Battery Powered All in One DJ Controller Shootout - Which One Should You Buy? THE TRUE COMPARISON

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what's going on everybody it is your Cleland Terry and uh I told you I would do this so we are actually going to do this we are going to compare and contrast the Newark mix stream Pro go the den DJ Prime go the standard for portable systems and of course the newly released omnis duel from alpha Theta AKA you know who they are so we're going to go through this and just kind of discuss the facts I will leave it up to you to decide what makes more sense for you it's always important to understand when I do reviews when I talk about things this is stuff for you I know how I feel but the way I feel doesn't necessarily mean it's the way you feel so I'm just going to lay out all the information and then we will go from there obviously if we're taking a look at the systems here we have three very very different systems now we have the cheapest of all of them them which is a new Mark mixstream Pro go which you know what I don't even know how much it costs to be honest with you new Mark mixstream Pro go looks to be about $839 for whatever reason I thought it was cheaper than this then we move up to the Denon Prime go which is been at and I believe still is at about $11,000 and then of course the omnus duo which is considerably higher at $1,500 now first things first let's talk about price because I think price is very important I think a lot of people are sticking to that number and they are just adamant about the number is making it crap I've already said in my previous first look that yes it is expensive however please understand that when the den Prime go came out this was $1,000 and most of you people people said it is way too expensive this should be $5 $600 now of course we're seeing the same thing with the ominous deal people are saying $1,500 that thing shouldn't be more than five or 600 bucks neither here nor there that's the price that they chose when this one came out it was expensive and people definitely reacted the only one that kind of operates in its pay scale is the new Mark at 839 now of course the new Mark doesn't have the quality of neither the denen DJ Prime go or the omnis duel but it's still a great great piece of Kit oh and by the way if you're looking to buy any of these devices make sure you check out Hollywood DJ we have a great great promotion going on this is right after n you can get most of this stuff for reduced prices so use the code in my description below and uh see what kind of deals you can save doesn't just apply to this go to the website and see what they have to offer Hollywood DJ okay we're going to talk about the pros and cons of all of them we're going to talking about the things that they do have and the things that they don't have so first off we should probably start them all up if I can find the switch okay and it looks like the omnis duel is ready to go I still have to hold down on this one and of course which just to be kind of assumed the new Mark is still latest because it does have the weaker processor of all of them we are on the demo track here demo track here and the SD card here before we talk about the screens and the software let's just talk about the things that are outside of the box and that is the ins and outs so first of all they all have a quarter inch headphone jack and a mini jack and on the back things start to get a little more similar for two of these and not for this one on the back of the mixstream pro go you have xlrs I'm going to go the right way then you have an auxiliary out you have your SD card two USBS and then a usbb which is your computer port on the denen prime go you do have a plethora of ins and outs which is probably the best part of this device right here but you have your xlrs your RC outs an actual quarter inch Booth an auxilary input and two XLR combo Jack mics followed by a usbb and an Ethernet and what is this last thing here and oh and another USB so this one is packed with In-N-Outs best part of this device on the omous duel you have your xlrs your RCA which doubles as your booth because there's a dedicated Booth knob to it a combo Jack for the mic and then a quarter inch for the mic and then on the side here you have three USBS I believe you have uh your USBC for power your SD card your USB uh a for a thumb drive and then your USBC for your record box Andor Sado which we'll talk about too on the top here there's definitely a difference in methodology as far as design is concerned on the prime go we have this kind of unorthodox layout where you have all of your eqs uh running horizontal and pretty much nothing on the vertical which is quite different than what most people have come to expect this was probably the weakest part because people have said I have a little trouble you know figuring out where the knobs are because I'm used to them being vertical and right by the faders we move down to the uh mream Pro and of course we have a more traditional style the faders plus we have the toggles so if you're into battle mixer style DJing these are these are fantastic we move over to the ominus and of course we have the same thing more traditional style eqs followed by your faders and your cross fader we should probably talk about the cross fader and the up faders because they are noticeably different across the board the cheapest feeling ones you know it's hard to say because in all honesty neither one of the Prime go or the mixstream go have good faders the cross faders have always been the weakest link they're just they're just not that good the up faders are very much the same they're just okay the prime go faders feel better than the mixstream go going to the omis duo this is definitely the the best cross fader out of all three of them and it competes with pretty much any controller out there it's a very good cross fader the up faders are smooth and they just they feel good on our Center here we do have our browse button plus our loads a back button and a view button same thing with this one obviously because they keep the same software but we're using the older style layout which for a lot of people they're very happy that it went away because it's just it's