry if you just marry a man and the man is not a husband you are in trouble so boys Murray for sex men marry for love I will tell you the difference now if you marry forces you cannot die for the marriage you cannot die for the relationship but when you marry for love you would die for it especially in relation to the man the Bible is that husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church so let me explain that to you because oftentimes we just hold it - Wally so I will help you on that husband love your wife as Christ loved the church so this is what it means it goes beyond saying I love you it goes beyond showing affection it's part of it but it goes beyond it goes beyond being there for your wife Christ loved the church and he gave himself Christ loved the church so much that he laid his life for the church so what the Bible is telling husbands is this you must love your wife to the point that you are willing to lose your life for that is why marriage is not for men and boys is for husbands and it is not also for girls and women it is for wives the fact the person is wearing it doesn't mean that [Music] you have to fulfill your destiny if you don't fulfill your destiny that is upon you and the loss that is upon you and how you are filled with the Holy Ghost and power if you make a mistake and you get into relationship and marriage with the wrong person your life is ended that is why marriage is not something you take casually that is why you don't get into marriage because your parents are pressurizing you you don't get into it because your phrase your colleagues your peers your contemporaries are pushing you into marriage you don't get into marriage because of sympathy oh yes you wait on the last a break in it you don't get into marriage because you guys have known each other for a long time you don't get into marriage because you guys are childhood friends you went to the same high school together you went to the same college together that is not the yeah speak for marriage that is not the bedrock for lasting relationship marriage you don't marry because the guy is handsome you don't marry because the girl is beautiful you don't marry a woman because the woman has sheep she's skinny she is medium she is volume she owes you don't marry a man because he has see sparks or it's box okay I don't care what kind of packs yes you don't marry a man because of the packs I don't care if he has none you don't marry a man because of box because so many people has gotten into relationship and married because of the physique of the man the physicality of the man you don't get into marriage because of that I have told you time without number it's like buying a house because of the paint you are in dirt and there are so many people that are making such mistakes and they are ruining their colorful life and destiny and ministry and the economy and the emission and the Amanda there are so many people whose life has become so static because of who they got involved with something was it an ordinary person some things Beth was announced by an angel right from the onset they told the mother and the father the do's and the don'ts as it relates to something something was born as a judge to judge Israel that was his mission that was his assignment that was his mandate that guy was dynamic that I was powerful the Bible says that when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him he could kill a lion with his Birds soldiers of the Philistines thousand of them with bows and arrows and shield and she was unharmed with no and the Bible says that with a job Boone he killed a thousand I can visualize and imagine how he did it because they had Spears and put him down but they wouldn't he killed thousand with a jawbone not only that he was in the top of the enemy because of relationship I will come to that shortly because of relationship and the Philistines decided to trap him and so in the middle of the night they set the gate and when I talk about the gate I'm not talking about the gate that we see here no don't get that mean even me I can just carry them bring it those are not the kind of gates that I'm talking about because in all sometimes gets extremely important and so the gays are not ordinary gates like we have today you are talking about strong gains made of iron strong iron you can even shake it one person cannot open it strong gate powerful gate and this I get that about 10 football 12 football he would state and the Bible says that when the Philistines shut the gates of the city something didn't care what up to the gate the gate with his balance the gate with the pillars strings you are distressing me rooted - uprooted the gates with the pillars by himself mountain go to the of the mountain and he threw the penis and the gates into the valley this is a supernatural strength we are yet to see something like that but ask me if this man finishes assignments prematurely omitted suicide because of the real a gift powerful but a sinful death and died with his enemies with his four eyes locked out because of whom he entangled himself with your destiny can be aborted easily by who you ain't angle we get you to sickness he cannot get you through temptation and he cannot get you through you sinning against God and he cannot get you through lust and wet leanness he will get you through marriage he will get you to that is why you don't just get up and marry just anybody that is why women are the criteria and all the things that you have is useless and I will tell you the reason why is useless and other men so they're women they have in the other oh I want a man who