Batman Breaks His Vow | Batman: Year Two | Bat Issues

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Oh, Sal. I forgot to warn you and Ben about Re: Creators. Amazon Prime likes to do this weird thing where they start the next episode, even though most of the episodes have an after-credits scene. Sorry for not mentioning it earlier.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JustSomeGuywithaMust 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Bat Issues is dead. LONG LIVE BAT ISSUES

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TraptorKai 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
I've been not Tiffany today's Batman book we're doing is Batman year two written by Mike W bar with art by Allen Davis and Todd McFarlane what that's right so high on the year one thing were they of course from Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli yeah I decided let's capitalize on the whole year insert year trend that we had on literally one character Batman let's do it again why not and we've done a number of Mike bar books so you can bet it's gonna be campy and grotesque at the same time that's what he does I'm really confused as to what on the world is just on the back of this cover that is the new character that Mike bar wrote and created for this when Mike bar decided to take up the responsibility of doing the second year in the post-crisis Batman continuity because you know he's like I was good as Miller I am as good as Miller I certainly done as many iconic story this Miller he wrote son of Batman but he was like I love Batman's rogues gallery I adore it let me create another character there let me let me have one that will withstand the test of time every week and everyone loves and remembers the Reaper what you don't fear even though in the Beckett is to fear yes you must this collection here includes both stories there's Batman year two and then there's Batman full circle they both feature the Reaper oh it's not like Batman you're three no they didn't that many or three later on and Batman year three but that one would introduce Dick Grayson as Robin oh that early on yeah yeah that in Batman's third year he got a Robin by year three he was like I need help yeah this isn't working let me get a prepubescent child yeah there you know what you're doing right put on your target costume and draw fire you trying to put Alfred in it it was not a good look master Bruce there are limits so he's one of them anyway so he's buried my missus he really loved the costume but he refused to take it off around the manor versus like you know what no I can't cut him off from it I need you in the regular Butler outfit you keep answering the door and you're robbing in your form and it's just giving everything away so Batman year two carries on from year one but also carries over all the camp that bar wants to infuse into Batman's character so like okay Frank Miller year what happened right yeah forget most of it except for Gordon's promotion okay hapten you know what that's the only holdover we've got a cool new story going on so that's fun yes but I'm just saying that the groundwork like the the previous stuff you need to know to get into year two is literally nothing right okay and also there's a lot of camp like if you read if you're like okay I'm gonna get into this I'm gonna jump into the year stories of Batman yeah you're gonna be like okay I just read Frank Miller is year one which is like this gritty noir monologue driven you know story about sex and betrayal and not so much in this it's more of a Batman story you know the Batman story is that you have been reading from the 70s onward the story opens with a pair of news characters doing their report about Gotham and talking about Batman and how like Batman is now this thing this force that exists in Gotham and he works side by side with the police and he's just a great Chum okay you know totally flying in the face of the year one establishment of Batman being this kind of like mythological vigilante that everyone hates and wants to kill and the cops are not with him or dia exactly although Gordon did build and invent the bat-signal so that's also in there and so it's just the fact that there's a bat symbol so everyone's just like yeah Batman's great now more or less yeah one Batman like helped expose some of the graft and corruption plaguing the police department and the politicians in Gotham and also the crime families thereof sure of course this story would be retconned entirely out when better stories came along does that mean year three is also work on more or less okay it's just your won any of your won't stay and even then after new 52 writes retcon doubt and then retcon back in so it really depends on who's writing Batman at the time right cut it out but they're like we're gonna kind of back in just take your 1 oh yeah so these two are talking about how Batman's great but one can't forget about another the masked vigilante who stalked the streets of Gotham back in the day does anyone remember the Reaper no yeah of course not well so there was this character they only have an artist rendition because nobody who ever saw the reaper lived to tell the tale okay that's just the Grim Reaper though yeah it's just death that's just a Halloween costume straight up and it's not too far off from what the Reaper would actually look like but and talk about how if you just laid his head on fire you've got Ghost Rider with a hook hand yes so anyway they talk about how the Reaper is a murderer and you know he killed Gotham's under me with a name like Reaper yeah he wasn't like he's a farmer he wasn't just any sowing wheat and then reaping I mean he absolutely has that instrument a scythe if you will but no farm no farm no no tractor optimises farm yes people are great yeah though like look the sooner I get this in the book sooner you're gonna never forget him yes so then we cut to a classic Batman adventure where there's a couple of people stealing electronics from some building and the the report that we were watching is on the TV that's how we transitioned Oh like bars a professional he actually is really good I'm just making a joke the bat-signal kind of like was the first indication that batman is kind of like step lock with the police department like more or less we are