Battlefield S4/E6 - The Siege of Leningrad
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Channel: Vasile Iuga
Views: 877,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: War, documentary, Battlefield, The Siege of Leningrad, WW2
Id: 5OCoxf64Xyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 35sec (5795 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Germans did this too, it's not just a Soviet trick.
Germans booby trapped a house in Stalingrad they knew they couldn't hold. It blew up when the Soviets had occupied and reinforced it.
Was this tactic ever successful? Was there even a single case of a German headquarters being blown up this way? I'm pretty skeptical, because I've never heard about this and wasn't able to find anything confirming this tactic.
Interesting fact, compounded by starting the video at the relevant point.
Soviets. Not just Russians.
In Mother Russia, buildings bomb you!
Someone may have posted this, but the Germans would rig bombs to crooked picture frames, knowing it was more likely an office who would feel inclined to adjust it.
It's called scorched earth.
Funny enough, this is an actual anti-takeover strategy in the finance M&A world.
That's actually clever
I love the icy understatement in the narrator's delivery. "Exacting a great psychological toll".
Also, the fact right after the one in the OP was interesting: using forest fires to delay the advancing Germans.