Batwheels | FULL EPISODE 1-5 MEGA COMPILATION! | @dckids

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[Music] who needs cash on hat but you've got cash on Wheels make sure you spend it all in one place put in on me oh that's adorable Harley but we stole that money together so Joker had better share the wealth with all of us that's right penguin Don't Make Me freeze your funds typical Mr Freeze always with the ice puns Unown accompli don't go counting the cash just yet what do you mean Riddler riddle me this one has 10 wheels Three Capes and a bad attitude huh it's Batman and Rob and bat girl it's the whole bat pack scatter they splitting up like a played out rock band who should I go after plenty to go around take your pick [Music] [Music] woo like my new van Batman I've had a few optional extras [Applause] installed w Pop Goes the Weasel you'll have to do better than [Music] that give it up penguin you know I'm going to catch you we'll cross that bridge when we come to it Batgirl or maybe we won't here we go woo that was sick indeed it was and I think I'm going to [Music] be sorry little bird I'm putting you on Ice activating bat [Music] laser I'm bringing the heat freeze oh what youo Robin can I mention that I love your name CU that's what I'm always doing you know Robin stuff get him Harley [Music] hey I said get him not me sorry snow cone my bad hold still IIA you're the nail I'm the hammer oh yeah well you're a hammer that's going to The [Applause] Slammer [Music] you are TR true story my driving instructor told me never to drive angry but he didn't say anything about driving funny great green gos of greasy grimy [Applause] chok think that's funny this will really make you bust a gut [Music] not funny you never could take a [Music] joke you got nowhere to go penguin give it [Music] up like my mama always said if you can't beat them swim for [Music] so long bad what I think I got a nibble yep landed me a big one four down one to go hey what happened to the stolen money you'll never figure it out it's over your head launch mode yes let's [Music] go [Music] now I'll have the money all to myself or not the only thing you'll have to yourself is a nice cozy jail [Music] cell a good night's work wait we toad took out everybody in Gotham and that's all we get yeah not even a way to go yo you must be confusing me with someone else you are Batman aren't you and Batgirl and Robin we are oh good the mayor sent me to take the three of you to Gotham City Hall to thank you for this amazing accomplishment he wants to present you with the keys to to the city um yes please that is so cool I don't think so tell his honor we're flattered but please let go we don't protect Gotham for awards well the ceremony will raise money for Gotham's needy see it's for a good cause and don't we deserve a little fun after all that what about we can have the back computer send our rides back to the cave all right just this once yes back computer Rec call Vehicles right away Batman engaging Auto Control Systems yes oh yes I've never rode an limo before wa Batman look at this try the sunroof [Music] wo alert there's an intruder in the entrance tunnel I'm coming in what who oh no it wasn't me someone or something is trying to break into the Batcave I calculate less than 10 minutes before it reaches us don't just calculate do something oh dear I am unable to locate or contact Batman Robin or Batgirl oh that's just great try to remain calm Mo remember your programming I'm programmed to panic oh let's face it without Batman we've got no way to fend off this another door sh perhaps there is a way well don't just keep it to yourself that thing's getting closer Mo go to the bat Vault and fetch the copies of my bat motherboard your bat what's it now bat motherboard it's the advanced technology bat Mia created that first allowed me to speak to think it brought me to life and it might do the same for him a talking car machines don't talk oh wait a fully functional living Batmobile might be able to stop the Intruder even without Batman driving I guess it's worth a shot I'm on it one stack of bat Mama boards motherboards and please be careful with them mo they can't be replaced careful is my middle name actually it's Harvey are you sure about this BC bringing a car to life I've seen horror movies that start like that Batman created these backup motherboards in case of an emergency I would say this qualifies God these guys really don't like company knock knock yeah yes yes it does I'm a fan of this plan a big fan I suggest you complete the installation with alacrity huh move your bolts Mo right here it goes hold on to your [Music] circuits hello you in there whoa where am I what just happened you know where you are bam you spend most of your time here as for what just happened well there's a security alarm then this Intruder thingy started taking down the bat cave defenses and then we couldn't reach Batman so we had to get these bat motherboard doohickies and put one inside of you and then we need your help bam yeah bat why do you keep calling me