we have a bat force like we have a police force and also Batman and he works in tandem with them right so then as these criminals are you know working the bat-signal actually does it clandestinely turn on they can see from the window and they're like okay well the signal just came on he probably hasn't even responded yet and Batman's there already and he just beats the crap out of them no I've been activated yeah so Batman fights these guys they break out their guns and he makes a point and I wanted reiterate it because it's important for the theme of the story he says if you put your faith in guns you've already lost and then he like beats the crap out of them and then he's like oh I would stay away for the police but I've got other things to do and then bails and you're like okay what like why is Batman so funny he's nothing like that in year one why are you making this the sequel doesn't make any sense feels like you wrote it already and then wanted to write this is this is a Batman story I knew I would year two I yeah I read yeah exactly exactly that's in it's just I want to write a legends of the Dark Knight story and call it this this is the title they gave me so I just took my story and I put this title on it there we go so then we cut to Rachael Caspian who is receiving her father who has been away in Europe and he is an older gentleman and Rachael is about to accept her final vows in becoming a nun that's where Rishi the Reaper is Rachael the Reaper yeah wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute are you trying to draw a sari let's let's see if I can understand you correctly are you trying to draw some kind of thematic or visual distinction between this but Claude Grim Reaper themed Batman villain and you're trying to like make some kind of mask of the phantasm connection Here I am yeah well that's it because this book is exactly the inspiration for the Batman mask of the phantasm oh that sucks no but movies great yes yeah like it just ripped off this this comic existed and then they did it better with masculine Fantas alright better name yeah the Reaper is a little on the nose yeah daughter and red-herring father yeah seriously comes back from Europe and he's like yes I'm back in my city that I hate and love and yeah so does that mean Bruce is gonna be in love with Rachel yes no he's gonna be in love with the dad yeah they're gonna flip they're gonna flip scripts that's right and also like halfway through the story we're gonna get like a joker story we're right we're gonna shoot the Joker in and then the Joker is gonna be the enemy in a book no that is big difference okay Reapers the villain the end no other cic medians Batman villain I will have to reach it like you know not judge right now but I feel like phantasm still wins with that because that's interesting oh yeah well also because phantasm actually does a fun job of giving you kind of a background on Joker's identity well also not ruining it like giving you the Joker's identity yeah you know you know he worked for the valestra gang yeah and that's it yeah not that like he was a poor comedian although I'm not gonna argue with Killing Joke anyway yeah so we meet the caspian x' and we find out that Rachel and her father have worked directly with dr. Leslie Tompkins who of course is the doctor who took Bruce in and helped guide him into becoming battery so failing limb is herb Lee and her ability to help this traumatically she did everything right she feels like a failure because Batman is not the right course of action when you deal with trauma she doesn't know she was going for Cat Man she's like why did you go with bats they're gross and I'm allergic to them it's disgusting yeah and her face so meanwhile Bruce Wayne who of course a year - yeah he is involved with a major project in Gotham he's making the Wayne foundation oh yeah he's establishing the Wayne foundation and confirm lis establishing Bruce Wayne as a figurehead in Gotham's whole infrastructure well I mean here's this problem he's missing a huge chunk of this building it's aesthetic so they're building the Wayne foundation as we speak literally erecting Bruce Wayne's cover story for the rest of its life but he's excited about it and he is unveiling it - dr. Thompkins and she's like it's great what why failing it like she couldn't look up and see it at any point he drawn her to the site because he wanted to say your penthouse and your office is gonna be there yeah and she's like no my office is in Crime Alley where I belong I mean like I none of none of my clientele are gonna want to come uptown to my big fancy building to do my work to to be to be helped I need to be where the people could have both I mean nope no I get feeling the people whom downtown would love a chance to go uptown and be accepted is oh it's clean here and the street don't smell like sewage that being said you're supposed to sympathize with dr. Thompkins and her Swain's it's only connect paying for the penthouse Chico just take it well I know but she's not and Bruce is like fairness she could take it and then let people stay there when they had problems or issues right yeah no I agree listen two seconds of thought but Thompkins is a proud woman mm-hmm it is she's so worried she doesn't have a hard hat on yeah they're on site there's no hard hats I know and he's making the crews work like 24/7 to get it done he wants to get it done like now and he's not being a hard-ass about if they actually do establish within panel work that he's like you know just swap out the crews I'll pay whatever it takes I just keep working going just just hire more people and get them to switch our that means that at the center of this there's like a little like port where you could like yeah like sit in a chair pull lever and then get like no I'm adding a tube to the Batcave I was gonna say that somebody if they just fired the right thing into said thing we just blow the whole building up they're just going too fast oh oh you're saying they're not gonna notice this small like a thermal exhaust port something wider wide yeah see that's the problem is that he already has a massive gap in the building and they're coming you thought about it there's like no you fire a torpedo at our building it's gonna go right through yeah while Bruce is regaling Thompkins with