dresses good I want a man whose phonetics is great I want a man who has swag I want a man who drives this car I want a man who has a permanent job with great income coming in I want a man who knows how to handle woman and deal with a woman and talk with a woman let me tell you there are a lot of boys and men who are smooth pockets but they are not husband so let me tell you how to find your husband and how to find your wife that God has ordained for you because it goes beyond their men it goes beyond the hair I want long hair I want short hair in the times that we are in 25 century you can have any hair you want God made the hair to stay in on our head but in this modern times you can take it off and put whatever you want home so forget about all that if you care about your life and if you care about the impact that you want to make in your generation and the generations yet Obama forget about all that forget about the covetousness forget about the pretty face if you do is popular but forget about all that to be in the right relationship and to marry the right person you need prayer I want to say that again you need you must pray you must wait on the Lord you must hear from God who you are Mary shoot'em Mary because of what the person has you don't marry because of loops oh you marry you or bring you down who you marry can it make you prosperous or impoverish you who you marry who you marry would determine if you are going to live long on this earth the short way to die very quick without committing suicide is to get married to the wrong person your life is ending you will not leave half of your years your days that God has given to you when you get yourself in tangle with the wrong person let me tell you you are happiness your especi your joy is dependent on who you marry I said this in the course of this series love without drama and I said that don't marry somebody because you want the person to make you happy you must be happy yourself for somebody to make you happy if you are not happy yourself nobody can make you happy but I want to go the extra mile on that you can be happy you can be an excited joyful person but the person you entangle yourself with can destroy your joy can destroy your happiness can destroy your peace that every day of your life you are depressed every day of your life you are unhappy even though that is not your personality and that is not who you are but the person you marry can mess you up destroy you reduce you to nothingness where even you come to the place that you have issues with your self-esteem and your value be careful who you marry because who you married can I put you down or lift you up be careful who you marry you don't just marry because you want to prove that you do you can marry be careful who you marry marriage is not a joke marriage is not something you toil and play with you don't experiment when it comes to marriage marriage is deep marriage is a mystery marriage is a revelation that is why it is not man that instituted marriage it was God himself it means that he has the concept for marriage and if he has the concept for marriage it means that if you want to know the right husband is and who the right wife is max straight time to pray time to wait on the Lord spare time to hear the voice of God before you get yourself involved you don't get married because friends connected you you don't get married because the pasta recommended you don't get married because all my parents they love her so much but my parent they love him so much she's a good girl oh she is a great guy all that you I see is the surface is the surface that you see is cosmetic it's no deep shallow is the surface is no deep that you see it's not a real he it's not a real because you do anything and everything to get the woman that he wants a woman who do everything to demerit that is why how many years you caught it you still don't know him you still don't know her wait until you are living under the same roof you will start seeing the true Dallas that is why you must hear from God your marriage the base it shouldn't be yes a stable job the marriage shouldn't be is loaded or she is loaded money is not everything Bob Marley said and I want to quote they have money bhadiya poor they have money but they are poor because the accenting things money cannot buy sleep money cannot buy happiness patience peace self-control money cannot buy joy money cannot buy that is why we see so many people that we think he is loaded she is loaded he should be happy she should be happy and we just hear suicide I always talk about parts unknown CNN and Tony Bourdain this guy has the greatest job traveling around see people see places enjoy all kinds of delicacies you see when you you think that he got it all together he's happy he's having fun shallow shallow is not everything that glitters is go beneath the surface there is something deep whoever believed that somebody like that would take his own life no we see the service and we say he gathered all but he wasn't happy he wasn't of himself money cannot buy every see they have money but they are poor so you don't marry somebody because the person has money who you marry be careful who you marry who you marry contain your life around 360 Delta for the worse all for the best who human that is why don't envy anybody's marriage you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes I have a bishop friend of mine who saw my old man's wife papa artificial life the first life light-skinned beautiful shiny looking juicy and succulent so he decided that he was going to marry somebody exactly like her and she did ask me where