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good morning from Bath everyone I'm so excited to be back in bath we're staying at another landmark trust property you might remember that we stayed in a landmark trust flat right by bath Abbey when we were here at Christmas time a couple of Christmases ago well this time I've taken advantage of having some Landmark trust vouchers and also a last minute deal to stay in another of their bath properties which I've always wanted to stay in this one is bigger it's this lovely sort of Georgian building and it's called Elton house let me just show you the view out of the window as you can see we're overlooking one of the very pretty squares in bass absolutely lovely it's a nice sunny day too it was raining when we got here yesterday evening so I'm glad that it's sunny this morning and I can't wait to get out and about we actually had a bit of a tricky Journey down to bath yesterday because our train was cancelled luckily we were able to get on an earlier train but it was really delayed so we were still a bit late and it was just a full day of traveling by train but fortunately we got here okay and we were just so happy to arrive I love staying in bath it really is one of my favorite cities in the the UK it's full of amazing book shops there's the Jane Austin connection which of course I love and it's just such a pretty city I I always really enjoy exploring here as does Mom and I'm hoping this will be a bit of a fun early birthday kind of occasion for her too because um this property has quite a few bedrooms so we've invited a couple of my mom's friends and they're like an honorary aunt and uncle to me and they're going to be arriving tomorrow and spending a little time with us here too in bath so we're really excited about that and yes we're just happy to be here together as well speaking of mom she's just over here hello hello this is what I think of as the morning room it's the light is so lovely and the pink and everything it's gorgeous isn't it yes it is it's such a pretty room with the three windows um it makes it so light and beautiful we sat in here and had our very early morning cup of tea didn't we we did it was lovely it was and I love the pink walls beautiful and the decoration around the ceilings I don't know if that's called the cornice or what what they call that it's lovely isn't it yes it is um it really is a sort of beautiful Georgian building this this building you open doors and you see things and it's fascinating it really is yes you're right so I thought I'd take you on a bit of a tour before we head out today we're actually going to FR today which is a little village outside of bath and it's somewhere I've always wanted to go there's Meant To Be A really lovely book shop called Sherlock and Pages there as well as a flower shop that I've always wanted to see in like nice cafes and things like that so we thought whilst we're having a few days in bath was take advantage of being nearby and just get the train hopefully painlessly to FR and then back and then the rest of the time we'll we'll be exploring bath while we're here but today that's on the agenda but before we do that I'll give you a little tour of the building so you've seen the morning room as we like to call it and then through here there's another sitting room [Music] and we sat here when we got here yesterday evening because it's a little bit quieter back here Mom likes the really comfy couch don't you I do yes and um it was just really lovely to sit in this room in the evening I think this will be our sort of evening sitting room and the other one in the morning it's really rather lovely to have a choice so it's a it's a very sort of typical Landmark trust room uh we did bring the candle and candle holder there's another one about somewhere oh yes over on that table cuz we just like to um bring a few things like that they also do have some candle holders there's one up there and we have some other candles we can use which is lovely The View out here is nice it sort of overlooks a bit of a garden that we have access to so I'm hoping the weather stays Sunny because then we'll be able to sit outside which will be absolutely lovely and it's just quite a peaceful little Oasis out there which is really lovely so yes this is the other sitting room and then I'll take you through this way which is to the kitchen and dining room those are the stairs um that's the door leading to the little patio outside and then the stairs go down to the front door such lovely big Landings and huge staircase it's really amazing so in here is the dining room huge dining table and again just such a lovely View out these windows of the very pretty Square so nice to look out on that we're very close to the ABY too so we can hear the bells going which is lovely but so here's a good look at the dining room and then this door here leads on through to the kitchen so I'll open this up oh that door is already open yes so here's the kitchen this was all laid I think that this place actually accommodates up to about 10 people so um they set out quite a lot of teacups and sauces which we haven't used yet but we're sort of keeping them out to show our friends as it kind of looks nice and welcoming when they get here tomorrow lovely big kitchen um Mom and I have more been sitting at a little table over here which is so sweet and again it's just nice to have that view onto the little garden outside and yeah the kitchen comes stocked with sort of all the basics which is nice um we've brought a few of our own bits and pieces lots of tea and things like that with us um but it's nice that they provide a bit of tea and some milk for when you first arrive which is really nice anyway back out into this little hallway