his richness this is his wealth and his generosity and his generosity he's throwing her entire office Rachel came along with Thompkins and Bruce like hello there I'm not quite as miserable as my previous year established so let's get down so he insists on taking Thompkins and Caspian out for like a coffee so they go to like the richest place in the area and he sits them down so Rachel tell me more about your life and Leslie is looking at him like he is the biggest d-bag she's just like what are you doing you're Batman you're gonna ruin this poor girl's life and she's gonna be a nun you're trying to bang her what's wrong with you no this is fine this is fine see I'm gonna have a sidekick in a year and he could take over the business and I'll just keep banging this nuts I mean like Batman is thinking long-term right he's like Wayne foundation Tomkins gonna do this that I'm doing this when he meets Rachel he's like and then I'll stop or maybe she could be his sidekick Batman in the nun yeah this is nonsense that's the next book yeah adventures she's got bathroom her gall free yeah Wayne gets rid of Thompkins and then brings Rachel home himself he walks her to the door and she's like yeah and he's like listen I've got two tickets for the ballet if you'd like to go she's like well I'm afraid I can't go it's like oh you must be seeing somebody else she's like in a way his name's God he's like oh well I can get a third ticket for Jehovah yeah we'll leave it empty Rachel's father is wandering the streets of like the lowest dregs of Gotham and he's seeing like street urchins with torches like it's medieval Romania and he ceilings wanted posters for murderers and he's seeing Anarchy symbols and you know kids stealing you know who taps hubcaps and boosting cars and so he goes back to his old estate where Rachel's staying and he goes and pulls on a secret candlestick and it opens up a secret doorway which reveals his Reaper costume he's like I was Batman before Batman was cool basically yeah and so that's strike number two I guess Rachel's not the Reaper nor was she ever Reaper this old man was the Reaper and now will be the Reaper again he's like I'm back my work didn't matter it didn't like make Gotham better since I left so I got to keep reaping so she's not the Reaper she's not the Reaper nor will she be the Reaper at the end of this story there's no twist there's no surprise this guy Caspian is the Reaper we're like we're twenty pages in it's already just like alright here you go yeah well because it's not about the ring what a mystery no because it's not about a mystery the mystery is why you think there's a mystery no it's no the beginning of this book they have like a whole like you know newscast about who the Reaper is yeah it's this guy he's not the Reaper he just got back he was the Reaper when where's ago eight years ago he's old man when he was young he was the Reaper he Lin left when he came back he's like I'm old but I still got a reap got a reap I gotta get my arthritis medicine and he's younger than he looks because male pattern baldness but we're supposed to believe that he's like in his 50s I guess anyway so I understand now why mess the phantasm made it the daughter yeah because it's like it's unbelievable for an old man to a beat Batman physically so they have like a well-trained younger woman beat the crap out of him yeah yeah so anyway Reaper he murders some folk who were gonna like steal someone's purse and possibly violate her he does so with twin sites with like maces yes yeah those go over his hands so he can like punch and cut and also swipe and murder they also have guns in them so like when he wants to like a a barrel up Sarah will pop out and then he can blow you away just in case the the sights don't work it's arranged yeah I'm gonna leave no you gotta stay you signed up for this - stupid I have to leave I'm just gonna assume it's it's Reaper firm from overwatch instead yeah that just makes it better that means needs the signal he's like Oh Leslie I gotta go and let's like don't code me Batman thought he got rid of her now Hugh she's just enough okay which brunch is right on the rocks just it that's the red herring I'm not trying to bang freakin Rachel that's gonna bei know why that's why I got you the other monster you're right in my building so anyway I can walk into your office of me like she's a GILF so Leslie's like don't be Batman I can't strip I can't stand you big bat me he's like shut up then he leaves and and she's like Alfred why do you let him be Batman he's like don't don't give me a hard time I'm Alfred so anyway I have to put exactly yeah I said I am do you preaching to the choir honey please hey we're round this I mean I got two tickets to the ballet yeah the bad things not gonna use anyway bat me off these tickets oh thank you sir and burn them you bet I think I see the signal so then Batman goes to Gordon and they have like a little back-and-forth and they're like they're chums and pals and Gordon makes a point about offering a mint to Batman because he gave up cigarettes and Batman's like good for you cigarettes are bad for you by the way III I got you a present and it's his signature pipe Batman got him like that pipe I know you're trying to get over the addiction so here's something I already bought it yeah I'm sorry and I'm really bad with context clues be like oh you're trying to quit smoking cool have a pipe have a small fireplace alright but this is from your mouth it's just like Hanford uh quit smoking oh you are well I will see you later here is havens like I got to take eight dollars I got two tickets to the Bell exactly you want to go with me you want to go with Alfred who I mean uh oh [ __ ] alright well alright I'll kill you no he by smoking here have a pipe he gives him a pipe which is like a little nice gesture friendship but also like it's too familiar for the year one Batman doesn't microphone in it yeah I like to listen to no it's it's not him keeping Ted this isn't like the the predecessor to brother bride oh my god so that's the Reaper costume yeah that is garish as hell I know he has to look like that because his armor is made of leather he looks like a medieval Cenobite yeah leather no it looks like muscles like that's what it looks like they're trying to evoke they're like we made it red