Batman: Death of the Family Radio Drama

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the following is an adaptation of Batman's death of the family adapted by Nick jezik the original story is a DC Comics crossover event written by Scott Snyder Adam glass Kyle Higgins John layman Scott Lobdell andna 10t Gail Simone Peter Tomasi and James tinny in the fourth original art is by Greg Capullo Eddie barrows ed benna's brett booth fernando Dagny know jason fabok Patrick Gleason Mark Simpson Timothy green and Rufus and of all I claim no copyright to the following material and all rights are reserved by DC Comics and Warner Brothers incorporated it's been one year since the Joker the Clown Prince of Crime disappeared from Gotham City the only piece of him left in the city is his face locked up in an evidence Locker at the police station but there is something in the wind a chill in the air that has everyone in a city on edge in hindsight there were signs omens of the things to come first came at the rains but the early snow is blocking its mouth the rains flooded the Gotham River actually reversing his scores for three full days the second sign came soon after a lion at the Gotham Zoo gave birth to a deformed cub cub with two heads rivers running backwards he's born wrong we should have seen it coming we should have read the bones he should have to most of all him sound about right to tected Bullock that's what you're worried the newspapers will say now commit you could write that copy yourself I'm just saying with the river the two-headed kitty whatever the hell the next big crime is it'll have a superstition behind it we should all get ready for some blame the raggle beheading the charge to everyone and their granny OB saying we should have seen it coming because of the omens Strange Days yeah probably and it does bother you at all of course it does bothers me more though is the part of me that worries they may be right honestly right now what bothers me the most is right over there another one down every single high that I had up here for my smokes exposed tagged it only got one hiding spot left at home Barbour sure to find it soon the way she hounds me what was I thinking offering a prize a day off probably thinking of your health but Who am I to talk perhaps truth be told I never thought they'd actually find them all should be ground alright let's get out of here have a few things to finish before I clock out seriously though commit that line given birth everyone there to see it all the kids and their balloons and what comes out some two-headed monster I believe it stalled at Polly sefa Lee it's not as uncommon as you think yeah tell that to the kids in therapy some things you just can't unsee commissioner we found these $20 bills in a hot spot in the Narrows the iodine test was clean want me to order some more analysis now don't bother they're bleached reprinted how can you tell I can smell it are you serious no I'm not look Andrew Jackson is looking to the left not the right see oh how did I not catch that relax kid that when I was in Chicago everyone stayed calm and stay where you are the back-up generator should come up any minute there we go everyone all right oh [Music] no no please not you can't be you hello Godzilla's finest now zombie if you heard this one before a man walks into a everyone watch out it's the Joker he's in the room Joker Joker's in here what's the matter boys and girls you've heard this one already okay let's try some new material all right how about this officer Brown a clown walks into a bar no please stay awake hurting huh oh well no show yourself you monster all right tink a clown walks into a police don't don't know what you heard it too oh come on I'm just trying to get a left on a door Oh or maybe a bat flies into a room Oh or maybe even a clown wanders into a police station looking [Laughter] fine just leave them alone you hear me leave them alone and come after me Oh aren't you the potty okay old Jimmy old boy I know when my act has bombed I missed you all the time I was gone almost as much as I missed him I'll see him soon enough though after all he does have my calling card I'm disappointed in you though Gordo all the work you do to make progress Oh and yet you hydrants like the last pack of smokes under your bed in the limit sometimes I lie there at nights the sad things you say in your sleep oh I just want to reach up and Jim it's me where's the Joker Batman he's gone what a dis agent he told a joke Oh God Batman he told a joke damn no matches on the fiber trace massive boosts he must have known he be back sometime yes I know he stayed away so long this time I imagine I allowed some part of myself to become hopeful we'd seen the last ship but I suppose a fat pack of vials you have there there's evidence of anything it's it's evidence that I've stopped him before Alfred and then I'll stop him again of course you will forgive me sir it's simply that when it comes to him I suppose I give myself and you more license to hope and fear fear come on pennyworth maybe Joker used to be some great adversary of my father's but he's over now I mean he allowed some second-rate dr. Frankenstein to get the better of him and cut off his face then he slunk off for a year to lick his wounds come back and steal his old rotten face from the GCPD icebox so what don't underestimate him Damien whatever he was doing this past year he wasn't licking his wounds he allowed his face to be cut off he left there for us like a message a message meaning what right now I'm not sure Batman Nightwing calling it go ahead dick is it true back it seems so yes have you told that girl I thought she might rather hear it from the commissioner Robin so how'd he do it he's one of the GCPD zone pulse guns they Institute them a few months ago disabled cars in pursuit he removed it from a squad car amplifier it put it in the sewer under the department a named often used the police's own weapon against them it's almost funny the generator he blew it up from the inside hold on Batman it's Batgirl why didn't you say anything I thought the Commissioner would know about the commissioner why didn't you tell me that piece of trash came after him what do you have on him nothing so far he took his face and disappeared but in the years since he disappeared you have to have something all year I've had an eye out for any sign of him but there's been nothing so where the hell has he been and what does he have planned next master Bruce look it's local news sir Batman I'm hearing Gotham I'm seeing it trying to run facial voice recognition to be back what don't you recognize me it's me Joker I was the arms master boobs it's me Joker I was away for a while yes but now I'm back good I'm not good enough read from the prompter The Joker's arms controlling the reporters face the old children's gag I won back the city was calling me calling me back to serve so here I am and come bearing news from afar mayor Haiti dies at midnight but not just because he's mayor don't think he's may or may not die he's a baby bird oh the voice recognition has come through so who is he John Claridge son of the late Henry Claridge at the diamond magnate Henry Claridge was also the first person the Joker ever murdered seems he's reenacting his old crimes for some reason Batman we can help you with this one no you're all doing crucial work of your own but Batman I'll handle it Commissioner Gordon has sent a battalion of police officers to protect mayor Haidee there's no way in everything is sealed up windows are bulletproof and walls are three feet thick Haidee feels safe but the police looked at each other terrified that damn clown has no way in Gordon you've tested enough my blood to drown a vampire and you filled me with enough of that vigilante antidote to turn me into a bat myself I understand all this mr. mayor I still want my men inside this room with you fine if it makes you feel better but keep them over on the other side of the room I just had these floors cleaned and I don't need your officers shoes scuffing them up got it I'm going to go check the elevators good evening Batman evening Jim I'm almost afraid to ask how long you've had eyes on the mayor's office so don't do you have anything his Bloods clean scienter normal waters clean bent you tighten security so no how are you holding up terrible but I imagine you see that what did he mean about the calling card was he talking about his face Batman I don't know okay I'm going back it doesn't show does it you can't hear any fear in my voice can you it doesn't show killing me officers yourself with his own hands dirty work reenacting his old crimes none of its like help me bat Matt damages they're all dead sending toxin sample the toxin is a binary compound half was on the clothes the other half was in the floor cleaner than there used it's a slight variation of one of the others though used to make the facial muscles