just a little different again it's just a different way of doing and it there's nothing wrong with it it's just it's just different they've gone away from this gone to more traditional style and I think that people have appreciated it moving over to the omous duo we do have our file browser up top this is more traditional the way that Pioneer DJ does a lot of their controllers where it's on top you do have a load again you don't have a dedicated back button I've said before I would have preferred there being a dedicated back button instead of using the shift or using the screen I'm not a big fan of that so that's definitely a weakness of this board now moving over to the JS and kind of the Q section here this is where things start to change a little more now this fader is fine it's adequate but it definitely is not as good as this fader here and this fader here these these faders have really good resolution they're very smooth I've had this board since obviously 2020 and it still feels good to use uh The omnis Duel has a good fader too these are just short faders and again price point wise this happens when the price is lower nothing you can really do about that moving over to the Q points again the weakness of the mixstream pro we do have four Q points that's all you got and up here we have four Q points but you can set the bank and then move to the next few points although most people don't really want to do that it is what it is on the omnus steel you have eight dedicated Q points now one of the differences is between these and both of these is you have different pad modes you have hot Q you have Loop you have roll you have Bank same thing here Q save Loop Auto Loop roll there are no pad modes on the omnis Dual so if that's something that you're into this is definitely something that is going to frustrate you so let's move over to the effects on the omus Dual you do have your beat effects which feel more like kind of the 900 Nexus style effects where you have the strip style although I'm not a fan of the strip style I would prefer to have paddles like this guy they are fine the effects are screen based you can only affect the change here you can change the V you can change the auto but you cannot change the effects without hitting the screen and then going through so it's a little bit of a slower setup here on the both engine osses here your effects are right here so you can just click them and then go and then they are active but you are limited to these four effects on the mixstream go on the den DJ effects you have they're much better and there are tons of effects but the filter knobs being up here I've always felt were a little bit uh unnecessarily big so that is that but they do work I would prefer them to be lower by the eqs but they're not there it is what it is over here we do have the sweep effects which gives you you know two different kinds one's an echo one's one's a uh high pass filter low pass filter they all work the the effects coming out of engin os are good I have no issue with them effects coming out of uh omnis Duo and like the record box software have always been good I don't have an issue with it uh to be honest with you uh as far as softwares go they all have the best effects all of them except for you know our friend with the s in front of its name that needs a lot of work on their on their internal effects but these effects are very very good you're going to be happy with with any of them uh it's a little harder to adjust the effects on the prime go it's just the way the nature of the way the setup is because you have to kind of reach up here and do all this stuff and assign one and two versus having them on here where you just toggle them and then having them on here where you can at least see because it's very it can be hard to see the effects on this because of the because of the screen really EST estate not a problem with the screen but it is what it is on the new Mark mix stre go you still can affect the uh the feedback but it's all via touch and not via the paddles you can activate them but in order to adjust them you have to do that manually with the screen we move over to the to the jogs and the jogs are obviously largest on the Newark they're medium on the omnis Ste and they're pretty much non-existent on the D in Prime go now this right here is definitely um the weakest part of the Prime go these jogs are very difficult to use there's no way to adjust the uh kind of the weight and they're very very light obviously with two fingers on here you're you're basically on the whole display along with the cross fader it just makes it very difficult I know a lot of people have deactivated the cross fader and just rocked it kind of without the jogs and just use the pitch bins and the Q points and left it at that moving over to these jogs these jogs are very very nice they feel good I will admit the jogs coming out of the the kind of the mix stream mix track lineup are very good I have had no problems with them albeit you know they're the stylings are the stylings my feel on these stylings are the same feelings that people have about the fact that there is a little ring inside here and why is it there this cross fader is better than this cross fader but it's still a a weakness as far as the way it looks it definitely looks like it cost it's not definitely a premium build if I look at the omnis duo and I'm looking at the omous duel physically with my eyes and my hands it definitely a more premium product the den Prime go definitely a premium feeling product there's weight to the to the prime go it feels stiff it feels like it's like you're going to be able to run this through the ringer and it's going to be fine the same thing with the omnis steel it has a it has a stiffness to it and a weight even though yes it is plastic there's plastic on there but there's metal inside the chassis just like all pioneer products so anybody that says it's plastic yeah so is the DDJ 1000 and guess what that's one of the top selling boards ever it is what it is but the den in Prime go with the um with the metal Construction this feels this feels solid this feels like I could throw it on the floor and it wouldn't even Dent that's what it feels like I've always been a fan of the den