because it looks like muscles also Reds a cool color yeah right well and it'll be good contrast to Batman's blue anyway Reapers can ask for the Red Death something like that I don't know yeah well so Reaper dresses up as a John and he goes to talk to some prostitutes and then he reveals that he's the Reaper he's gonna kill them he has a skull mask on and it's just under a hat there's shadows all over Gotham so he's good the Hat provides the shadow not impenetrable anyway so Batman jumps on the Reaper and he can't quite knock him down because Reapers wearing some sweet armor and so bad means like this is gonna be harder but not impossible let's do this so he fights Reaper of course Reapers skull mask isn't just for awesome decoration it's also reinforced oh he like you know knocks Batman in the face with it and of course his twin sides do get the upper hand and so basically Reapers just slashing and then attacking Batman ultimately he just starts shooting at him and Batman barely escapes in his life he jumps into the sewers you're telling me that once he starts shooting at him Batman doesn't say if you rely on guns your heart you've already lost exactly no he doesn't but that's that's important to remember I'm glad you did but so Batman barely escaped with his life he manages to get back to the Manor in a state of complete defeat she was laying in the kitchen yeah well I was hurt but I was also hungry so Alfred and Leslie Thompkins nurse him back to health oh she's still oh they totally been oh yeah no this hours later yeah they went to the Malon anyway and then it snapped oh sure I get our robe I said a coat that is straight up a rope that is a [ __ ] rope oh yeah a [ __ ] rag mmm anyway so Batman's like I lost to this loser he doesn't say it's a loser I'm saying it's a loser we're all thinking it yep so Batman's like I lost I had my skill I had my strength I had my training I had my utility belt and it still wasn't enough I need to go to guns what I have to do the one thing that I've never done yeah so he goes to a secret compartment under a giant portrait of his parents and he retrieves a gun not just any gun by the way the gun that murdered his parents yes right young Bruce Wayne recovered the gun kept it built a special secret compartment hidden underneath the picture of his dead parents theming I remember before when I said I was gonna leave now you're gonna leave yeah forget about no no no dick around I'm I'm on board for this dunyah necks yeah Batman wields Joe chills weapon shows not over yet you got a stay too so Batman is like I'm going to use the weapon that made me what I am and that'll give me the a and that'll make him a super Batman but I love the implication of the cover of the first issue I saw that I was like all right yeah Batman wielding a gun this should be like one of the most striking images Batman because you're like why would he do that that that's clearly Jim Gordon he shaved his moustache I was like that's not that man this is an imposter 30 years before Snyder came up with it right so now Batman's got his gun and Todd McFarlane's drawn the book oh wait that's right so it looks totally different yeah so they brought in well they had Allen Davis do it and he was doing a great job I love Allen Davis's artist it's modern but it also harkens back to an older style but it's and he is only getting better like he's it's consistent but it like he refines his craft it's good stuff we never really got a chance to talk about it but it's really good everyone always talks about Todd McFarlane's art which you know take it as you will but like I'll but Allen Davis's art is consistent and like evocative what he did style but like it also with year two considering you like you're looking back at Mozza Kelley did the last one and that was more of a modern style I like this panel a lot it's great I don't know why I think it's the way he's holding it yeah cuz he could just be gripping it but he was like no man I have him yeah I'm gonna hold the heute like yeah I really like that ya know Davis's details so hang on we just like Batman's gonna use a gun next issue we'll get there yeah well we it takes two pages literally like police protecting a mobbed-up individual because they're gonna testify right but reaper has a problem with that because this guy scum and anyone who protects that scum is also scum so reaper sneaks behind the enemy lines murders the witness and then like shoots all the cops that are protecting that witness plan yeah don't please down the other guy's insane we're supposed to illustrate that like not all vigilantism works in Gotham right a special type of bat themed vigilantism is all that we can withstand well when you're called the Reaper you really only have one course of action yeah so Reaper kills these people and escapes while Batman starts demonstrating his ability to be an excellent marksman that Batman is apparently an excellent shot it's just that he's never used a gun in the field but he has been keeping up with his with his general federal training of course and we've actually seen that in action in Batman the cult where he used rubber bullets but he so brought out like major guns and knew he was doing to try to train Jason and had he like shoot and Jason's like this is weird he's like yeah but like just because we use guns doesn't mean we shouldn't know how they work and be excellent at using otherwise how can you dismantle them or take them away from your enemy right yeah laser tag right which of course is coming up so make sure to finish juice box so anyway Batman trains Alfred is like don't do that Leslie is like this sucks that means like she's out here yeah she's still here this is day three he's like what do you live here now you say no to the penthouse but you're living in mind this is why I wanted the penthouse for you yeah get out of my house look if you're gonna bang my Butler please do it your own office exact could you not do it like in my room because I know you are mm-hmm creepy so anyway we cut to the Caspian smells like mothballs in there ooh so we get a little flashback as to why Rachel's father is such a lunatic [ __ ] and it's because a jerk in a mask murdered his wife her mother so he was like anti pac-man yes well cuz only one person died oh he's Thomas Wayne yeah he's flashpoint bats yeah