Bayonetta Luka Relationship & Romance (Bayonetta 1 to 3)

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oh yeah do you believe in fate brought us here together and it will never tear us apart [ __ ] where'd that bucket go sayonara fleured the series wonderful floral bouquet with its subtle hints of Rosemary you know in the language of flowers Rosemary equates to remembrance which doesn't quite equate to you now does it payone will you stop that that little bug Orlando seeing you here I suppose it wasn't the only one you certainly haven't you my little chesha put us I'm not your pet the name is Luca a name you better remember damn it wait you can't just run away from me like that I know what I saw that day [Applause] I know all about your kind sure my colleagues laugh at me for chasing fairy tales just other things but I know they're real I know the truth [Applause] is smell it's the same smell that clung to the air the day my father was murdered which means I'm right on your doorstep Bayonetta I'm not chewing on a little seat the name is Luke you need to hone your sense of smell my dear there's no Rosemary in the perfume after all Rosemary is a demon repellent you only run away so fast because you've got something to run from me but you can't escape me forever huh my lipstick nothing [Music] I've often seen a girl without lipstick but lipstick without a girl most curious isn't it Cheshire what's also most curious is how a child like you has kept afloat in this town the name is Luca and don't you think it's a little strange to be worried about my well-being sure the Festival of Resurrection is peaked security the thing only happens once every 500 years can you blame them besides when you look as good as I do security isn't a problem but a killer like you on the other hand I'm sure you've found a way that little girl I've seen her somewhere sweet Michelle hey don't go freaking out on me we both know you came here for something but what you don't know is the closer you get the harder it's going to be for you to get away from me and what you've done you'll have to fess up to it all I can't wait for you to get your hands on whatever it is you're after let me guess you want a cut well if you're still alive by then perhaps you can appeal to my generosity still alive you may be standing right in front of me but you're definitely not living in reality which is a shame because the truth is always going to be the truth all I see when I look at you is the truth the truth is you killed my father I don't care who believes me they can't project the truth Will Set Me Free from your black stain on my life the truth will allow me to expose you to the world then I'll have one and I'll do it without stooping to your level because I'm not a heartless witch like you oh whoa what are you gonna do Kill Me In Plain Sight go ahead it would only prove everything I've said about you well that and sat in the hearts of a number of young ladies Claire and Trish and Sylvia and Amy oh you don't want to piss her off Let Me Tell You Hell hath no fury foreign foreign Mommy you're a mom you come now Cheshire look at me do I look like I have any interest in children now making them well that's another story whoa whoa you're getting the wrong idea I mean it might be the right idea but not right now right right yeah uh speaking of right I'm glad I've been standing around waiting for you because I knew we'd cross paths see the only way to reach the Upper Crust in their jaded island of champagne wishes and caviar dreams is over prominence Bridge oh yes the island lovely place isn't it oh now what don't play games with me worked your magic on this poor defenseless child haven't you you're a sad sick woman you know that I was her age when you killed my father wait no you could oh my God you did didn't you killed her parents hmm think of it she's better off with you you two are more hassle than your worth what just keep a good eye on her or you're going to catch hell for it no good deed goes unpunished and you never know when a monster may sneak up on you foreign [Music] that bridge in these heels I don't suppose I can call a cab to get me to the island foreign foreign thank you I told you there was nothing to worry about what hello there Cheshire yeah you [ __ ] seems your driving is on par with your journalism I figured I'd beat you to the island but the guards had another idea didn't they not really my best plan huh you think you've got me figured out don't you we journalists have to have some detective skills you know you're after a gemstone and that stone has to be in the if of all group building I'm headed there too how old you seem to know where I'm going before I do yet you don't seem to know how to drive a car in a straight line what am I a chauffeur you have any idea what prolonged with saltier will do to my hair well I tend to use some product when I go to the beach foreign I'll take care of our pest problem wonderful I'm getting the distinct impression I'm not pointed on that island but I love it when people play hard to get for [ __ ] sake that's overdoing it right turn right get off the