is the marriage where is the morality where are they where are they you don't get into marriage because you saw somebody and the way they are relating to each other hey I want it you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes wait until you enter the house you will see nice urban place airborne Fox boom that is why you have to be careful you marry you don't just get up and jump into marriage because when the girl talk she has a very soothing voice the voice the voice the voice is voice because that is why you are married how dumb you are you are idiot and and you know there are so many idiots in the church because the guys don't get married because the woman speaking tongues and very spiritual so it seems you will ruin your life you don't get married because that guy did you a favor helped you or their girl did you a favor and help you that is not a reason for marriage you are married the person because you feel you owe him or you or her that marriage cannot stand be careful Oh can I wake this thing are you sure I should wake this thing because I want to wet this them you have to be careful who you marry extremely careful who you marry that is why it is imperative that you wait on the Lord that is why it is important if you pray that is what is important not to hear from men but to hear from the Almighty God before you get yourself involved because you got to understand that we as believers in Christians that have a covenant relationship with the Almighty God the Bible tells us if you get into it you are staying in meets until Jesus comes accepted Audrey except adultery you must be in it the Bible says God hates divorce you must hang it so this is not something you play around with today you see boys and girls they want to marry but do you read your Bible boys and girls wanting to marry not even women boys and girls wanting to marry they have no idea what marriage is who you marry can either diminish diminish you or I suppose you who you married it can diminish you or expose you there was a woman by the name of Ruth Ruth was a Moabitess didn't know Jehovah have no idea who shower is husband she has never come in contact with the Almighty God she was an idol worshiper she worship graven images had no idea about the creator of the heavens and of the earth her idea who Elohim is who El Elyon is nobody knew her all we knew is that she came from more married one of the sons of nami the husband died now only decided to go back to battle him who also married one of the sons of nami retained back two more Ruth decided that she was going to stay with Nami and she stayed with Nomi in spite of the persistency and the admonition of Nani for her to return back to her people he said wherever you go I will go your people will be my people your God will be my god where you die I would die where you are buried I will be buried that one is deep one day I told my wife where you I tell you that I know that is not part of the agreement so that's not part of the agreement I won't die where you die I won't have any prejudice and so she followed Nami to battle him this woman strange woman married two boys a Moabitess not a Jew not a hippo has no affiliation with the nation of Israel so Jonsey because of the mother-in-law married Boris and because of a marriage that is the reason why I'm even talking about him now because of who she was married to Boris as a result of who she was married to she found herself in the genealogy of Jesus Christ because of who she married because of who she married she was elevated she was promoted she got exposure there is a man by the name of King AHA sorrows he was attained over hundred and twenty-one provinces which we were calling this modern terminology states powerful team Great King married a woman by the name of vasty somebody shout vasty you know a lot of preachers and believers have put vastly down but I want you to know vasty wasn't a bad woman read your Bible very very carefully she was an honourable woman a woman of virtue the Bible says that the king and his cabinet have drunk to allow the wife to come and give them a lap dance the white shoe coming straight for them that Queen shoot straight for them because the Bible says that they said to the king let the Queen come and show us a beauty yes I will do it and so he sent messengers to talk when rusty to come and exhibit her beauty as vacuous and honorable as she is she refused say that I am NOT a commoner I am NOT sheep I am NOT a woman without value I have values and I cannot as squander my values just to please a man in the first place I'm not supposed to be with vasee married the wrong man because man wonder wife to show her nakedness to his subjects Richmond we always to show and push straight for his cabinet members the king divorced her and she said thank you for divorcing me in the first place she you I am mistake but you know her mistake cost hey Alonzo tell mr. Costa how from that point vast he was in head again was married boss and she was exposed first married Tina has arose and she diminished into thin air who you marry can either expose you or diminish you who you married can either make you successful or unsuccessful be Sumari because it can cost your entire life be careful because guys may look past the shape look past the beauty women who pass this work you know this modern day 21st century if you hear some of the women the kind of men they want to manage so you know I sit with a lot of singles and I talk to them what kind of a man do you want to make you would be amazed and I know you do not be amazed because you know maybe it is only me that I'm shocked I am in