BBC Rogue Traders - Conman and Cowboy Aerial Installer In Leicester (16th March 2009)
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Channel: tsotaj
Views: 1,042,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Matthews, Rogue, Traders, Red, Bull, Aerials, Leicester, Cowboy
Id: RBog9q3PiHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2009
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LOL, the music was on point!
Rogue traders was some great show, haven't seen it in ages so don't know if it's still going. I watch cowboy builders when I see it on and get some craic off the little badly fella catching all the shitehawks
But.... Why not use water... To fake water damage
I kinda wish this scum bag crashed when peeling out. That would be almost too good
Now j know what I'll be watching all night.
Choice soundtrack, too.
Thank you for turning me onto this show. Now I have something to watch when I'm bored. I wish we had a show like this in the states. I'd watch it for sure.
Damn, too bad he didn't take the door off on something when he reversed.