bam it's easier than Batmobile I am the bat computer but you may call me BC if you like hello BC and I'm Mo the mobile operations expert you may call me the mobile operations expert or mo mo is good okay Mo but I still don't understand what happened to me well you don't actually need Batman to drive you anymore I don't I don't woohoo yeah you can do everything yourself now drive around use all your cool gadgets oh battering you sorry you could put a bot's optical sensor out with that and yes you can talk bam I can I can let go let go wait can I talk to Batman I'm afraid not bam no person will be able to tell that you've been brought to life almost got it or not but right now you've got to handle whatever that is what do you mean handle we need you to use all your Advanced crime fighting abilities to stop the Intruder just like Batman but I'm not Batman I'm just his car I think you'll find you're a lot more than [Music] Batman h I'm [Music] home oo I love what Batman's done with the place the thing's trying to steal the bad computer you got to do something bam all right here he goes get away from there waa a talking car this stage just keeps getting weirder I'm not going to let you take VC okay then I'll just take you apart [Music] [Applause] [Music] first okay that's how you want it wait [Music] what yes that's the third time this week you know how much something like this costs even more than this back [Music] [Applause] activate oh got another foot that's it bam show them what you're made of how deploying bat magnet wo wo wo please stop doing that ha there I go always losing my head ha we're not afraid of you all we had to do is put one of those sniffy Mama boards in the Batmobile and it's like having another Batman ooh you mean these motherboards hey stop I'm going I'm going bring those back don't worry I'll lock up no he got away we drove him off bam thank you I haven't seen moves like that since Batgirl taught me how to do the bat toi you did great I I didn't know I had it in me you really shouldn't be surprised bam you're the most advanced car ever created never forget that I hate to spoil the mood but that robot just took off with some of those motherboards who knows what he could do with those MO is right there is no telling what terrible things could be brought to life with them what should we do I know this is all still new to you bam but we need you to get those motherboards back and fast [Music] this is amazing nacho chips they must have knew I was coming sweet they've got super Gotham knockout too wait this isn't the way to City Hall hey don't get nacho dust to my controller sorry driver shouldn't we be taking Broadway driver why are we moving away from City Hall we're headed for the outskirts it's a trap can't get a signal on my bat phone wait titanium silver alloy blocks all phone signals oh man bat Laser's no good either we're in trouble I don't see the robot anywhere BC try using your infrared tracker oh right wa cool I see him he just went into some kind of city dump parkh scrapyard why would he wait that's where the wrecked villain Vehicles were towed villain vehicles that doesn't sound good Batman Robin and Batgirl knock them all out of action there shouldn't be any cause for concern yeah that's what worries me I'm going to take a closer look launching bat drone [Music] since you do not have the bat computer in your possession I assume your mission has failed it wasn't my fault oh mightiest of microchips that sneaky computer tricked me I am not interested in your excuses my perfect plan has been filed when am I going to get out of this ridiculous scoreboard I'm sorry your most powerful processor she brought Batman's car to life and it attacked me H tell me more about this living automobile ah so now you are interested in my excuses tell me I may have failed to grab the bat computer but I did manage to grab these incredibly Advanced motherboards on the way out good very good there still may be a way to achieve my goal to get rid of the bat computer and take her place as the most powerful computer on this pathetic Planet I'm in the middle of an evil speech right now oh so that's what this was all about trapping the bat family in that limo and sending me to snatch the bat computer you know you could have told me before oh no Batman NBC or not need to know basis right don't go purple on me she may have brought one vehicle to life but I will awaken five vehicles of my own and they will go to the Batcave and take the bat computer by force reach Ito master of megabytes put the stolen motherboards into these villain vehicles and bring them all to life right away oh Grand poopa do it hold on wakey [Music] wakey it worked my new perfect plan unfolds before my very eyes do the rest uhuh haa [Music] W oh no W was that entirely necessary ducky snowy quiz just a prank you are the greatest vehicular villain team ever created aren't they the only vehicular villain team ever created and I shall call you the Legion of Zoom is that the best you can do how about quizzes whizzes that's terrible it should be