Batter called out for taking too long between pitches, a breakdown

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Would love to see batters given strikes in the majors

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sourdoughbred 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
Long Beach beating Hawaii four to nothing in the top of the seventh inning and Hawaii catchered Dallas Duarte steps into the box and this one's brought to you by manscape take care of yourself find a routine go slow with it prioritize what you're doing down there Dallas Duarte he takes his time he makes sure he's doing his routine and it's slow and it's kind of a problem because it's too slow 22nd pitch clock in college now that's about 10 seconds he stepped out and before the next pitch comes and that is a ball so now it's 2-0 so he's going to step out again he's going to look down the third base coach he's going to fix his helmet fix his arm fix his other arm step back in about nine seconds later and he's ready for the next pitch so here we go the pitcher's been waiting and that is a strike so I think we have a 2-1 count now two in one he's gonna clean off his shoes before he steps back in the same spot he's gonna look down the third base coach doesn't care about the signs but he's looking step back in 12 seconds before he's back in the Box the 2-1 pitch there's a ball and the catcher is like hey hey calm down you got it let's go and the batter he's like I'm gonna go think about stuff for a little bit and just kind of like wiggle around and dance around and fix my helmet and fix my arms and then I'll step back in and we're at 10 seconds in between pitches again the 3-1 pitch is on his his way and he's gonna fake bunt halfway through the delivery and what a college move that is and I mean I hate that move so much I mean it's 3-1 you're down four nothing there's no outs it's like a little league move to fake bunt there in my opinion so anyway the Umpire calls it a strike because yeah you fake punt he throws his Bat he says sorry sorry sorry I mean to show you up there I just thought it was a ball I'm just like well it was a strike and also you did the bunt thing I didn't like that and he's like okay fine I'm gonna touch your butt a little hope you don't mind I'm actually I do mind a little bit and just get back in the box please and now we're down past the five second Mark and the catcher sees the clock in the afternoon hey blue blue look he took too long he was slow he was slow he was slow and he says you know what catch you're right he's right too slow that's a strike that's strike three now so you're out that's the penalty strike a strike third strike he's out so he's got to leave manager is going to come in and just be like hey hey you got to give him a warning you didn't even give him a warning and uh umpire says no uh I don't have to give him a warning on that one God damn it what are you talking about and then he's going to throw them out ready but the manager gets in the way of the toss out so the Umpire has to stop really could move by the manager there or you're going to throw me out where how you got no room for your arm to go anywhere I got you and then he lifts it again manager tries to get in front of it again not quick enough so he's ejected how could you throw me out she does two warnings that's an interesting rule I had to look this up so the pitch clock is new a strike results if the batter is not in the box ready to take the pitch with five seconds or less showing on the clock and the time expires when there is a timing or clock violation no pitch will result in either a baller strike is called depending on the violation that any ensuing play is nullified following a team warning if a Coach student athlete manager any not any other non-playing Personnel argues any penalty or timing procedure the offender is subject to immediate ejection so this umpire I mean obviously he just loves the rules he gets the war he does the strike call and then immediate objection he started this book he's like I don't care so now the coach I mean he should have walked as slow as possible off this field just as slow as possible I think that's his first objection I think the coach got ejected later on and the catcher Dallas Duarte in a game the next weekend or the next week against UC Irvine they're losing again six to one it's the ninth inning 3-2 count and he loves this low fastball but umpire does not says no ball four here's like the line where his knee I mean this is the most unofficial line in the world but I think it's a borderline pitch I don't think it's you know right down the middle could it could have been at the knees when it crossed like I think given the game situation I'd probably say strike but that's not how you're supposed to umpire well I I don't think low is an egregious call anyway the catcher he turns around and he says something the umpire's eyes go all wide but I can't imagine this was anything bad he doesn't really show him up but you can see the Umpire thinking like what it this what did this what what you what you can't say that to me you're gone little twerp throws him out and the catcher's like what it's a pretty soft objection there ninth inning what could he have said it wasn't that crazy and look at me so calm here it's kind of leaving um manager's gonna take him away now he's gotta go I don't know so he leaves he's got a cross in his hair is that what that is that's cool if that okay we're crossing the hair like that umpire chewing his gum staring off watching him leave and then the new catcher comes in and the Pitcher says hey don't worry about it I'm just going to pick this guy off and the catcher laughs and he's like this is gonna be fun I'm gonna enjoy this and then they pick him off and you're out and then the catcher screams from The Dugout ball don't lie that was strike three batter was meant to be out Final Destination ever seen it the first pitch he throws to the new catcher gets rocked for a home run bummer this one was brought to you by man escaped how about that you can get 20 off and free shipping with code johnboy at 20 off of free shipping at use promo code jumbo
Channel: Jomboy Media
Views: 1,305,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a breakdown, mlb, jomboy videos, jomboy, jake sucks, talkin yanks, jomboy podcast, tv podcast, just talkin podcast, mlb breakdowns, Talkin yanks, jomboy jake radio
Id: ni_Ss1ogT90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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