frown I know give me something else anything the computer is finding three non-essential additives to the compound chlorine ethane and aspirin the first three letters he's taking it back to where everything started ace chemicals over at the Gotham Cemetery Harley Quinn and other members of the Suicide Squad Marta comrade Deadshot who died in the line of duty a hero's burial for Deadshot Waller it's a military burial once your marine your always a marine even if you're a dirtbag well you've got to give the dirtbag credit didn't think he had the stones to do something like this don't confuse stupidity with bravery Captain Boomerang you can't even cut him a break when a Six Feet Under death does not excuse Boyd from his duty to the squad it would be one thing to be killed on a mission it's entirely different to kill yourself I'd be the last person to stand up for him Sheila but he got his target as far as we know that's all you wanted Floyd Lawton was a highly trained assassin who chose the easy way out of the situation that makes him weak in my book what's happening something in the raindrops me and everybody knocked out but me [Music] yes I did but I seem to be something on the face got it I think it was just small touch of hubris but it's gone now my my my Holly you have changed funny I was about to say the same about you and how I missed you really yes and I was reminded of it even more when I went and that my mom and if I can just say just when I thought you couldn't get more handsome you surprised me with this I know I do other way about me well let's table the ass-kissing for later because see when I put on my face it smell from Khun candy and cheap cologne so I knew my Harley trying to get it of course I wanted to keep it safe for you because I knew you would come back everyone said you with death but I knew you weren't did you pray every night for me thank yes or did you hold a visual light some candles ask the big guy in the sky to bring me back to your loving arms or maybe you thought about me in that special way every night as only you can have I what's that I couldn't hear you I see you don't really want to talk so I will see I missed you so much Holly I followed you kept tabs if you watch you and your little misfit toys you'll find one another sort of like a family but then you got naughty with a guy who wears high karate for men and someone has got to pay for that eenie meenie miney moe how about Captain Boomerang no you won't exactly be a dense crowd Mrs W well you want exactly touchy-feely for her either he leaves only one choice who exactly says you have to rest in peace leave him alone or I'll shoot we both know that's a lie cupcake you can't kill me I made what I'm willing to offer you with you you do something for me and I'll leave you and your dead boyfriend's alone scouts honor what do you say come on I'm listening are you still out there yes I'm here I'm always here I've missed you you know it's been over yeah but I can't see you come into the light not to worry I'm right here right beside you just getting ready for the fun to begin aren't you excited you should be I've saved a big piece just for you right at the beginning what do you want me to do take off your clothes what's next mr. Jay mr. Jay where are you put these over the pan he is pretty intense mr. Jay and the platforms on these shoes I'll be your height have your build I look just like you yes that's the idea just like me just how it's supposed to be there's just one thing missing that pretty face of yours it spoils the reflection I'm afraid it is going to have to go I I don't understand you were always my perfect little monster Holly I pulled the piece of you from my ribcage and stitched you back together with beautiful eyes I smashed your normal brain on the ground and replaced it with something back nificent normal you are my creation and if you want to serve me I need you to be perfect would you still find me beautiful Oh Holly Holly my dear when did I ever say I found you beautiful tremendously more than anything that has ever hurt in your life the worst part is the eyes they're going to get all dry and crusty without the lids gotta start keeping eye drops sandy but right at the start they'll stay nice and damp as the blood drips down over them transforming your world around you red no I don't how that is done but you say it is going to hurt God you good didn't I your face is still on you just have my old Red Hood on your head now when he comes here and he will run until he's in front of the hammer then activate it shouldn't be long now have fun ace chemicals where it all began a collection of substance that can kill save and change people sometimes into horrific monsters among the shadows the Dark Knight stops carefully Joker I've been waiting for you old friend I thought this would be the perfect place for it all to start again this Factory this room these vats you knock me off this very catwalk and bathe me in fire burned away my full skin show me the skin beneath brings back memories no little trip down memory lane the trip onto your choker oh how I've missed you back now I still oh really the one underneath it's why I left you though I couldn't stand it but I'm here rapping at your window looking for you my shadow telling you to come out and play so will you play with me you're not here where is he too slow to save the policeman just slow to save the mayor's men too slow to play with me you've gotten fat salt hope that's your kingdom rots beneath you it makes me frown frown frown like the men at the minute I look at you and I want to knock on your skull and ask who's in there who is this where's my old friend but don't worry we're going to correct it all tonight because now I'm here I've come back to save you save you from the ones you call your allies your table the ones who make you slow the ones who make you weak I'm here to take them down one by one I hope you brought your swim trunks he's not the same bats he's not my mr. J anymore and what he's going to do to you his plan I can't okay mr. J I did what you asked I told about what you wanted somehow I'm gonna go cuz a deal is a deal who's at the wheel these days you Harley or is it that annoying boring dr. Harleen Quinzel just good ol Harley and here I thought we didn't have any secrets from one another a girl always has a secret or two mr. J so why don't you hang out and tell me just the two of us we can finally have some quality time Harley Quinn loses consciousness when she awakes she is in a straitjacket above a bawling vat of acid wakey-wakey sleepyhead mr. J I was having a horrible nightmare you had that four year but when you came back you were different different yeah you one month so Molly what I am is finally fully realized and now you're about to join me this way we can be together for first order of business a chemical peel bon voyage don't forget to write you know I hate to go anywhere without you both wait no this isn't part of the plan I don't remember this position the Kama Sutra do you good seeing you I'll let myself out not so fast darling you haven't even said hello to the kids they miss their mommy I've helped them reach their full potential something I could never accomplish with you like me they are not free to be what they really are your animal instincts it's a beauty as you are about to find out pain is removed as is emotion you're able to be something more than what you were the bath we both took was only the mystic I see that now but when I removed my face I got rid of any trace of humanity I still held on all my weaknesses dripped away and all I wanted to do was share it with you well aren't you a peach there are a ton of things I hate about myself but my face isn't one of them so I think I'll keep that you say that like you have a choice I do good by them and by my special boy I'm sorry I'm going to kill you for this do I have to give this speech again you're not going to kill me let's test that theory out you know what they say there's a thin line between love and hate oh how I filled you my dear I take all the blame you never really changed did you Halloween the chemicals didn't change you like they did me they gave you an excuse I think they doth protest too much oh you bit my ear they were right tastes like chicken it seems I've lost my face huh now what part of I don't feel anything anymore aren't you getting you on the other hand feeling a little bit woozy the ear bite it was just a diversion it poisoned me you're just another disappointments in a long line of them I guess I'll just have to go back to the drawing board I'm going to lock you down here with all the others otherwise the other Harleys what you thought you are the first one I can tell you this you won't ever be the last meanwhile in the back now there's no heat signatures I've got to get back to the cave vodka there's my little guy I've been looking everywhere my god now mr. penny would stop