and I'll take you upstairs to have a look at the bedrooms there are lots of beautiful Windows along the way and really interesting Furniture apparently in the 20th century this was owned by an antiques dealer she had her sort of shop down stairs and gradually bought up the rest of the flats um in this building and then she sort of donated it all to the landmark trust which is a lovely story I think so in here is my bedroom this is one of the double bedrooms very comfortable you can see I've got quite a few books we've got North hanger Abby on my bedside table and just set up with my laptop on this desk things like that and through here there's just like a little sort of cubby hole where I can hang up some of my dresses and things like that so that's this bedroom really lovely big bedroom I'm so enjoying being in this one and then mom also has a double bedroom just over on this side so this is her one the nice blue wallpaper another really big sized room which is so lovely and we both agreed the beds were not nice and comfy so that was good and then um she has a little bathroom that leads off of this one as well which is really nice a few bits could do with a bit of a freshening up of paint I have to say but it is all very comfortable and just has so much period charm it's just amazing to to be staying in a beautiful Georgian building like this especially when you're a huge fan of Jane Austin it's very exciting for me so I'll show you the other bedrooms there are a few more through here so there are two single bedrooms here's one of them really nice I love the sort of big dressing tables the also workers desks that they have lovely view again in this one mom and I both chose sort of back bedrooms so that it they wouldn't be as noisy as the front bedrooms and obviously they're also a bit bigger and then through here is another single bedroom so it's got the single bed all the rooms have such pretty curtains I really love the curtain material in all of them I'll show you this other bedroom this is a twin bedroom so it's a bit bigger and really lovely too so lots of bedrooms you could definitely have a lot of people staying and more pretty curtains here all different Fabrics are used like throughout the house which I think is so nice and then there is another bedroom upstairs which I think will probably be the one that our friends will want to use because it's got its own sort of level which is nice for privacy and also it's one that has um a bathroom attached to it as well so going up to the final flight of stairs up here so this is another the twin bedroom and I think this is the one our friends will probably use when they come really nice big bedroom and again there's a bathroom through here as you can see and this is a back room as well so it's quieter than ones at the front but really nice think they're all such beautiful bedrooms and I do love all of the period details like this old fireplace and the range really amazing and there are all sorts of little cubby holes as well that you can open up and like have a bit of extra shelving we've been finding a lot of little cubby holes like that some of them have wallpaper in the side which is quite special to see the sort of old original wallpaper and we also actually discovered a bathroom downstairs we didn't know there was one by just opening one of the sort of random doors there's so many everywhere um and so that was that was quite fun and then through here is where there's shower which happily works really well I just have my shower this morning and another kind of bathroom in here so I just finished giving the tour good or a quick one anyway yeah we keep discovering things don't we yes I was saying that we keep discovering little cubby holes so I'll try and show some of those to you later um but we're going to get on this morning because I'm excited to wander around bath a bit today and also to get to FR I'm really excited about everything I that's how you say it I think it's FR but no doubt someone will correct me if it isn't uh but yes we're excited for that aren't we yeah it'd be lovely I've always wanted to see that florist yes Bramble and wild that's right and we're hoping to maybe pick up some flowers so we can also enjoy them in the place that be nice um yes it will be lovely so we better get going this is our building from the outside can see going all the way up I'm so excited to be staying here because outside of here um a scene was filmed in the old persuasion film from the 1990s that is one of my very favorite films so I've always always wanted to stay here because of that reason you can see B Abby just up there too so it's really an amazing location very Central and it was so quiet in this Square when we first got out and now it's really bustling which is nice but it's fun to see it when there was no one out as well anyway we're going to go for a coffee aren't we that's at your request yeah nice coffee and then we're going to go along to the train station this is delicious is it nice yeah really nice oh good great days for Cofe I of course I'm going for tea of course looks like nice tea that does look nice doesn't it this is the L it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're just outside Sherlock and pages in Fr which is a book shop I've been wanting to go to for a while so follow it on Instagram it's got a sign on saying back in 5 minutes so we're hopeful it's just starting drizzle isn't it it is but we went to um Bramble and wild which is almost next door and that was lovely wasn't it so beautiful I needless to say we did find some flowers take back us and they're they're holding um the flowers for us sh so we can collect them afterwards it was such a lovely florist beautiful florist I mean and their choice of flowers were