BDSM Desire of Death | Ben Novack Jr. Case Analysis

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hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the case of ben novak jr just a reminder i'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first i'll look at the background in this case i'll move to the timeline of the crimes then offer my analysis ben novak jr was born in 1956 his parents ben novak senior and bernice novak were extremely wealthy for many years they owned the fountain blue hotel in miami florida now when looking at the way the name of this hotel is spelled one would think that it has a french pronunciation but having lived in florida for a while i know that it is in fact pronounced fountain blue by people who live there although i'm sure there are other ways who people outside of florida could pronounce it the fountain blue is an iconic upscale hotel that opened on december 20 1954 it has been designated a historic landmark it's been featured in many television shows and movies including the 1964 james bond movie goldfinger the bodyguard in 1992 featuring kevin costner and whitney houston and a 2002 episode of sopranos ben's parents consider themselves to be among the elite and deliberately positioned the hotel to attract celebrities and wealthy guests when ben's father owned the hotel the name fountain blue did not appear anywhere on the outside of the building one manager would later say that if a person didn't know what it was they didn't belong there ben novak lived in the hotel with his parents they stayed in a 17th floor 4 bedroom ocean view apartment when ben was an infant he was wheeled around the hotel in a stroller it had a sign on it which read do not touch ben was mostly cared for by a german nanny he was naturally left-handed but she forced him to become right-handed he developed a stutter around this time as ben grew up he lived a life of luxury on his birthdays his parents would throw him lavish parties one year his parents even commissioned a portrait of him on the beach in 1968 ben and his mother moved to fort lauderdale a chauffeur would take him back and forth to an exclusive private school in 1970 ben started working at the hotel he reported directly to the head of security ben had a fascination with law enforcement his father arranged for him to spend some time with the miami beach police department he was allowed to ride along on patrols and spend time with detectives ben's father rewarded the police for this indulgence by allowing several officers to moonlight as security at the hotel in 1973 ben applied to the miami beach police department he would later graduate from the academy and become an auxiliary police officer he had to work two 10-hour shifts each month officers described him as reckless impulsive and overly enthusiastic he was not well liked in the department in 1977 the fountain blue hotel went into bankruptcy and ben's father lost control of it a real estate developer purchased it for 27 million dollars the following year ben novak's father died in 1985 at the age of 78. ben started his own convention business and became a millionaire he was able to do this because of the contacts his father had developed in 1991 ben married a woman named narcy she had worked as a stripper she was considered to be manipulative and unrefined by many people who knew her acquaintances of ben were surprised that he would be interested in somebody like narcy but they would later say that ben appeared to genuinely love and care for her narcy quickly adapted to a luxurious lifestyle she was not shy about spending a lot of money she had a daughter named mae abad from another relationship for at least some of the time may lived in a guest house on ben's property in june of 2002 narcy allegedly committed a very serious crime against ben novak she disabled the alarm system in his residence and allowed unknown assailants to enter the house and commit a robbery ben was tied up for 25 hours amazingly he did not follow through with charges against narcy even though there was substantial evidence that she was guilty for instance she returned the stolen property to him ben was fired from the police department after this incident they were embarrassed that he would not set a boundary with narcy ben had a number of affairs when he was with narcy including one with a woman named rebecca bliss who narcy found to be particularly threatening rebecca was an actress in the types of movies where apparel selection is not as important as the absence of apparel ben was with rebecca for two years even moved her into a condominium in fort lauderdale there was talk of divorcing narcy narcy had signed a prenuptial agreement which indicated that in the event of a divorce she would receive 65 000 considering that ben was a millionaire this is a small amount of money compared to what she normally would have received now moving to the timeline of the crimes on april 5 2009 bernice novak was found dead in the garage of her fort lauderdale home it is believed that she had died the day before multiple bones in her body were fractured the police found blood spatter in just about every room in the house and inside of her car but somehow they concluded that she died from an accidental fall their theory was that she fell getting out of her car in the garage and then i guess repeatedly fell throughout the house before finally returning to the garage and dying i guess the police were unfamiliar with the concept of gravity interestingly neighbors had seen two men casing the house not long before bernice died just over three months later on july 12 2009 53 year old ben and 52 year old narcy were staying in room 453 at the hilton rye brook hotel in rybrook new york ryebrook is north of new york city it's near the new york connecticut border they were there running a convention as part of ben's business at 6 54 a.m rc spoke on the telephone with one of the hotel workers there was a problem with the seating at the event narcy then left the room and went downstairs for breakfast she can be seen on video surveillance going downstairs marcy returned to the room at about 7 45 a.m she used her hotel key card to gain entry she said that when she entered the room she found her husband dead the police were called to the scene here's what they found during their investigation ben had been bludgeoned and strangled his hands were tied behind his back with duct tape there was also tape on his legs just below his knees he had been gagged and his eyes had been removed with an edged weapon there was no forced entry into the hotel room a gold bracelet with ben's name on it was the only item missing narcy denied having anything to do with ben's death she said that she was downstairs when he was murdered the police checked the hotel keycard records and found that no one had used a keycard to enter that room from about midnight until 7 45 a.m when narcissus key was swiped in the