me if you've heard this one [Music] alfrid there was nothing on Harley at the plant but I send you the images of the tire tracks outside there's Alfred Alfred are you here no master Bruce I'm sorry mr. genin apparently Joker's next target is James Gordon Bannon paste the Commissioner another visit Jim I'm sorry Batman come in what do you have last night Joker kidnapped Bruce Wayne's Butler he said he was planning something a celebration and he needed someone to help him serve Alfred Pennyworth seems no one's off limits this time not that anyone ever is I suppose no to what I hate the most about that lunatic with everyone else there's some sense of logic some motive that makes sense even the deep Arkham crew Riddler freeze if you're a good enough detective you can get some inkling of what their next move might be but with him all you can do is react see was that started as god help the man who can think like him that's why I'm here you were the next target there's no company called Gordon that has any connection to the recording industry I'm taking you to a bunker I keep Jim the hell you are only way I'm coming with you to some safe house is if you a tranquilizer Batman just come with me Jim no damn it no I'm not going to hide away while my men die on the front line don't do it don't take me out I need to face him even if it means opening old wounds the worst jim-jim hold on it'll be all right how is he Batman he's lost a lot of blood I gave him a coagulant to stop him from bleeding out in time but the thinner the Joker used as a derivative of heparin that's rough stuff luckily Jim's stable for now he should be alright I got your message Joker's after all this time a family affair so he said and Commissioner Gordon is the person who was Nightwing earlier today the Joker he took Bruce Wayne's Butler Alfred what do you mean he took Alfred boom where how seems that Joker lured him to the front door of Wayne Manor and abducted him there I've seen the security footage there's nothing to go on the van he used is unidentifiable and same with the hammer he hid pennyworth with hammer my god what are we going to do is penny worth will you stop with the coated talk please no one's here this is Alfred we're talking about God is this why he wanted to talk about it here in public so we'd have to talk in code so you wouldn't have to deal with you think this is easy for me dick that man raised me he's been a father to me for as long as I can remember and right now that's like a bat has it I asked you to meet here to save time every minute we lose every second Alfred is in greater danger you don't want to use code fine I don't give a damn about code it's just it's Alfred I know which is why I've made the decision not to tell the rest of the family yet what why the here Alfred is missing and they'll want to come out with Joker hard and they'll let their emotions get the better he'll go after him and he'll have the advantage because they will be in control you don't know that just let them in Bruce I can barely keep control of myself dick can't take the risk that's can you keep it to yourself for now I'm asking you to help me protect them Bruce is there something you're not telling me I know where he's going to be next Joker why didn't you say so let's go no I'm going alone like hell you are if you think I need you to go to the aqueduct dick he's re-enacting his crimes picking and choosing from our early encounters and redoing them but in new ways inverting them you think he's going to poison the reservoir I don't know but I need you at the pipeline how do you know he'll be at the reservoir because I know call me when you're in place hello darling where's pennyworth what no hug hello no how you been not even a Batarang to the head you're holding a remote I make a move and you start pumping poison it to the reservoir isn't that how it went last time oh you remember that is how we did it last time it's such a shame you can remember that but never remember to send a Christmas card year after year what's this about Joker all of this see that's the thing it's always business with us lately so this time I took care of all that early so we can relax and have ourselves a nice chat face-to-face took care of what why the business we would have had here of course what are you talking about see in a moment you get the call you're waiting for and you'd make your decision you decide to throw that battering from behind your back just like last time and Wham I get hit but being fast I'd pushed my remote and poisoned the water and you'd call your little friend the one who used to be Robin Nightwing isn't it I'm arriving at the aqueduct and he'd blow up the aqueduct and then we'd fight and you'd save the city but I get a few people again funny you know they tore down the housing projects last time and put in condos for the young and uppity seeing as they're the ones I'd like Lee gets I'd already went ahead and got them look see it's all done the water is poisoned the aqueduct is blown the people are dead now we can talk you sick maniac now that's I said I came here to talk see now we can chat old friend you're nothing to me but don't do that don't pretend not here not to me find your faithful courts gesture and my job is often to entertain but I also have a much deeper job to deliver bad news to the king and boy do I have some news for you tonight so let's cue the music and the lights I'm going to say it clearly and loudly so the bad family can hear it too are you listening little kids good because I know who you are all of you Batman and company beneath your little mask names addresses hell I know what kind of soap you used and now I know why Nightwing always smells so good I was just toying with Gordon but you all I'm coming for you one by one because you're the true villains you're lying Oh am i I guess we'll see won't we but I'll tell you this bats and birds within 72 hours you all be dead you're nothing but degenerate he'll get angry get listen to me Bullock get your man out of here now the Malone is between you and me no um a little help you boys now that's what I call a what it's over Joker tell me where pennyworth is and I'll only hurt you a lot hug me but bats after everything I've done for you this past shut up where is Alfred Pennyworth now he's away following part of a special celebration for me you and your little family you'll thank me when you see it bats you might even kiss my hand just like I kissed yours my lord dachshund oh yes my kiss captivates you stops you in your tracks besides there's no way I'd let you ruin the celebration not after all the blood and tears shed to make it happen shed by others of course but that's beside the point here's your invite fathers we have company we need to talk all of us the Joker what happened to him he got away in the confusion and the toxin and the water we neutralized it that has lingering effect I'm fine I need to get back out there I have a leave no Bruce We Need to Talk we need answers is more like it who invited you Todd I did we all need to be here Damian you have to tell us Bruce once and for all is what Joker said true does he know who we are no he doesn't how do you explain out for this kidnapping how could you not tell us because I was afraid because I believe did you let your emotions get the better of you and by doing so you give him the upper hand let me get this straight telling us he took Alfred meaning he knows who we are wouldn't help us understand what we're up against yes because he doesn't know he took Alfred because of Bruce Wayne's connection to Batman incorporated the Joker needed someone to help him prepare a celebration Feuer joker Alfred would be your first choice that's what you said at the hospital Bruce but there's been more evidence since then come on Bruce what aren't you telling us damn it you're not understanding how he thinks then explain it I saw the footage from GCPD what did he mean you have his calling card and what's this secret he was talking about the one you're keeping from us what is he getting at Bruce go on no father it was a long time ago soon after I became Batman before all of you and not long after my first battle with him at the reservoir used a blimp and tried to guess the city I knocked him into the bay and I used the bat boat to drag the gas cell out into the water before it infected anyone I rushed back to look for him but there was nothing I was just beginning to understand understand what that he was different Tim that he was about something else willing to do anything to make his point what point he's chaos Bruce what else set up go on Bruce after searching the bay I took the boat back to the cave through an entrance I've since closed off after surfacing I went to the manor and slept or at least tried I came down a couple hours later and when I got to the cave I found something found what father his card the same card that I have a replica of here in the