so sort of meadow and and sort of beautiful it was lovely really beautiful we got candle too some lovely candles yes and um yes FR is so nice I'd really recommend coming wouldn't you so pretty and it's very sort of um attractive buildings and everything really a lovely place I've never been here before no and it is it's really lovely so I'd recommend [Music] it for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're just back from FR we had such a lovely time there I really recommend going if you're ever in bath for long enough to kind of justify another little train journey then I absolutely recommend going to FR there was so many interesting looking shops unfortunately on a Tuesday quite a lot of them were closed and we could have spent longer exploring but we wanted to come back and we got to the main places that we wanted to see which was Bramble and wild such a lovely flower shop it was just gorgeous and then then Sherlock and Pages which is a Bookshop that specializes in nature books I think their slogan is long live the Hedge Rose and it was so much fun to see it because I've followed them on Instagram they only opened this book shop fairly recently so I've been kind of following their journey and it was really special to actually see the shop it was a lot smaller than I expected it to be it's quite tiny but it's very very sweet so it was just really fun and I thought I'd show you what we got so I got some beautiful peanes from Bramble and wild I love these cuz they're already quite open so we're going to just be able to enjoy them for these few days that we're in bath and it'll make the place look pretty too for when our friends arrive so I got this lovely bunch of peanes and then I also got they had a little Jam Jar of flowers that was on sale and and um I got that too just for us to enjoy a really pretty sort of wild posie of flowers and um she's kept it in a bit of water for us which is really nice but it's come with a little Jam Jar too so this will look really sweet to have um in the place so I was thrilled with that and then um I got a few little goodies from Bramble and wild too they had these beautiful seed packets which mom and I just fell in love with thought it would be fun to bring back some seeds from Somerset and plant them in our Yorkshire Garden so I got um Cosmos Poppy and Sweet William so I was thrilled with these and they're they're just so pretty uh so I picked those up and then I got some candles the candle holders that are already here uh need really really thin candles so ours don't actually fit them we discovered but Mom spotted these in Bramble and wild they were some of their beeswax candles and we're hoping that they might fit the candle holders if not then they'll fit some of ours so that's fine but we got some beeswax candles and then I sort of had a sniff of some of their floral candles and I chose one of their spring ones which is um it has rose geranium and lemon M it's just a really lovely fresh but floral candle I thought it was very pretty as well it has the Bramble and wild label on it so I got that and that will be a lovely reminder of our little trip to FR as well and we're back in Yorkshire so those were the things that I got from ramble and wild I'll show you what I got in um shellock and Pages because I didn't come away empty-handed so they very kindly gave me one of their book bags which I think is fabulous it has long live the Hedge rose on the front and let's see what I got so I've been wanting this book for a while and it was one I was kind of planning to most likely buy at Shar and pages and they did have it so that was good and that's the garden Against Time In Search of a common Paradise by Olivia Lang and I've heard such good things about this there have been a lot of rave reviews already and I think it will be one that will be a really interesting and inspiring read so I was thrilled to pick it up such a gorgeous cover as well I was really delighted with that and then this is another book I've been wanting for quite a long time and I'm really pleased to have got it in a special book shop because that's Wilding by Isabella tree and this is a sort of children appropriate version of her much fatter Wilding book and it's beautifully illust illustrated by Angela Harding as you can see really really gorgeous book it's got photographs as well as illustrations I think it just is very special so I can't wait to actually have a really good look at this because it just looks so stunning look at this page absolutely beautiful and what was so nice about Sherlock and Pages as well is that um the lovely lady there asked me if I would like their stamp and I said yes I would don't know if you can see that there but it says shell and pages and it's got their little sleeping door Mouse which is their logo from Somerset England I think that's so lovely such a nice touch and I got a little bookmark um from them as well and they did that in oops in both my books so I got the stamp in this one as well as in this one you can see it just there so I thought that was a really lovely idea and it's so special actually to remember where you've got certain books from so I think that's just such a nice idea to have a little stamp reminding you which book shop you actually got um the books from so I thought that was really nice and then Mom picked out some cards that she spotted I think they're in here yes so um they had a lovely selection of cards and Mom can never resist some good cards too so she picked up a few different ones all sort of nature theme and garden inspired which I think is rather lovely um so yes she got a sort of full set of these cards that they had so those are so pretty and um what else do we get oh yes so just as we were on our way to the train