ducky Desperados no the haha hoodlums we should be just as jues the Frozen chosen already come on oh dear perhaps calling them a team was a bit of a stretch silence oh no a spy for the bad computer run it down that means go go get it go they're the legion got to get out of here little car got them let the see but that Wheels better watch out or he'll be over the cuz the zumas are coming the [Music] chome I'm sorry Batman we really dunked the donut on this one yeah this whole limo thing was pretty sus I have no idea what you just said but let's stay focused on getting out of here right on it [Music] it if you really want to solve a problem try thinking it through every cage has a weakness if you just take the time to find [Music] it Big B computer robot motherboards Legion of Zoom we know we saw the whole thing they have to be stopped wait what taking on that robot was one thing but all of those villain Vehicles by myself you won't be by [Music] yourself holy hot rods this is awesome wo welcome Redford you're Robin's car that's amazing I'm [Music] B woohoo radic hey back girl cycle OH police call me BB okay [Music] BB ow someone have that removed hey there batwing can we call you Wing absolutely [Music] not that's sick sorry I've never been brought to life before it's okay that'll buff right out buff hey I like that can you believe this so amazing I can talk I'm going to miss the quiet hey but you can't catch me here I come me too who hey put that down uh no no no no that's expensive uh what are you doing no I know this is all very exciting but you were brought to life for a reason BC's right that nasty Legion of Zoom is going to be coming for her again they're a bunch of vehicles brought to life just like you only they're real bad news we've got to stop them wait a minute we're not Heroes we're transportation we just get Batman where he needs to go that's right what she said what are you talking about you aren't just some run-of-the-mill roadsters you're up to your windshields in super powerful gadgets and advanced bat Tech each of you is quite exceptional for instance bam can launch batarangs from as far as 100 ft away with Incredible accuracy Redbird your Stealth Tech allows you to do things no other car could even dream of BB you were designed to be one of the world's foremost Daredevil stunt riders batwing your aerial capabilities are second to n and buff your powerful winch can and perform incredible Feats woohoo yeah is this where I get to use my winch hey you break it you bought it all of this and more make you a very special group of vehicles not just a group a team and I'm calling us the bat Wheels yeah not fantastic your mission is to keep the streets of Gotham safe using your speed your power and your one-of-a-kind bat technology and right now that means stopping those Legion of Zoomers from swiping our beloved bat computer they are almost certainly headed this way but if you hurry you should be able to cut them off at the Gotham Amusement Mile I don't know I'm not sure look I know you're scared I was too I didn't think that I could be like Batman and now I know that I was right I can't but maybe I can be a hero just by being me and maybe maybe you can too I'm in I'm with you hey me too why not all right bat Wheels R up and peel [Music] out hey hey sorry hey careful come [Music] on you know you each have your own special Batcave exit right our bad I forgot sorry yeah let's try this again run wild on the goam streets there's a new B they won't want to meet but [Music] even wheel f a crime back watch that down di back up great black H in the back well lookie what we have here bats on Wheels we're not going to let you take the back computer well we're not going to let you not let us take it huh have at them boys boys it's girls who just want to have fun [Applause] [Music] yeah hey watch out I see road conditions who [Music] flipping careful this ride can be a little bumpy hey what do you call a motorcycle stuck on the top of a ferris whe a doom with a view it's not funny got you now thank you for flying green goo Airways so long bat bozos he freezing you later oh man [Music] we can't do this we're no Heroes more like zeros but we can't just give up those bad guys are after the back computer and we're the only thing standing in their way we stood in their way already and they rolled right over us hey why is everything spinning around and around I say we can do this then why' we get our fenders handed to us it's just cuz we're new at this we'll get the hang of it we have to learn from this and be smarter next time you're right me taking on a helicopter might not have been the best idea a flying bdy calls for a flying goodie leave him to me and that snow crawler was just too huge for me to handle he doesn't seem so big to me let me handle him yes that's what I'm talking about let's try it again only this time we'll use our heads there's no one to stop us now here we come hold it right there zooms really see you again back for some more goody this time we won't take it so easy on you let's do this bat [Music] Wheels I got you this time Up Up and Away oh no really have an nice day Dam said to use our heads buff this [Music] out oh [Music] no brain freeze yeah bet you can't do this easy peas eat Ferris wheel oh right in the rotors how do you like that [Applause] [Music] spoiler [Music] alert we did it you bet your bumpers we did go figure guess you are right bam we can't be back girl or back Batman or Robin but there's one thing we can be the bat Wheels well done bat Wheels but the job isn't finished huh okay we're tapping to the limo's wiring should be able to sail the locks wait this is going to fry my phone isn't it probably okay here goes hey that did it thinking it through was definitely the way to go let's get get out of [Music] [Music] [Applause] here what the oh no passengers allowed in the front front ow now [Music] what how did we I was finally able to obtain information on your whereabouts Batman oh so you sent all our rides I have installed a new techn techology into each of them I have updated the autoc control system it now enables your vehicles to home in on you and come to your Aid when you need [Music] them that is straight fire sounds like there's a lot more to them than even I had imagined indeed who knows what amazing things they'll be doing next wait does this mean we're not getting the keys to the city that's okay we've already got the only keys we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] need Red Wing turning back rber is a favorite thing if turbo D actions what you really crave they fire up and R down in the back back four whee fighs a crime backs down down they look great black they [Applause] got back wheel fight as a ground watch them down they look great in Black H in the back b b Red Wing burning back robber is a favorite thing if turbo Dr actions what you really crave they fire up R it down in the back and the Back Field wheel f is a grind Back Field watch [Music] down up great and black back hop in the back stop that ducky I am the Knight I am Justice I am attention bat Wheels kidding I'm kidding it's not what it looks like very funny bat Wheels we have an emergency the Penguin's ducky boat has been spotted at Gotham docks a shipment of extremely powerful fuel cells just arrived there if the Legion of Zoom gets super fuel cells that could make them even faster than me okay bat Wheels let's burn rubber rubber my tires are made of an advanced carbon silica compound it's just an expression wait why would we want to burn our tires wouldn't they melt just forget it let's go bat [Music] [Music] Wheels it's quiet too quiet I can make some noise if it'll make you feel better hold up did you see that BBE wait it could be a trap I'm Coming For You Ducky on the contrary I believe you're stopping for me who turned out the lights you quack me up stop that ducky how about a little oil slick [Music] ducky oh [Music] no Jette launch W not me well well well the mighty bat Wheels done in by a ducky but not just any ducky the fastest ducky ever seen I'll catch [Music] me sorry whoa I haven't seen a dent this nasty since Harvey Toc what were you up against does the penguin have some sort of tank now it was um a really Fierce ducky I'm sorry no I'm sorry it's just too funny Mo don't be so hard in them the penguin ducky boat is a dangerous enemy Mo right we were a total mess out there we had no plan and everyone just did their own thing yeah I've come to the conclusion that the bat Wheels lack one key element for success really big tires body armor a leader I see where this is going after all I am the best but does being a leader mean I actually have to listen to everyone thank you for the offer batwing but I believe the Right leader for this team is bam I don't know what to say you were Batman's first vehicle he's always relied upon you say yes okay I guess I can give it a try you you can do it bam yeah you see you already have the most important thing a leader needs they believe in you but I don't know the first thing about being a leader all right bat Wheels the objective of this drill is to work together to take out the simulation vehicle that doesn't look so tough I take it back try to work as a team and look to your leader for Direction what's the plan bam uh I I uh I don't know um hold on a sec this being a leader stuff is hard BC how does Batman do it Batman leads by taking charge and making strong decisions yeah I should take charge like Batman Okay team listen up are you feeling okay bam I'm just taking charge so do exactly what I say wing and buff you circle behind that Cy BB and red you charge straight at it but at full speed we might not be able to break in time uh-uh remember what BC said we're doing this my way okay BB charge right at it but I just do it your turn red Full Throttle but listen to your leader [Applause] go hey Wing swoop down on him um I really don't think I said swoop [Music] whoo everyone just charge all at [Music] once yes ending simulation you're not listening to your leader you're the one who's not listening to anything any of us say well that's it for me I'm