case I tested it in every way possible no homing devices or toxins just a simple playing card whoa whoa you're saying that Joker might have gotten into the cave that he might have been lurking around in here no you must have attached the card to the boat after falling from the blimp using a water-soluble adhesive that washed away that's just a theory and if he did make it in he didn't I'm just explaining what he was referring to but if he did he'd know you're Bruce Wayne and if you figured that out it would be easy enough by association overtime to figure out who all of us are how could you have kept this from us he didn't get into the cave Barbara I'm sure all years Bruce why because it would have been impossible Jason the bat would have picked up the extra weight and if he did manage to evade the center he'd still have to make it through the tunnels we need to have to hang on for about five miles at nearly 50 miles an hour if you manage to do that then there'd be traces of him evident from the sensors there's no record I'm telling you there's no chance none that he made it in here no offense Bruce but the Joker's been pulling the impossible left and right I asked if there was something you weren't telling me and you said no because there wasn't damn it Joker did not get in here the closest he could have gotten is the cave juncture miles from here which is still in the cave system yes and there are hundreds of homes the tunnels could lead to from that point unless he made it past the dive didn't he doesn't know who we are and he doesn't care he's playing us against each other this conversation is exactly what he wants well looks like you're doing a lot of his work for him Bruce you kept secrets from us not from him you should have told us about the card if he knew if he knew I was Barbara than the time he came to my father's house Barbara don't who's after your father and not you you know that look all of you up to now he's only come out to you tangentially but now he's going to come after he could you head on and when he does he will go for everything you love everyone you care about and destroy it please understand I'm trying to protect you by doing this myself stay away and stay safe if you have to leave Gotham you trained us to be heroes Bruce let us in on the plan let us help you take him down no not with him you can't protect us father we want to fight with you what should you have us do stay here in the cave when I get safe its secure tell that to Alfred Jason I believe to follow but Bruce we have to stop talking everyone went their separate ways and left the cave Batman went to go investigate his lead Nightwing went back to building an amusement park hosted by Halley's circus Red Hood went back to his apartment Red Robin went elects towers back go and back home soon it was only Robin left into cave they pointed their fingers at him play the blame game as if mistakes never happened on their watch selfish ingrates forgetting everything fathers done for them forgetting who the enemy really is even just for a moment I'm the one who took his side against the family I'm the only one who stood by him and what does he tell me again please sit this one out sure after everything we've been through I did it he's my father and he wants to protect me from the big bad Joker but if anybody needs protection it's the wing Reds and girls we have to find Alfred in the first place to start is a scene of the abduction looks like there's no tire treads or physical evidence no fingerprints hairs or even shoes with discernible soles the Joker is a twisted freak not a ghost he had to leave something behind looks like he was sloppy though he left a urine sample one that matches a hyena and there's only one place they keep those I hate the zoo no wonder we don't remember anything about it because it's not all cracked up to be pennyworth where is what the hyenas were having the butler for dinner I dreaded the first Robin so much but I'm happy to see you so much that I've turned my frown upside down repeated high note when you scream it's going to my ears dear boy and your shrill scream is going to be music to mine when I make you tell me where pennyworth is Jeeves feels so much more than just an English gray I can see it in your eyes that was all craze - find him - why you've grown accustomed to his face or what I imagine is left of it I'm going to break a solemn promise for that I'm going to use you will be whole your talk of healing me is making me crazy that's way down on the list of things to do when there's so much more important stuff to chat about I've got nothing to say to help you manipulate me clown clown clown that's always been the misconception I mean have I ever made you laugh without a little help or a pharmaceutical push I don't think so with the bats yes I hate them laughs just once we laughed and laughed at the merry-go-round squealed and the painted horses glared at us good time if your idea of good times paralyzing an innocent girl why do you insist on going negative when I'm in a glasses have full state of mind and I'm in a glass smashing your disgusting face state of mind so different from the others I like that I'm here to bring illumination to your life a little clarity cyclists don't have much use for clarity look at that boy what is that my shadows no no no its darkness it's like the Eclipse the other day don't you see the bad at the Sun fiery star you and the others are the moon looking his lights he can shine on me and me on him if you're all in the way I was ray you know it's true you believe it just as much as I do I bet you think you're taunting to his Lone Ranger Watson to Holmes you don't know what the hell you're talking about and who the hell are Tom telling the Lone Ranger look at me still bad managed such a horrible you must be hungry only the best little beetles drugs earthworms fruits berries caterpillars and grasshoppers from the good old US of A you think the mated bastard heat up plenty of iron of protein for Robin just out of the less-than yearning to fly what I always found funny is that Robin's are most active in the day and Beth of course at nights so it always seems you're punished it was doomed from the start in such a simple way didn't it don't worry about answering if your mouth is full I can see your silhouette against the skyline bouncing around like the dynamic duo you are and I'm sure a young boy of your tender age has only one truth here if you actually knew anything about me Joker you know I'm not afraid of anything especially you you silly dilly you're not following the bouncing ball here I know all there is to know it's as simple as a smile on my face Robin's greatest fear is being responsible for Batman's death and Batman's greatest fear is being responsible for Robins death would be ashamed to have your father figures blood on your hands in fact it's going to be ashamed you have to beat Batman Batman it's me Robin Batman the Joker's got you under his control thank back push through it Molly I'll shoot here Robbie life and death the only way you escape is to kill Batman Batman you don't know what you're doing we're at the Gotham Zoo it's one of his sick traps I'm not going to fight you it's what he wants girls you better hold on to your boyfriend's this new serum concoction of mine has some surprises like allowing for suggestion so I was thinking we pare it down to two simple words goo Robin you once that you never give up on me well I'm not giving up on you you're supposed to be strong you're supposed to be prepared how can you let him do this to you would be scarier when he laughs how could you let him do this to us let me help you anything and you can see me we'll take him down together we don't have much time toxins in my bloodstream - getting harder to stay focused father I need you please don't make me do this son see once said the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy since they miss me now you got it but does not allow the enemy's will to be impose on him well played breaking out of my cage will find all the worlds of zoom such a cuckoo head I thought you'd rather be flying south instead of going the door that's a pretty wide boat that boat for a bird that can't fly if I can't talk any sense into you Batman maybe I'll just have to beat it into you show him you have what it takes kid step out of his shadow catch your own giant shadow if you dare who else get out of the way and I already know you want me to kill you come on tell me is that what you really want fine it's time for the bat King to destroy all vampires in his life you sucked the marrow from his broken bones long enough [Laughter] yes No it's all right father I'd rather die by your hand then you buy mine go ahead end it no no Batman so brave and true just had to go and make me hit the kill switch tinge went ahead and spoiled my little passion blade with all this Noble and selfless nonsense The Bad Boy Wonder was