station we stopped by the secondhand Bookshop that's right by the station and I've filmed it on my Vlog before I didn't have time to properly film while we were in there um but I think we'll probably go back because it was only because this caught my eye in the window that we went in cuz we had to catch our train so we didn't get a chance to go and look around the rest of the Bookshop but I've seen this in the window it's the air of redcliffe by Charlotte M young such a beautiful Edition and I've been wanting to read read more Charlotte M young this is one of her most famous books the victorians loved this one and it just has some beautiful illustrations it's in really good shape and it was a very reasonable price so when I spotted it in the window we just had to dive in and uh pick it up so I was really thrilled and then we also dropped by a chocolate shop that's kind of just across the Square from it's so adorable it's called Charlotte brunwick and we picked up this really sweet little chocolate box um which has dark chocolate and pistachio chocolates in it apparently and then I thought these would make some really sweet gifts so I got these two chocolate bars that have greetings from Bath on them I love this um view of bath and and then this one as well I just thought they were so lovely they had some gorgeous boxes of chocolats that I would have loved to to have got just for the box cuz the box was so pretty but they were quite expensive and there were a lot of chocolates so I didn't actually want a huge box of chocolates but the boxes are just so pretty they would almost be worth it for just the Box alone I thought how sweet that was so I was absolutely thrilled with with that so it's been a really wonderful first day in bath so special it's not over yet um I think we might go out for an early supper because there's a restaurant that we like a lot that we we always seem to go to when we're in bath it's a vegetarian restaurant and it's called Oak we went there um the last Christmas we were in Bath and it was so much fun so I think we'll try and go back and they have a sort of early dinner special um that runs from 5:30 to 6:30 in the week uh and I think we'll try and and have supper there which will be really nice it's all vegetarian dishes but they do absolutely amazing food I really recommend it even if you're not vegetarian it's such good food um so that will be a bit of a treat cuz I I um this is meant to be a little bit of a birthday celebration for mom as well so we'll go out and have a nice supper if we have time we'll have a wander around beforehand as well just kind of soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying bath but I'm looking forward to to having an early supper too so I'm just going to cut the piers down we found a glass jug which should do it's pretty well stocked isn't it the it's brilliant actually has it has hair dryer it has so many different things you know the kitchen's very well stocked yes and that's very handy and two little fridges which is brilliant yes but I'm glad that they had something that will make do as a vase as well it's really nice yeah but um you love PR too didn't you oh I thought it was wonderful I had a wonderful time I really do recommend it um if you've got the chance to go I mean it might not if you're just a few days in bath you might not have enough time but it's worth it it's very sort of quaint as well wasn't it and all these lovely bouquey places yes I know lots of lovely shops did it remind you a bit of totas it did me I must admit yes I know what you mean actually all the sort of sort of independent shops there some nice cafes there was actually a lot to do there there was um it was we didn't even really get time to really go around no might cut these ones down a little bit more aren't they massive they are massive and beautiful I know I know really love I do love first pean they are they are so pretty they're one of my favorite flowers I love all the colors but these ones were beautiful because they were actually out already Yes I'm going to cut them all down a little bit more you're doing well but they will just also make the place look even prettier they will well there's nothing like fresh flowers no exactly oops here we are that's perfect don't they look pretty aren't they lovely they are there's some actually there's actually some food there isn't it I put the food in oh did you well done yeah so lovely oh oh yeah gorgeous Miranda I love the color Yes actually it it matches my nails can I just um obviously py pink is my color absolutely oh there I think brilliant gorgeous they are [Music] so we've just had an after din walk up to the Royal presentant which is looking glorious amazing isn't it it's actually I've never seen it this quiet no that's where we thought we' stroll along because I think it's about 8:30ish now and it's wonderful to take the opportunity of actually staying in bath and in the in the sort of Midsummer so that it's not Pitch Black at time December time yes yeah and it is a lot quieter than it normally is here so we're just enjoying having a lovely stroll supper was wonderful wasn't it absolutely delicious and we're sort of working it off a little bit now yes that's what we thought have a little exercise but it was a wonderful meal we really recommend the restaurant yes um we think we might uh tell our friend that she should go for lunch she's here might go again why not exactly uh so yes it's been such a wonderful first day in bath hasn't it has a lovely time yeah really lovely so we're just going to finish our stroll and then we'll head back to Elton house [Music] wonderful good morning from Bath again everyone it's a lovely day and look how empty the square is it's so bustling later on in the day but