done taking orders from you bam me too sorry some leader I turned out to be it's not like you to give up so easily bam I took charge like Batman and it didn't work I didn't choose Batman to lead this team I chose you bam you have qualities all your own I do you're brave loyal and a good listener at least you used to be that's true use your own best qualities to lead the team and you'll do better I'm certain of one moment I'm getting another alert the ducky boat is headed for Gotham docks again he must want to equip the whole Legion of Zoom with those super fuel cells undoubtedly and we can't let that happen bat Wheels we have an emergency uh what do you mean we we're not listening to anymore remember yeah I know and it's my fault for being so bossy and not listening I promise if you give me another chance I'll do better you know it took some real spark plugs for bam to admit he was wrong I think we should give him another chance [Music] I still think I would have been a better choice but okay let's do this yes group [Music] hug [Music] oops this time we'll make a plan to beat that ducky first we need someone to scout ahead I'm good at spotting things from high above I was thinking maybe red could no you're right wing you go Scout ahead ducky B spotted at the South Pier Roger that okay we'll lure that Wicked water foul into a trap and that would be the perfect place to trap him a good thinking red if we can find something big enough to block him in there oh I know an elephant or if we can't find one of those I could do it let's go with plan B you'll also need someone really fast to draw that ducky out I was just thinking the same thing woohoo yeah hey ducky I hear you're pretty fast now but you can't catch me ha you're just trying to get me to follow you do you really think I'd fall for that yeah I kind of do why you you can't to this ducky like that all right buff you're [Music] up [Music] what oh I do amuse myself [Music] so the back wheels assume to be nothing but flat Wheels ready Wing he's all yours Roger that [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] yeah very clever bat Wheels but you left one exit [Music] open Qui H trapped like a duck in a donut shop what it could happen ready Wing you're up Roger that team leader call Gotham PD and tell them we caught ourselves a really stinky fish I'm a duck you fall by4 fool holy hopcs we did it I don't know how we pulled that off it's simple really we followed your lead how about another group hug no back whe back [Music] whe hop in the back B bu B Red Wing burning back robber is a favorite thing if turbo Dr ACS what you really crave they fire up and it down in the back and the backi four wheel fight is a crime back Feld watch them down di back whe St up great H in the back Buffs BF [Music] activating snow tires what's your favorite flavor shave ice I'll give you all 31 Flavors right in your mug that would pay good money for him to be quiet skis booster [Music] what's it going to take to put you on Ice oh [Music] no wa what just happened I'll be Freez you I'm sending the truck back to the cave I'll call if I need it again right away Batman bat skates hey hey no not there shoot okay sh you crashed yourself to save that dog didn't you do you need help getting up I got a winch I uh I I think I broke an axle I know somebody who can help you with that come with me by the way my name's buff my name is snowstorm destruction Mark III wow that's a mouthful is it okay if I just call you snowy yeah yes uh snowy I like it thanks for your help when you're big like me everyone assumes you can just take care of yourself don't I know it they don't realize it's extra hard for big guys like us to get back up once we're knocked over and they never make doorways big enough for us to fit through it's ridiculous tell me about it don't get me started on parking spaces they make them all so small and I can barely fit in them right I can't stand small spaces hey do you like cats or dogs better I love all animals me too you sure sure this will be okay we're kind of on different teams yeah of course better let me talk with them first though come on that was cool hey buff come do a couple apps with us um there's someone who needs our help is it Batman no not Batman help who needs help it's another stray animal isn't it look you know I love animals too but this is the back cave not an animal shelter no it's not an animal it's a it's a friend okay he he got damaged when he saved a dog and I thought maybe Mo could take a look I'll go get him did someone say damage that's music to my audio receptors I I mean not that it's good that somebody got damage but just that I like repairing damage I mean I'll just be quiet now Buff's going to bring him in I'll bet you a tire rotation this is going to going to be a disaster everybody please just be nice just show us okay okay meat snowy what he's a bad guy no he isn't I mean well he is but he isn't okay it's not like that buff that's Mr frieza's snow crawler yeah but then it's exactly like that you brought a bad guy into the that kid he's