BBC Tribute To Elvis: Sun Studio - Memphis, Tennessee

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tell the man standing in front of the rig seat there ain't no way through tell the kid to swing at a stone and giant or you're gonna do but you'll be talking to people is hard to face who so bill even though there's a sign behind you I'm gonna ask where are we we're at the Sun studio today today we're here to sing gospel music on the 60th anniversary of Elvis Presley's that's all right mama first release so they chose us to be the gospel portion and we're very excited what are you singing we are singing Elvis's version of peace and the valley yep and we're gonna do a little piece but we're not in the valley but we're this is uh you know actually I mean it might be below sea level yeah as possible no I don't know if sniff this would be considered below sea level so hey it could be a flood zone but I'm possibly in the city it could be a flood zone so that's a valley and the flood zone yeah yeah if it works out it'll be here they're all completion the flood zone they would have to change the lyric there but I don't know yeah we'll just keep it away it's an honor to be here truly it is now for the person this probably should be the most excited to be here beside which you got to say thank you see where it all went down this is where it all began literally even recorded yeah Roy Orbison Jerry Lee Lewis four chairs back you two so if we do seem to the Brian Setzer Alan wolf losing a lot of people box car windows what was that boxcar music really we sing that's all that's up Universal really I'm feeling it it'd be Wendy what do you think yeah oh look what she did to mr. Phoenix in it the whole thing really yeah you got some really I know you do not really I woke up about 30 minutes ago yeah thank you some eggs we're son studio time yeah we this really cool thing from the there's a lot media folks and then there's going to be awesome Wonderland Junior listen case you're wondering after the rolling pan the roller derby the roller derby the early derby yeah it's all I got okay Oh to hums and go call me with you is so bright and there is nothing wrong well tell me about some of some of the reactions to talking to the tractors rock'n'roll you know what was the extremely well when I got into the church you know and great we started singing mas well that's fantastic staying with the the gospel theme now we're joined by a group that have 23 albums to their name and have been nominated for southern gospel album of the year five times in the last seven years they're led by one of the most recognizable gospel tenors of his generation they're performing in Ohio last night but tonight they're back where they belong the heart the American South they are tenor Brian yes high lead bill that's me here bill baritone Mike I love that and bass Jeremy yes boys well collectively known as Brian free and the assurance yes how're you guys doing doing great how are you I'm having a blast everybody was asking me I'm just I'm just buzzing over here so maybe here well look tell it tell us about the gospel influence in Elvis's music I think it's pretty evident and all the music that he did he grew up in the church like a lot of people and the the music of the church is where all the genres come from as that's the origin of any of any type of music and everybody takes it and yeah more creative and do what they want to with it make it their own and that's where the other styles of music come from so I believe it was the core as it is most people well you know he grew up is a good church boy and then everybody starts dubbing his music is the devil's music and I mean how difficult you think there was for him to brush that off or to deal with that I knew you JD summer very well and JD travel of course was the basin was Elvis's favorite bass singer and I've known JD for about 35 years and JD would talk about that every once in a while it's I believe in in his heart he always had a love for gospel music I mean he's won his Grammys on his gospel music yeah he used that in harmonies and his influence and anybody send some the writing and stuff that he did Elvis I he just he had his own style had his own desire of doing his thing which obviously was fantastic and I believe God gave him that ability and what he did with it was between him and the Lord I believe it was a I believe obviously it's a phenomenal career well fantastic you think um it's rock and roll completely accepted today do you think I guess there's still that that sense that it's that it's you know the devil's music is ungodly it shouldn't be played I have think in certain circles it will never be accepted yeah it because it's viewed as the world's music ad me personally I've been influenced by a number of artists in music and not just in Christian music so as far as that's concerned I believe lyrically is the most important part the music itself is not evil there's nothing in the Bible that says that it's evil yeah it's the lyrics it's what we choose to say when we sing a song that makes it either good or bad or something you want to listen to or something you want your family to listen to so I think that's it's all about the writing of a song is it something you listen to I grant rock and roll absolutely yeah I was an old rocker before yeah before I got saved I was on a rocker in a rock group I'm really yeah that's what we did I'm free in the rockers yeah that's that's just part of it fantastic so they took that back to gospel how important is goes from you across America hugely important I believe we are largely a Christian nation have been since its its beginning and it's and we travel about 200 days a year all over the US and including in Canada and overseas so we see the influence and the importance of gospel music everywhere of all different styles and I think it always will be hopefully it always will be that's it what cuz tell us a little bit about your song choice piece in the valley which was one of my favorite songs that Elvis did and the guy's also back here and it just it's great song with a great message and that to me when I hear Elvis sing that song you can tell his hearts in it and you can tell that he's really feeling what he's singing I mean I do believe with all my heart I saw many times in watching us on TV and things that he just leave he he definitely knew the Lord was yeah well this is fantastic right this is that's alright 60 years on live from sunset Memphis Tennessee now singing peace in the valley Brian free and the assurance no please well done and let's go long til the Lord comes and goes calls me winds where the more there's no right and the land mr. 9 and the 9 not is as bland as the scene luhan's there will be peace in the valley for me Sunday oh there will be be every there'll be no sadness no song travel travel for me where the man will be gentle and moons will be tame and the line shall lay down by the is where the me he's run shall be late by then I'll be changed change from this creature that I am who is there will be peace for me someday oh there will be peace in you lord I pray and there'll be no sadness no no sign I see there will be peace in the valley for me me oh well there's peace in the studio right now that was incredible thank you Brian free and the assurance peace in the valley live from Sun Studio here in Memphis Tennessee 60 years to the day after Elvis Presley so influenced by gospel music walk through these doors and there I hear whispers Shawn all along
Channel: BFAVideoBlog
Views: 33,989
Rating: 4.8122745 out of 5
Keywords: brian free, assurance, gospel, music, christian, blog, Sun Studio (Location), Elvis Presley (Celebrity), Memphis (City/Town/Village), Christianity (Religion), Gospel Music (Musical Genre), bill shivers, jeremy lile, mike rogers, bryce free, BBC, BBC Radio 1 (Award Winner), TBI Media, British Broadcasting Corporation (Production Company), Tennessee (US State), tribute, Elvis
Id: 5yD_uJ24KTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 14 2014
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