Baz Luhrmann and Blackpink’s Rosé, in conversation | Vogue Australia

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oh my god i haven't said that in forever i'm i'm so happy you know what you said that do you know what i was talking to kylie minogue yesterday she's a really great old friend of mine and it was funny to hear her say can i mate an australian accent she you sound very like kylie you both look beautiful oh thanks let's say i feel like rosetta you look really stylish i love the way you look my gosh thank you so much thanks for coming to talk to me i really was thrilled and you know i told you i just finished making the film of elvis i literally finished the mix of the movie on the weekend so i'm out about talking but i don't know if you know about 20 years ago i did an issue with vogue um as a guest editor it was about what it's like to be australian but to play around the world now whether that's fashion or film or music or even any other form of creativity what do you think being australian but being at home you know i feel like sometimes i feel a bit out of place because most the people here in korea they yeah even if they speak english they probably they usually um have come from the states or elsewhere but australia it's not too common um to this day i feel like so yeah i feel a bit unique and sometimes a bit out of place but then i also am very grateful that i get to have that you know a bit of the difference and so in a way you always feel a little bit like the outsider and i think what that gives you is a quality of absorbing things around you it's pretty accurate um since because like in australia i don't know being also korean i never thought that like i loved music but i never thought it was a dream that i could really you know grasp because i wasn't like oh you know i just have to go and audition it there was i i was not informed or educated in like any form of shape of how to get to my dreams it was you know by chance but like you said since that was the case i was always looking out um and looking at these amazing things and absorbing everything i think so and i'm just wondering that when you went to career the whole the whole training system the discipline you know the artistic level the quality the whole idea that you have to give your all to reach a very high standard is that something that you went through like what was that experience like for you i thought i had i thought i knew like what i was up for um they were like yeah as soon as you get there you have to you know practice hard have you ever danced before and like i've never danced in my life except for like being silly in class with my friends no like you know sounds like me yeah you have to learn how to dance sing and everything and um so they're they're like oh it's you're gonna be um really really busy so i was like oh of course yeah i can do it um because back then i i i had been watching a lot of k pop videos and korean music back then also so for me it was just like oh i just have it sounds like fun i get there and i notice that there are like 12 other girls who have been training day and night for about like you know five years ahead of me and i just gotten there i'm 16 i came from australia i just went to school thinking i'm just gonna be a normal i don't know art teacher at school or something and so when i got right there i was like okay so this is quite intense and it seems as if if i don't catch up i'm going to be cut and sent right back to australia where i've told all my friends yeah i'm dropping out of school and i'm going to you know working on my music but it's like it's like drama school but music school i know i just said i'm going so i left and i i didn't want to fly back without um having achieved anything so i i ended up fighting for my life training for my life and because i couldn't find a lot yeah i was like i couldn't accept the fact that i'd just be cut and sent back so i i had no time to slack off and i remember i i took every minute and every second to um you know work on my craft so that i will you know make it and i think it was it was a good drive just the fact that i had flown all the way from australia um gave me more of strength or like determination to uh really beautiful what i was doing and the level of actual like discipline you know like you you have to learn the discipline you have to learn all of that and that's given you incredible sense of strength and i love the fact that you thought of it as life or death but then of course the audience don't want to see the work people are going oh it's so fantastic you look so glamorous and you're sort of going like yeah but it's actually a really it's a it's just really hard work they don't want to know about it do you find that people just you just can't explain the work for people for sure but i feel like sometimes for us to express like i i feel like i'm a person that has a lot that i like i have a lot that i want to express on a day-to-day basis but for me to do that like um you know through art i need to really work on my craft so that i have that tunnel to express that in um a form of art and so like you said it takes a way more um work than you would expect now i'm interested about that because i think there's a great comparison between elvis as the first ever idol and the whole idea of idols in k-pop it is quite a similar journey you know but out of interest rose what do you know about elvis isn't here good halloween costume i don't mind what you say but i'm just interested in the truth the first time i listened to elvis presley was um so i grew up watching disney movies um for sure lilo and stitch had just come out and yes my sister and i were absolutely obsessed and here's the fun part we're living in australia in new zealand and um my family and i we take uh like a summer trip to australia i think we went to the gold coast back then and my dad rented a car on our way from new zealand to australia we had bought a lilo and stitch cd and i remember the only song i remember on that cd is hound dog i think it probably must have it must have been my favorite one um we just had that cd on repeat the whole trip and so that's my first impression i think of elvis presley um and so it's a very friendly introduction to him i do think what you and what you personally are doing and your personal style and i think you make a lot of australians proud and it and it inspires the next generation you know i just want to wish you just so much more goodwill i hope we all get to work together at some point please give my best to the rest of the performers in black pink because you guys are cutting this way through popular culture and that's not easy to do and if you see teddy giving my love i think he's the coolest definitely will thank you so much this was so much fun guys but before we can i just say one thing i'm sure you have thousands of people who say this to you but um i must say i think a big part of me dreaming of becoming whoever i'm you know trying to be today is i absolutely loved milan rouge and um i but i liked a bunch of other movies after that and i noticed the reason why i like those movies was because the protagonist looked like you know reminded me so much of um nicole kidman and milan rouge and i think that really inspired me to become you know a female artist that i am and you know i still dream to be that glamorous you know fragile but you know such a beautiful yeah um performer and it's like really yeah i'm i'm so honored to be able to do this with you today just wanted to say that you know what i'm gonna see nicole and i'm gonna tell her that she and i'll tell you what else that she's inspired you and the next generation because she cares so much about that but i'm also going to tell her that um i tell you something for you just i think the other inspiration is that she's expanded like later on in her career she starts making her own own films her own materials you know and so she's a great inspiration for how always grow just always keep growing never stop learning you know i will tell you said that it'll mean a lot to her i can guarantee it thank you all right when i walk up to the camera and do a fade out like this bye [Music] ciao
Channel: Vogue Australia
Views: 909,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vogue, vogue australia, fashion, style, celebrity, beauty, celebrity interviews, cover, Rosé, Blackpink, Roseanne Park, Kpop, Baz Luhrmann, Elvis, Moulin Rouge, Lilo and Stitch, Nicole Kidman
Id: v8pEd-66bjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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