not what you think snowy saved a dog and he's a lot like me it's okay buff I'll just go no it's not okay he's my friend and he's hurt and he could be your friend too if you could just take the time to get to know him get to know him he's wait is what buff said true did you really save a dog uh-huh Mo come take a look at Buff's friend are you sure are we sure yes okay then one Axle Repair a thanks a lot good now he can go bye-bye wait uh do you have to go couldn't he just stay for a little while longer and do what buff make snow cones I can do that if you want would you like to hang out in the B cave for a while would I any friend of yours is a friend of mine whether we're passing cars or just passing the time so long as they are friends with you they're a friend of mine we could watch a show or take a Sunday drive when you're with a friend the fun multiplies oh how the time flies with a friend by your side and should the weather ever get stormy you can bet you'll stay warm and dry cuz a friend is an umbrella for any girl or fella a friend is like an extra SP pie hello friend you made it snow in the Batcave I changed my mind he can stay this is awesome snowy you're the best you were so right about him buff where's my snow crawler oh no hey are you okay snowy yeah but I I have to go what do you mean you have to go I thought we were having fun it's Mr free he he's calling me when he calls I have to do what he says I don't have any choice I'm really sorry buff snowy hey buff where's your friend he said Mr Freeze was calling him and then his eyes went red and he just took off I think something bad is happening I knew we shouldn't have trusted him Batman is still after Mr Freeze if he has snowy's freeze R to help him Batman will have no chance not if we have anything to say about it let's hit [Music] [Music] it chill out Batman those puns aren't funny you know that right I think they're hysterical about time there's no way out Batman I'm going to need some backup I anticipated your request Batman Auto control has been activated on all vehicles that's my computer I to meet you oh finally time to put you on [Music] [Music] ice now I got him why won't you [Music] [Applause] freeze oh no huzzah he's about to go oops one last soon to be ice cube snowy oh no snowy is my friend I know he won't hurt me I can't I just can't what the snow crawler is resisting me got to fight it I can't do it he's my friend what fire [Music] Mommy stop that stop free them freeze them B defroster fully charged Batman let's get out of [Music] here okay I'll admit it buff you were right about snowy yeah he really came through for us in the end I guess he's a good guy after all he's more than that he's my [Music] [Applause] [Music] friend B hop in the [Music] [Music] back Red Wing burning back rubber is a favorite thing if turbo Dr actions what you really cra the fire up and ready down in the back cave the backi wheel F A CME Back Field watch down backi up great and black backi hop in the back up in the air and now the moment you've all been waiting for tonight's winner of Gotham's finest Stars [Music] what what happened wait who won Mo switch it back oh this is on every channel I can't even turn it off don't touch that dial Gotham because I've taken control of your screens all of them the penguin forget Gotham's finest sounds those tasteless fools wouldn't even let me on the show but no one is blocking my Spotlight tonight thanks to the signal stealer on my ducky dirigible everyone in Gotham gets to watch the incredible Talent of the Penguin and that's all they get to watch on every channel forever that's low even for penguin Batman Police Headquarters is trying to reach you but the Penguin's broadcast is blocking their signal then we better get that pompus puffing off the air is the Batwing charged up all set boss go burst that blimp I shall begin tonight with a rousing little number from cpot the musical the blimp where it happened the blimp where it happened no one else was in the blimp where it happened talk about an inflated ego back computer can you show me batwings Wing cam so I can see what's happening good idea bam as team leader you can still help by giving her some advice switching to autoc control and engaging bat [Music] glider Batman's away he's heading down to penguin's blimp Wing you should fly down with him in case he needs backup but the clouds he might need you Roger that team leader wait I lost sight of Batman where' he oh no oh great [Music] Batman where I am I'm in the blimp where well well well it appears we have a very special guest star and that my friends is the magic of live television my engine T got to make an emergency landing oh no she hates emergency Landings I hate emergency Landings ow is Wing in to me okay of course I am she was damaged in the crash Mo just needs a little time to repair her is there anything I can do I'll get fresh oil I'll donate my batteries you let me worry about Wing right now Batman's stuck up there with that juggling jail bird and the team needs you to save him me no I I I can't sure you can