Prime go I was one of the big pushers of it when it came out still a great device but it's showing a little age and there's some things in there that we should probably discuss the difference between this board and this board even though this has the weaker mic input is well you can adjust the microphone on this one you have a three band EQ treble mid and base you can also decide whether you're going to send it to the speakers or send it to your headphones if you got like an MC that sucks too much so this is um the evolution of this one because on this guy you have no option to adjust the microphone the only thing you can change is the attenuator meaning you can either boost it up or drop it down or you can send it to the booth or not sends it to the booth so this is the biggest issue with the prime go if you're running microphones and again two XLR combo Jacks so it's feature packed but you can't EQ anything that's coming out of the microphone it's actually bigger than the fact that the jogs are small I need to be able to EQ my microphone if I'm taking it out the whole point of taking out something like this is to be able to take it anywhere and to be able to use it without the need for a mixer I'm sure when they come out with the uh denen Prime Mark I uh they will fix that on the omnis duo we do have a two band EQ just the high and the low we don't have a midsection but in a pinch I think that's fine to be honest with you I don't have a problem with that as long as there's some form of EQ even if there was a tone knob just where I can adjust out some of that base uh I'm okay with the fact that it's um you know software based it'd be nice if all of these had dedicated knobs instead of having to run them through the uh EQ but it is what it is people are asking what this circle is and the circle is nothing if you look at any of their other systems the circle is on every device the circle is a part of what they do now could they have put something in the displays could they have done that well obviously but people it's a portable controller you're not going to put some Led screens or these things to light up because it's just going to suck the power out of your battery so we got to be smarter about this guys now battery wise uh the Denon DJ will give you even at at the top of the time I was getting four hours and I believe 10 to 15 minutes uh on this one I think I'm getting about 4 and A2 to 445 and that's assuming that you're not streaming that's key here here anytime you use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth you're going to suck the battery life out of you on the omnis steel have not used it full yet they are promising 5 hours with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on I have not put that down yet and tested it so we'll have to find out when I'm actually on the go and I can actually you know run it through its Paces so if it is five then it obviously is better than than the other two but it remains to be seen we'll see what happens now we all know that in music J and DJ also owns sound switch so one of the biggest factors one of the biggest selling points to either one of these devices or or any Prime devices and now obviously anything with engine in it is you can control Soundstream right from your device so if I go to lighting I have access to engine lighting this right here is the reason that you go with engine right here if you're into lighting and you want to be able to control your lighting you still need the Box unfortunately you need a sound switch box I can't wait till they finally come out with a a system where sound switch is in here where you don't need the glorified dongle that would be amazing so on this one yes I can't I can't I can't fault sound switch sound switch is an amazing application an amazing a light program and the fact that it's integrated right into the systems means that it's a One-Stop shop for all of you people that are using sound switch not everybody uses sound switch so for some people it's not going to matter if you're using a wmx or you're using something else you're using some sort of chevet you know Express or something like that so but if you're using it if you're using sound switch these are the best devices for you they have everything Incorporated and it just makes it easy love this about the system although there is record boox lighting it's not built into here um would have been nice if it were but it's not we do have the beat Source uh in some cases not all cases we have Amazon music obviously there's no Amazon music in here because it doesn't allow for the chip but beatport beat Source SoundCloud title Amazon music on the mixstream go just the four main ones on here it's been fantastic along with the streaming we do have the ability to uh talk to any computer because it has the Den engine operating system it's almost like an applet where as long as it's on it will see your computer and then you can stream directly from your computer you can also stream from the cloud so if you have Dropbox integration you can put that stuff up there and then you can stream something like that on here just not as developed now there's no streaming on the omnis duel it's not there yet it's coming but it's not there yet I know that they're also trying to get streaming on the Opus quad I know for a fact that it is coming it's just a matter of time and then some of these issues that people are complaining about will be will be moot because the streaming is coming and you're going to get all the streaming services that they have you're going to get on here I'm not sure about Amazon music to be honest with you this feels like kind of a in music exclusive but you're going to get the other main ones your beat Source your beatport and your title those are those are the those are the standards on the denin you can obviously adjust your beat GR uh I don't believe you have that option as of today or potentially ever on the uh omnus Duo that doesn't exist that I can see let's see we've been now on for about 30 minutes you won't see 30 minutes but we've been on for 30 minutes let's check the battery out on this one and can I can I zoom in the battery is 87% on the mixstream go and the battery on this one God this this is so small is 80% obviously