supposed to slay the bat not let himself be slain I'll kill you oh that's the best you can do nighttime darling little Robin please say Oh Joker's gonna visit all the Bigfoot not really him I think gods don't see Joker's gonna pull out a grenade pin ring one of the bat family has been taken in another part of town Jason Todd the Red Hood is being read his Miranda rights by Harvey Bullock and the mysterious death of his girlfriend who has seemingly died of a drug overdose detective this woman Isabelle ardilla was forced an overdose I need you to get her to the hospital I'm going after the man responsible you can tell your men to stand down or I'll take them down three seconds your call yeah seriously wearing a towel Anna how is it clear now what everyone is supposed to do from this point forward yeah one more give me your keys so predictable Red Hood wakes up paralyzed in some warehouse his helmet is next to his head broken with a crowbar going through it be honest is that a crowbar through your head or are you just happy to see me don't worry you're not having one of those out-of-body movies though I suppose you would know that better than anyone else considering I've killed you before you've been injected with a toxin that will keep you completely paralyzed for the next hour now have you heard the one about the court jester who serves his King by pointing out he's only wasting his time with the royal family really not even a smile tough crowds huh crowd what happened to your sense of humor son we used to be quite the team hide right the materials you'd read your lines but then you had to improvise the big finale didn't you but then again practice does make perfect so why don't we take it from the top let's not let's end this now Oh nuts Bravo though kid Bravo red hoodie rest soundly once again knocked unconscious by an electrical current meanwhile Red Robin Tim Drake is waking up after being taken by two Joker from Lex Towers you silence my safari spas dancing closed eyes the wind I know that sound the way it was between fifth and bran how streets no diamond district Joker what are you why did you go son awakens wait wasn't that the second Pratt's what do we call the third it's right a microbiology citizen insult said the things make me who I am lukkage oh it's so serious the first annoyed with quip and quickness the second dentist anger and pain and ultimately is death but you you always bought your perfection that arrogant launching of how much better you think you are than everyone else it really is undisciplined boy and if there is one thing I respect the you Dalls out of it is discipline the bad Kings discipline but you all have taken that for you the time has come to give it back no wonder you like to look down at all the little people how can you not right will it be hard knowing that the rest of your teen teens will die never knowing the truth about you what truth your name your real name yeah what it absolutely delicious dramatic moments look at that puckered furrowed brow does he do last does he know he can then you'll say nose pads because you have to believe that rights because the alternative why imagine years and years of pain and sacrifice was reduced to little more than struggles in a battered book in the hands of a loony - by the way the knot in your gut right now is called abject he tastes a little bit like a chlorine and beats right like what if I'm not you smell language language Oh with Red Robin unconscious again the time has come for Joker to check on Red Hood a couple floors up my turn show me was love your face this is personal like you say why don't you call me by my name my real name yeah I have no significance to me at all there's no mystery there I'm coming to find you Joker and then I'm gonna kill you [Music] what they're trying to convince me you were there in the shadows every step of the way sorry I'm not buying my wife might be a steaming pile and I've made even more who best of it since I came back from the dead but it's my life I'm not some kind of punch line to your stale act don't believe you no wait huh summertime city people are screaming I can hear them in the drug haze can't open my eyes lips feel like pillows the children did this she's doing all of us trying to make Batman stronger by breaking his family nightly Batgirl Alfred Red Hood and me red brother were all targeted to death more disconcerting the sound of screams the muffled breathing six inches in front of me the slightest incident it's my towel not on that spell koryta polish used on a gun red hood JC's hi everyone decent I said they hope not both he'll be unconscious they just don't do it back brats like they used to Oh red hood patio kids come up with these names I guess it's wrong to expect some originality though considering you already stole death from me what's coming back to life really weapons what have you found beside rejection the worthiness and what must be a bastard fogs up every time it rains rich red red sorry you got dragged into this that pasty-faced freak has made this personal in no way is he leaving this place alive this may come as a shock to you but this isn't about you red hood not entirely let him push your buttons let him under your skin we both lose you got a plan when do I not you really think this trick is going to work you think we're going to fight each other to the death for your entertainment you're crazier than you and you wonder when I'm your only friend we don't need to do this if we work together then he killed them both why risk my father's life your father died in prison and the joke is a psycho who brought my mom back from the dead yeah if that was the case you would have been dumb enough to underestimate me I could kill you right now you have no idea why something you think is so easy to do is so hard for me anything with that many holes we come with his own groundskeeper how do you know they weren't our father's the man that jokah claimed was my father the discoloration on his wrists with the scar at least four years old as I keep a very close eye on my parents I would have known about that which made me watch their actions more closely only you you realize of course the only reason I didn't kill you right off is that I knew your big brain would figure some way out of this oh really and here I owed my survival to the fact that I was wait for it kicking your ass red he's alive worse than alive you knew I'd take the shot what did he replaces bloody women with two more of Batman's protégée captured by the Joker only a couple remain Dick Grayson or Nightwing as he's known and Batgirl also known as Barbara Gordon no really mom I'm sure everything will be mom mom oh my god what just happened I can't breathe is this what a panic attack feels like Oh God calm down Barbara Gordon you can't help her if you can't focus okay okay someone bad as my mother they took her while I was talking to her on the damn phone I'm coming for you mom I just got you back I'm not going to lose you again please let it be her that's right not hello Barbara who is this someone someone in the deep of it elbow-deep and the guts of it you might say when when you insert the door three men answered three very very unkind men ring a bell Barbara the Joker you do remember I thought you might have forgotten I know where she is Barbara what do you want so many things you will alert no one if you do we'll never speak again and you will be collecting wet pieces of your mother for quite some time I need you to be calm Barbara I want you to make a sandwich what are you kidding me I need you call Barbara I need you focused now you do as you're told or your mother dies screaming do you understand me you spoiled preening brat yes that's better as long as you are obedient there is hope make yourself a sandwich and a glass of milk to wash it all down then we can talk it's done isn't that better now you have my permission to put on your work clothes Barbara there's only one more thing those unkind men they are coming for you yeah see remember the last several years having hit for a moment Allegra with everything I feel system dream dream the surgery only the pain is real the fear paralyze that was younger me will see me now sure what's a breathing you idiot that's enough you little my leg my god you ruined my leg wait wait what are you doing maybe you're new maybe you don't know what he did to me I have to be honest I'm holding a bit of a grudge where's my mother I don't know please don't he doesn't tell us anything don't you move I'm not kidding well done Barbara we may make a woman whose determination out of you yet you know who I really am no I'll find you I'll come for you that's what I'm counting on that girl you know what I love about guns it's the people I won't lie to you I get all choked up thinking about it they're unlike the people anywhere else so whole life when each one dies it's like a little fireman it puts a spring in my