Batman Arkham Knight: Knightfall Ending Explained

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You all know how the Batman died, but is Gotham's dark knight. Really Dead? hey, what's happening gamers I'm K Wing and I'm going to do my best to explain this ending. So hang tight Oh, and this videos course spoilers for Batman Arkham knight *Super Hero Music playing* And we're back now over the course of the game we've been given many different hints to the fate of the Batman Now bruce Wayne in a sense is dead I strongly believe that, but he died a long [time] ago when he was eight years old That's when Batman was born from that point on bruce Wayne became a mask a false identity if you will [I] First had this theory during arkham origins in fact alfred a kind of helped fuel my point During a Batman's first encounter with the joker and his assassins. He said that Batman was heading down a self-destructive path and was always ignoring Bruce Wayne's responsibilities and his life all bruce cared about was his quest and Alfred and uh Bruce butt heads a lot in that game And he gets confronted over so many things because bruce Wayne is more concerned about his creation the Batman Alfred then eventually gives in and says you know this isn't a fight that Batman can do Alone and he'll need to enlist allies into his cause So alfred then lieutenant James Gordon and others Joined Batman's Quest Though much [of] the arkham Timeline has yet to be filled in maybe that'll be later games by WB Games Montreal Or it'll just be over but Batman's methods became softer over time when he stepped into the light though There's no evidence to prove this I really believe when Batman brought Tim drake into the fold that he created his ultimate contingency plan the Nightfall Protocol a Means to protect his allies should his identity be exposed or something happened to him the only alfred and Batman would know of its existence [it] wasn't until the events of arkham knight that Batman thought about finding a successor or Activating his failsafe, because for the first time since he was a little kid Batman was starting to fear and Fear was starting to win. Once he hands himself over to the scarecrow, He knows that it's over and it's [sad] in a way because both bruce Wayne and Batman have been struggling for dominance his entire life. And Batman Won. Bruce tried to do some really good things as bruce Wayne [bringing] awareness to the Arkham city thing and later using his vast wealth and influence to help James Gordon become Gotham's new Mayor. So before I show the evidence that Batman lives let me be very clear Batman Definitely faked his death and is now fully dedicated to his mission. Similar to Frank Miller's [the] Dark Knight returns and Nolan's Dark Knight rises. Gotham needed Batman to become more than [what] he was.. While Nolan's film gave bruce Wayne the right to live and a proper send-off. We all know wayne can't have a happy ending Because he can't let go of what happened to him. He's consumed by it. [Every] fiber of his being Screams, for vengeance so he was never able to move on as a person? But, I will say this he's helped other people through their pain like dick Grayson and Tim drake. Catching the people responsible for killing their parents. But bruce he has no hope, unlike his Robin's. [This] ending has caused numerous theories to spring up involving a new Batman [since] you know the ending either being of course Azrael dick Grayson or Jason Todd. Though, I have a different idea. It's definitely the original Batman that we see during this ending and not a robin. Jason is red hood now and wears a bird on his chest proudly showing that he's back in the bat family. Though He uses Lethal force on more than one occasion.. But he's still continuing Batman's mission. Dick, on the other hand wouldn't be Batman in this universe He lives outside of Batman's Shadow going from what we've seen in the game [to] he wouldn't really take up the mantle of the bat. Azrael is the only possibility that was hinted during the main games story. He knows Batman to a [T] studied his tactics his predator abilities, detective skills, everything! Even alfred says the guy is very, impressive and would make a good candidate (replacement) But depending on what you do in the game Michael lane has TWO outcomes. None of which are proven canon yet by Rocksteady by the way either. 1. He either, fights his programming and leaves Gotham to Confer the order. 2. Or, He tries to kill Batman and rots in Prison! Either way that's not Azrael at the end using fear gas on criminals. The nightmare Batman shown at the end is the same crane see's! Which is Batman Bruce Wayne. Just, How did He survive? would he really kill his surrogate father though by blowing himself up? OR did calendar man really kill bruce Wayne? and I know that's What you're thinking, so let's put the dorian day theory to rest right now. Even if Calendar Man discovered Batman's true identity, which is possible! He couldn't have blown up the manor for two reasons. Number One 1. Both the Batplane and the Manor Detonate at the same Time folks. How could calendar man be at both places at once? When the batwing first of all has been flying all over the city unless he knows bizarro Placing a bomb on that thing is going to be impossible also; Any foreign object that is placed on the batwing is going to be neutralized right away because it's going to detect something wrong Number two Wayne Manor is a fortress thugs constantly remind the player during the course of the game that bruce Wayne is wicked hard to steal from Because it's like trying to break into fort Knox his security systems are the best in the world. Calendar man is just a crazy serial killer not a master thief who could bypass Wayne's Almost invincible security system, okay? So we've gotten that squared away on to why Batman Faked his death and its really simple ladies and gentlemen. It was to protect his family. <pause> Once Again, We look to alfred for the answers [of] this clue. For the first time in the game He speaks with emotion when asking the player numerous times if you really want to activate the failsafe? The nightfall protocol, because it would mean the end of everything. there's no coming back from it. The password is of course Martha Wayne which is bruce Wayne's mom and The way that Batman says it you can hear the kind of sadness in his voice as he activates it. So he knows that there's no coming back once he does it then alfred just has to wait for bruce's final word Before he activates the system This is an ingenious plan that gets rid of both bruce Wayne and Batman and is something that only