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that's delicious okay turn me up a little bit hey what's going on everybody hey welcome back to the meat stall hey today we're going to be doing some our chicken leg and some chicken thighs on the weber kettle using the vortex accessory um i'm gonna tell you about what i did last night i used my briner bucket and uh i brined the chicken last night i probably put them in at about i want to say probably eight o'clock last night and now it's 12 30 and i took them out what i did is uh for my brine recipe i went with a gallon of water and usually i go with one cup of salt and one cup of brown sugar but since i knew they're gonna be in there a little longer i didn't want to over salt the meat so what i did then i i went with a gallon of water and then i went in with a half a cup of kosher salt and a half a cup of brown sugar and i'm pretty sure that these things are going to come out right so what i've done this morning i took the chicken out of the burner bucket and i put them in the sink and i rinsed them off and now we're going to go in with the seasoning process the seasoning process i'm going to be using i'm going to be using my own seasoning the meat stall meat sprinkle sprinkle my baby you can get this seasoning here at my website at i want you to do me a favor right now if this video gives you any tips on the tricks that you like or if you like the video please hit the like button and subscribe and also hit that bell so you can catch any videos that i'm gonna be doing okay now i'm gonna get this chicken out the sink and i'm just gonna orientate it on there on my uh rack here and here you need to trim this up right here and i'm just gonna trim off any excess that may be there just to make it a more enjoyable cook or chew this one here doesn't have too much up there [Music] okay we got these here now i'm going to uh season these up but first let me wash my hands get rid of these little pieces of fat that i trimmed off minimum trimming i always like to keep my hands washed when i'm doing when i'm cooking chicken so you don't want to give me a cross contamination [Music] so all right let's go on with the uh me style meat sprinkles just is excellent for chicken we'll start high and move the sides away want to store hot so we can get maximum coverage [Music] there you have it all season up let me clean this up and let this sit for a while we're gonna go out and we want to fire up the uh the web with the vortex success are we out here in the backyard and it's a beautiful day out here in sunny san diego and here's our setup right here i have my charcoal starter and inside here i have i got these buckets here that i use and i just keep my charcoal and stuff to keep them from getting wet and also i use the pellets for my pellet grill 22 inch rubber kettle here got my vortex assertion that i'll be using today but uh first what we're going to do is uh we're going to fill this up probably about three quarters of the way with our charcoal i'll probably go a little bit higher than here i'll probably go about right here fill the knees up all right let's go ahead and fill this up like i said we're gonna put it about two quarters away there should be enough charcoal right there for this cook and here's the celery that i use when i'm using charcoal either i use the webber lighter cubes which these things work awesome or i use the tumbleweed all natural fire starters i'm gonna be using the tumbleweed today so we're gonna go ahead and uh put a tumbleweed up underneath the bottom of this put some fire to it and we're gonna let it roll [Music] place your tumbleweed right here oh yeah we gotta start we're gonna place the charcoal right on top of here and we're gonna let it smoke we'll come back and follow about 20 minutes we'll be ready to go it's been 20 minutes and my codes are piping hot so i'm going to switch these around i'm going to take this out put my vortex in then we're going to go ahead and peel this bad boy it takes in fill them up with my charcoal i'm out of you a little bit too much because i don't have the uh the one with the we might even get it to work still get the grate in there i don't have the grate that's open at the top [Music] but we got all of it in there we use this right here see if we can flatten them out now my my vents on this cook is going to be completely open the bottom vents are wide open at the top then it's wide open put my grate in scrap a little bit for the last cup [Music] got it all scraped up i got a small piece of hickory that i'm gonna put right on top of here give me a little smoke flavor let's go ahead and place this chicken on the grill put them like this we can get more room [Music] that's the last piece right there i'm really not concerned about what the temp what the temp is because we're cooking indirect where i got my bottom vent open what it's going to do it's going to push all the heat up through the top it's going to radiate down on my chicken all right we're gonna close up and we'll get back with you probably about an hour oh we back out here i think i will see what looking like looking pretty good attempt this that's 173 186 176 [Music] 185 190 200 a 72 these are all cooked [Music] what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna let them sit like this for a minute and then we're gonna take them in and test them out and i did wash this tray so we're good to go all right this is what we got this is the end product this is our recipe was super simple all i did is uh i got me some my wife had some legs and some thighs uh i chose to grind them uh the brine that i use um gal in the water half a cup of kosher salt uh half a cup of brown sugar now with this brine you can put more stuff in it or you can put less stuff in it you can just go with just salt if you want to but i like to taste it the brown sugar bring um let it brine overnight i took it out uh rinsed it off in the sink went on with nothing but my meat sprinkles um which i said once again you can get it on my website uh me stall go there and also you can pick up some meat frosting here these these chicken here is naked because my wife she didn't want me to sauce them uh she was awesome later but uh we're gonna get into a bite and test one out i'm gonna put a little meat frosting on here just a little drizzle let's try this out give me some elbow man you got a nice smoky taste too that's delicious still didn't get that uh bite through skin um with that to achieve that you probably could put that over on fire and char it up but i'm gonna try to take a bite without any sauce on that's delicious um you can tell you eat smoked chicken but it doesn't sound like you're eating a log so uh try this recipe out let me know what you think and once again this is the mixed doll find you some meat and smoke it okay turn me up a little bit
Channel: The Meat Stall
Views: 503
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: dlQxK0Hh7Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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