BBC Click 360: The world's first entirely 360 TV episode - BBC Click
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: BBC Click
Views: 195,358
Rating: 4.829041 out of 5
Keywords: 360, video, virtual reality, bbc, news, bbc news, click, 360 video, amazing video, technology, tech news, tech, youtube, lifestyle, culture, interview, underground
Id: c3zeH-YEHkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Even with just a touchscreen, this was an amazing experience. They did a superb job of showing off the advantages of the format, and I'm looking forward to experiencing more like this once I have my hands on a proper VR headset,and especially when professional-grade camera systems like the Nokia Ozo are available.
This feels like the future.
Fantastic video. Thanks for sharing OP.
Youtube needs to change how the camera control on these work, literally click dragging with left mouse button for 22 minutes is not optimal, just changing it to click to control, click to stop controlling would be better, sorta like every fps game...
First one was actually the narrative/interactive VR series 'GONE' by Skybound Entertainment.
The segment in the Large Hadron Collider was strikingly beautiful.
I love that this kind of video might become a thing.
CollegeHumor did it better.