but his kid survived oh that's true the kid should have died that's how flashpoint Batman becomes hmm so rachel is comforted by my sister which of course informs her decision to be inspired you know like the bat that goes to the window Caspian Seas violence and he becomes violence Rachel sees the nun and she threw the you know right extreme violence in Gotham it's like it's like anyone who loses a person in Gotham to violence and crime then sees some totem and then follows it to its logical conclusion somebody like through a farmer through his window as he was thinking about all this it's because Caspian is obsessed with like death and the Grim Reaper okay Rachel of course is hell-bent on becoming a nun but she's also totally down to go out with Bruce on constant dates and Bruce is more than happy to keep steering her away from the divine path by the way like love the coat I love how angry this guy is serving ice cream I know this guy's he he literally handles I screw for a living he couldn't be more disappointed he's handling joy and he's like nah it's fun it's a good contrast they have a little back-and-forth where they discuss their ideologies and stuff like that but like subtly you know she says I sense that you're really deep and he's like nope why Michelle is they come like a cave yeah no he's like I'm a rich playboy philanthropist what do you want for me you know I just like haven't I screamed during the day and going out with pretty ladies that's wow man I'm also a rich philanthropist then because I also enjoy having ice cream during the day and going out with pretty ladies yeah yeah so I know a Batman goes to visit with Gordon and you know Gordon's like this repr problem is a major issue in Batman's a guy I know I have a plan and it's very intricate and it will require some liberties be taken and by the end of it you may not want to be my friend anymore Batman basically prophesizes that he will become the vigilante that he already was in year one okay so Gordon got a tip that a major mobster is flying in from metropolis they expect the Reaper to show up because the Reaper has basically declared war on the mob of Gotham right another thing by the way from the man not only does he kill mobsters but he also like says creepy [ __ ] at them before he kills them like the phantasm difference being Caspian has no connection to the mob whereas you know of course spoiler Abascal phantasm but andreas father beaumont he was connected to the mob and owed the money and so there was a connection yeah it was personal for Beaumont anyway so dude gets off the plane Reaper shows up Batman is pretending to be a airplane an airport servicemen guy it's great I love the master this plays the part really well he's just Chuck and luggage yep yeah he's just he's not even looking no exactly so Batman faces off against the Reaper and then Gordon is gonna step in and Batman shoots Gordon's revolver out of his own hand and says like back off this is now my fight and it he's not going to jail I'm going to shoot him with my gun no yep I don't need help so he shoots the gun in accordance hand em hmm so Batman and repr fight he throws down smoke pellets that keeps the police disoriented so Reaper kills a couple of mobsters guys and the fight between Reaper and Batman goes like up the stairs into the plane and then the plane takes off and have a nice vacation again that'd be amazing if it did take off manner like a midair fight but instead basically the Reapers like screw this I'm leaving so the Reaper escapes Batman protected the guy mm-hmm the mob guy from metropolis the Reaper then basically blows up some fuel tank and then makes his escape and Gordon's like damn you back man like damn you he takes the pipe out his mouth and he snaps it in half and he throws away nice oh one of the cops is like Gordon I thought that bad was honest I was like me too so then there's a big meeting between a whole bunch of mobsters in Gotham and they're all talking about what they're gonna do maker shows that right the Joker shows up and he's like I've got this and it becomes dark night no instead Batman throws the other mobster that was coming from Metropolis under the table and he's like I will protect you from the Reaper like I gotta make a deal with the mob to take down the Reaper because he's the most problematic issue this is the most anti Batman story you have ever told us mm-hmm so Batman proves his resolve by kicking the crap out of a couple of guys and they're like what do you know how do we know that you're not gonna double-cross us once you've taken on the Reaper and he's like you don't and they're like well then you are gonna have to be assigned one of our top assassins and he's gonna keep tabs on your work together in tandem to take down the Reaper sure so they assign Joe Chill no man who murdered no no Batman of course knows that Joe Chill killed his parents and so Batman's plan now that he's been assigned Joe Chill and maybe it was part of his plan to get close to Joe Chill but his plan is he's gonna take down the Reaper and then shoot Joe Chill in Crime Alley with Joe Chill first he's got a stand around in a graveyard and look like spawn yes by the way totally boss and cool double-page splash all Batman with a spawn escape by the way yeah one of the two times the Todd McFarlane ever drew Batman oh this and spawn Batman yeah that's it and Batman looks dope thankfully Todd did all like a number of covers for year two so I've got a whole lot of Cape there though that's way too much it's implied Cape it's you know it's it's it is visually there but like you know obviously you can't have that much case like he's wearing an opera curtain it's awesome they have to beat your child it's so yes it might be jealous well cuz now it's personal for Batman he's like I gotta take down the Reaper but now I've got this opportunity to get opportunity for my parents you could join us anytime yeah you could joke Jill's apartment snap his neck agreed so then Batman and Joe Chill work together and basically like take down mob guys this is the worst part yeah this absolutely sucks the Batman what happens yes Oh Batman a Joe Chill work together and Batman makes a big point where he's like chill we're not killing anybody like supreme except for you but you shouldn't say that out loud yeah and Joe's