this is an older device but 80% 8793 you take that how you will uh on the layout there are multiple views forget how to do view I think it's shift and view there we go you can change the view on here you cannot change the view on the omness as of today is that going to come there I'm not sure but I just know that you cannot change the view as far as the battery is concerned you don't have the ability to run kind of in a low power mode you do have that ability on here where you can turn on the echo mode it'll turn off your Wi-Fi it'll drop your screen display down and it'll turn off your Bluetooth obviously you could do this on your own and we know this but it's nice to have a quick button that you can just hit and then send it into a a low low pow low battery mode now there's a day mode on here done very very well it's nice and clean I like the way it looks we can go into the display and let's load in the track oh one more thing the new Mark mix stream Pro go has speakers it's the only one that has speakers and while some may consider a novelty I think it's excellent if you were just trying to sit on a couch and work out your sets you're not going to use these when you're out you're not going to use them for a party speaker they're just not strong enough but they're really good for just kind of playing through your stuff here and the question is why is my touch on spin a minute fader Echo there we go all right so it's got like a little aftertouch like you would see on uh on some of the um Pioneer DJ products that's nice I like that now there's your screen you're limited cheese colors that's all you got they've already preset them it is what it is on the omnus obviously you can adjust the colors to your liking so you can go in here and you can change them to RGB and then get what you want out of here obviously there's a daylight mode on this one and I'm going to go back to Blue go to Power and then go here all right so you do have the blue here but like I just said you can change those colors just by going into your settings and changing it like so so you get a little more customization on here now they all have Bluetooth however the Bluetooth isn't activated the modules have Bluetooth built in but for whatever reason they just opted to not have them on it's still something they can turn on at some point they all have them on the chipsets so maybe we'll see it at some point but Bluetooth becomes a central focusing point on the ominous duel because you can not only Bluetooth and audio and assign it to a track so you can play those but you can also have real time mixing as you send Bluetooth to your device and then you can control it with the jogs you can assign Q points you can do all the things Echo all that stuff and it'll stay in memory until you exit out of it and that is a very very nice feel feature I know a lot of people are saying well why do we need it for what what no you need it trust me when you start to use it you'll realize how how many options you have how cool it is so um although we don't have streaming on this box yet which is going to come you do have an alternative for the time being now of course you can only do one Bluetooth at a time so you can't you can't stream both of them at the same time but in a pinch somebody comes up to you you still have that option last thing we're going talk about is computer integration now uh the den Prime go even though it's the first box that was released at first didn't have any computer integration they were saying nope we're not going to do any integration this is a all-in-one unit this is all you're going to need we're not going to have you running Sado Virtual DJ so on and so forth a couple years into it they decided to open it up and it does work with Virtual DJ by the way virtual DJ's in implementation on engine OS is some of the best across the board anywhere no matter what you say it's just good if you're a virtual DJ user you really should be using uh engine OS in all honesty it just makes the most sense integration is Stellar but on the new Mark yes you have Virtual DJ integration but you also have Sado missing from the prime go is Sado Sado never came here that was a big con big big con and it's one of the reasons why I tend to use the mixstream go over the den go because in the event that I need to for whatever reason plug in my computer and run even though I do have Virtual DJ as an option on my computer um I prefer Sado so the fact that it has Sado in here is um Heaven Sent Now do do I need to use Sado no and the biggest weakness of engine OS is the fact that you can't move to a computer-based system without it taking forever so if you ever try to go in and load up and load Sado or load Virtual DJ that shutdown mode where you have to basically shut the device off and have no sound whatsoever that's a big deal especially if you're having to go back and forth with people there's no going back and forth with if you're using engin OS it you're doing one or the other nobody's swapping out switching over and that's just not a thing however on the omous duo well there's two things that we have to at least acknowledge and that is uh not only will it do Sado Sado is coming in a future update but it does record box none of these do record box okay now you can take your record box thumb drive and you can plug it in and it will convert it not saying you can't do that but if you wanted to use your computer with record box you can't do that on any of these systems the only system to do record box on is the omnus duo and it does Sado more importantly the transition from one to the next is what is what separates this one from the boys if you go over to your sources you click on here the sources are just going to show up so if you have if you have a computer in it's just going to say you know PC whatever Force for a and you you can have n SD you can have a thumb drive you can have your computer all of them can be active at the same time you cannot do that with any of the engine OS operating system devices and it is what it is but if you are a Sado user like legitimately a Sado user which a lot of people are it's not a selling point to know that you can't use Sor on a device you're going to buy even if you never plan on using Sado it's