awe and I'm astounded and am astonished about it some of the things you hear is this I want a man who goes to the gym what does jean has to do with your marriage goes to the gym what has G has to do with your marriage so you are not looking for clarity you are not looking for attitude you are not looking for habits you are not looking at the fear of God you are looking at Dean so you saw the man on the treadmill you are damn idiot you are a fool you would destroy what you are Mary is deep you would destroy your life the reason I'm using some of these harsh words is because this message is serious to me a lot of people are alive they are ruining the a destiny for greatness and put to death today we have people in the church who marry because that family they are very wealthy rich family reads read say it why we really treat race from maybe a very wealthy wealthy family I want to marry from wealthy family yes I want to marry from working family the family is rich so the basis of the marriage Multi Family and then you marry and you inherit wealthy problem worldly challenges worldly difficulties auntie uncle we have all kinds of criteria that we use to get married and we destroy our life and we through our life are we you want a tear machine marriage goes beyond that it goes far and beyond that I have seen people who were rising up powerfully who had making waves and erodes I have seen people when they were single they were working in the corridors of power and they were behave in the corridors of power until they entangle themselves with the wrong guy or with the wrong woman one of them is Whitney Houston she was doing wonderful she was doing great hitting the high notes letting all the Grammys collecting the Academy Awards selling her albums number one on the charts and then she got entangled with Bobby Brown quartet for three years they met at the Soul Train award and they started for three years Bobby Brown when they got my introduced hair to cocaine and drugs and such as nothing cooking doing drugs guess what at that time she died she had lost her voice completely she was a junk what killed her who came intoxication she wasn't doing that before when she was single she was rising up making waves globally not only in the United States below Bali until she married Bobby Brown as a result of lights her life was cut short [Music] that would be the beginning and the end of your life that is why you don't rush into anything call marriage there are some of you it is that mistake you have that that is why your life has turned upside down to today guess what you are biting the bindable is not working you are killing everybody that is supposed to die anytime you lift up your voice you appraise this and guess what nobody's dying nobody is dying you committed an error and gotta say live with it you never consulted me live with it pay the price you know this yeah I'll be teaching some things that the Lord I've been speaking to me about I know some of you when I said that you were thinking when you think God will forgive you but the consequences the consequences leaves with you I want to say that again when you see and you confess and you ask God for forgiveness he will forgive you he will erase it he will not even remember it any longer but the consequences you live with it be careful be careful who you marry be careful so many people's life is miserable today because of who they married you didn't have had condition before until you got into the relationship your BP is off the chain after who is up to the son your life is miserable when we knew you you were handsome when we knew you you were pretty you were beautiful look at how you are looking today when you mention your age people would not believe because you look older than your age twenty more years has been added look at your figure younger like you young man like you look at how you look because of who you got yourself and tangle with there are some of you today you have insomnia in soo Miah say it my way so no pronounce it by the syllables so you having some because you have one woman you have woman in your life who you call husband giving you headaches migraines you can't sleep who you marry when you are dating and you see the size run don't say I am going to change him I am going to change you will never be able to change him or her be careful who you marry as you are sitting here you know most of the time when you go out with your wife and your husband they ask you how did you find him there is a reason why the answering you because when they look at your character you have Feynman great man well looking you have manners you have Kurata but your wife zombie listen your wife they are wondered how did you meet and people ask how did you meet this man this abusive man this man that has no regard for women and doesn't have an iota of car how did you meet this man listen any time when you go out with your spouse and they ask you how did you meet is not a compliment yeah nobody will tell you this I'm your pasta I'm telling you the truth immediately how did you guys meet what when you sit in your car start thinking when you get home start thinking do you think is a compliment it's not a cop because they look at you these people these people one is he helping one is in hell how did they come together what happen when people ask you what did he tell you start crying because they are say something that you are not seeing because of your idiotic knees stop cries that weeping start rain God deliver me deliver me there was a woman in the Bible by the name of a bigger such woman smart intelligent woman wife material greatness