road I know you don't want me here but you really could have been more subtle about it anyway s what happened to Mommy well you see she just went to look for something that's all can't believe that witch placing a poor helpless child under her spell if she did anything to this little girl's parents I swear mommy no no need to cry we'll get you to your mom in no time [Music] here I've got some candy if you want um mmm what is this it's yummy I don't know it's candy strawberry I think hey Kitty I've got some yummies would you like some is that cat your friend yes he is Cheshire what a stupid name well so much for taking the highway just means we're gonna have to find something else now all I have to figure out is what to do about you so seriousita that woman's really your mom uh-huh my text me for are scary monsters monsters I don't think you know who the real monsters are you okay I'm here there's no need to worry about okay foreign [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] Kesha foreign what do you think we should do he's hurt you has he well we can't be having that now can we foreign excuse me sir may I have my glasses back huh oh yeah here you go sirisa how did you get such magical glasses the glasses monsters quite so uh has Bayonetta I mean your mom been fighting these big bad monsters for a long time grow up I'll be strong too and I'll protect my money wait you think witches do what oh forget it the point in arguing with a little kid I'll manage on my own sure you will [ __ ] you never cease to amuse me Cheshire I suppose that's your next Target this is yours little one you didn't cry while I was gone did you nope good Bayonetta no matter how I ask no matter how many times you always say the same thing come now Kitty your nose misunderstanding you're so stubborn you know that my father he was a journalist too in fact he was twice the man I could ever hope to be he was obsessed with one case his entire career case so bizarre it took over his life they could have made a movie of the details the followers of Darkness the Umbra witches then their light World counterparts the Lumen sages controlling everything with a power known as the eyes of the world then the light and dark Clan suddenly disappeared from their medieval home in Europe you may be familiar with the town you're standing in it welcome to vigrid 500 years later 500 years each Clan working at the behest of the powers that be sought to lead their fractured World towards peace they both possessed an eye said to have the power to create history that they used to oversee the world however their Spirit of cooperation did not last for amongst them a pair of young star-crossed lovers conceived a child that sent the clans on a path to ruin the woman was thrown in jail and the man exiled from his clan however the child remained with the Umbra raised as a black sheep even amongst the darkness since the balance between light and dark had been lost both Clans spiraled into Decay Legend had it that the two eyes could be United to control reality itself then this Legend fueled ambition and desire leading to a myriad of battles between the planets in fact it led to their Mutual destruction my father was mocked for buying such a fairy tale however I believed his story and I believe it more than ever Now That I Found You the memory of the clan lingers on despite the passing of 500 years what on Earth was my father searching for and why did he have to die for it I have to discover the truth of my own eyes that's why I haven't given up my Chase for it or you the head of the ith of all group The multinational that dominates vigrid recently tried to sell an enormous gemstone on the black market if he isn't selling out in the open it means we're going to have to acquire it by other means and that starts by sneaking onto that jet huh money are you looking for something I am how did you lose it little one do you have anything you really like really important to you yes this I love it where did you get this you gave it to me mommy for my birthday when you love something never lose it understand little one you must keep it safe close to your heart [Music] foreign foreign let's go me it's okay little one I'll be right back [Music] welcome aboard Cheshire oh [ __ ] hell Mommy I told you I'd be right back I'm a bit well so much for the subtle approach we might as well have speakers on this thing blaring right of the [ __ ] Valkyries come now with the IPS you know nothing says you've made it in life like a private helicopter then welcome aboard air Luca flight zero zero one this is your captain Luca speaking fasten your safety belts as this may be a bumpy flight you're really not going to like what comes next I hope you know that don't tell me air Cheshire has awful in-flight entertainment and horrendous food think about it those things that down the jet aren't just going to let us land on their Island you can just say hey we're here they'll bring us a cake the further down you go the harder it is to not notice the reality Cheshire look I'm looking oh oh [ __ ] me welcome to my fantasy Zone oh oh yeah welcome to Isla