early in the morning it's lovely and empty and I love to have this beautiful view out our window I've just done a little setup for a reel and some Photography in the window here I can't get over how beautiful these panies are I mean look at that color and they are so so full I don't think I've ever seen such beautiful panies they're really amazing oh I'm so glad we got them and Bramble and wild was such a lovely place it was such a fun day yesterday mom and I were both saying how much we enjoyed the day and I can't wait for today as well we've got lots of visits to bookshops on the agenda today including pany books so I'm going to have my early morning cup of tea now get dressed and we'll be having another fun day in bath I can't wait to take you along so we've just finished getting ready and we're about to head out I think we'll go to Bath old books which is quite near to the Royal Cresent so um we're heading back there this morning but we didn't get to this book shop the last time we were in Bath and it's a really nice secondhand book shop it's tiny but it's really charming and I do like to try to make it there when we're in bath so we're going to head there first which I'm excited about um yes just finished getting ready I thought you might like to know the lipstick that I'm wearing because I've recently got some Lisa Eldridge lipsticks and this is really a new favorite of mine I'm really enjoying using her lipsticks and this one is quite an unusual color which I like a lot it's called velvet morning so I've just um finished putting my lipstick on I also use her lip liner and the one that goes really well with this one um is just called morning and you can see it's also a kind of orangey shade they match each other very well and I like wearing um this color cuz I have some sort of more ready orange like Cardigans and things like that but it's also color that goes well with blue so anyway people always ask about my lipstick so I thought I'd share that and another one that I'm liking a lot by her is this red one called Velvet Ribbon that's also really nice and then there's a third one that I was wearing yesterday it's like a pinky one but it's a nice bright pink and it's called skyscraper Rose and and it's just a really pretty hot pink color um so I like that one too and with the pink one she's also got a lip liner that matches it's called Carnival um there wasn't I think she was out um well the space and I went to was out of the liner that would match the Velvet Ribbon the red one there was meant to be one called ribbon that would have matched well but they didn't have it so instead I got this one um from Charlotte Tilbury called kiss and tell and it's just a classic red one that went with the Lisa Aldridge um lipstick so that was good yeah I've been really loving these lipsticks um I quite like to have a nice bright lip especially in the sort of spring and summer but really anytime and I've been really impressed by these Lisa el Eldridge ones so I thought I'd just check that anyway let's go book shopping here we are at bath all books I've already spotted some paperback Malcolm savil and a hardback Ellena Brent D shalet school book in the window so that's a promising beginning we'll see what's inside [Music] look [Music] so we've just popped back to Elton house we've had a wonderful afternoon so far mom has just popped to Marks and Spencers because we're picking up a few bits and Bobs like some bread and coold cuts and stuff like that for our friends because they're arriving this evening we also just went to the lovely wine and cheese shop across the Square from us and we picked up some sparkling rosé wine this apparently is a sort of local wine white tall based near bath apparently so we thought we'd try a local wine which will be fun and then we've got some bass soft cheese with truffle which sounds delicious so it's such a gorgeous day I feel so lucky that the sun has really come out today and so we'll be sitting outside in the little Garden area this evening we'll have some sparkling wine when our friends are here and a few little nibbles and that should be absolutely lovely whilst we're catching up with them we had an amazing lunch at Circus that was really fabulous so recommend it um if you're in the area they do a good set menu it's the same as Oak restaurant which we went to last night both these restaurants have such amazing food and they do really good set menus either a kind of pre-theater sort of set menu that um is in the early evening that's what we had last night at Oak or they have lunch set menus that's what we had today at the circus and um just really fabulous so I really recommend both restaurants and their set menus are really good value so I highly recommend those then of course we pop to books and picked up a few things I'm slowly chipping away I think I only have nine pany books left now to complete my collection because I just bought three one is Lady Rose and Mrs memory I have a first edition hardback of this one and for some reason I thought I had the pany one too and then just realized that I didn't so I got it because this is one of my favorite books it's by Ruby Ferguson one of her adult novels and it's just one of my absolute favorite books so I really did want the pany Edition and then I got the Squire and a m de voage so three that I was missing really pleased to have got those they had a couple little notebooks so I couldn't resist these with the lovely end papers and I picked up one of their little Bloomsbury pamphlets that they sell this one's Bloomsbury Ceramics by Abigail Willis I've picked up a few of these um that they selling to stphanie over the years this is one I didn't have and then I think I got this last time but I don't know what I did with it so I've