like yeah yeah so wait no he says no I used to carry a piece like that and Batman's like is that right yeah why didn't you just kill him now I because then he would have killed him and then you know once he killed one person you test kill every person well then why is he using a gun because he asked because he needs the gun to have the upper hand on the Reaper you can't beat the Reaper with his usual Batman skills so he adds the gun to level the playing field I need to take down the Reaper by working with the mob and Joe Chill and they like wind up getting information about where the Reaper might be and where he's gonna strike and all other stuff meanwhile they start having laughs and Batman's like you know Joe Chill you're not so yeah and right like and he Joe Chill is like a Annoying character because he's like he's all fun and he's you know making jokes and crackin why is about Batman and like how silly it is that Batman is even working with him and you know he's he's a fun kind of like affable character even though he's a complete monster in a ticket right but Batman is like no fun bringing up man no fun is being had so anyway then batman takes Rachel Adam to another date he takes out both Rachel and her father because he's like you know these are the two most important men in her life and so they're having a good time and of course they also invite Leslie because he knows you know Leslie knows both of them so they're all coming out basically because it's Alfred watching through the windows of binocular because he was not invited he's like he's like she's treating I drove her there or drove them there [Music] double date yeah so Caspian says a bunch of cryptic [ __ ] that you know course implies that he's the Reaper Babbitt doesn't put it together because he's the world's greatest detective he basically just says like I love Rachel I'm totally into her and I'm definitely down you know to marry her and Rachel's like yeah I'm totally down like I'm in like I love him and screw being a nun that sucks okay so that play went out the window completely no she's like oh wait okay you're telling me I mean and some billionaire wants to marry me never mind along god yeah nice knowing you the date is over they had a great time Rachel's like won't everyone come over and then both Caspian and Batman are like now we can't we got [ __ ] to do she's like well how do you like that like two of the most eligible men in my life can't you know keep a date you know this is a cute little moment yeah both of them of course have to go be Dark Avengers of the night see well Rachel's just like so you're Batman and you're the Reaper right right exactly cool just like choke on their soup Oh what no that's afterwards they have their nightcap the police of course have set up a sting because they're doing their job and so when Batman and chill enter this like drug den with the Reaper all of Gordon's men show up along with Gordon and Gordon's like take them all down and Batman knocks Gordon out of the way because Reapers gonna shoot Gordon and Gordon's like you're under arrest it's socks Batman in the jaw we're just totally justified and I really appreciate the Gordon yeah no patience for Batman the Reaper of course starts opening fire and killing everybody and Batman protects all the cops and like does except for that guy yeah well that guys it was two days away from retirement so Joe Chill shoots like some ether make some ether canisters okay and causes an explosion and then which causes never to get their magic back what yeah like falls off like he's hanging onto breeze like a little help partner and Batman is like and he just sees his parents being murdered by charities like do didn't kill him you just didn't save him yeah I know that just pull out your gun and shoot him in the face nope no one's gonna recognize the extra gunshot after the matrix my man's playing the long game that means like Oh blinded by the explosion step on fingers oops my ideas you mean that like on Joe chills deathbed yeah he'll be like I was Bruce Wayne blah blah like it's just he's gonna be like oh and after a long life of cry and I can finally just rest go away and Bruce Wayne's gonna be like hi you can't call for the nurse yeah so after Batman saves Joe Chill Joe Chill like gloats and flaunts their partnership but he's like well we'll get him tomorrow right Batman a Batman says hold me I'm like yeah yeah tomorrow okay it's gonna happen let me cut back to like Batman going on another date with Rachel he's getting ready for the day Leslie is old that's Leslie so Leslie is just like thrilled that Bruce is dating this girl who could probably make him happy and make him stop being Batman and it's great because diamonds like alright well I'm going out and Leslie oh with Rachel again he's like of course of Rachel I'm totally happy with her and doo-doo-doo-doo when he's having a great time he's like leaving and Leslie's like we'll have a good time hey ed you see in this and now it's like yeah like they're both kind of like yay and then our first are taking his apron off and taking his shirt off and he's like this is like alright let's polish that silver she's like hang on I'm wearing the dumbest dress ever so Bruce Wayne of course takes Leslie out to the finest Chinese restaurant where they both get fortune cookies before the meal as you always do she opens up her fortunately there's an engagement ring in it and she accepts he puts it on her there's not really a whole lot of surprise there he already said he wanted to marry her now I know Batman by the way opened his cookie yeah the fortune says you may avoid your fate but never escape it it's just a little like yeah so he only planted her cookie yeah he hasn't played his cookie and it just says yes inside or it even has the question marry me like she pups the ring and his says marry me may be perfect I think is fortunate to say something like you will have a long and happy life together or something like that he only needs to theme the one cookie his fortune should have said I'm Ben yeah oh my god it's right by the way another parallel with mask of the phantasm because when Bruce proposes to Andrea and in the movie he gives her the ring and she's like I thought that I wasn't gonna be part of the plan he's like you are now I'm changing the plan and he's