del Sol island of wealth and power John if you've made it this far that should be enough you're back to your old self this is where we finish what was started so long ago [Music] the friend of my enemy is also my enemy be it witch or Sage the Lumen Sages they were our counterbalance as overseers between us there was a law that was never to be broken stated that the intersection of light and dark would bring Calamity to this earth a hundred years ago a child was born in clear violation of this tenet that child was you 500 years ago after this caused sent the Clans into a spiral of Chaos that continues to be felt to this day you you the half-breed of light and dark are at the center of that chaos allowing you to continue to exist is a danger that cannot be accepted [Music] when the eyes of the world are within our grasp the power of creation will be awakened why the left eye are treasured left eye will never fall into the hands of another the left eye are treasured left eye will never fall into the hands of another Bayonetta it is time that this is brought to an end that you are brought to an end you you did it it is our charge as witches to protect the Treasures of the clan by any means necessary even if it means burning every inch of this island to a crisp I'm really beginning to hate missiles you know I have no idea what the hell you girls got going on here but you don't mind if I take this off your hands do you get in Sarasota Mommy [Music] Theresa Bayonetta time is of the essence this can wait no longer hey is it over what it's not like you don't scare the [ __ ] out of me all the time cereza I don't know whether to shoot you or to take you to Vegas for good luck Cheshire give me more credit than that if you must know where l-u-k-a Luca is concerned there's no such thing as luck only skill [Music] you didn't expect me to trust [ __ ] I mean witches did you Bayonetta how's the little one out like a light but okay other than that what about you you really think I'm gonna let myself be seen in public with a girl looking all beat up like that oh I look Dreadful do I huh you'll have to learn to wipe that stupid look off your face or I'll never let you keep chasing me around this world got that Luca now that's more like it welcome back little one mommy where are we it looks like someone's expecting us awfully nice of them to roll out the red carpet Luca you need to get one thing straight yeah I know I won't look after you so don't screw up I got things under control let's go stay next to me little one [Music] Daddy what daddy of course [Music] of course okay Daddy I'm coming and I'll bring mommy with me little one wait history mommy little one little one Sarasota band that up damn it I could never call The Man Behind this nightmare father great speech big guy Luca getting a bit ahead of ourselves aren't we Mr big shot if of all executive salvation light you take this entrepreneurial philosophy a bit seriously don't you but it's all Diary of the mouth if you ask me history is littered with famous genocidal figures just like you or should I say Infamous genocidal figures you must be Luca journalist extraordinaire I must say I'm truly impressed you've made it this far child like father like son what Luca Luca Luca your father had problems with my philosophies it's fine to investigate but when malicious rumors start to spread I must see to it that they come to a stop for being kind enough to ascertain that my long-loss Eraser was at the bottom of some Lake I granted him his final wish and accepted his permanent resignation you bastard good you are of new Houston however I am not without dignity I will allow you to die in the same manner as your father [Music] [Music] [Applause] well I guess my plan has gone right out the window such a shame that sacrifice had to be made but if Destiny is not fulfilled soon this tragedy will be repeated dad knows you speaking of tragedy I suppose you've met John while she sealed you away and kept you from trouble after falling into our hands she's been incredibly useful although her distinct lack of obedience required a bit of mental reprogram hope Patrick is LED you directly to me just as black the time for awakening the left eye is soon fear not my dear sweet cereza do not fear your fate Stand Tall my child realize your true potential suresha We Are One my child foreign foreign I've got to give you credit Bayonetta you never cease to impress Ed you haven't seen the half of it I've seen enough well that about wraps it up huh not yet [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] no need to be afraid little one the nightmare is over everything was just a dream you're a strong little girl there is nothing you cannot overcome mommy did you find it what are you looking for yes I found it so don't you worry anymore you just keep your treasure safe too sweet dreams Fly Me to the Moon and let me play Among the Stars let me see what's bring on you better in other words hold my hand foreign [Music] never lose it understand little one you must keep it safe close to your heart I'm not afraid anymore mummy no matter what there's nothing I