just bought literary map of bath again I'll probably Now find the original one that I bought that's so typical but I couldn't find it before we came to Bath and I I I honestly have no idea what I've done with it so I've just got it again I'll put this one in a safe place and then um I got this really sweet little book envelope you can use it to sort of protect a book when it's in your bag you could just slip it in this pocket here and I loved the material so pretty and handy to have something like this just to protect your book when it's going in a handbag so um I got that and then I got Mom a gift of a p scarf so this is a collaboration that panie are doing I think with Wallace Sea and the scarf is just beautiful I get it out so you can see and it really took Mom's eye and I hope it will always remind her of a wonderful holiday in bath so so I picked this up aren't the colors pretty these colors will really suit mom she really suits the Grays and pale pinks and things like that so it will really suit her and then there's the little panie logo down in one corner but just a very attractive scarf so I think she was thrilled with that which is lovely and um we did also well mom actually found a book in bath old books I didn't find anything that I really wanted but mom got lucky and she found this one West country short stories chosen by LS Wilshire which she thought looked really interesting and it was only £4 so a real bargain and it does look like there's some interesting short stories in here so yes all in all a really fabulous day so far with we haven't yet made it to topping um maybe when Mom comes back from doing some shopping we might nip over to topping if we don't make it this afternoon then we'll probably go tomorrow I know our friend really wants to go to evens Sal as do we at bath Abbey on Thursday fortunately topping opens till quite late normally we tried the other night we tried last night and they had an author event on so they'd Clos the shop to anyone just sort of casually browsing so we couldn't go in U which was a shame but hopefully if we don't make it this afternoon which we might still do um then we'll go late um on Thursday night so we'll see how that works out but yes um it's so much fun I I so love bath it really is a lovely city to spend a few days in it's so walkable there's so much that you can enjoy and it's been lovely being out in the Sunshine wandering around just really soaking up the atmosphere of the um City too apparently this sort of strip with the Abby Deli next to us where we're staying as well um was filmed in was like part of the filming of Bridgeton I think I'm not really up with all of the Bridgeton film locations my point of reference is much more the film of persuasion with Amanda roou and Sierra h so that's why I'm really excited about this building but I haven't really kept up with the times if it's also a Bridgeton filming location but that's exciting as well so I'll have to look that up and see if I can find or maybe you you know more about this than I do uh but yes it's just it feels so special to be staying here I better put this wine in the fridge now so it's definitely cold by the time our guests arrive this evening and I'll tidy up the these bits as well so the place is looking nice for when they arrive so I better get on with that so here we are at topping just about to go in that's exciting yes I think this is such a lovely Bookshop so um I'm really looking forward to to I'm sure there be yeah and it's good that it's open quite late so we could just amble along this evening [Music] good morning again everyone it is now Thursday morning our friends arrived yesterday evening it's been so lovely seeing them mom and I as you saw too on the last bit of film went into topping amazingly we didn't actually find any books that has to be a first time but um no sadly the there was just none that sort of really took our eye but we did really enjoy having a brows it's such a gorgeous Bookshop so it was still fun and I have to say we've done pretty well already on the book buying front so it was probably a good thing as I've got to Lug all the cases back to Yorkshire that we didn't find another book um but yeah it was a really lovely evening um we went along to the wine shop just across the courtyard from us afterwards and got the bubbles that we really enjoyed having with our friends and it was just so much fun and they're completely fascinated by Elton house too so it's been really lovely I'm going to uh stop this Vlog here because um Mom and I also want to just enjoy today with with my honorary Aunt uh having a nice time together I've booked lunch for us which we're looking forward to and then we'll be heading back to Yorkshire early tomorrow morning so it's been such a marvelous few days though I hope you've enjoyed uh being taken along a bit and uh I hope you've enjoyed seeing the few bits of bath that I've been able to film as well as FR it's been a lot of fun and yes thank you so much for watching as always I'll see you in the next Vlog goodbye
Channel: Miranda Mills
Views: 26,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bath bookshop tour, things to do in bath, bath england, what to do in bath, things to do in bath uk, bath somerset, bath uk, things to do in bath england, 24 hours in bath, jane austen, travel vlog, what to do in bath uk, visit bath, bath abbey, UK travel vlog, book shopping vlog, persephone books, vintage books, bookshops, anglophile channel, bath bookshops, sherlock and pages, miranda mills, miranda mills books, jane austen bath, bridgerton, landmark trust
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 21sec (3321 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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