doing it on his grounds and then these bats just fly out him under the ground and interrupt them splits them yeah like seven rates then you married us yes bats are like no and they're both just like holding each other like oh my god horrifying I like is like no I like this I just like to swell the music it's just it's just fate being like stop it Bruce you're getting a boner because of these Bennett's what no he's like no no they're very frightening right like is though like that might be a great totem for someone mm-hmm to have yeah it's like a fear boner not me no there's no boners yes stuff with the boners here's your boner anyway so Gordon sets up another staying Reaper shows up because he's an idiot Batman shows up to one of the guys that like is one of the informants that was undercover as a bad guy dies and so Gordon is just like on his last nerve you know he's just freaking out and you know Batman is sad that Mike he's dying me Batman anymore no it's more like he knows that tonight's the night he's gonna kill Joe Chill and he's probably gonna stop being Batman and he's just like you know I gotta go out one last time you know clear my head yeah do some bad stuff uh-huh okay yeah so Batman goes to meet up with Joe Chill he goes - it's like div' apartment he wakes him up he's like come on we gotta go and she was like oh we're ready he's like yeah yeah so he brings them to Crime Alley are you watching me sleep yeah that's creepy yeah I'm freaking Batman there's a lot about me that's creepy so he brings in to Crime Alley he's like does this place look familiar to you he's like I guess why hey you want me to kill that Leslie Thompson chick Thompkins and no anyway so he's like do you'll think back think back about like maybe a seminal moment your life maybe about like 20 years ago when you ran into like a husband and wife that you tried to steal a necklace from do you member that he's like well how would you know anything about that he's like because I'm freaking Bruce Wayne you murdered my parents what well now he has to kill him so now I'm gonna kill you and he just starts beating the crap out of him then he takes out Joe's gun and he puts it up against Joe's head sure and he's like I'm gonna kill you and Joe's like yeah sure you are like you can't do it you don't have the stones mm-hmm and so Batman hesitates and then the Reaper shoots Joe Chill in the face well what a surprise Batman wanted to kill somebody and then the book took care of it for him yes don't worry you can still have your Batman and eat it too so then Batman in Reaper fights Reaper of course now No again yeah again what this book is there's no Joker in here so so why doesn't Batman just like so you're telling me the Reaper now knows that Batman is Bruce Wayne yes so they're fighting and he doesn't take off the mask feel like I'm her dad no no because Batman say yes I know I know so they fight and of course like this huge battle arouses the suspicions and of the neighboring area including the GCPD Gordon shows up they watch as Batman in Reaper fight on the scaffolding of the Wayne foundation building sure because yeah yep so they battle and as they fight of course Batman recovers one of Reapers mace scythes and uses it against Reaper thereby actually making the cover come to pass oh yeah that's ok that's not the cover coming to pass that's they needed an image that one LSD detailed see there's more detail we does have a gun on the cover that's just a color differently so Batman then uses those two weapons and instruments to battle the Reaper oh I never needed the gun at all I just needed one of your weapons yeah that was like a ratio goal fight I know well except there's no like finesse or subtlety so then Batman hits Reaper in the chin with the sickle and that knocks off his skull helmet and he sees that it is actually Rachel slaughter Caspian and there I was like I am bad at this I am a bad detective yeah I heard your voice the entire time at dinner when we were fighting he had him get a [ __ ] mouth mask wasn't like that man where everyone should know it's Bruce Wayne he's like Oh the whole thing's dumb because there's no way you don't know there's an old man in their rocket C's mouth that's true so Batman of course knocks Caspian onto a convenient scaffold where he you know hangs for his life mm-hmm and so Batman reaches out his hand he's a come on Cass beam it's over and he goes yes it is over and I didn't think you were a killer but I'm glad to know that you are now the city's safe because the city needs a murdering psychopath to keep it safe so Caspian let's go and then plummets to his death why does it Batman jump down and grab him and use like a grappling hook or something yeah it's pretty fast and far now forget it also burg will drop he doesn't have any angle I didn't kill you I just didn't save you that's the same thing no baby doesn't not save him it's just that gas means like you were having no you were gonna kill Joe yeah I took that away from you but whatever but he should have said instead was I wasn't sure if you're a killer and you're not and that's what the city needs you you're not gonna kill Joe Chill but I did it for you yeah that would be great but instead Casspi needs the motivation to let go and die which he does so he lets go and he plummets to his doom and Batman realizes that killing is wrong and guns are stupid if he takes the gun of Joe Chill and he places it in the cornerstone foundation of the Wayne foundation my parents murder yes so like the whole thing like also I'll always know what it is if I haven't just their forgiveness we got a jackhammer yeah exactly that yes and he does in the next door oh god he hates guns then he thinks he needs them then he realized that like he'd be a dick if he used them so then he makes the gun a metaphorical cornerstone of like his future of Bruce Wayne it couldn't just shot him in the knee man so meanwhile you know of course the Caspian falls to the ground in the Reaper costume everyone's like oh Caspian was there the Reaper so Rachel's life is over and rachel is like Oh Bruce like my father he was a horrible murderer and Bruce like yeah that's right but it's okay because we're still banging and she's like my dad was a bad man and murder lots people I need to atone for his sins and because she leaves damn it