those flying upgrades I installed on you work perfectly now just say the word and we'll put them right on you're the leader bam we're counting on you to take charge yeah just tell us what to do you don't understand it was my bad leadership that got Batman captured and made wing crash I can't let that happen again what are you saying bam that I'm no team leader better off with me just sitting this one out we can't we need you sorry next up the Story of My Life performed in interpretive [Music] Doge holy hot air we have to get up there and help Batman how I don't know and it looks like we can't ask Bam what to do I've got it a shoot I lost it oh oh I got it again follow me see with these wings I can fly up and save Batman I think you should have had Mo install those he's busy helping Batwing go for it [Music] buff it worked I'm flying look at me I'm a bird uh buff I don't think that's high enough to reach the Penguin's blimp oh H maybe we should try something else wait I know this is going to be a sure thing yeah I'm sure this is going to fail 3 2 1 fire I'm flying I'm flying I'm swimming it looks it looks up I know it's not great but it's the only other idea I've got what do you think bam I don't know don't ask me never mind here goes [Music] nothing [Music] let's face it without bam we're just not sure how to rescue Batman I can do this All Night Gotham and I [Music] intend hey you're dragging down my audience bat boy time to ride you you out of the show really walk the plank so cliche tail pipes he's making Batman walk the plank we got to get up there check it out look who's ready to fly again wi you're back are you okay never better but I'm not sure how to save back Batman I'm going to need some help a plan I know I should do something but what if I mess up again making mistakes is part of being a leader but you shouldn't forget all the good things you've done as well yeah Batman would have never caught toy Man without you and that plan you came up with to catch the ducky boat was the best I guess I haven't been that bad of a leader so what do you say I say let's strap on on those wings yes all right you go well Batman you've had a good run but I work better as a solo act time to take the plunge Batman and to go along with that fireworks that's it now let's give our audience and Batman a big finale [Music] come on Wing come on [Music] bam we need a plan one that doesn't unall flying through fireworks I think I might have a plan but it's going to take some expert flying so it'll be up to you Wing you got it okay it starts with you distracting the penguin first PE away Ready Aim look it's me glorious me what a perfect ending to my show hey hey which one of you guys think that was it Steve Brian it was you you're on [Music] bam [Music] what disengage Auto control going to manual get [Music] him go Batman hey fam now that's [Music] Entertainment you couldn't hit the broad side of a [Music] BL then again maybe you [Music] can one side coming move it hey move it here not loyal viewers You Haven't Seen the Last Time w I'm saved maybe not your show's been cancelled oh the humanity and that was Batman earlier tonight taking penguin off the air for good but his evil parachuting Penguins remain at large charge up to batwing we've got some cleanup to do any more advice team leader I might have some ideas for you just relax I got this what do you think huh not too shabby watch this up up and who yikes oh I'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay hop in the back [Music] red RNG burning back rubber is a favorite thing if turbo Dr actions what you really crave the fire up and ready it down in the back back field four wheel FS a grind Back Field watch St di Back Field up great and black backi hop in the back BB's doover when villains run wild on the Gotham streets there's a new B team they won't want to meet yeah hey BB red what's a car's favorite meal breakfast that was pretty good for a dad joke a my oil and I just got it the way I like nice and slimy alert what's going on BC toy man just stole a powerful piece of experimental Tech from Star levs it can do over any moment in time which in the wrong hands can be very dangerous BB and red bird prepare for Action yeah time to teach toy man to stop swiping other people's toys woo let's go [Music] jealous of my new toy I don't blame you with the Press of a button on this doover remote I can do any moment over again so if you catch me I can just go back and make sure you don't oh yeah don't try this at home kids unless you're me [Applause] [Music] you thinking what I'm thinking I'll take the elevator hey brace you [Music] there let's get this party [Music] started [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man where did everybody go you better call your mommy and daddy toy man cuz play time's over oh my doover remote H better put this someplace safe do me a favor Mo would you keep an eye on this sort of dangerous don't worry it couldn't be in safer hands go I mean uh he hands much safer you okay B that Landing looked rough yeah what a wipe out wait