cannot do [Music] Bayonetta what's happening to you and now it is done the right eye oversees the light the left eye oversees the darkness do I it's to oversee the world it was never the woman known as Bayonetta that I set my sights upon it was you as a child cereza that I saw for she was the one who saw the world through innocent eyes and she was the one who could give rise to a new history it was her energy that could awaken the left eye this is all worked out splendid let us begin sirisa the time is at hand now the resurrection of jubilees shall be completed we are the eyes overseeing the world we are the eyes of a seeing a new era a new reality to which we will devote ourselves eternally foreign Grace all of its creations foreign [Music] okay this is getting ridiculous how do you keep surviving all this that [ __ ] you're trying to sneak up on me right now argue Bayonetta [Music] [Music] I am the way no rest for the wicked but at least she's at peace back in the Box she came from and I guess I'm gonna have to find a new racket to line my pockets no bonus for all Enzo this time and [ __ ] usual you know how it works with witch's Enzo they make a deal with the devil and when they die the devil gets his do you get set down in the hill and wandering around scared shitless for eternity kinda comes with the territory why are you telling me this is this not why we are standing here praying for her soul to rest in peace I better not be out here catching a [ __ ] coal if these prayers don't mean nothing huh it's nice to think your prayers are worth a damn isn't it you made a killing exploiting her hell you never know she might get lonely and come back to haunt your ass what me hell can keep her then I said I'd never give up chasing you I just never thought the chase would end like this [Music] Rosemary you said it was a demon repellent might help you on the road ahead hey hey wait a second what the hell are they coming down here to get her for course they'd come for the prize they'd been seeking all along holy [ __ ] you're ah a this looks ridiculous on me I swear this is the last time I cosplay foreign gotta [ __ ] be kidding me telling me [ __ ] believable [Music] morning what was shoving me into this filthy old casket and next time some air holes would be nice save the chit chat for later we've got work to do [Music] thank you foreign extra ingenue it has a bit of Rosemary in the language of flowers Rosemary equates to remembrance Suits Me Now doesn't it Let's Dance boys foreign our Fates and our paths cross once again bingo foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] also known as Diamond lilies I think the name nerine is derived from the narrates or sea nymphs quite appropriate for this city Luca Luca will you quit calling me that I'm not a pet or a cat oh wait you said Luca used that how are you Bayonetta no matter where I am you always know how to make an entrance nice glasses oh please Rodan has a soft spot for shinshu sake from Japan it is an easy trait to get him to make these for me and don't get it twisted Bayonetta I'm not stalking you this time at least look I know you've got nothing but Secrets hell that goes for anyone right but if there's one thing I've learned in my line of work it's when I found you found the story I don't know are you on about this time don't act dumb with me you know the story better than anyone the Umbra which is in the Lumen sages two Clans that wielded incredible power just 500 years ago plans of the overseer watching over us all with the eyes of the world the power to govern light and darkness but now I know that there really was an overseer and this overseer is the one who created the eyes of the world for Humanity the same ones that the Clans held onto so hard the overseer was the true creator the true God of the human Realm the god of Chaos God of Chaos [Music] from what my researchers told me that God used to live right here in military that's why this place has gateways to each Realm of the Trinity of realities the doorway to heaven and La Porta de Lincare the real Gates of Hell listen I heard about John some squirrels get all the nuts you're a lucky little fella huh never took you for an animal lover Bayonetta what can I say I took a liking to one of the locals so he's your little tour guide huh look I know this isn't the time to chat let me see what I can find out to help you just don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong Cheshire don't you worry about my nose I Can Smell Trouble when I see it you just take care of yourself well what the [ __ ] was that wait who the [ __ ] are you hey you're the puppet staring at bayoneta's tits all the time you really need to learn how to talk to a lady hey I am known wait how did no time for this mate where's the mountain where's fimble Venton I'm in a hurry hey the hell was that kids these days so much for a cat always landing on his feet Cheshire [Music] I think I remember this huh foreign [Music] you again oh hey mouthy brat kid so I see you're acquainted how did you get here I'm the great l-u-k-a Luca I didn't go through all these ridiculous ordeals to