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we gotta go to a retirement home together let's do it oh it's gonna be good [Music] hello chat room I didn't have a plan for today like at all and last night we were chilling in VC and Ferris was like Hey man let's play battle block I was like all right sounds good to me I've never ever played this nor have I even watched it I don't even know what this is about this is a part of my Castle Crashers era that I just like totally skipped over hey bro why'd you call me oh I don't know I just figured well I can't put us on I suppose oh never mind oh no no then go to the place one second hold on he just called me usually we go in VC so I could put our names on the screen when we're talking and stuff but yeah that works too welcome to the place I mean so this is just us it doesn't really matter but I don't know people might get confused sometimes I sound like you and sometimes I sound like you yeah [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you bastard I sound just like you bro I sound just like you bro chat is this like white bar at the top gonna piss you off too much or can I leave it I'll make Jill edit it out for the video if we make a video what is this game what do you do the best way to describe it is it's the PDA games from [ __ ] alien hominid but you didn't play alien hominid either so no it's like a platform puzzle like [ __ ] [ __ ] show it's a crazy time [ __ ] show I bet that's normal mode and Insane Mode what will you start normal I realize you want to go insane the game isn't that hard it gets a little like head scratchy a bit like what later levels but I suppose we start with normal I don't know oh is the heads you made in here yeah so go over until it's a custom icon oh there we go and then go to the no no no oh yeah so Ferris made us a little custom heads to play with there was this huge whale like made it super scary and I think there was a shark yep there he is oh God I love the shark design all right this game is either gonna bring us a lot closer or tear us a lot apart that's just how it goes and I think I already know where this is going you look mad cute oh there's we could like walk on each other and get in each other's away that's gonna be part of the game bro oh yup there's [ __ ] beating the [ __ ] out of each other [ __ ] we have a little frisbee oh yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and it drops a landmine okay it makes little poop noises when I squeeze it so you make little flute noises when someone squeezes you yes constantly that sounds awesome [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my Jesus ground him he's the one who put me in this place so I put him in his place all cats are bad bro hey cow yes actually this is going to happen in real life at some point just so you know what this Us in an interrogation room do you want yeah awesome do you want an awesome item yeah hey yo oh you can just equip two there you go wait it kills you yeah [Laughter] that's so awesome you want them Goku and I need help why you screwing for help hold left trigger [Music] all right now oh boy [Music] [Laughter] oh this is gonna be good I'm awesome oh I [ __ ] we [ __ ] it up thank you yeah I'm a mirror egg come on you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my fault oh my fault Jesus have you realized yet like when we go low like how you can see the crowd we're performing yeah this is like a this is like a stage play for they're so [ __ ] enjoyment you'd imagine like doing things for other people to watch like constantly yeah like imagine hundreds of people people watching us do this right now that'd be so [ __ ] up yeah oh boy go right uh go go in the water and then hold right here no well not I meant like sorry oh you could like see you [ __ ] oh man we're going out on the stage bro that's what your chat looks like bruh for real they all look just like yeah what goes through my head every night when I go to sleep walking into bed actually there's probably someone out there who thinks Solo's philosophical yeah [ __ ] me he is something I would I would [ __ ] take Aristotle or whoever the [ __ ] and roll them into a little blunt like like a like a burrito and I was smoking that'd be awesome I think if if somebody let me speak to a Victorian child I would [ __ ] like actually melt their skin off too I think I would give them a warhead and show them a Death Grips music video tell me that wouldn't be awesome I'm gonna make a Victorian child to play Killing seven I'm just a little monkey what's that monkey you said you would be you were way too ready to tell me what kind of monkey said yeah I am definitely a pygmy marmoset type beat I know if you're hibiscus I think with big ass nose biscuits or one of those snub nose monkeys that they have like little skeleton faces I think you'd be that one monkey that is like really really loud all of them I'm Goku sorry oh my bad okay you can jump in the water when you're on fire get in the water get in the water all right here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna light you on fire and then you're gonna go okay [Music] yarn is what British people do no [Laughter] what's up I'll [ __ ] do it oh it's a good thing oh dude I can't I can't use this I can't use this weapon anymore no chill out man chill chill it's all right it's okay me when I'm a billion you haven't uploaded fnf in months oh [ __ ] and that was the last we heard of what yeah I couldn't take it anymore man they killed my boy man [ __ ] you watch out [ __ ] oh this guy hurt my feelings oh okay wrong guy hitch oh the yarn breath the yarn all right here's how we're gonna do this [ __ ] condom embarrassment I had at Walmart today unreal