step but song in my heart's call me sentimental but I missed it but I'm back in Gotham this is gone and I have such lovely hopes for the future do you see the cards yes why are you doing this why my mother that's the right question but she would never understand the answer Barbara oh it's all state time mrs. Bodine I'm afraid you're being a bit of a party pooper please don't ruin my special night you know how I hate them listen ah I knew if I did enough canvassing in your area you'd come visit it's a magical evening visited Batgirl it was the Roman's that started the custom did you know that which finger to place the ring they thought there was a vein going from the finger to the hot the venom bars the vein no don't use that word Joker you don't know anything about love well that hurts if you truly look Batgirl you'll see I'm the only man in the world capable of showing love why it's because of love I hope you come dear thing hoped you gave me directions by phone I'm afraid someone's pulling your leg darling I haven't touched a phone in months I'm sorry i deceived you Barbara but I can't very well allow this hideous creature to harm our mother can i I think it's only fair to warn you there's a five pound nail bomb under this woman's chair if you get sassy she might survive oh boy oh boy will she have to make some adjustments what do you want see that's the thing it's complicated Batman the apex tub headcheese as it were I've even written a book about this people like you weigh you down lunching at his team drowning him with your empathy and your compassion but I have a plan you'll like it's very loving very tender dearest Donna don't dare doll would you do me the great honor of being my blushing bats bride I was thinking if you became my blushing bride you see a bat go you'll get to save all these lives including the commissioner's strange honey pots fat girls sweetums how you miss me I hear you good communication man that's the key oh there I go though hogging all the conversation it just hit me that you haven't answered my proposal of marriage stuff I said will you do me the very great honor of being my special potato salad forever and always dear little she backs take your time wait all right whatever I'll marry you you win ooh I really wish it were that simple oopsie what is it that you want see that's what I like an old-fashioned girl takes care of her man makes dinner before I get home massages my feed fetches my slippers I know it's a world wind beckons but I have dreamt up this day for so long and I wanted to be screw you Joker attention whoever is guarding the Joker in this building the kill zone of a five pound nail bomb is at least 40 meter dear beloved what are you doing your boss the man who pays your wages is less than three meters from the bomb oh dear you said communication is key Joker let's check that was your kidney that's your liver and this you know what this is it's your goddamn spine about your magical day darling you were right about one thing Joker I will take care of my man what's so funny Joker oh they're going to love you you have snipers of course you would oh I have my friends give this nice lady love Bobby five bullets I've been thinking about this for a long time it's going to be done properly you go to this location follow the instructions and I free mrs. Gordon I promise I can't leave these people what people that go funniest thing they just killed over just the mom I'd like to kill this left sweetie dumb bleep I'll be back this is Gordon I swear it I'll see you soon we'll miss you like oxygen I'm not Batman Joker the rules no longer apply here do you know that I know I'm proud of you you know that goes right hello I want you to us very carefully to me I will not repeat myself I know what you're planning I cannot allow it let the two women go they are not yours to play with do you know I'm afraid no they don't like your tone whoever you want have a day won't you I know this is it there's so many things wrong here I feel like I'm losing control not quite how I envisioned this day I'm sorry my child I'm so sorry they have my congregation I'm so sorry hello my little bat betrothed miss me no not really oh dear nothing I've got a headache excuse already let's get this farce over with oh dear a modern girl are we usually I just kill those to save the trouble later I don't know if I can do this you can I need you to be strong father one question Joker yes lamb of my loins why this why me why because it's in my book bad girl it's all in white and red and whites and a little more red I wrote this lovely book you see more the ultimate self-help book really for future generations to understand to follow and this this is the way marriages of state have been done for centuries alright so maybe the bride didn't always love the groom right away a piffle I say but the bats see he's the king and I'm the Jester don't laugh now I'm going somewhere with this and you and the brats are just dragging him down and so the thing to do is take all the pawns off the board you can't honestly think this sham wedding means anything can you Oh on the contrary don't you read the papers sham weddings abound for reason cuddle skin but you make affair points my plan and I've working on this one simply ever is to free my dears friend the bat from people like you parasites leeches spin-offs and you can be my leverage you see I've cleared out a lovely little spot for you in the freezer in my basement anyhow she bets you just might get naughty and tried to do the old midnight divorce on me run away with a pretty boy in the leotard again so I decided to help myself to your arms and legs sweetie boom called a best prenup ever no leave this church leave this girl alone father thanks heavens excuse me I don't mean to interrupt I'm sorry but there's a strict RSVP policy I know your face though don't I the blackest of the black sheep me I'm just the guy holding two live grenades and I'm supposed to believe you'll kill yourself to get me is that right James Gordon jr. doesn't matter what you believe Joker I have a message for the bride my god mrs. Gordon away from the skating rink Batgirl she's safe I don't know who this fella thinks he is but he's talking gibberish oh no wait you creeps asked for every bit of this you know she used to beat me up like that passion fades for all of us I'm beginning to think that girl might be crazier than I am I have a deal for you Joker it's a one-time offer wait okay okay mercy try telling that to my mother sorry I'm fresh out Oh spats love don't be fleeting don't think I'm sorry Batgirl I was bluffing mrs. Gordon is still a hostage I'm sorry I made a trade I can't let him have my mother whew you are treasure chloroforming bat Co maybe I should have married you grenade boy let the woman in the skating rink go and I walk away or I spoil your plans by killing this one where she lies dad wouldn't do I have a grand reception plans when I'm due your grenades sonny jim those were fake joker i needed your attention you of all people should recognize a good gag well I always say it's nice to have another spider in the porridge but just for funsies what's to keep me from having my boys here fold you into an origami swamp and keep both delicious red heads I thought she might ask the other good nights are fake Joker this one isn't oh the things I could do with you Junior how about honeymoon boys I'm alive somehow head hurts everything hurts losing consciousness again all of the bad family has now been abducted the last person standing is Dick Grayson Nightwing Joker is now moving to Blackgate prison to set his trap for the first boy I wonder what happened to the lights is someone there why your mystery would you like to hear of June amusement Mile the site of the new Haley's amusement park that is being funded by Sonia Zuko the posters for the circus are everywhere how could you miss them Jimmy assuming you don't care it's easy says the guy on more banners than anyone you're literally the poster boy for Haley's circus Jimmy take it up with Faison I'm the last guy who wants a space on the wall well when it looks like that it's no wonder stick to gymnastics Marco comedies not your thing so you out of here gonna grab the train but I'll see you guys back at the train oh I just don't see it I mean why would anyone think we there's hardly a resemblance sorry do I know you oh come on Jimmy I'm disappointed after all us clowns got to stick together no hello dick you need to get your music file get here now what what's going on oh god no excuse me excuse me please is everyone okay is everyone here Joker killed Jimmy dick just because he looked like him I need everybody to go back to the Train and pack relieving Gotham tonight dick Sonja shut it all down and get out don't stay with friends or family hotels or friends of friends only until the police if somebody stops this but dick what about Riya Riya Joker broke her out of Blackgate