Batman could come up with. Another, Confirmation - Batman faking death is during the side missions where he says farewell to his allies. Let's watch them NW: So here's the part where you tell me off. Bat: I'm proud of you dick. NW: Are you feeling okay? Bat: This is the end? Bat: This is the last [time] we meet.. NW: don't talk like that alright. This won't stop you NW: Nothing stops you! Bat: keep [Bludhaven] safe! Bat: Promise me NW: It's [ok] bruce. [I] get it you just don't want me hanging around stealing the limelight Bat: Dick.... (sad tone) NW: I, won't let you down. *Bat Grapple Sound* [time] out notice. How Batman is telling Grayson. How he's pretty much finished and dick is like whoa hold on a sec I know you're not you'll come back from this you always do and bruce is just saying you know You're okay to carry on my legacy as nightwing and keeping Bludhaven safe, so promise me and personally I [think] he should have just handed over the cowl to dick anyway, but going by the games and the nightfall ending. It's not possible to do a battle for the cowl game even though, I would totally write One! Also; in this universe nightwing has forged his own path and bruce is proud of him for that. You know [like] a father's proud of his son and deep down Grayson knows something's up.. But he goes back to his city [per] Batman's last request. -SAD MUSIC intensifies- Onto Catwoman! Bat: play nice, Cat: you're not playing at all. Bat: No, I'm not. Bat: Not anymore Cat: What's, That supposed to mean?! Bat: It means this is the END [Selena] Bat: It means we can't.. Bat: I can't Cat: I will see you again, right? Bat: no one will *MAJORHINT* Bat: Gotham needs something more something Bat: worse *HINT* Bat: to defend her Bat: She needs a "new myth" Bat: The legend more powerful than I can be right now [a] legend that can only rise from the ashes of the Batman Cat: some things you can't do alone Bruce and Kwing:This is very important as well after you defeat the riddler Catwoman realizes something is amiss as you saw Batman isn't playing around anymore He mentions to Selina how Gotham needs something darker to protect it something more than he can be right now. It needs a new myth a new legend a new Batman, but Bruce, he can't be that symbol anymore.. Jim: He's strong Is going to be okay? Bat:Look after him Jim Look after them all You've been a good friend the best I could ask for You were there at the [beginning] and now Bat: You get to see how it ends KWING: All right as for the ending scene. Which you just saw this is important as well See how bruce asked Jim [to] look after his family? Robin and the other Heroes ETc? Well when Jim agreed, He took the responsibility off Batman. Now Jim is the one who will take care of these kids. Later, on the GCPd Rooftop Batman calls alfred and Activates the night Fall protocol, after saving Gotham completely. and again He does this to keep his family safe, but at the same time he unshackles Batman's restraints. Okay, So you guys understand what's going on? [let's] look at one more thing Let's rewind just a little bit. After Bruce Has given and fully to the fear toxin and Joker took control of his mind. Bruce Wayne, Died! Joker won. Batman's greatest fear of turning into the joker or a killer is now happening! But you're forgetting one important [thing] now that the joker is in the driver's [seat] when scarecrow drugs him again Mr.. J Even though he thinks he's you know toxin proof which he isn't is Now having his greatest fears play in his mind. and guess What?! Joker's mind is way too weak compared to Batman's and fear overtakes him and this is also important the identity that confronts and defeats the Joker is not Wayne.. It's Batman. and that's who returns! just watch this interaction between scarecrow and bruce you'll see what I'm talking [about] S: Do you understand Gotham, You have no savior.. No more hope No, More Batman S: I've Won. Bat: I'm not afraid Crane S: impossible Without fear life is Meaningless S: No Bat: What's wrong? scared? KWING: Did you see how he shows [no] emotion? Whatsoever. [there's] no fear. There's nothing, but the Stone-cold gaze. That's Batman He is vengeance He is the [knight] Personified! Bruce Wayne is gone, and the bat is now free! Only one last thing remains is to get rid of Bruce Wayne and Batman For good, and then Batman can go about his business And of course you know how the rest goes the [Manor] blows up. Everybody thinks Batman's dead and even the criminals go back to business as [normal] so yes I strongly believe that is the real Batman at the End. Not a ghost. or a criminals Imagination.. playing tricks on them due to a long-term exposure to cranes fear toxin. It's not a hallucination. [it] is Batman! [and] another thing that [a] lot [of] people aren't happy with he is weaponizing Crane's gas. it's probably not the same stuff that crane used mind you the dosage is probably a little weaker. Because there's innocent people nearby. But, It's still the fear stuff. if You're still unsure that is Batman at the end? [the] [Joker] during the ending gives you one last clue, and that's while he's singing. now remember He's locked inside Batman's subconscious So how could he be singing if Batman is really dead? So in the finale; with the city no longer Corrupted by bad cops and corrupt politicians and super criminals.. Gotham has a bright future ahead of it now. Batman is back to how he started folks an urban legend and with that ladies and gentlemen we're done. in the comments section below tell me what your theory about the nightfall ending was and if you agree or disagree with me feel free [to] open the floodgates of discussion and talk with me Thanks for watching this video and don't forget to bat punch that like button cuz it really does help me out a lot [well] anyway I had a lot of fun, putting this video together for all of you! And I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your day. Until we meet again. God bless and happy gaming. KWING:Be seeing ya...
Channel: kNIGHTWING01
Views: 4,957,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Batman Arkham Knight Full Ending HD, Batman Arkham Knight Official Ending HD, Batman Arkham Knight Ending Explained, Arkham Knight Ending Explained, Arkham Knight, Documentary, Batman fakes Death, Batman Knightfall Ending, Knightfall Protocol Ending, Knightfall Explained, New Batman, Nightmare Batman, Batman Lives, Batman Arkham 4, Batman Ending, Dark Knight Rises Ending, Batman: Knightfall (Written Work), Knightwing01, Kwing Reviews
Id: 2pI-jPNH0Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2015
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