you saw that yeah I just can't believe I slipped on that paintbrush I never bot a landing like that come on B you have to admit it was kind of funny and you still got toy man a little slip up doesn't really matter I just wish I could have a do over on that stinking jump that's funny cuz Batgirl just gave me this do over do hickey to hold on too I love a good coincidence let me see that hey wait I heard that thing's dangerous Toyman said he could do over anything with this I could do over my messed up jump and get it right this time well that sounds like a bad idea times like a thousand how do I use it I have no idea but I'm sure it does not involve pressing that big red button do [Music] overs R Wild on the goth street team they will want to meet yeah B red what's a car's favorite meal breakfast that joke everything is the same as before the do over worked a my oil and I just got it the way I like nice and slimy this is my chance to stop toy Man without messing up my jump BB and red bird prepare for action it's showtime time to teach toy man to stop swiping other people's toys let's [Music] go [Music] don't try this at home kids unless you're [Applause] me let's get this party [Music] [Applause] [Music] started I need to do that jump over again do [Music] over villains run wild on the Gotham streets there's a new bat team they will want to meet yeah hey b r sorry bam in a rush I just wanted to tell you a joke it was kind of meth the first time huh W oh my oil and I just got yeah slimy I know I can't mess up that jump I got to try this again no matter how many times it [Music] takes I couldn't make a jump and I need to get it right I'm feeling like a chump but I'll get it right tonight everybody saw me now my r reputation shattered I just can't go along as if it didn't even matter I know I shouldn't care how all my crashes look I should focus on the mission and how bring in that crook but when I fall down it hurts my mind and when it does I'll push rewind and do it do it do it do it over and over and over again do it do it do it do it till I get it right I can't pretend if I just keep jumping I know I'm I will get it right if it takes all night if I just keep jumping I know I will get it right if it takes so night where'd everybody go you better call your mommy and daddy toy man cuz play time's over oh am I ever going to get that jump right do [Music] over [Music] R streets there's new enough with the singing what's a car's favorite meal breakfast very funny bam pH my temporal tracking software has notified me that you've been using the doover remote I'm worried that you're focused on your slip up rather than the mission yeah but did you see my jump I'm never that clumsy sorry BC I've got to try this jump one last time let's get this party [Music] [Music] started finally yes did you see that jump VC I totally nailed it woo woohoo I never doubted you bb consider this though when you missed your jump the pinkt hand fell on toy man's head and he was captured but when you made your jump toy man was able to escape what no really byebye daddies wait so it's my fault toy man's on the loose I'm afraid so I'm sorry BC I was just so embarrassed about slipping up so you slipped on the paintbrush everyone slips up sometimes it's no big deal you're right it doesn't matter if I look clumsy what's important is that I fix this thing and stop toy man I've got to get that doover [Music] remote I'll have a scoop of strawberry I'm celebrating you know on second thought let's make it Chu H let's see what else can I do over I know that day I lost a joker in a game of duck du Goose do [Music] over let's get this party started why do I feel like I've said that [Music] before um [Music] perfect hey where' everybody go better call your mommy and daddy toy men cuz play time's over I'm proud of you for missing your jump BB that was a great idea I get it now sometimes you got to look silly to get the job done when villains run wild on the Gotham streets there's a new bat team they won't want to meet yeah am I back again hey BB red what's a car's favorite meal don't say breakfast don't say breakfast fast food bat Wheels four wheeled fighters of crime bat Wheels watch them turn on a dime bat Wheels they look great and bat Wheels hop in the [Music] back [Music] hop in the back
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 2,666,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Kids, DC Comics, Cartoons, Kids cartoons, Superhero cartoons, Superheroes, YouTube Kids, Watch online, Watch free, Full episodes, villains, vlad and niki, batwheels, batwheels episode 1, secret origin of the batwheels, batman, bamobile, batwheels cartoonito, batwheels theme song, batwheels song, ethan hawke, cartoon network, batwheels trailer, buff, kids song compilation, Bam, Dark Knight, BiBi, RedBird, Batwing, gotham, batwheels full episodes, adam west, batman 66, the joker
Id: CdiNk42nrKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 41sec (4721 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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