prison if if he killed Jimmy because he thinks he's a knockoffs and what does he want riot for wakey-wakey it's almost time Raya Wow what where am I Oh ask too many questions and you'll ruin the joke he won't be exposed and I have found each owner oh you got my message I'll admit I was worried it might go over your head you know this last year has been a real snooze to watch back mate I mean you coming back here desperate to prove yourself being all serious oh what a fool well that's okay that's what tonight we're going to throw a party to wake you up consider this the invitation this is me this isn't you fight through it fight ayuh it's me you know me riah stay with me Riya stay with me I don't know if this antitoxin will work but I have to try sorry I'm so sorry dick for everything Riya No she's gone what's this on her stomach though no the Joker had left his invitation in riots asked in the what a surprise party the we're amusement mile and the host Haley's circus whatever this is Joker it's between us but the circus go you've got me here [Music] [Music] this ends now Jimmy no no no but hey we didn't even miss the invitation did say it was a surprise then what kind of hosted I'd be if I didn't have a little extra something extra for the worst of the batteries the one that makes my you see Nightwing more than any of the others you put your faith in relationships you insist on surrounding yourself with people but people will always let you down let me show you now I know what's yogi town there's no way Joker could have found them all well surprise Henry Marco not yet not yet this is need for a little burning down tonight you can plan for a year plot on Washington to pull off everything he intends he needs help at the reservoir use the cellular signals from of decomp hiding in the trees those men the help is using is where I can get to get to him before he gets to them before he doesn't ever explain to you doubtful it's the only way he did it to the punchline we're winning his joke I traced a cellular signature percent to a prepaid phone number one purchase with cash I got electronic shop nine days ago so I'm traceable the traffic cameras caught a man named Dylan of diet in this store at the time of purchase and he was you dad don't be afraid your father and I just need to have a little talk don't they hi I had to look he he said he'd been he said he'd been watching us Batman please please he's been watching us all week you and who else all of us from work all the guards from Arkham Asylum [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's wait you have a [Music] please please help us we've been dancing for days [Music] bad movements the American system is bad against things like that it's a new measure which you [Music] please Oh Joker don't do it was still alive look Batman toss something in ourselves to absorb the water around our feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on I'm going to make you pay for this joker all of it [Music] [Music] [Music] stay stands heater might not burn through your chest freeze that's far enough fat man what are you doing I thought we were something special I mr. freeze Clayface scarecrow you are brave enough to face me on your own Joker it's over Joker welcome to your throne room that's where the magic happens I hope you like what I've done with the place I remade it in your honor our once in future backing I invited y'all in a circle the ones who love you the most your man of cloth Bishop cobblepot's who cultivates the city's true religion Vice hail Sir Edward your strategist the man who keeps your mind shot hail my lord your Judge the Honorable mr. Dennis who shapes the laws of chaos that governs your kingdom hail freak and of course little me you're caught gesture this ends here all of it drop the bus two slow bats but what an effort really and truly you almost have the power we got nothing another one make sure you ain't though I don't need to throw a damn thing the police will be here any minute until then I'm just going to stand by and enjoy the view what the hell is happening Joker what's happening is the bad just one you do I don't think so look to your left the magic mirrors on the wall yes yes old friend I'm afraid you blew it if only you kept them close but you never do do you know you send them off you shut them out you dinkle all your kitties like bait well well nicely played huh and that's the point bats the proclamation I made you be as fast and smart as you want but as long as they live and you keep up this boss you'll always lose now that leaves you with only one thing left to do and that is to accept your true role to embrace it and in doing so to take your rightful place on your throne an electric chair Joker that's right sit down my king not bad clown and now I'm so glad I came where are they what have you done to them sit down in you'll find out why chill destiny and you'll never find a single trace of any of them ever you'll grow old wondering what happened to them what I did to each one now sits your cute ass down I find that highly improbable dent I didn't care about the probabilities I just want to get out of here before the police survive couldn't agree more penguin so let's make it a bit more absolute heads we shoot Batman in the cow tails we shoot him in the garden oh you know that's not how this works that's not how this game is played fine then I'll play where do we go next Joker go back to the streets my faithful koteas go back to your cells you played your parts beautifully but now it's over this next bit is a private affair can't cut us out Joker you brought us in we're here till the end so I'll ask again where are we going well when you put it that way I guess you're going nowhere Joker I don't belong in this madhouse Riddler find us a way out now and there's $20,000 in it for you cash gold digital name your coven see Wow Edward whoops guess I hit some teeny-tiny drinks in that lovely green jacket I bought him just to buy myself a little time but anyways the king and I have to get moving we've got dinner reservations with the whole family can't be late for that I wouldn't want to make a bad impression no you're not going anywhere I'm sick of your act clown you don't have any special claim to him we've all been at this for years open these damn bars and we'll follow as long as the bat dies we'll do anything you want we have the right to see this through all right I'm cracking up all over do you realize how pathetic you sound you know why I chose you lady to judge it's because you're nothing copy all it took less it to your face and everything you stood for got thrown out the window and it turns out you were just waiting for the chance to pretend to be one of the cases you used to lock going shut up Joker the kind of justice that's meaningless whether one side of the coin is just as good as here where there's no difference between right or wrong shut up so go ahead glue that sugar but remember one I gave you medicine I gave you that gun you know I already booby-trapped already can you be sure that I didn't see this coming maybe I swapped it with a gun that shoots backwards maybe I'll just give you a big heart stopping shock or maybe just maybe that'll shoot a bullet right through my head you can shoot them all if you once pretend you how to change apart and become one of the good guys again what do you think lot of options there hope your little coin has enough sides to cover them all damn are you two finished I know this sounds ridiculous but you have to listen to reason Joker let me out of here I could give you millions I could give it to you tonight what would I do with all that money no no I think I'll keep things according to plan but how about this for your trouble a little piece of things to come oh you have got to be joking do I it's in the name I suppose but that's the whole thing with a joke you have to play with people's expectations anyway it's time for dinner Batman awakens in a pitch-black room and out of the darkness a skeleton of a bat is inching forward the first time was frightening wasn't it where am I look look here it comes Joker yes joke is here with you in the dark we're watching it come for you as I'm sure it did the first time oh it wants you it wants you bad Joker listen know there is no reasoning with it it was the same for me when I saw it coming when I saw you coming no reasoning stop this now and so you called out there in the dog even though you knew you were seeing it you'll face the real bone and tooth face beneath it all Joker who knew it in your soul but still you called out to someone anyone to pull you up from the darkness and into the lights my god Joker reveals their setting for the Royal feast to Batman around a long table are all of the other members of the bat family in one hand joker holds the deformed lion cub that had been born with two heads his smile is terrifying tada dinner is served oh and don't