Battle Steel Level III Lightweight Armor Shield Test!

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welcome back everybody as the name of the video indicated and the fact that I'm standing here holding this you probably guess that we are testing out this armored shield right here so there's some interesting things going on with it number one is going to be at least in my opinion as a potential end user is the ballistic capabilities in terms of stopping rounds that you get with it for the weight for the size so this is a 12 by 24 shield which is interesting so if you look around most law enforcement circles the shields that those guys are using our bigger but you know the question between armor speed mobility and that balance has always been there since the beginning of warfare so it continues today that's a video I suppose for another day but I like its compact little size if you were to try to go through like a compact apartment maybe raid a bus maybe hit an airliner all of those sorts of things to have the ability to have this much coverage and it only weighs in just over 9 pounds and it will stop most rifle rounds as we should find out here today if it actually does I'm not sure I'm not I can't make that claim yet but we're gonna find out but it's made from uhw MPE polyethylene armor we've seen that before here on the channel and it does well generally performs as it should what's interesting is it has this secondary piece here which I'm not sure if that's added armor or not I really can't tell it doesn't feel like it is but I suppose we'll find out here in just a little bit but it has this handle which is nice and then it has this adjustable strap here so for a right-handed shooter essentially he'd come up through the strap grab that tighten this down to your arm and then had the ability to come out with a pistol and use use the armor rather as mobile cover so that certainly is good and like I said before the big thing on this is that you could use it like this as well there's a lot of different ways you could do it but you can get in and out of just about anywhere and if you look at your your body profile I mean really that's protecting most of my vitals they're much more so than a standard plate that you'd be wearing an armor system would do so gives you the ability to get small be small and hopefully stop bullets from hitting you so what we're gonna do today is do from sheeting on it make sure it actually lives up to the claim and I suppose we'll discuss it a little bit more at the end first up guys we're going to be firing some 9-millimeter Minuteman munitions out of the devil dog arms 1911 target us downrange at approximately 15 feet so it's pretty darn close and we're gonna see how it handles the 9 mil as you can see there we have our entrance hole in some disruption around the lining there and then just a touch the back face deformation there on the rear one thing I should point out guys I don't think I mentioned it in the intro yeah what level 3 is so they actually offered these at different levels I believe they have level 3 8 and that will basically stop most pistol rounds up to 357 Magnum including shotgun so sorts of things but rifle rounds we'll go through it this is level 3 which will stop pretty much any rifle round mainstream rifle round with the exception of armor penetrating rounds and that includes m855 and that which will test out here in just a little bit as well so it should stop pretty much all the rifle stuff we throw at it unless it has a VP characteristic again we'll find out though so all the pistols should handle it just fine but we're just gonna shoot it anyway number one for a little bit of entertainment number two just to make sure it's actually working as intended so let's set it back down and whack it again next up is some 45 ACP it's 230 drained federal stuff out of our shield arms upper this has a six inch barrel so see yeah it does for the 45 we had our entries point right there you guys can see that then right here back face deformation there's a little bit of it hard to tell exactly how much because this portion the secondary portion here is right where it hits so either way it's not 45 just fine next up we have some golden tiger 7.62 by 39 coming out of my PWS at 11 point eight five inch barrel and we'll see how she likes the ache a food we had our point of entry right there for the 7.62 by 39 and it stopped it for sure it looks like we had about a three inch for the circle where any sort of back face deformation happened but contained it just fine and we'll keep going next up we have some federal m80 ball comes out of my Palmetto State Armory gen3 PA ten this is going to hit it pretty darn hard [Music] we had our point of entry there and you guys can see that up front and then stopped it's just fine we have definitely more back face the information than we have at 7.62 by 39 which is to be expected you got a whole lot more power with the 308 so in terms of actual up set material I'd say it's about five inches that kind of started to bulge a little bit there on the back but again just fine if you were holding that up it probably would have knocked it around a little bit but you'd be living to fight another day now we're gonna throw some m193 five five six stuff in it 55 grain this is a ten point five inch integrally suppressed rakla firearms rifle so we'll see how like five five six [Music] there was our point of entry for the m193 you guys can see definitely had some back face deformation on it again guys wrote like 15 feet so you're essentially getting muzzle velocity there now I'm sure many of you out there are saying but will it stop m855 we're about to find out however I just wanna point out again 85 well not armor penetrating ammo has armor penetrating features or characteristics so we're gonna load that up there on the ten and a half and see how that does as promised we have those green tip eight five five rounds and we're gonna see what it'll do now longtime viewers of the channel know that sometimes a 5/5 will stop out of a ten and a half sometimes it won't it's kind of right on the edge there and if I pushed that the shield out further it would definitely stop it just it's a velocity and bullet composition thing but if you guys want go ahead post them below if you guys think it's gonna go through or you think it's not now that you guys had posted it I'm guessing it's gonna go through but only one way to find out again this was the m193 here's the m855 and it was hard to tell it I actually looked at it it barely went through I mean it barely you guys could see some of the actual lead from the bullet came around cuz what's happening with polyethylene armor for those who don't know for those who are new here is that it works in a very different way than ceramics so what it does it's happening super fast obviously what I'm about to tell you but what it does is as soon