just randomly show up in opportune places you know C risking everything for nothing told you I knew someone just like that so what are you after this time oh loads of stuff for instance [Music] I found this really great place for seafood you do an amazing sardine munir but more importantly I'm investigating an old NOAA tune story known as The Legend of Acer the legend of Acer and this fairy tale is actually this might have something to do with you Bayonetta you don't say the legend of Acer a legend from the dawn of time nobody knows where the world came from a struggle caused the Trinity of realities to be split into three realms light darkness and chaos obviously our world was the one born from chaos the three worlds all needed rulers most of all ours and the one that ruled the chaos became known as Acer Acer spent the first eternity quietly looking upon the Earth from his holy mountain where we only see reality and make it match our rules of the world Acer saw through reality and those Visions became our world these observations became Acer's power Acer's eyes were truly the eyes that created the world however Acer pitied the humans for their naivete and lack of free will so the power he wielded was split into two equal halves and entrusted each to Humanity's instincts the right eye of light and the left eye of Darkness by dividing the power of the eyes of Acer humans gained free will they could now choose with control of the eyes of the world the eyes that determine destiny humans could choose their own paths they awoke to their own identities man is butter Reed the most feeble thing in nature but now we were thinking reads and we took our first big step towards Grand prosperity the inheritors of the eyes of Acer had been granted the power of creation the eyes that's right the eyes of the world controlled by a lumen sage and Umbra witch [Music] however the influence of the right eye the one controlled by the Sages left this world forever with the death of the final Sage do the natural disasters that are occurring right now have something to do with the loss of the right eye and what will happen to our planet those are the truths I'm after and the truth will always be the truth so if the truth is here then so am I and I think the key to that truth is that mountain thimble Venter how do you find these things I've done my homework would you expect anything less from the marbles magnificent magnanimous get on right and this gauge should lead to it [Music] kid hey pull yourself together what happened you know the way to film event to write please take me there I I remember I remember everything I have to hurry are you nuts kid we need to get you patched up there's no time please take me to fibble venture or the world will end he and I we are good and evil evil cannot be all that is left what keep us safe with this is my trump card [Music] girls passing out in front of me I'm used to but this this is unbelievable well I guess it beats addicting toddlers to lollipops piggyback ride is killing my back why can't you be an adorable little citizita that weighs like 10 pounds well at least your little good luck charm got me where I needed to go right we're here kid right on the front door of that Temple you were so damn determined to get to not sure if they're going to roll out the red carpet for us [Applause] wrong one mate you should be looking for your better half laughs you've got your memories back leaned but you're certainly not looking like the only thing you have to offer me is your Sovereign power then you will be truly worthless [Music] foreign welcome to thimble Venter the Lumen Sage right eye of the overseer Umbra Witch Left Eye of the overseer now everything has fallen into place this is what I promised you your chance and revenge accept it freely that is your revenge is this not the one who destroyed your world who destroyed your life surely this can't be all you hoped to see the two of us were once a single being however this half said he would awaken humans to the truth of their existence so he divided our divine power and our very souls in two we should have become mean shells half half left behind a certain power within himself in order to protect the balance our split brought the world a sovereign power to freely control the eyes of the world unfortunately this one made quite the miscalculation he had not accounted for the power of evil intent which grew as humans prospered I couldn't use the Sovereign power to control the eyes so instead the evil hearts of human to begin to retrieve retrieve the ancient god and all that remained is taking back the one power I do not yet have the power this one held Within you managed to escape 500 years before but it was merely a waiting game waiting for you to be reborn now the time has come for our powers to become one again to ascend to the throne as Asia God of Chaos better half it is time to restore your Sovereign power I now have the power to control the eyes as I wish take him if it pleases me he is nothing but an empty container to me now respected now it is time I receive your power which [Music] don't worry I