and I thought I thought buy him at the pharmacy and I didn't see him anywhere in the pharmacy and I was telling Austin I was like all right here's my list I was like I gotta get litter I gotta get sodas for mixes cat food and then I was like okay yeah you gotta get what like in the middle of Walmart shut the [ __ ] up I go to the pharmacy and I [ __ ] walk around I'm like [ __ ] they don't have them like literally anywhere here and so I go up to the [ __ ] I hate I I hate when people know that I sex I hate them people know like any of that and so I'm like I go up to the [ __ ] the counter and I'm like excuse me uh ma'am and she goes yeah what's up she thinks I'm picking up like a prescription or something no I was like you guys normally have like those The Columns like here in the pharmacy right she goes and she like laughs bro she's like I was like no I was like am I just [ __ ] blind or she goes she goes no no they're on aisle 14 and I was like great another person or no not an aisle 14 she said she said register 14. they kept keep him at the register and so I go to register 14. I forget something and I have to run back and grab it and I come back and Austin has already talked to the lady and I guess it has like set a a precedent of me like being anxious I don't know but the lady's like hey it took you long enough I was like I was like okay no but it gets worse man I go I go uh I go yeah I forgot this sorry and she's like she's like oh okay okay well um she goes well as long as that's the last thing you needed I was like actually I do need something else she goes why and I go uh um oh my God she goes oh my God like she said oh my gosh she did bro and so I'm like I'm like man just please and she goes okay what kind do you want and I'm like well and so I go I got those I I say these ones and she goes which ones and I'm like the the the the so-and-so and I point because I'm not gonna tell you guys what [ __ ] condoms and [ __ ] she goes baby just come back here and grab it I don't know which one's reported out I was like come on and she'd let me behind the condom counter is watching me go back here [Laughter] oh yeah well it kind of sounds like you're you're like a Disney attraction you're like I want me I want to make Pluto and I'm like [ __ ] sweating and I'm like so like not having it and she's finishing checking me out and she looks at me she goes do I make you nervous what I'm like and I'm like don't I hope you [ __ ] it I was like I was like I was like I was like I just said no I thought they were in the pharmacy and she goes it's okay she goes she goes just come check out lane 14 for all the sex stuff and I was like [ __ ] that Walmart trip was in my head today bro thanks it was terrible man Jill do not put the fact I have sex in the video oh It's gotta be it no [ __ ] I've never had it ever you excited man [ __ ] off man damn my balls clapping again [Applause] find stairs in my house after I shower I'd be walking down the stairs and it'd be like if I was in your capability Rock glitching huh you've never seen oh no [ __ ] way you've never seen them what do you mean you've never seen I think it's what is it we wear cute on Tick Tock no okay okay okay at first glance they're like kids like slime tick tockers or whatever the [ __ ] but like their videos are like actual insane people [ __ ] and I feel like they know it like I don't think they're actually these like ditzy like like oh today we are opening Disney princess toy egg like type [ __ ] it's like literally hold on look I have to show you it's actually like that important this realistic rubber Rock will really fool your friend but can it fool our mom Rock more like squinting oh yeah [Music] that one guy was great with the stream is the twitch equivalent of Reddit 50 50. what the [ __ ] is that [Music] nobody said that but also there are bugs in your skin there are bugs in your skin there how the [ __ ] did that guy just say I would enjoy a whipped cream hot dog [ __ ] is wrong with you I'd probably enjoy that no it's gross as hell why not sweet salty who [ __ ] was that creamy weenie don't type that much out ever again I have a question for you okay you can make one sound effect perfectly with your mouth anytime at will what is it probably that really [ __ ] shitty Android mobile sound effect that one okay mine would be a gunshot I would like to I just want to scare the [ __ ] out of people yeah what happened there are some fun games okay come on during the show her bottom passed away having pooped himself to death on the way to the bathroom me all the time [Laughter] Castle Crashers video gay [Music] wait I'm really I'm recoiling at that comment right now it's like God sometimes people say [ __ ] in your chat where I feel like I'm a scientist behind glass but I just like I just watched like a new life before like a pile of sludge and I'm just fascinated I'm like I'm like this is it this is it to get the clipboard help do you need to watch I'm in the video I'm gonna go insane Joe put the art in this one too [Laughter] damn they got your voice okay I got it okay I got it this time four times the charm it's like interactive all right five this is for the Pentagon yes no way you just failed that enough [Music] [ __ ] oh I forgot to hit the button [Music] let's just walk go up [Music] don't bring Ferris posted a picture of Family Guy fan art that made me ill are you gonna show it can I you kind of have to I mean what there's nothing like inappropriate on it it's just terrible [Music] I'm gonna draw like the usual like video games make a nervous Brian I think I think your lowest in your own computer I think Jill is Stewie Mark is Chris and I don't know who Meg would be oh that's definitely hero you did