worry old friends they're all fine and dandy just bound and gagged silent listeners at the table I've kept them entertained though I've been talking to them for hours telling them what do you really think of their ears are burning oh and about six seconds I'll be free Joker and I'm going to break every bone and you're not so fast bats I wouldn't get up if I were you after all do you smell something gasoline that's right they've been anointed and they await your judgement there are Flint's beneath your throne and under your table sire so at any time during our meal should your true feelings get the better of you should you tire their company all you need to do is stand leave the table and they will burn now though it's time to eat to finally lift the lid of this family dish earlier you asked about cheese mr. penny wood where is he oh he's around and ready for service Alfred my god mr. penny now that we're all here will you do the honors of opening our guests eyes to the feast before them Alfred listen to me no listen to me Alfie old boy go on now it's time time for the first course Joker what have you done why the bandages what is I done I've simply dressed them for the party mr. pennyworth would you serve us please I so hope you like it everyone I made it with lots of love how could you their faces how it was easy bats just slice pull chill and serve they come off so easily - there's nothing beneath these pretty things after all they're not like you and me not underneath the skin beneath their faces is just soft tender stuff you could poke your finger through I ate nothing on this earth more than you Joker nothing I beg to differ if that's so then why pray tell do you keep the game of foots oh great detective why have you never exposed me who I really am or was before my coming there's never been any DNA to link you to never mind that's let's just cut through the heart of it shall we why have you never killed me because you'd win I love that one no see this is how I win Batman I win by living by keeping on keepin on what you said is what you tell yourself and then because you don't want to admit the truth the whole slippery slope excuse am i right if you kill me what's to stop you from killing everyone else let me call your bluff once and for all and show my hands let me tell them the real reason you don't end it the one you don't want to admit it in front of the kiddies why he lets me creeping over and over to get you you you again you and you it's what you want to happen it's what you need we help you transcend they make you everything you want to forget that you are now all that's left to do is celebrate let's put the kiddies to bed once and for all and together we'll go raise some hell now would you like to do the honors or shall I Oh you know me so well joy I should have realized that nobody knows these caves better than me that's not funny Damien Damien I have you you're alright it's it bad tell me I can take it my face is numb no really just fine so it was all just a twisted joke keep Alfred restrained we'll get him back to the cave and go after him Bruce he's gone and I'm not leaving you all again Bruce listen to me this time we'll be fine go get him you okay Barbara I think so but look it's the deformed lion cub there's something wrong with it you think I'm not being sarcastic I mean there's something in it is everyone okay I said is everyone okay as the members of the extended bat family fight each other in hysterics the darknet tracks down his greatest nemesis yeah hat go in rude blowing out the candles wrecking the whole shut up no more talk I see [Music] no more dances than just a quarrel no more quarrel what what do you mean I mean no more of any of it not this time oh but yes rats this time - I made sure you'll get what you really want right now your precious family is tearing itself apart i gassed them a new concoction which is particularly potent so I would turn back and help before there's nothing left nothing but scraps for penny worth - so you're really going to just let them die sure you are no but I have faith in the well you should they're not your family that hill they're making you they make me stronger liar you know they don't make you anything maybe I was wrong maybe your true faith has changed let's see not that way Joker not by accident everything that happens to you tonight happens by my hand because I've been thinking about what you said back there old friend about why I don't finally just do it so how about it how about tonight I go farther than I have ever gone tonight I stop the game once and for all after all he'll never survive the trouble from you go ahead I did you'd never I'll do you one better because I did it Joker I broke the spell I did what you wouldn't do right here is where you turn back isn't right of this truck where the boat dives not because you couldn't hold on but because you wouldn't want to know let's see me I'm not like you Joker and this year while you were away I finally deduced it who you were before trying to play my own joke on me are you your name you're history all of it I know Joe you really are under there you want they're not you happy we are high well this is the end of that family because I choose them now come a little closer old friend so I can whisper it right in your ears this isn't what you want you know it's high notes and they they'll always know in the end the only ones left will be you and me your name Joker your real name is Joker laughs all the way down to the bottom of the water his face Falls with him as Batman removes his cowl and prepares to deal with the aftermath of Joker's madness what's in the heaven's name is that fireballs in the sky you've got good timing Alfred the rain finally stopped a few minutes ago how are you feeling well like hell honestly but I'll be all right soon how are they recovered physically it's strange though there's a tracer radioactive isotope ik material and the toxin they used on you and the rest of the family the computer is still working to identify it it's small nothing harmful but still I invited them over to talk they should be here soon a new mosque boosts how are you I should let you rest but first this is for you you promptly take this back sir or heaven help me I will wrap this IV pole around your wandering for food do for a drink three for a real drink go to hell are you sure you're all right sir I want to see him once Alfred I visited him in Arkham was just after we took dick in I went under the guise of Bruce Wayne investing in a new wing for the asylum when the Ward and I were by Joker's cell I asked for a glass of water I called out to Joker when I was alone and I showed him the card he looked right at me Alfred but he didn't see me at all as them that I knew that he didn't care who I was beneath the mask and he never would I knew that Bruce Wayne would ruin his fun master Bruce is gone now it's over yes I ring you when the family arrives Tim texted saying he couldn't make it Barbara - and no word from Jason yet that still leaves master Damian and Dick rest up Alfred I'll be back soon damn you talkin about - dick Bruce it's alright I understand dick What did he say to you in the dark before I woke up it does matter and I he didn't say anything we didn't even know he was there defeated in getting the family together to talk about the events regarding the Joker Bruce wayne/batman dissents into the darkness of the Batcave to check the results of his computer's analysis computer display chemical analysis element 105 Dube neum former name hon Ian with the original symbol H a-ha looks like he got the last laugh after all [Music] [Laughter] just look at where we are we've come very very far together and if I might say so and if I might say something we wouldn't have got anywhere if it weren't for you love is the sweetest thing never comes just when you think of it well love is the way for you we're family we're family we're family all of us and you think of where'd we be if we were on our own we'd be dead you're what holds us all together and if I might say so and if I might say so too we never could love everyone as much as we love [Music] [Music] the way I feel for you we're family we're family we me [Laughter]
Channel: Erik Jaworski
Views: 925,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Batman (Fictional Character), Radio, Drama, Death of the Family, Joker, Nightwing, Dick Grayson (Fictional Character), Joker (Fictional Character), Ithaca College (Organization), Ithaca, College, Batman, Comic, Motion, Batman: A Death In The Family (Comic Book Story Arc), radio drama, Robin, Batgirl, Comic Book (Literary Genre), dark, Snyder, DC Comics (Business Operation), DC, The Dark Knight (Film), Batman (Film), film, snyder
Id: GpumFRzo7_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 25sec (6385 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 28 2014
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