Bathroom Ceiling Exhaust Fan--How to Remove Replace Install-- Tips/Tricks

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hey Jake here what we're gonna do today is we're gonna change a bathroom ceiling exhaust fan this fan is not doing a whole lot the mirrors are all fogged up and the walls are soaked every time you shower all right let's get right into it first thing you can do is gonna pull the grill down there are a couple of clips that hold the vent from completely falling off you're gonna pinch them together and remove them that's basically how you do it just like that okay once you get the grill down and out of the way you're gonna see that there's always going to be a plug that plugs the fan actually into the power supply which is connected to the fan housing itself once you get that plug pulled out you're gonna have to find a way of actually pulling down the fan motor part itself usually a little shaking and you can get this thing to come right down now the first thing you're gonna notice about this particular fan is the fact that these blades have no pitch at all that's the reason why there's no draw of air out of the room by the way guys if you've not subscribed please subscribe we have a lot of cool videos coming up ahead okay so once you get the grill and the motor down you're gonna have to get the actual frame or the body of the vent out of the ceiling now you're gonna notice that it's gonna be fixed in there and usually it's connected by some screws sometimes there could be some tabs holding it in but most of time with some screws and it's being held to one of the beams up in the attic so the next thing we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to climb up into the attic and find out what's holding it in let's go up there now in my case I had attic crawlspace access in my garage so climbing up there right now by the way always use some sort of respiratory mask and goggles when you climb up there because this fiberglass insulation you don't want to be breathing that stuff in alright so once you're up in the attic be careful where you're walking make sure you're walking on the beams don't walk on the drywall you're gonna fall through the ceiling and that's not going to be good so you're also at this point gonna be looking for the vent and if you have any idea where it is you're just gonna walk in that direction you're gonna find it you're gonna sit down and get comfortable because you have some work to do here at this point you're gonna have to find the screws and you're gonna have to disconnect the vent from the beam and I'll show you exactly what I'm talking about right here alright so let's just get started first removing this vent tube it's generally going to be held on by some aluminum tape and you're just gonna peel it off and you're gonna get that vent tube off of the old vent box because you are gonna have to eventually reconnect that vent tube to the new vent box and that's as bad as simple as it is you peel the tape off it's aluminum tape and you pull the thing away next thing you can do is gonna grab a electric screwdriver preferably and you're gonna look for those screws that are on the side of the vent box that are holding it up against these beams here and you're simply gonna reverse those screws out until the vent box comes away and here's how you do it by the way when you buy these new fans it'll say on the box no attic access required but the truth of the matter is you still got to get the old one out and generally the old one is gonna be screwed in alright so you see we pulled that thing away we have a nice hole that's our bathroom right there there's a toilet in the sink and you're gonna see that the box has the wiring connected to it we're just going to take that box and pass it through into the bathroom because we're gonna disconnect the wires there what we're also gonna do is we're gonna take that vent tube and I'm also gonna put that in down through the opening because that may need to be connected a certain way and I just want to have it at my access just in case it's necessary all right so the next thing you're gonna do is you're gonna have to go and you're gonna have to find a power and shut the power off because you're gonna end up having to disconnect the wires from that fan box and you do not want to have the wires live all you do that that particular thin wire there is the ground you're gonna find your wires you can pull them out like that simply take that caps off there should be some wire nuts on there you can remove those wire nuts and at that point if you want you could just pull the wires straight out of the box alright this is the fan I bought it was a new tone and I wanted to upgrade from my last fan that I had in my bathroom it moves a hundred and ten cubic feet per minute of air and 1.0 on the sound scale so it's kind of quiet alright let's get going opening this thing up and you're gonna grab a knife and open the box first thing you're gonna see at the very top is some instructions and a grill pull the grill out there's also gonna be a piece of plastic there that looks like a vent pull that out be a little bag of screws we're gonna also pull the entire fan and motor out of the box the next thing you notice that there's a template on the box and that's what you're going to use to cut the hole out of your ceiling if you need to make the hole bigger which chances are you probably and you'll have to cut the template out with a pair of scissors just like that by the way if this new fan is actually smaller than your old fan you're gonna have to big of a hole in your ceiling so keep in mind it's easier to upgrade to a bigger fan than it is to downgrade to a smaller fan all right so let's take our template you're gonna place it up against where a beam is gonna be you can see that through the hole you're gonna trace it out with a pin and then you're gonna take a drywall saw like this and you're gonna cut the hole out to match the the traced out template by the way all the items that I'm using in this video I'm going to link in the description so you can get these parts and these tools at that at a good price all right so once that is open now we're going to go and we're going to prepare this fan box to go into the hole let's take this fan out right now and it should pull right out of the fan housing like this now you're gonna take your little vent piece put it in the hole from the inside out you're gonna take a couple of screws that they provide and you're gonna fasten that vent into the fan housing itself all right now let's get this fan up and mounted into the ceiling depending on how you orient it you could probably rotate it 90 degrees and they provide some holes in the metal if you don't have holes that are already in the metal that line up with your beams up top you're gonna probably just have to drill some new holes just to get this to the screws started and you're gonna use some standard sheet metal or drywall screws to hold this box into place this is the easy part right here alright I recommend at least two screws holding it up against that beam next you're gonna connect your wires there's three wires coming off the switch there'll be a black wire a white wire and a green wire the green wire is your ground and just make sure you connect green to green black the black and white to white if you don't have a green wire coming off your new fan or you don't have a green wire coming off your switch and it's just a bare copper wire make sure you ground it to the frame at that point you're also going to use some wire nuts just connect your wire nuts on and now you're gonna take this little triangular box and just pop it into place and your little outlet is gonna be at the very very bottom now you're gonna take your fan and you're gonna pop the fan back in there may be a little set screw that you need to put in that will hold the fan from falling back out now what you're gonna do is you're gonna plug the fan in take the little wire that's hanging there and you're gonna plug it into that little outlet on that triangular box just like that and now your fan is ready to go as soon as you turn the power on and you flip the switch on the wall that fan is gonna work here's the grill the grill goes on by simply pinching those little wires together and popping them into the little metal tabs that are kind of hanging on the inside of that box not too difficult and once you get the the wire on there you're gonna push the grill into place and it's perfect just like that next let's go back into the attic and now we're gonna connect the duct in my case I had to get this reducer if you could see it actually goes into a thinner part which is the duct and then it connects with a wider part up to the actual new fan housing and it's only because there are two different sizes and I so I had to get this reducer and I'm also gonna send the link the link will be in the description as to where to get that particular reducer it goes from I think five inches to four inches make sure you have a fresh roll of aluminum tape seal it up good wrap it around really good so there's no leaks and you're all done don't forget to go back in your garage and turn the power back on anyway thanks guys for watching please subscribe got a lot of cool videos coming up ahead thumbs up or appreciated have a great day bye
Channel: jakeguitar01
Views: 86,149
Rating: 4.8306012 out of 5
Keywords: how to install nutone bathroom fan, how to install nutone bathroom exhaust fan, nutone fan installation, install nutone bathroom fan, nutone bathroom fan installation, nutone bath fan install, nutone fan replacement, replace bathroom fan housing, how to replace exhaust fan in bathroom, bathroom exhaust fan replacement installation, replacing bathroom fan, exhaust fan, installing bathroom exhaust fan, best bathroom exhaust fan, exhaust fan noise, replace bathroom exhaust fan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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