got the kid you've got my permission to show him your stuff Bayonetta what on Earth was that some fool always swinging in out of nowhere albeit with absolutely impeccable timing suppose not even a God can see him coming gods do not concern themselves with the machinations of insects now umbrella witch the left eye of Darkness must return from wince it came then just try to take it back you've destroyed more okay you gonna be okay first mistake was thinking that all I had to me was some [ __ ] Sovereign power as a kid why I'm the better half I thought you were all out of cards the real Trump cars the one you keep hidden until just the right timing made [Music] what the real power of Lord Acer the god of chaos is nothingness the power to erase anything and everything from the world even the very eyes that created it no whoa hold on for a second kid what happens to the world if you any good card play as a gambler right either the world will be destroyed or it will create its own path human free will will determine which way things go [Music] well let's just begin anew the place and time create a new era one that cows to my will [ __ ] he's trying to shed his body and return to the spirit realm he'll just be reborn in a different era hmm what are you trying to do you think you can contain my power have you lost your sanity sanity is a requirement for our kind you will never see another era trapped inside me only an endless circle of time mate that's pure evil you're dealing with it's a poison that will live inside you forever and so be it what's wrong can be made right through human hands listen to me you know my name if I Stray From my path you must be the one the one to stop me holder ceresa just one time call me Daddy Daddy thank you sirisa I dear sweet child Daddy [Music] seems like the world's still in one piece seems so you don't need the eyes of the world love I believe in your kind you can create whatever future you desire what will happen to you let's take a little break this world doesn't need me anymore right will I see you again hard to say I'll come back to this world someday so if you're lucky maybe we'll meet again love little one I'm not little and I have a name is Acer I mean my name is Loki and I think you can quit treating me like a kid now then I'll call you by your name when I see you again as a man bloody hell [Music] well that's fine I guess [Music] I know what I want to be when I grow up right see you around Bayonetta goodbye little one and you can call me sirasa sorry love but you still don't strike me as a cerracer [Music] [Music] foreign and the distinct lack of Acts of God doesn't hurt either can you believe they tore my dress to shreds but fire I think it was absolutely Criminal there's such a thing as a time and a place time foreign cat got your tongue no no I'm fine hey come on how long do I have to keep doing this investigative journalism is big in January foreign all right all right I get it I owe you but I'm not the one with the endless tab where is that deadbeat anyway [Music] [Applause] well those two are getting along nicely now to get those new needs come along Enzo [Music] foreign at last someone with no strings attached and what's your name my furry friend [Music] you know I rather enjoy teaching obedience I'll have you rolling over in no time [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you do you believe in fate Luca fate brought us here together and it will never tear us apart [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] these guys have been a huge pain in the ass hey I bet you take care of them for me appreciate it wait I see his motto is still act first think later only the Luca I know would be bold enough to call me Sarasota it must have been him on Thor then too what in the world is he doing here [Music] I'm not much for waiting patiently and I suppose that girl isn't either uh so anyway I was worried you might be floating in the [ __ ] of the Multiverse or something oh and I didn't need your help back there I could have squashed a bug like that myself I was just uh waiting for the right moment okay to trying to get that the sweet finisher and put it down [Music] worry about yourself my dear lesson one carelessness will get your tail snit Kitty I told you not to call me that anyway did you find it so the chaos gear was really there if the hypothesis is right with five of these chaos gears and help from Dr sigger the alpha verse is just if these little things are really so important then I'd better hold on to them for now maybe a bit too heavy for your little paws Kitty how Don't make me say it again my name is Viola b-i-o-l [ __ ] a [Music] hola [Laughter] she's really under your skin huh kid [ __ ] you gotta prove yourself to her if you want to move Beyond nicknames [Music] Faith brought us here together and it will never tear us apart [Music] Luca that's right the one and only l-u-k-a hang on have we met before I think I'd remember you right girl uh foreign [Music] [Music] it's time I got going to find that voice later ladies laughs Kitty why don't you look after him for me what Me by myself lessened