lock narcy suggested that perhaps she did not close the door when she left the room this explains how one or more assailants made entry two days after ben's murder narcy chased her daughter may with a crowbar around ben's fort lauderdale house the police recalled may agreed to leave the house the police believe that narcy was a pretty good suspect but they did not have enough to charge her with ben's murder they were not aware of any physical evidence that connected her to the crime it was clear that she didn't kill ben personally but she may have hired someone ten days after the homicide the police received an anonymous letter written in spanish the letter indicated that narcy and her brother christobal veliz were the killers the police paid cristobal a visit at his home in philadelphia he invited them to sit at a table they noticed western union receipts on that same table when he left for a moment they examined the receipts and made note of who was receiving money one of the payees was a man named alejandro garcia surveillance cameras from the hilton ryde brook hotel had captured alejandro and a man named joel gonzalez walking around on the property two days before ben's murder eventually both men confessed and testified against narcy and cristobal they said that narcy left the hotel door open for them they entered and bludgeoned ben with weights before strangling him their story was corroborated by the fact that at 6 39 a.m on the day of ben's murder rc called them on a burner phone alejandro also admitted that he killed bernice novak by beating her with a pipe wrench on april 4 2009 she did not die of an accidental fall rather narcy had her killed both narcy and cristobal were convicted and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole the prosecution believed that narcy knew that ben was going to divorce her and killing him and his mother maximized the amount of money that she would inherit bernice had to die first so that her wealth would transfer to ben when narcy killed ben his wealth would transfer to her now moving to my analysis ben novak had a very unusual upbringing he had everything that he could want except the attention of his father and appropriate socialization opportunities he became fixated on the batman television show as an adult he amassed the second largest collection of batman memorabilia in the world including a replica of the batmobile when he went to private school his stuttering was recognized by his peers they described him as different and standoffish he really didn't fit in academically he did very well he was described as intelligent after taking the job at the hotel ben became even more intolerable he would push people around fire people without cause many people found him to be difficult to get along with he was arrogant condescending obnoxious self-centered demanding aggressive and had a sense of entitlement ben wanted to be a police officer he often acted like one or at least the way he thought a police officer should act he would frequently hang out with police officers and try to maintain them as friends not long after receiving his driver's license he would drive around miami and report to the police anything he considered to be unusual including road signs which had been knocked down when ben's father lost the fountain blue hotel ben was devastated it was part of his identity however he was able to use his father's contacts to achieve success in the convention business so his luxurious lifestyle continued ben was active in a number of casual romantic relationships he was into bdsm and had a specific interest in amputees ben did not seem to grow out of the narcissism which had developed when he was young as an adult he was described as a loner and unpleasant the relationship between ben and narcy was characterized by violence they were terrible to each other after the 2002 robbery allegedly perpetrated by narcy and people she hired the police repeatedly warned ben that narcy was extremely dangerous they advised him to get a restraining order a divorce attorney and to get away from her ben initially went down the road toward divorce but then the couple reconciled and made it clear that he really enjoyed bdsm sex with narcy and did not want to lose that he recognized that narcy was dangerous but they were going to go to marriage counseling so he believed everything would be okay now taking a look at narcy marcy had a genuine contempt for ben novak not only did she order the hitman to remove his eyes but she stayed in the room when he was murdered she jeopardized her own alibi to direct the homicide personally just like ben she had no idea how other people perceived her arsey was an obvious dangerous and reckless assailant here are a few examples of how she was a poor criminal to establish her alibi she stood in a hallway at the hotel right in front of a camera there was no clear reason she was standing there she was kind of moving around her bags in an aimless fashion marcy told the police that after she entered the room she could tell that something wasn't quite right considering that ben had been tied up beaten and there was blood spatter all over the room i wonder what part didn't seem quite right narcy is practically sherlock holmes a master of observation darcy also said that ben may have died of a heart attack not one induced by the beating like just a regular heart attack what does she think happens during a heart attack did she believe that a heart broke into his room tied him up beat him and strangled him like she literally thought that a human-sized convicted felon heart attacked him narcy tried to escape responsibility by suggesting that her daughter may was the perpetrator she implied that mae wanted to get her hands on that batman collection it's like narcy just could not empathize with people she didn't understand people well enough to know what their motivations would or would not be if narcy had not been arrested it appears as though her daughter was the next target alejandro garcia had a picture of me in his pocket when he was arrested now moving to my final thoughts i think ben and narcy used each other they were both narcissistic anti-social aggressive and self-centered ben wanted sex and narcy wanted money that was the foundation of the relationship really that was the entirety of the relationship eventually ben was able to secure another source of sex but narcy did not have an alternative to gain money she developed a plan to have ben's money without the inconvenience of having been those are my thoughts on the case of ben novak jr please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis to be as intriguing as the world's second largest collection of batman memorabilia thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 75,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rm6yWdPK5Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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