Bass strings with elastic tensioners sound great!

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today i have something important to reveal i've been making musical instruments for 15 years now and i don't have enough bass let's fix it i want a round and deep bass something mellow and it's quite difficult to get this with diy instruments but i want to experiment with something that could work elastic dungeoners to try this i need to find a way to put it in tension that should work i think it could become a kind of double bass [Music] i try with a wooden box [Music] i think this is what i want to do the double bass would have to wait this could become a zitter with movable bridges with three notes for every tensioner i'm already in love with this sound i got my strings now i need a big wooden box [Music] damn that's a big box and with this big box i should have big bass i wanna try now i just need seven screws to put my seven strings first try i put the mic in front of the sun hole [Music] there is still some noises because of the table the tools and those diy bridges but it will sound good now i need custom bridges i found that triangular wooden bar that would be perfect i will make various sizes and try them on the instruments [Music] puzzle time [Music] this is a double bass register i'm really happy this is exactly the song i had in mind the best way i found to get two notes on each string is this one i use one side of the string to get the lower note i can tune it by move it this one and i can get the same note one octave higher on the other side of the string with exactly the same system and i don't use the middle part where the tension is not so great i want to start with the base version in d [Music] i want to explore all the sounds available let's go [Music] i'm sure this instrument will come back a lot in my future videos i will have to sample it too it will be a great addition to the some paint collection i'll go back to play see you soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Nicolas Bras
Views: 916,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TV9vXzCGoug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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