learn to fight for others not just for yourself I'm sure he'll give you lots of practice and besides what [Music] you don't need my help right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what was that all right [Music] time Luca Luca are you okay stop please well you're breathing at least don't worry they're all gone are you hurt can you get up stay back damn my head feels like it's cracking open voice again voice in my head telling me to see the truth foreign truth Luca [Music] foreign [Applause] no it can't be [Music] good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign Little Red Riding Hood did you predictable wait wait what are you up to Kitty you can't you don't know who he really is [Music] [Applause] [Music] each world the Multiverse loses seems to be making it more and more unstable that's why he's like that please wait if we can get to the alpha verse and stop Singularity we might be able to help him might isn't good enough and at any rate I only have three of these let me take care of him I'm in no mood for jokes please you have to be the one to find all the chaos gears look I know how you feel [Music] but trust me he means a lot to me too [Music] he's a bit of a fool and a reckless one of that always getting himself into some kind of trouble but he always pops back up with a foolish grin no worse for the wear this time will be no different however if he doesn't pop back up this time I'll have you tearing apart reality to find him got that kitty yeah I got it sir yes sir [Music] [ __ ] much better now off you go and hey the name is Viola don't forget it [Music] [Music] [Music] woman hail you from the same sphere as that Beast Man Luca Luca so he is called Luca I am lukau what is this place and where did Luca go he no longer tarries you [Music] a beast man is surely my else fellow [Music] s we were drawn together across the world walls to find each other here Drawn Together and what am I doing here 's as though you also share a bond most deep with us a bond of blood perhaps or something more woman I know you The Voice calls to me [Music] wait what are you saying don't go [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I don't want to hurt you we might be from different worlds but I know you feel it it's me I I'm your s foreign what are you doing here always getting in over your head [Music] I'll take care of you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] are you frightened your hands are shaking [Music] oh I think let me help you that look of your face it doesn't suit me at all [Music] the truth is [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] I've got it all out of your system now come on do it foreign foreign [Music] [Music] you have no [ __ ] right to call me by that name [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Kitty Luca fear not for he is at peace it seems we have been drawn into the alpha verse [Music] come here this the homunculus nerve center it would seem so I must have sacrificed one of his own counterparts to control the monkey life from here his own counterpart this man has to be Kitty Dr sigard [Music] that means the real singularity [ __ ] being had [Music] so the alpha verse was always just a decoy he wanted us here and away from Thor that means we're trapped here No Way Out [Music] it would seem these events are the truth I was shown now let the hearts of all Arc Adams gather here as one [Music] foreign [Music] I finally figured out what the truth is [Music] Bayonetta my purpose is to get you to where you need to be look that Vortex is singularity absorbing this world's energy Luca what are you trying to say [Music] I'm going to use it to send you to home from there but how [Music] I wish I knew just what to say at a time like this you don't have to you're a clumsy fool but you never fail to impress [Music] foreign [Music] goodbye Bayonetta I'll always love you both thank you [Music] come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] Luca [Music] sorry to keep you ladies waiting it's a bit hard to find you with all the rubber thank you you never cease to amuse me Luca I could imagine worse men to spend my last moments with hey you're the only one I want by my side we've got to keep her safe I know she's the one who's going to keep our truth alive foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] how good anymore [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you see she's okay seems like we always find each other whenever she needs us and we've already come so far fate brought us here together and it will never tear us apart we'll always be together we've always been together will forever be in my heart [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Naughty Gaming
Views: 189,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, pc, naughtygaming, naughty gaming, ps5, Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, Bayonetta 3, SEGA, Platinum Games, Luka, Cheshire
Id: 59ic1ooTYWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 41sec (7541 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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