that noise and Skelly just ran through here like 500 miles per hour let's get the [ __ ] out of me dude don't [ __ ] with me I'll activate the sleeper agents in your cat no Skelly kill John Lennon kill John Lennon tell everybody about our new YouTube startup idea what's that Pure Foods I didn't hear about this tell me let's start remember pure food oh yeah let's do it let's do it today we have chamomile tea and we'll and we'll just pay for a bunch of money to sit there and eat like little people foods which is weird because this actually isn't chamomile they say it's caramel in the packaging but it's really just I know how what watch this bubble Tech never mind oh tonight we're going to be going extra silly mode yeah man but you gotta sing the lullaby yeah just like say I don't feel awake right now you're not wake up wake up Brandon wake up oh no don't do that damn we smart you [ __ ] it slid too far please pulls out a grenade I got this one I can't I'm so rich now what if you just you're like rolling the gotcha what I'm just like a stalker would walk out of this [ __ ] right now awesome I could take Squidward like all of them I don't think you could I think you got to get me up no way you just threw a grenade at me okay hey yeah calculated only someone just called us the 220st man on the internet that can't be true who do I think is the two funniest one on the internet I think it's super mega that's funny because because mine I I don't know if I had to pick two because mega64 I think is my funniest guys that's my funniest group of guys there's nobody funnier to me than Mega 64. too funny man on the internet are Ray and William Johnson whoops I have a can of soda do you want to hear me open it yet let it rip Jill Here Comes me and fair stick our ears out in trouble with it Jill damn that British soda hella loud hello oh hi I was still it was on my [ __ ] died so I'm so sorry God you're [ __ ] it chill chill come on go get another can right now okay Jill's sitting at her desk watching the stream drinking two different cans of soda oh my God slash maca failure failure slash marker Redemption take two all right yeah yeah yeah that was a piss for Yoshi impression I'm sorry oh no it wasn't you're lying stick to the Final Fantasy Yoshi Maybe there's a final fantasy Yoshi yeah the [ __ ] guy who made it oh I was thinking you know not a psychopath answer like that you deserve that wait a minute oh you got the yarn the Yanni way sure sure next we put the skullver on the grill no no no no no no no no okay please get you your [ __ ] buddy I get you your money I got a chop cheese please can we make an SCP entry that's just the hockey hey Peter hey Peter hey Peter you want to play some BattleBlock Theater more like Bonnie's out of town Peter [Music] oh oh you just got hashtag voted bro we gotta play [ __ ] alien hominid next must be our next [ __ ] uh Behemoth game we wrote I was thinking about playing Travis strikes again but please [Music] I'm [ __ ] wait you're cheating my love for Travis strikes and then because we power beyond belief man okay so tell me why the other day my buddy socked he's streaming insane aquarium right I love that game I just try and Boot It Up When I steam messaged him all I said was Prego and then two hours later he boots it up again I messaged him again I just go Prego yeah and as you do and then I but then I go then I go can I was like did you get preggo yet can I see sexy pictures of her round belly can you please send me preggo pics and then I click on his Discord and it says you stream it on Twitch I go oh okay he's probably streaming in Santa Cruz say hey and I walk in I'm like what's up bro and he's like [ __ ] choking crying laughing and then I and then wait for it I see a steam message pop up on stream he was like doing this gimmick during that stream that let me see messages show up and all [ __ ] five of my messages had just played on the [ __ ] Spirit okay man and I was like I gotta go I can't be here [Applause] nothing what the [ __ ] okay you stand on the other button oh we can't stand on both at the same [ __ ] time what huh dude I think for this video I think we should but maybe I'll what do you think okay and then wait me walking out of the board meeting with Jill with my notes yeah get all this done I guess it's just a whole bunch of [ __ ] unfinished sentences yeah howdy dude he wasn't moving he wasn't even blinking where has he gone to [Music] [Laughter] I just spelled it [Laughter] this is so good man I love this game right it is so fun just a good quirky little thing I should have played in high school with my friends like on split screen like in the same room you know like on the same couch yeah thanks for playing dog video please comment like And subscribe guys make sure you comment and give me your mom's address her name her picture and I will be going through the comments and we will be picking hottest mom of the week okay so just make sure you drop that down below happy mom week everybody and I am good I'm I'm gonna have sex with her all right so let me know [Laughter] I'll see you later bye chat bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: woops
Views: 242,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woops woopsna, woops vrchat, vrchat, vrchat highlights, vrchat funny moments, vr funny moments, vrchat stream, woops, woops twitch, stream, twitch stream, highlights, twitch funny moments, funny, moments, stream fails twitch fails, clips, of, the, week, battleblock, battle block, theatre, platforming, castle crashers, alien hominid, newgrounds, skullvolver, woops fnf, fnf woops, fnf
Id: 1W6WfmHEKVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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