just that backup that that that safety net that that makes you feel comfortable so uh that's definitely a big selling point for both the mixstream progo and the omnus duo now the last thing I will say is um not on this one but on the prime go we do have ethernet and you can use this it's it operates on multiple things you know Ableton link ethernet port so you can you can run Wi-Fi through there and all a whole bunch of other things that I saw and I've disregarded because most people won't use it for anything but internet but you do have that internet right there no ethernet on here uh however uh one of the big things some people aren't going to care I care uh USBC USBC over everything uh USBC to the computer USBC power and there are these are standard power cords so if you don't have them you're out of luck on this I can use literally any USBC uh as you can see here this is a super weak uh plug it's like a 5vt and um it Powers this thing I can have my system charged just by plugging in that in the weak Port so you can use any any USBC plug probably like your Apple iPhone charger you can use that you cannot use that with these you forget your charger you're out of luck the last thing I will say blue it's blue yes it is blue I I am not going to say you know this whole thing about it looks like a toy I don't know where people are getting that it looks like a toy in all honesty maybe it's because of the kind of the the mono coloring here where everything's the same but it is definitely not a toy it's not as utility driven like the den and Prime go is but it is definitely a little better than the looks of the new Mark which do definitely looks on the cheap side you know and it's okay because it's a cheaper controller but at $ 839 and $9.99 and then, 1500 which is a big jump I'm not going to say it's not a big jump it's a big jump uh I would say this this is what I will say there is a lot of potential in the omness duo with the prime go you are limited in some of their feature sets and there's no way to firm wear it up you cannot adjust the microphone you can't fix it it's it's a separate mic not connected to to the OS there's nothing you can do so you're just going to have to live with that and for me that was a problem I chose I choose this one over that when I know I have to do mic work and that's sad because this is just a quarter inch and I can't stand quarter inch but it is what it is in a pinch I can e cure it this one I have a far more control which I do prefer now which one do you buy which one do you buy okay that's a tough one because it depends on on your needs okay if you are in need of streaming absolutely right now you got to have streaming uh then you know there's no option here you're going to have to go with these streaming is coming to here and I think it's coming sooner than later if streaming is the same throughout the boards which one do you choose well again the most bang for your buck is probably uh the new Mark and the only reason why I say that is because of the limitations of the microphone of the D and Prime go and the smaller jogs which you learn to get used to them but they're never fun I've never had fun using these jcks they just are what they are you deal with them and then and then you move on the cross Vader terrible just cross Vader up faders terrible these a little better but still they're not up to the level headphones very powerful on here uh very powerful on here uh this one's okay the headphone Jack is just okay it it works it's I'm not complaining about it but it is just okay and it is to be expected again for the price the industry standard was the den Prime go it was but it is also four years old and it is due for a mark two if anybody were to ask me should I buy Den Prime go I would tell them no I would say wait because something else has got to be coming out at some point and it's going to fix a lot of these issues I just have a feeling that they're going to that they're going to tweak this you're probably going to do a more traditional layout and I think that the jogs are definitely going to be bigger but besides that it's very unique I can't fault it oh the buttons the buttons are fine they're clicky they do the job uh these buttons actually feel better than these buttons to be honest with you uh these are these buttons are very very good too uh probably a mixture yeah these are spongy these are clicky and I know sometimes they don't catch on the Queue these have been very very good to me so I have I have no issues with these so far oh the sound let's talk about the sound for a minute but first a word from our sponsor the sponsor of this video is direct music service DJs are you looking for a place where you can find great music that is current and up to-date great remixes and great curation of playlists will look no further than direct music service I've been using direct music service AKA DMS for a while now and I've used a lot of other services and I'm going tell you right now it's one of those slepton services that just offers a great value for what you get you get great curation you get playlists that are actually usable playlists that are comparable to a lot of companies that do it full-time that's all they do using my codes will give you discounts on either monthly or yearly subscription itions once again thank you direct music service for sponsoring this video sound quality coming out of Theus duel excellent the prime go excellent mixstream go is okay it it works but these are definitely better components inside here besides that I'm tired I think I'm done I think I'm done talking about this um if you have any more questions just leave them in the comments below and and uh we can talk about it next time guys girls if you found what I said are useful hit that like button if you found what I said are really useful hit that subscribe button make sure you follow me on the Instagrams and the threads always a pleasure but don't talk to you later we'll talk soon [Music] peace he
Channel: Cleveland Terry
Views: 40,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dj gig log, dj tips and tricks, dj gear review, clevelandterry
Id: 9WMSc-ypBwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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