Baymax is the best HERO Ever!! | Big Hero 6 Reaction | I wish I had Tadashi for a brother!!

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oh come on no don't do this to me my thrusters are inoperable hey it's totally cody here back with another movie reaction today we are going to be watching big hero 6. all right i have been told many times that this movie is phenomenal beyond compare that it's really really good so i'm not even gonna watch trailer not even gonna read the description or anything we're just gonna jump right into it okay this is just another one of those movies that we're just gonna go ahead and dive right into because it's another one that i just have not seen yet and we just need to it needs to be done apparently it's a very emotional one and we just watched coco on monday so let's see how this one does today with how emotional it can get okay if you guys would like to watch my full-length reaction to big hero 6 go ahead and feel free to check the link down in my description of this video for my patreon alright thank you so much for joining me on this video and now let's sit back relax and watch a movie together it's time to check out big hero 6. what the hell what is this battling robots i thought all this is about oh damn dude came out with a bus saw what the hell man like oh i've got more money what are you are you hustling him is that what's happening right now oh no hey he just popped his head off yo he hustled you man like it gave a pool this is what i've been working on what is going on here you make him a bot hello i am baymax your personal healthcare companion baymax i was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said ow i'm done i'm never getting in hey i'm not giving up on you this is a good brother this is the kind of brother that i wish i grew up with use that big brain of yours to think your way out what look for a new angle i want to see what you made like come on hi when it links up with the rest of its pals oh oh oh my god that's actually really cool i think what i want them to do [Music] they do it microbots can move anything anywhere which is yo you know how cool that would be if we have that in real life corners and ignored sound science to get where he is that's just not true i wouldn't trust kraytek with your go at the school buddy you wanted to do it this whole time hiro i'm offering you more money than any 14 year old could imagine i appreciate the offer mr cray but they're not for sale good job i thought you were smarter than that important no no i was just gonna tell you your flight was down for the whole show what oh it actually was what's going on no someone has to help no what are you doing [Music] oh no oh my god [Music] i think i seriously know who did this that the answers are all right there it was definitely that guy the the suit dude okay thanks i'll think about it i'm sorry buddy you literally had everything going for you and that whole thing just ruined it are you serious he's like jigglypuff from pokemon or snorlax hello i am baymax it is all right to cry common in adolescence diagnosis puberty oh my god okay time to straight now you should expect an increase in body hair oh my god seriously better hurry up oh no excuse me while i let out some air are you done oh come on i am not fast neither am i buddy i'm good take it down oh oh god he's stuck in the hole [Music] bro stop and he's gonna do it again with the other arm now [Music] i will scare you now scan complete healthcare it's like he's drunk that's funny we jumped out a window yep that's exactly what you is that what we're calling them now all right it's official we're calling them hairy babies let's work on your moves [Music] oh god they're gonna he's gonna make him oh no i do that too hey yo he's about to beat us gummy bears oh no come on all right showtime boss requires support from friends and loved ones okay but who would like to share their feelings first my name is fred and it has been 30 days since my last holy mother of megazone can handle that guy oh no oh no bomb heel strike oh this is not good dude this guy really catch it up so quickly too are you serious you're in the middle of a life crisis and you're gonna stop there's no cars coming oh no she's gonna kick him out of the seat yep there it goes all right mama hit it [Music] he's an inflatable buddy you guys do you feel this our origin story begins we're gonna be this is almost like what the avengers assembled let's go the neurotransmitter must be in his mask yes there it is look at this guy let's go he's glorious he's ready to fight hello oh whoa rocket fenced make freddy so happy now i really want one can i please somebody make me one of these hey max oh oh no he's like a fluffy iron man i love it on that island yup that doesn't say super villain i don't know what does all right what's super villain planning this is why you gotta listen to your people you can't have no rules with this stuff shut it down craze the guy in the mask uh oh behind you behind you behind you oh oh oh no oh no oh no no no no all right i did it all right i'm gonna get hit yep [Music] oh his mask came off his masks off all right let's do it professor callahan what i thought you were dead you died no i had your microbots he went in there to save you that was his mistake you monster baymax destroy kick his ass my programming prevents me from injuring a human being i that's not what he was meant to do dude you created a monster man and injured baymax open your access port do you want me to terminate professor callahan just open will terminating professor callahan improve your emotional state yes no no no i don't know open your access is this what tadashi wanted it doesn't matter tadashi programmed me to aid here tadashi is here oh my god and this is the first test of my robotics project hello i am baymax stop stop stop stop stop aye lily stop stop scan i knew it i knew it i knew it you work i can't believe i can't okay all right big moment here scan me your neurotransmitter levels are elevated wait my brother sees you you're gonna help so many people buddy so many that's all for now i am satisfied with my career hero guys i uh i forgot stranded on a spooky island next time oh man yeah it's cool heathcliff picked us up in the family chopper we've invited all these people [Music] the pilot was callaghan's daughter caleb oh my god blames craig this is a revenge story yeah it is what are we waiting for [Music] oh yeah we're not getting through to him buddy we gotta take him out oh god oh my god dude he's taking everybody out oh that's it i know how to beat him listen up use those big brains of yours and think your way around the problem hey i can't go any further there you go three hacks go pudgy buddy there you go there you go come on you're almost there take him out he stopped what's he doing don't don't you dare my sensor is detecting signs of life what coming from there the life signs are female she appears to be in hyper sleep oh lehan's daughter she's still alive flying makes me a better healthcare companion [Music] all right if we're going to do this let's hurry up i was gonna say where's she at oh she's still in the pod oh my god [Music] no his suit oh come on no don't do this to me my thrusters are inoperable just grab hold [Music] there you go there is still a way i can get you both to safety what no i cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care are you satisfied oh my god no there's gotta be another way i'm not gonna leave you here i'll think of something there is no time are you satisfied with your care please no i can't lose you two hero i will always be with you i'm satisfied with my career ugh you did it buddy yeah they made it baymax the whole city of san fran tokyo is asking who are these heroes and where are they now you finally going to school buddy [Music] no he can make him again ow i am baymax your personal healthcare companion hello hero yo no he didn't the good thing is that's so awesome wow the big hero 6 that was oh my god like mind-blowing like that was that was crazy right there was so much going on in that movie i just i couldn't even i'm still comprehending a lot of it because like it made sense don't get me wrong i understood the plot of the whole entire thing but the whole entire like just everything being put together was just made like amazing action emotional moments funny moments all that stuff i i cannot put into words actually how good this was for me but i will say this it was definitely a one-of-a-kind movie and i really commend disney for coming out with this one because it's perfect everything was great in this movie all right if you guys would like to watch my full-length reaction to big hero 6 like i said in the beginning of this video go ahead and look for the link down in my description okay thank you so much for joining me on this video and i will see you all next time remember stay totally terrific guys bye
Channel: ItsTotally Cody!
Views: 183,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Big Hero 6 Reaction, my reaction to Big Hero 6, Reaction to Big Hero 6, everything great about Big Hero 6 Reaction, I watch Big Hero 6 for the first time, ItsTotally Cody!, ItsTotally Cody! Big Hero 6 Reaction, Big Hero 6, Big Hero 6 movie Reaction, first time watching Big Hero 6 Reaction, stan lee big hero 6 reaction, big hero 6 wasabi scream reaction, big hero 6 reaction trailer, Big Hero 6 first time watching Reaction, ItsTotally Cody! Movie Reaction Big Hero 6, cody Reacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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