so bad maybe comes a night which is similar to the Batman becomes a nun so rachel becomes a nun and Batman is sad Bruce has Alfred drive he and Leslie to basically Crime Alley where he unveils her new office the Thomas Wayne memorial clinic where she wanted it in the crappiest area of Gotham right which he financed him took care of she's like she's like 65 years old what's gonna happen after she dies is Leslie not good almost people who just doesn't seem to die from age yes okay like Alfred right so I love it because she says like oh thank you Bruce this is exactly I want and she kisses him on the cheek and it's just are you happy and he says it doesn't matter what do you think Leslie writes what do you think and then he sucks her in the jaw yeah is what Gordon did to me that's that's all I'm gonna do to people stop banging in my house I love it because he says yeah tell his punches Alfred he instructs Alfred wait for her look what the car he's like oh yeah no I was I wasn't going anywhere master Bruce and he says like you know but it's getting dark and balances it's okay I can always find my way in the dark and you get a totally awesome spot I mean Batman splash page where Batman does something totally like awesome looking in the biggest Kaiba man well look at him with his grappling hook yeah the thing you didn't use the safe cast me so that's Batman year too it is a silly slugfest between Batman in his prime and an old man deliveries and bagging almost loses yeah he really does the only reason I'm he basically does lose he doesn't win at all well he loses in every respect because he loses his integrity by choosing to use a gun he loses physically by losing to an old man he loses a girl he loses the girl he loses any credibility because he goes against the police works with Joe Chill and the mob yep hello that investment on the pipe he gave to Gordon totally by the way Gordon after he sees Batman in action and sees that like Batman was like playing the long game and looking like a monster vigilante to lure the Reaper in and get him like Gordon decides to forgive Batman he's like oh you were totally on the level the entire time I'm sorry I was so mad he tapes his pipe exactly there is no moment where that happens and it's also really dumb because when Batman gives Gordon the pipe like this is where the pipe comes from and then Gordon destroys the pipe so it's like so I guess the idea is that it's more of a metaphorical pipe like Gordon starts smoking pipes because of Batman but wouldn't it mean it would be more fun and thematic if he was literally the pipe and that Batman gated like everything about this is dumb and they couldn't have repconn did that fast enough and indeed they did but not before they did a friggin sequel now called full circle where there's a new reaper intact and Ben and Gordon as a new pipe Gordon has a new place I mean that Gordon ran out to the store cuz he was like I need a pipe and I do her with the other one place look like oh my god this pipe was $2,000 yes I haven't afford these things yeah wait a minute oh my god oh yeah that's one that was bought was bought by Bruce Wayne Batman knows reverse way that's pretty cool yeah how lucky but yeah so there is a sequel it's fault it's called full circle Batman and Robin fight the Reaper and there's like a new reaper in town and he almost loses again this time is it sir yeah it should be Rachel right no it's Joe chills son I'll put a link in description so you can get probably this deluxe edition both of them but you can really get either of them in any long box at any comic-con or garage sale and I wouldn't pay more than a dollar the only thing that came out of this that's good it's mask of the phantasm acid Fantas I was gonna say McFarlane drawing Batman but you even get that miss ball in Batman no and you get better color literally massive the fantastic phantasm yeah it took this story they were like this is a stupid story no one how would I fix them no one will be mad at me for redoing it knowing no one and Macondo some cool stuff is a great looking sequence where Gordon destroys the pipe he gets from Batman I love how the colour and the lighting works in that scene Gordon looks cool every shot where Batman is swinging looks totally awesome I love the exaggerated nature of the cape you know yeah talking to a spawn fan back in the day so like I'm no stranger to exaggerated capes and seeing Batman with an exaggerated cape is pretty fun especially Batman being in a graveyard you know it's a pretty dope image and you know you got a bunch of other stuff out of there but like the story is you know silly and hokey at best and horrible and damaging it worst I've never not that's why by the way no one that's why long Halloween is here too yeah and by the way they didn't wait for the new 52 to retcon it out you know what I mean they're just like no I think it was zero hour they were like this never happened thank God so really this is a story of how much Alfred is banging Leslie Thompkins absolutely like all the time yes yeah the only subtlety in the book is Alfred and Leslie Thompkins relationship yes which of course is not really in the book by the way what's in there no it's not it's barely implied and even then it's not it's only employees you're polishing that silver his tie is undone yes and she's wearing a robe for balls point yeah no they are yeah and not to mention like that palette that Silver's been polished like five times already mmm-hmm he's just gone oh yeah I've been doing this oh it's fine yeah and baby dozen and it's roughly phallic shape - hey does Alan pen doesn't pay attention he's just like he's a keeping up appearances Batman's like what I'm sorry who oh right Leslie Thompkins the woman who practically raised me right all right thanks a lot for watching this episode of bad issues we'll see you guys next time with another episode I'm Sal I'm Ben and I'm Tiffany so long
Channel: ComicPop
Views: 54,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman year two, batman reaper, batman, comic pop, comicpop, back issues, bat issues, the dark knight rises, batman begins, lego batman, matt reeves, dark knight, batman arkham, the batman, female nerd
Id: VVz0o_ctzFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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