as something hits it obviously going at bullet speeds the heat at the friction from it temporarily very quickly melts it and then it grabs onto the bullet and then almost immediately just hardens and then that's how it kind of grabs it so you can see here it was trying to grab it the bullet definitely came apart so likely the tip broke for sure because that tends to happen with a t-55 and some of it kind of whipped around as it was going out but it did penetrate it again guys it's not ready for that but we always like to test it we always like to kill plates here it's kind of what we do but we're going to hit it a couple more times a couple loads and just see how it does once again we're gonna hit it with some m193 however this time it's going to be coming out of a 16 inch barrel this is the dealt on mid length gun and we'll see if that change in velocity makes a difference because it's definitely going to be coming out a good bit hotter out of this particular barrel this time with the m193 we hit right there up front and you guys can see it did not pass through again we had some back face deformation I can feel it there but you'd be just fine with that when I got one other load that I want to test out here and see how Daniels next up we have some 120 grain six five Grendel this is the American Eagle open tip match load coming out on a 16 inch radical barrel here and I think this one's gonna be interesting a lot of folks interesting to me the NIJ does not test for 65 Grenda however it's becoming more popular and one thing that's interesting about it in terms of armor is it has a high bc and it's got a lot of velocity so that makes it tough to stop so we're gonna see how it does here and see what happens again not rated for this just want to see might be tough to see with the glare of the Sun right now but that is the entry point there for the 65 Grendel and then that is the back face deformation that we had on there as this little piece here started to get pushed off by the actual rounds impacting that I can tell you it is not armored at all it seems to just be some sort of foam because I can feel it now that I can get my fingers and there's no armor protection behind there but stop 65 Grendel definitely impressive it came really close to 35 v I mean that is that is close so it's about as close as it's gonna get but yeah so these things here weigh just over 9 pounds will roll in screen shot if I can grab one there on my scale so they're pretty maneuverable in terms of price they're not expensive either at least relative to other options out there on the market these ones right now and again it could change I think I go in for like 349 and the level 3 alpha ones again those just stop pistols are cheaper than that and those come in around five pounds so you know some folks might want to go that route if you're trying to look for something that's definitely later but for me I mean I'm a relatively healthy guy this is not anyway a problem for me to wield be able to maneuver very quickly and I definitely think something of this size has a lot of rolls out there again you're giving up something over a bigger shield but it's also lighter and most of the shields out there that are larger are actually only rated her pistol so to be able to get the rifle threat capability certainly is nice and you can definitely again you can get in behind this thing and lay down some rounds and you know depending on how you use a shield one thing that's nice versus plates is you can actually get some protection here for your neck and even your face because really you only need to be like this and you can be in there so I think it's a good option for folks in need of this type of protection is it for everybody nope does it live up to its claim yep one thing I want to talk about here because I just saw it as I was putting that on is something that comes up pretty often it's rated in terms of service life for five years that's per NIJ guidance and honestly my opinion I think that's kind of bunk even if you look like steel armor it used to be steel armor all used to be rated for five years as well I think they just bumped it up the NIJ said it could be longer but let's get real like steel armors in the last hundred years plus and have the same armor protection especially as a good small coating on there I would say the same is probably true for the polyethylene armor that we're seeing today the NIJ is overly cautious if you were to leave this out and like baking Sun in the rear of a car in Arizona yeah maybe five years is what you're gonna get but in a you know temperate environment not exposed to harsh conditions I would imagine it'll work a lot but longer than that and I test a lot of armor here on the channel surplus armor that's well beyond its expiration date and to date I have not had any of it perform up to its standard so take that for what it's worth guys that's pretty much it you guys have any questions about we talked about here in the video you can always post them down below in the comments section the best place to get me though if you guys have a question is over at my facebook page because I actually see all the messages over there I don't always see them on YouTube the way the comments section works these days it just kind of is what it is and over there you know if I post up if rather if this goes on sale or anything like that I'll post it up on Facebook as well so you guys can save a little money that said since I've been testing budget Armour this is just a blanket statement but it's true since I've been testing budget armor here on the channel things tend to sell out and they don't tend to go down in price so just take that for what it's worth because demand seems to go up so there is that and yeah that's pretty much it if you like this kind of video I do a lot of armor testing as I mentioned so go ahead and if there's a subscribe button if you've already subscribed you know not seeing roughly two to four videos a week here on the channel make sure you hit a notification bell if you've done both of those sign up for my email list I send out all the videos of the week it's not spammy or anything like that I send out a couple deals that I find along the way like again if this goes on sale that way you guys can see it there's no gigantic social media giant censoring what you guys see here on the channel so that's pretty much it thanks for watching I appreciate it look forward to seeing everybody in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 23,397
Rating: 4.9597855 out of 5
Keywords: battle steel shield, police armor shield, police shield, level III armor, battle steel armor, best budget armor, personal armor, armor shield, armored shield, riot shield, swat shield, body armor, body armor test, bulletproof vest
Id: eogFr6WsQD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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