in the inside of her but was married to the wrong man by the name of neighborhood well Tim Richmond that it was in trouble and they will say somebody for help for food the guy didn't bother to find out who sent with his foolishness and stupidity because the meaning of navel is a fool yes one check the food when a bigger way to David and pleaded with David on behalf of Nepal he told David please forgive my husband because he had the meaning of his name women don't marry a fool fools cannot handle marriage they don't understand marriage they cannot handle a woman don't marry a fool she was married to the wrong man and checking the Bible the marriage never lasts she deserved better married to David Beckham be careful you marry now that I've gotten attention turn your Bibles to first Corinthians chapter 7 first Corinthians chapter 7 the West number 1 through 7 now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman Nazareth nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife not somebody's wife you own say it with me you own know somebody's take your eyes off other people's wife women wise take your eyes off other people's husband stay clear and let every woman have her own hair own own husband have y'all stop chasing after other people's husband stop it have y'all stop it see a god have the fear of God and you stop it stop it the demand told you that he won't talk elite don't buy any chocolate for him is somebody's husband and somebody's wife the wife will buy it for him or he will buy for the way leave him find your own husband funny always let husband render unto the wife due benevolence do you burn ever repeat that after me say that again okay I will come to that shortly and likewise also the wife unto the husband do you understand what that means do you understand do you benevolent do you understand this is what it means there is no timetable on the two of you making love no timetable women are you hearing what I am saying respond all the women respond back to me I'm not joking respond back to me I'm reading the Bible there is no timetable three days in a week the rest of the days what should the man do to himself if he want it twice in a week at midnight you have a time also midnight and so if something is going to take place around 7:00 p.m. this is not yet time check check the timetable 12:00 midnight Gilpin evidence you must understand that you must and there is nothing like my body I'm tired you are not tired ask my wife she will tell you do benevolence simply means that you are body as a man the husband is no longer yours your wife has complete come true show that woman your body is no longer yours your husband has absolute control and so stop the stupidity by setting tables and say put days in a week three days in one night you are fool no you need to hear it right because the mistakes because life have been destroyed which is which is greatest riches Racing by revelation and according to the world you can fight all you want if the party says he wanted or she wanted you must give it to him or her that is what the Bible says if you don't understand there is nothing like you turn your face to the north the other one to the south you are breaking the Covenant and you are violating Scripture and reading it from the Bible from you protected Scripture my time is up yeah yeah yeah also the husband the wife hath not power of her own body this is not pasta translation King James the wife had no power of her own body but the husband and also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife it gets interesting nice verse defraud ye not one another do you understand what that means d9 not one another and so it is not where you lie or you steal or you you kill somebody that is a sin when you do that you have sinned against God because you have violated this creature don't deny don't defraud one another that is what if you have to have a long fast the Bible says that sit down with your spouse and talk to your spouse your spouse must come to an agreement with you concerning your long fat if your spouse says no if you fast you wasted your time projectors creature type defraud ye not one one the other except it be with lock on the monitors I want you to read the first two lines for me let's go defraud he not gone was there I said it be with consent for time which means that you and now we have to talk and come to an agreement that since you are fasting for seven days I agree with you that nothing is good work but if the other spouse say no it's not the devil he says no you cannot do it if you do it God is not listening to you the Bible I'm teaching you give yourselves to fasting and prayer so if you are giving up let's talk agreement you must negotiate it's not like she said I should know try and convince persuade your spouse to come to an agreement with you for you to fast and pray which means that if both of you are not talking cuz I'm fasting waste of time you know I will continue give Jesus a clap offering thank you for watching this message for more information about this message or the ministry call us at seven seven zero nine four one one nine three four or visit us online at eagles chapel dot-com [Music]
Channel: Eagles Chapel
Views: 4,482
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: he who finds a wife, husband, wife, marry for love, Samson, Delilah, Ruth, Vashti, Whitney Houston, Bobby Brown, Sex, Prayer City, Eagles Chapel, Pastor Raphael Grant
Id: Z-x6dzZzqHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 4sec (4264 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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